At this time, Lei Jun is in the prime of life. Compared with the founding of Xiaomi eight years later, the only thing he lacks now may be a little experience.

Lei Jun originally thought that Zhou Xin came to him because he fell in love with, hoping to invest in, and then gave him some advice during the dinner.

In addition to Tencent, there is a good example of Zhou Xin's role for a start-up company, and that is Baidu, which has just completed the merger after obtaining a permit from the American FTC.

Zhou Xin invested in Baidu from the angel round, from the angel round to the upcoming listing, without interfering with the business operation, it is an excellent investment case.

Zhou Xin did not intervene in Baidu's operation. This is what Robin himself said in an interview with domestic media before. He also expressed his special thanks to Zhou Xin for standing by his side when the board of directors had a disagreement.

Judging from the superposition of the two cases of Tencent and Baidu, Zhou Xin is simply not very good as an investor. When Lei Jun heard that Zhou Xin asked him about his Mphone, he was a little disappointed. It turned out that the other party didn't like

"I have used it before, and it is a very distinctive product, but it is too slow to log into Weibo in China, and I feel that it does not show enough advantages.

WeChat is a very convenient application. NewPay is very interesting. The QR code is really a very powerful design, successfully breaking through the barriers between online and offline. Originally, the Internet was online, and offline was offline.

Even in e-commerce, it is not a connection between online and offline, it is a model that transfers transactions to online, and then the delivery of goods is still offline, which is more like grafting than connection. "

Because WeChat is operated by Tencent, Tencent also built a small-scale local WeChat operating environment in Huaguo based on the number of Mphone mobile phone users in Huaguo.

"The ecology released by Mphone in the middle of this year is very interesting, which greatly increases its playability.

Users can download software according to their own needs. In this case, Mphone is actually a bit similar to the concept of a handheld computer. Handheld computer with communication function.

The Mphone's screen is larger than other mainstream mobile phones on the market, but still smaller than a handheld computer. When I was using it, I kept wondering if it would be better to use the clamshell design. "

Lei Jun is far less enthusiastic about mobile phones than later generations. He founded Xiaomi because the mobile Internet has shown a very clear development trend.

At best, it is in its infancy now. Lei Jun's idea is only based on the superficial concept proposed by using the Mphone given to him by a friend. But just this superficial concept can already show Lei Jun's keen sense of smell in electronic products.

Zhou Xin said: "The reason for not designing a flip cover is because we feel that the current screen is enough.

If the cover is flipped, the user will need to open and fold one more action. We hope to simplify this action as much as possible.

In the past ten years, the product of Pocket PC has focused on office attributes, while Mphone does not emphasize office attributes, we emphasize entertainment attributes more.

To be precise, it is a pan-entertainment attribute, and the office attribute is just its attached value.

Both Weibo and WeChat are mainly text information. Of course, I also like the emoji packages developed by users themselves by using the picture function of Weibo. But these two are still mainly based on text information, and the degree of entertainment is limited.

It is a kind of information interaction that can satisfy the users' shallow entertainment needs. After Mphone opened the MOS ecology, many game manufacturers began to develop games for Mphone.

Given the limitations of mobile gaming, these Mphone games are much less intense than computer games. Therefore, I emphasize that Mphone will go the way of pan-entertainment in the future.

What is pan-entertainment? With the development of chip technology, the performance of mobile phones will become more and more powerful, and mobile phones that computers can do can also do.

Due to the limitations of communication technology, people cannot watch videos and high-definition pictures on mobile phones, and there is also a time limit for sending voice messages on WeChat.

These can all be solved with the advancement of technology. The screen of a mobile phone can also be enlarged. It is unrealistic to expand to the level of a computer monitor in a short time, but it is entirely possible to remove the keyboard and only have one screen.

At that time, computers will become productivity tools, and mobile phones will take on most of the entertainment duties of computers. That's why I mentioned pan-entertainment.

The target of Weibo is the online forum on the computer, and the target of WeChat is the instant messaging software, which is then personalized and transplanted to the mobile phone.

Other Internet products can gradually be moved to mobile phones. "

Lei Jun didn't quite understand why Zhou Xin kept talking about Mphone with him. He wondered if Zhou Xin wanted him to help Mphone build a shopping software for mobile phones.

That is to say, move to mobile phones, but Alibaba can also do this. Why use

Mphone's online store has been launched for some time, and Prince of Persia has been well received by a large number of users.

More and more games are released on Mphone, some of which are successful games on other mobile phones, which are ported to Mphone, and some are original games released by game manufacturers on Mphone.

Originally, consumers would think that the price of $599 is too expensive, but when the entire Mphone ecology is gradually enriched, it is difficult for you to see complaints about Mphone being too expensive in consumer-led online forums.

Instead, everyone began to think that Mphone is very cost-effective. Although it is expensive, it is worth the price.

The cooperation between Mphone and ipod was not successful, and the number of downloads in the Apple Music Store was very high at the beginning. Because users who like the Mphone design language overlap with Apple’s loyal fans to a certain extent, Apple itself is also an Internet company with a long history.

Therefore, there are a considerable number of users who own both ipod and Mphone. After the release of ipod, these users have downloaded the Apple music store on Mphone, that is, iTunes.

But they found that the Bluetooth transmission function between Mphone and ipod consumes too much power.

Originally Mphone can be used for about 10 hours, which can support the use of the whole day. Originally, battery life was the most serious criticism of Mphone. If you use the Bluetooth transmission function, this time will be reduced to 5 hours.

Before the release of the Bluetooth 4.0 standard, Bluetooth transmission was extremely power-hungry.

So that only a small number of users will use Mphone's Bluetooth transmission function.

"The industry likes to refer to mobile phones like Mphone as Internet mobile phones, and I have neither denied nor admitted this point.

In my opinion, the accurate definition of the concept should be smart phones. Why do we say smart phones, because with the development of mobile phone chips, mobile phones also have powerful computing power, which can approach the concept of smart phones.

For example, in the future, mobile phones will have voice assistants. I just need to tell it what I want to do by voice, and it will automatically set the alarm clock for me, put my schedule into the corresponding app, and read emails for me, etc. wait.

These require a powerful CPU to do it. Mphone's mobile phone chip is 500Mhz. From the perspective of power consumption and performance, it has exceeded the performance of the first few generations of Pentium processors.

If it is not for the consideration of power consumption, its performance can be close to the Celeron processor if the restrictions on it are completely unlocked. "

Zhou Xin finally said: "In the past, handheld computers promoted the development of mobile chips, and mobile phones were only used as communication tools.

With the success of Mphone, more and more mobile phone manufacturers will enter the field of smart phones, and mobile phones will promote the development of mobile chips in the next ten, twenty years or even longer.

The market size of mobile phones is far larger than that of handheld computers. People can live without handheld computers but cannot live without mobile phones. Therefore, mobile chips will also usher in a period of explosive growth under such fierce competition.

There will be more and more things that mobile phones can do. "

After Zhou Xin finished speaking, Lei Jun applauded: "It is a very logical deduction, if the chips of mobile phones can be as powerful as computers, and then solve other technical problems, then mobile phones will become a market no less than computers.

Even bigger than a computer. "

Zhou Xin said: "That's right, we have a set of data, before the Mphone application store goes online, more than 15% of Mphone users, they use Mphone every day longer than computer.

After the Mphone store was launched, this ratio doubled, which means that more than 30% of users now use Mphone for a longer period of time.

It's an amazing transformation. Because Mphone is only a very superficial stage. And most of the consumers of American Mphone have pretty good financial resources.

Having a good source of income means that there is a high probability that they need to use computers in their work. For these users, the frequency of their use of mobile phones has begun to exceed that of computers.

The development of smart phones in the future will far exceed people's imagination. "

Lei Jun was thinking, Zhou Xin told him so many future prospects, could it be that he wanted him to make a mobile phone?

Let him be in charge of Mphone's business in China?

As for asking him to go to Silicon Valley, Lei Jun never thought about it. Leaving aside his plastic English, Lei Jun has no qualifications in the mobile phone field, not to mention that most of Matrix's executive team is now from Nokia and Motorola. He went and couldn't convince the crowd at all.

Zhou Xin said: "It is precisely because I see this future that I need to find a manager with more potential for Matrix. In my opinion, you are the best candidate."

Lei Jun was shocked, he really didn't expect Zhou Xin's goal to be this, "Mr. Xin, I am honored to be selected by you, and I also think that such an excellent company as Matrix is ​​a great opportunity.

But I don't have the confidence to do it well, I don't know anything about mobile phones, let alone smartphones.

Smartphone is a completely new concept. This is the first time I have heard of it from you. Before that, I only knew the concept of Internet mobile phone. I am afraid I will disappoint your expectations. "

After working at Jinshan for almost the entire career, and now starting his own business and launching, there is no need for Lei Jun to go to the troubled waters of Matrix.

The salary will definitely be higher than his current senior manager at Kingsoft, but it also means getting out of the comfort zone and entering a completely unfamiliar field.

From language to social networking to work, everything has to be re-adapted.

Lei Jun, as a self-made entrepreneur, does not have too many original sins compared with other entrepreneurs, and can be said to be a first-class human being.

Reason told him that there was no need or should go, but from Zhou Xin's description just now, he could feel that this would be another huge opportunity comparable to the Internet revolution, and Lei Jun's brain had already begun to get excited.

Of course, it is impossible for Lei Jun to be so easily occupied by emotional judgments.

Zhou Xin said: "Because you are the most suitable, the suitability here is not the suitability in experience, but the suitability in ability.

Sometimes it is not a bad thing not to know about mobile phones, because smartphones are supposed to subvert the previous concept of mobile phones. It will be a brand new product, which is completely different from the past.

Therefore, I don't want to find executives from the traditional mobile phone industry. In Matrix's current executive team, there are too many people from traditional mobile phone manufacturers. I don't need to hire an executive from Nokia or Motorola.

Your past ability made me realize that you are the best candidate. "

Zhou Xin's subtext is actually your future ability that makes me think you are the best candidate.

"You don't have to worry about lack of experience, because you will join Matrix as the vice president of Matrix at the beginning, and Seamus will serve as the CEO for a period of time. He will retire completely in about two to three years. After he retires, you will Take full control of the Matrix.

Of course, you need to prove that you have this ability. It is not enough just that I am optimistic about you.

But I'm sure you're perfectly fine. "

Lei Jun asked curiously: "President Xin, we have never dealt with each other, and we even have some indirect competitive relationships.

Tencent is also making office software, which overlaps with Kingsoft. Where did you hear about me and have such a high opinion of me? "

Before becoming Xiaomi, Lei Jun could only be said to be an outstanding entrepreneur in the Internet field, far from being comparable to the status of later generations.

Therefore, under such a premise, Lei Jun was very curious why Zhou Xin would so swear that he was the most suitable candidate.

Zhou Xin said: "In China, Emerging Investment will conduct a file analysis of every entrepreneur they have met, and continue to track the other party's situation.

In the internal evaluation system of emerging investment, your comprehensive ability can be ranked among the top three.

You can think that we have already done a complete background check on you, and based on this, we think you are the most suitable candidate. "

Zhou Xin thought to himself: Shiqiang, you have to help me take the blame.

However, emerging investment does create a profile for each entrepreneur, and then there are both objective numbers and subjective evaluations. Investment manager A and investment manager B have met entrepreneur C respectively, so both A and B should write down their evaluation and judgment on C in the internal system. And the two cannot see what other people have written.

This is also to ensure the accuracy of judgment. Zhu Xiaohu, as the general manager of GSR Ventures, has invested in Didi,, ofo, etc., and has a large number of successful cases.

He invested in ofo, invested US$10 million, and then sold it to Ali and Tencent for US$3 billion. But what he regrets the most is that he didn't vote for ByteDance and Zhang Yiming.

Why? He later said in an interview that because he didn't feel aggressive from Zhang Yiming and thought he didn't have enough enterprising spirit, he didn't vote for Zhang Yiming.

In order to avoid similar situations, Emerging Investment has set up an entrepreneur management system to keep track of the entrepreneur's situation, and each investment manager who has contacted the entrepreneur must give his own subjective evaluation.

As for why Lei Jun ranks in the top three in the Entrepreneur Comprehensive Index within Xinxing Investment, this is purely a temporary compilation by Zhou Xin.

Made it up yesterday!

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