The Millennium Semiconductor Survival Guide

Chapter 238 The matter is not over yet

The host was a little surprised when he heard Zhou Xin's answer.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see Zhou Xin's thoughts. Zhou Xin's generous statement in a public interview still surprised the host and those interested in watching the matter in front of the TV.

"Mr. Zhou, have you ever thought that you are a public figure and you have a huge influence in China and the world. This way of handling it will have a huge impact on society. For example, Professor Chen Jin was besieged by students. You should you know?

What I just said was at the physical level, and the parties concerned also suffered huge criticism at the level of public opinion. "

This interview was completely random. The two sides did not check the script before the start. Zhou Xin didn't know what questions he would ask, and the host didn't know how Zhou Xin would answer.

The interview is a live broadcast, the only problem is the transnational remote interview, there will be a certain delay.

Zhou Xin said: "I know that I am famous, and I also know that I have a strong social influence and can make many people pay attention to this matter, so I adopt this method.

There are more rational ways of dealing with it, and a rational way of dealing with it does not mean a better way of dealing with it. It is precisely because the Hanxin-1 fraud incident is so serious that it insults the IQ of all scientific researchers. If they are not punished as they should, it will have an extremely bad impact on the entire scientific research environment in Huaguo.

People who know me will know that I don't care much about personal interests. When I cooperate with other people, I don't mind the other party taking advantage, whether it is for Yanda, CAAS, or for Huaguo. I have always spared no effort in donations from overseas students.

Because wealth has come to my level, it's really just a number. Because I have so much wealth, I am a very easy-going person in real life. I don’t have any material needs that cannot be met. I usually don’t get angry, even if it’s difficulties and problems encountered in work or business competition. , I will have an optimistic and positive attitude to solve.

But for things like Hanxin, I don’t know how to deal with it, so as to avoid similar things happening in the future. This time, because Chen Jin’s fraud is extremely low-level, he used Motorola’s chips without any disguise, and there are also a lot of loopholes that can be found. . What about the future? If Chen Jin and the members of the appraisal committee are not punished accordingly, the level of fraud will be even higher in the future.

Except for the top experts in this segment, what if others can't find it? In my opinion, this Hanxin incident can actually be an opportunity to explore a complete set of mechanisms to reduce the probability of similar incidents in the future.

No one can guarantee that similar things will not happen in the future, not only in the field of integrated circuits, but also in other scientific research fields. Similar things may happen. We can use this Hanxin incident as an opportunity to explore a set of punishment mechanisms to increase the consequences of counterfeiting, and ultimately achieve the goal of reducing the probability of occurrence.

I don't think I have thought of a good solution. I made this matter public in the hope of attracting the attention of relevant parties and exploring a complete set of punishment mechanisms among different departments, universities and even industry associations. "

Scientific research chaos is not only owned by China, but also in the West. There are not a few papers on Nature where Western researchers falsify data.

The previous major event that caused the global medical circle to eat melons, the paper on the specific β-amyloid oligomers that can damage the brain memory and is the key substance to induce Alzheimer's disease, was accused of falsifying the key results.

The paper, published in 2006, misled global Alzheimer's research for 16 years.

The field of integrated circuits is relatively good, mainly because the impact of the Hanxin incident is too bad, and integrated circuits in later generations are the most concerned technical shortcomings in Huaguo, so this incident has such a profound impact on the public mind.

The field of biomedicine is the hardest hit area for academic fraud.

When Zhou Xin was studying for a Ph.D. at Berkeley, he met many foreign students from Huaguo. When they talked about academic fraud, they were all filled with righteous indignation. I felt a psychological burden for doing so. people.

How much it belongs to vicious competition, academic fraud brings not only academic itself, but also many serious consequences.

For example, 971, the world's first innovative drug for Alzheimer's disease, developed by scientists in Huaguo, was publicly accused by Rao Yi of possible problems. Not only Rao Yi thinks it has problems, but many professionals have questioned it, but it still hasn't prevented it from entering the medical insurance catalogue.

Zhou Xin went on to say: "It is a blessing in disguise, if we can take this Hanxin incident as an opportunity, we might not be able to turn bad things into good things.

It is a win to discover that Hanxin is counterfeiting, and it is a win to explore the mechanism, which means we have won twice. "

The host continued to ask: "Do you think there must be fraud in the Hanxin incident? Because neither Jiaotong University nor Professor Chen Jin's R\u0026D team has responded to this matter in public. We consulted industry insiders before the interview. Is it possible? Is Hanxin-1 an independent research and development completed on the basis of Motorola chips?"

Zhou Xin laughed, "Chen Jin didn't even understand the source code of dsp568, why should he conduct independent research and development on this basis?

And if he completed the research and development based on the Motorola chip, what about the research and development results? The sample chip of Hanxin-1 is exactly the same as Motorola's dsp568, oh, except the logo is different. "

Zhou Xin continued: "If you really want to find a way to explain the behavior of Chen Jin and the experts of the appraisal committee, it is only possible that Chen Jin made unequal promises, for example, he can get Motorola Advanced chip technology, but requires more funds to operate.

The current funds are limited, and it is necessary to rely on a press conference to obtain further funds, so as to obtain technology from Motorola through means. "

This is also a way to clear the ground for Hanxin later. The problem is that Hanxin has been engaged in it for five years, not a year. Later, it received funds in the unit of 100 million, and did not see substantial technology.

The host knew that this was a topic that could not be discussed in public, so it was somewhat sensitive, and the leader's instructions came from his headset, asking him to change the subject:

"Mr. Zhou, your plenipotentiary said at the press conference that he hopes to see a result that satisfies you.

Let's assume that Hanxin-1 is really fake, what kind of punishment do you want to see them receive? "

Zhou Xin said: "I don't know, I really don't know. You may think that when I propose this idea, I have preset punishment measures in my heart, but in fact I don't.

The measures I announced at the press conference are on my own behalf to punish those involved in the Hanxin incident. However, I have no right to interfere with how to punish them at the official level, nor do I want to interfere.

Because you know that academic fraud is a big topic, and academic fraud at home and abroad is not uncommon, it can be regarded as very common.

I hope there is a mechanism that can punish individuals and collectives involved in academic fraud. Academic fraud at the level of Hanxin and the mastermind Chen Jin should at least deprive them of all academic identities.

As for the specific extent, I have no idea.

There are some things you can do on your own, and some things you can't do no matter how rich you are.

For example, to prevent academic fraud, there are too many academic fields, and it is impossible for me to know all the academic details in all fields. I can realize whether the other party has committed academic fraud by reading a paper. Don't say I can't do it, even if I set up a special organization to do this, I still can't do it.

This can only be done by drawing on the power of the state. "

After Zhou Xin's news interview was broadcast, Huaguo was paying attention to the outcome of this matter.

Jiaotong University was the first to respond. Jiaotong University admitted that Chen Jin's research and development team had made academic fraud, and as the outside world expected, it threw most of the responsibility to Chen Jin.

It is said that it was Chen Jin's personal behavior, but the leaders of the School of Microelectronics did not know about it, and only a few researchers involved in Chen Jin's R\u0026D team participated in this matter, and most of them did not know about it.

As for who exactly gets thrown out, that's an art.

At the Jiaotong University level, Chen Jin's punishment was made public, including expulsion and withdrawal of all honors and bonuses.

As for the members of the Academic Appraisal Committee, the relevant departments wanted to play dead.

Academic misconduct involves a paradox that people who have the ability to judge whether there is academic misconduct will also face similar charges, while administrative bureaucrats who do not face similar charges are incapable of making judgments.

This makes it difficult to judge.

"How to evaluate the announcement of Jiaotong University?"

"I am a graduate student of the School of Microelectronics, Jiaotong University. Except for Chen Jin, all the students involved in the announcement are students with no background. Here, no background means that their supervisors are either young or unwelcome. Students are purely thrown out to take the blame.

In Chen Jin's R\u0026D team, those who can get in have a master's degree, and there are many Ph.D. Except for Chen Jin, the members on this list are all masters, and the core members of the Hanchip R\u0026D team are all masters?

Do you believe that the master is the main force, and the doctor is doing odd jobs? "

The discussion about Hanxin-1 in the suspicious community has always been the hottest topic during this period. The anonymous answer function has allowed many self-proclaimed insiders to speak in the forum, and most of the content is focused on questioning the Jiaotong University announcement.

It is not twenty years later, Huaguo's Internet environment is not "mature" enough to cancel the anonymity function.

"Since Hanxin is fake, I want to know what kind of punishment the academicians of the appraisal committee will receive."

The traditional media gradually began to disappear, and everyone didn’t mention it much, because Chen Jin, the main criminal, has already been punished and confiscated all his income including being expelled from Jiaotong University. Enough to go abroad.

In addition, Chen Jin's reputation is completely rotten. Chen Jin has no chance to work in the industry in Huaguo and American. No domestic semiconductor company dares to recruit him, and foreign companies will not recruit him just because he illegally obtained Motorola technology.

However, the discussion on this matter on the Internet is far from over, and has intensified with the announcement of Jiaotong University.

The crow continues to code, and there will be another chapter soon

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