The Millennium Semiconductor Survival Guide

Chapter 249 Internet Going to Sea

Partnering to develop chips is also an attempt for Intel. If there is no Xinxin Technology, they will cooperate with TSMC to develop chips in 2009, and later jointly develop mobile chips with Qualcomm.

Intel also has a dedicated chip foundry department, IFS, which manufactures chips for Qualcomm and MediaTek. Intel does a lot of complicated work. After so many years of development, it has grown to the size it is today, and it is also full of mountains.

Different departments have their own interests, so there are those who jointly develop computer chips with Xinxin. After Xinxin has made this way, it is not difficult for Lenovo to follow suit.

It’s just that whether consumers are willing to pay is another question. Lenovo thinks that Xiaomi broke the circle with the help of the gimmick of domestic chips, which caused a sensation and gained a lot of sales.

In fact, because of the extreme cost performance, domestic chips are just icing on the cake. But it is a good thing for Xinxin, because Lenovo has come to talk with them, and hopes to give some chip foundry orders to Xinxin for the chip jointly developed by Lenovo and Intel.

In this way, they can also catch the gimmick of domestic chips. Xiaomi Computer has promoted some companies that are not short of money to try to cooperate with domestic chip design companies and try to design domestically produced CPUs.

This is because everyone realizes that it is not necessary to develop the most advanced CPU to be called research and development, and researching a CPU that suits the needs of current Huaguo consumers is also a way.

The last major event at the end of 2002 is the annual Internet Conference.

Since Huaguo held the Internet Conference at the end of 1999, the Internet Conference at the end of each year has been a grand event for the entire Huaguo Internet community.

Since Zhou Xin invested in a group of Internet companies in Huaguo through emerging capital at the first Internet Conference, the Internet Conference has become a bridge between venture capital institutions and entrepreneurs.

There are a large number of venture capital investments reached at Internet conferences every year. The amount of investment may not be large, but the number is increasing year by year. This is because with the development of the Internet industry and American’s capital market has gradually emerged from the Internet winter.

More importantly, this year Huaguo opened up the electronic payment license, which is a great benefit to the Internet industry, and everyone has more ways to realize cash.

Although the original point card model is mature enough, this method needs to share a lot of benefits with upstream and downstream dealers. The form of electronic payment only needs to be paid to NewPay, and the handling fee is only 3 points, which is different from the point card model. Much less than that.

Moreover, the point card model has obvious restrictions. Netizens in Huaguo will use point cards to pay for games, and they will definitely not be willing to pay for content. Quora's paid questions and answers and subscription magazines are in full swing. Doesn't Sohu want to do it?

As the manufacturer with the largest market share in the knowledge quiz community, Sohu naturally hopes to develop a profitable business model. They have also done a model similar to Quora, where the payment is completed by deducting phone bills from mobile phone operators, but very few users buy it. And less.

Soon these features will go offline.

With electronic payment, it is different. Electronic payment can cultivate users' payment habits and payment behaviors.

Of course, the protagonist of this year's Internet Conference is not electronic payment, but Huaguo's Internet industry going overseas.

As Tencent and Alibaba go overseas smoothly, more and more Huaguo Internet companies are trying to go overseas. If they can’t beat Sohu’s suspicion in China, then I will go to Southeast Asia, Europe, and Maple Leaf Country to do knowledge Q\u0026A communities.

There is no market for online forums in China, and the online forums in Huaguo are a sea of ​​red, so I will go to Southeast Asia to do online forums.

At this point in time, compared with Huaguo, Southeast Asian countries are poorer, but the poor are also very limited, and their computer ownership is not a small number.

More importantly, after the merger of Baidu and Google, Google was listed on NASDAQ, and after its listing, it expanded rapidly around the world and promoted their advertising distribution system, which can bring a lot of revenue to the website.

Therefore, to build an online forum in Southeast Asia, just relying on Baidu is enough to make a profit.

Not to mention the two giants of Huaguo Internet going overseas, Alibaba and Tencent. Among them, Tencent has only continued to cultivate its own enterprise instant messaging software. In the past year, it has launched the ECO for enterprise collaborative office and the business intelligence system Tencent BI.

Both ECO and Tencent BI are separate software, but they can achieve synergy with enterprise QQ. The big Internet companies in Silicon Valley can't find their way to this combination, and the only one that can still support it is Microsoft.

With the help of Office, Microsoft can still maintain its second place in commercial office software, but the gap with Tencent has gradually widened.

In view of Tencent's good performance, many Wall Street institutions want to invest in Tencent, hoping to get a share of Tencent before it goes public.

And Alibaba is far more exaggerated than Tencent. The past year was the first full year in the true sense after Huaguo joined the WTO. During this year, Alibaba’s overseas strategy was far more targeted than the original time and space.

In the original time and space, after receiving investment from Goldman Sachs, Alibaba opened offices in Silicon Valley, Xiangjiang and other places, and hired elite teams in Silicon Valley with a lot of money, but soon ushered in the bursting of the Nasdaq bubble and the ensuing Internet winter. .

It’s different now. There is an Internet winter before going overseas. Alibaba first thinks about what it wants to do overseas, and then goes to Silicon Valley. Taking advantage of the great benefits of Huaguo's accession to the WTO, Alibaba has facilitated more than US$1 billion in orders in the past year, and the actual turnover has also exceeded US$800 million.

This number is still growing rapidly, and Alibaba has successfully driven a piece of physical factories in the Yangtze River Delta to flourish.

With Tencent and Alibaba in the front and a large number of other companies behind, the theme of this year's Huaguo Internet Conference is going overseas. I hope that Internet entrepreneurs who have achieved success in going overseas will share.

As the finale guest, Zhou Xin was also the biggest guest that Huaguo Internet Conference could invite. He did not attend this year and only attended the Internet Conference via remote video.

"It's a pity that I didn't have the opportunity to participate in this Internet conference held in Yanjing."

This also led to Robin being the biggest guest at this year's Huaguo Internet Conference. As the chairman of Baidu, Baidu's influence is currently the largest.

The Baidu here is the Baidu after the merger of Baidu and Google, the Baidu that made waves in Silicon Valley.

Robin is definitely a good hand in making things happen. In the past year, Yahoo has put great pressure on the search engine market. Originally, users started their Internet journey from portal websites, but now more and more people choose Baidu as their search engine market. first stop.

Such a change is the result of Baidu's operation through various channels, and it is also the reason why the second-generation search technology experience is much better than Yahoo's first-generation search technology with the enrichment of Internet content.

"I came to this Internet Conference instead of Newman. Before I came, he said to me: Robin, you go to the Internet Conference and perform well, don't embarrass me. That's why I came to the Internet Conference this time to dress so formally. "

During the interview with reporters, Zhou Xin and other Internet entrepreneurs dressed casually. In Yanjing’s cold winter, everyone usually wears a thin sweater when there is heating indoors. Only Robin wears a suit. Leather shoes, like the leader who spoke at the opening ceremony of the Internet conference, the reporter asked him why he was dressed so formally.

At this time, Zhou Xin was on vacation in Hawaii, and he wanted to find a warmer place to stay and put aside the work at hand. As a result, he couldn’t escape his work while on vacation in Hawaii. Phoenix Satellite TV over Xiangjiang sent a team to Hawaii to interview him.

I can't push this interview even if I want to, because I came to the door through Li Jingyi's relationship. Li Jingyi said that it will take two hours at most.

Zhou Xin thought that he didn't have any friends in Hawaii, it was like finding someone to chat with for two hours.

"Mr. Zhou, I am very glad to be able to interview you. I have always been a loyal fan of you. From the earliest Quora to the current Mphone, I have been a loyal user of the series of products you designed."

Zhou Xin didn't let their camera crew in, so he could only record it in a casual way, but unexpectedly, the male host who came to interview was still dressed very formally, which was in stark contrast to Zhou Xin who was lying on the beach chair .

Zhou Xin said, "Hello."

The male host asked: "This year's World Internet Conference held in China is the first time you have been absent from the Internet Conference. There are rumors that the Hanxin incident has caused a estrangement between you and Yanjing. What do you think of this statement?"

Zhou Xin knew that Xiangjiang media likes to make troubles, but he didn't expect them to want to make troubles in the first question: "There is no such thing, my cooperation with Yanjing has always been very pleasant, I don't want to participate because I have participated in too many sessions , I want to give myself a vacation."

"It is true that in the past two or three years, Mr. Zhou, you have gradually transformed from an iconic Internet entrepreneur in Silicon Valley to an entrepreneur of electronic products.

When you first started out in Silicon Valley, you launched novel Internet applications such as the Riot Game Community, the Riot Game Store, and Quora. In the past two years, you have focused more on electronic products and hardware. The launched Mphone has successfully exceeded 10 million units in global sales in the past two years.

The mobile phone has been redefined. At the same time, the Xiaomi computer launched in Huaguo at the end of last month is also very popular, which makes the personal computer companies in Huaguo feel a sense of crisis. And it's not that you haven't launched Internet applications in the past two years, such as Weibo and WeChat, which are more like accessories of Mphone.

I'm curious, what made you want to try making electronics? And after doing it, what do you think are the differences in the entrepreneurial process of the two? "

The host did not keep asking about the Hanxin incident, because it was a rare opportunity for them to come to interview. Zhou Xin seldom shows up in public, and it is rare for him to have such an opportunity to directly understand the other party's thoughts.

To put it more bluntly, Phoenix Satellite TV did not want to offend Zhou Xin, and tested the other party's acceptance range from the first question, and then adjusted the interview strategy in time.

Zhou Xin said: "Compared with software, hardware is more interesting, and it has more room for development.

For example, Mphone, Mphone has changed the habits of almost all users. Mphone users say that Mphone is not a mobile phone. When they use Mphone, making calls may only account for 5% of their usage time.

The difference is that for software, I only need to manage the software development engineers well, while hardware needs to involve hundreds of upstream and downstream enterprises. It is more interesting but much more difficult. If you want to achieve the desired effect, It takes a lot of effort.

I want to add a new function to Quora. I just need to communicate with the developers about what technology we adopt and how to implement it. After we make it, we will test it internally and adjust it until everyone feels that there is no problem before releasing it to Quora. Online for everyone to use.

If there are problems and bugs, we can adjust them at any time according to user feedback. But the hardware equipment is not good, and there is no room for modification after it is launched.

At the same time, I can't do whatever I want, and I need to consider whether the technology can be realized. Everyone knows that Mphone's typing effect is unique, and its rebound and feedback to users are unmatched by all other mobile phones. This is because we have adopted a special linear motor technology, which has spent a lot of effort in research and development.

It took us half a year just to find a supplier that can achieve this effect, before we found a mechanical company in Neon that could make a linear motor with a similar effect, and then communicated with them to make it into the mobile phone.

There are countless difficulties to overcome in between. But the final result still makes us very happy. The sales volume of 10 million units has far exceeded my expectations. "

The second-generation Mphone has not been released for a long time. One is that there are indeed a lot of innovations and it takes a long time. The other is that although American has already had 3G technology, the 3G network has not yet started construction.

Matrix has been communicating with telecommunications operators in American, hoping that they will at least build a 3G network in the Greater Bay Area first.

Now A\u0026amp;AT's 3G network construction has started, and it is expected that some places will start to use it in the first quarter of next year.

The fastest must be San Francisco and Los Angeles, the two big cities in the Bay Area.

The host nodded frequently: "The Xiaomi computer you launched recently is also a classic product. We in Xiangjiang also hope to see Xiaomi computers enter the Xiangjiang market as soon as possible. We even have colleagues queue up at the Xiaomi offline store in Pengcheng to grab Xiaomi. computer.

It can be seen that the charm of Xiaomi is great. After the launch of Xiaomi, the domestic chips sparked heated discussions in the domestic public opinion. Regarding the joint development of PC CPUs by Lenovo and Intel, and the joint development of PC CPUs by TCL and AMD, what do you think of this matter?

PC makers entering chip design? "

When Zhou Xin saw the joint research and development of Lenovo and Intel, he thought that Lenovo had changed its nature. You have started to engage in research and development?

Later, when he went to Xinxin Technology's R\u0026D center in Silicon Valley, some R\u0026D personnel who came to Xinxin from Intel said that Lenovo was just a name.

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