The Millennium Semiconductor Survival Guide

Chapter 260 Operators who have been manipulated

Zhou Xin is already familiar with this kind of scene, not to mention that there are only a thousand people present, even if this number is multiplied by one hundred, he can handle it.

Experience is very important to a person. When Zhou Xin was preaching to the audience on the stage with Mphone2, he tried to convert the entrepreneurs present into believers of Mphone. The days when the project manager talked about PPT.

It was the first time for Zhou Xin to speak PPT to venture capital institutions. There were only four people present, each from three medium-sized institutions. He stuttered, but he expressed everything in place.

But after the lecture, the project managers were at a loss. There were too many professional terms, and everyone didn't know what was said, and they couldn't judge whether it had commercial value. Then they took the promotional materials of Xinxin Technology in 2019 and went back, and they called Zhou Xin back not long after, and they were willing to invest a sum of money in him as an angel round.

Zhou Xin later found out that it was not how good his PPT was, nor how attractive the prospect of Xinxin Technology was. It was purely for the sake of Liang Mengsong and Hu Zhengming. Under the relationship of Liang Mengsong, it will not be a loss to be able to use SMIC's supplier system.

It's all scratch lottery tickets, and the lottery tickets endorsed by big bosses always have a higher chance.

If it were the current Zhou Xin who went back, he was confident that he would make the prospect extremely attractive.

"I just said some ambitious goals. For most developers here, the goal of 10 million dollars is a bit far away, although I don't think it is far away.

Now let's talk about some practical content. Mphone2 will break the operator-centered structure in the traditional mobile phone industry. Consumers, mobile phone manufacturers and mobile application developers will become new ecological members in the mobile phone field.

The role and status of operators will be infinitely weakened. We will release a new developer kit at this Mphone Developer Conference, which can help anyone write applications for Mphone. "

The emergence of Mphone1 has shaken the status of operators. In the past few decades, the relationship between mobile phone manufacturers and telecom operators has been solid, and mobile phone manufacturers need to use the channels of operators to help them sell mobile phones.

The emergence of the Internet has weakened this relationship, but operators still hold a dominant position in it. In the past, operators could restrict access to the mobile phone network. For example, mobile phone A can only use the mobile network, and China Telecom does not allow mobile phone A to access the Internet through their network equipment.

This has led to the number of operators' customer base determining the upper limit of mobile phone sales.

However, the appearance of Mphone1 made this relationship shaky. A\u0026amp;AT, which cooperates deeply with Mphone1, has obtained an unprecedented amount of network revenue. The network fees generated by millions of Mphone1 are more than the sum of all other mobile phones.

This makes A\u0026amp;AT have to make concessions to Matrix in the cooperation of Mphone2.

After Zhou Xin finished speaking, the brokers hired by other mobile phone companies looked at each other in blank dismay: "Although the interests of operators have been damaged, will Newman's words so directly cause the operators to rebound?"

"Newman thinks his words will not be spread outside? Impossible, this time there is no non-disclosure agreement."

"No, it's useless even if a non-disclosure agreement is signed, and it will still spread. It can only be said that Newman is confident enough to reach a cooperation with the operator."

"This is a good thing for us. After the emergence of Mphone2, we obviously have more bargaining power in negotiations with operators."

The developers in the audience couldn't quite understand the significance of it. Only those who have worked in the mobile phone industry can understand that Zhou Xin is publicly expressing his dissatisfaction with the balance formed between operators and manufacturers in the past, and believes that Mphone2 is enough Break this balance.

Zhou Xin did not keep everyone waiting too long, he went on to say: "Matrix has already reached cooperation with mainstream operators on the market, including A\u0026amp;AT, SBC, Verizon, Sprint, etc.

They will open their network for any Mphone to use, that is to say, if you buy an Mphone through A\u0026amp;AT, you can change a Verizon calling card if you buy an A\u0026amp;AT calling card. This will bring a new wireless experience, mobile applications can run on any network. It will give Mphone more flexibility and functions. "

One more thing to mention here. The predecessor of Verizon was Bell Atlantic, which was spun off from Bell. It acquired GTE after the Nasdaq bubble burst, and later acquired the Internet application departments of AOL and Yahoo in 2015 and 2017 respectively. .

Before the advent of the mobile Internet, Verizon was the most stubborn telecom operator. After the mobile Internet became popular, Verizon transformed itself and became the most aggressive telecom operator in the Internet field.

The developers exclaimed after hearing this. Everyone is well aware of the strong position of operators in the past two decades and the strict requirements imposed on mobile phone manufacturers in cooperation with mobile phone manufacturers.

It is a good thing for everyone that Mphone can get rid of network restrictions, which means that Mphone will have more users, and it also means that their potential users have become more.

After hearing this from the audience, Jobs looked at Sigman with calm eyes and whispered: "I think our cooperation needs to be advanced, and it may be a wrong decision to cooperate with Motorola.

Apple should research its own mobile phone instead of cooperating with Motorola. Cooperating with Motorola may not allow all three of us to get what we want. "

Sigman is an executive of Cingular, a mobile phone operator in American. With Sigman's help, Apple, Motorola and Cingular intend to jointly develop a smartphone with a main music playback function, which is a bit similar to Ericsson's use of A music phone launched by Xinxin Technology with Bluetooth technology.

With the global success of the Mphone series, operators have begun to cooperate more with mobile phone manufacturers, hoping that they can develop mobile phones favored by consumers and operate them as the only partner.

The collaboration between Cingular, Motorola and Apple builds on this foundation.

In the original time and space, Apple did join forces with Motorola to create a mobile phone called ROKR before the iPhone came out. When it was released, Jobs also claimed that this was the mobile phone of the future.

Then the poor design and clumsy features made Silicon Valley technology magazines question directly on the cover: "You call this the mobile phone of the future?"

After seeing the Mphone2, Jobs still intends to cooperate with Motorola, because it is too risky to develop a mobile phone alone, and Apple has just recovered, and it does not want or want to take too much risk.

However, after listening to Zhou Xin's introduction, he realized that the cooperation with Motorola would take a lot of time, and the final result would be absolutely inferior to Matrix, which has attracted a large number of software developers through interests, markets, and technologies.

So Jobs looked at Sigman, the key promoter of this tripartite cooperation, and hoped that Sigman would make a statement.

Jobs continued: "Apple wants to build something truly revolutionary, light-years ahead of the rest of the phone makers, not be a subsidiary of Motorola.

We want to have the power to fight against Mphone2 on the frontal battlefield. "

Sigman said: "Cingular as an operator knows the trend. From our internal data, it is clear that for smartphone users, the voice service is obviously declining, and the Internet service is exploding in the form of an exponential function.

Mphone is the best-selling smart phone on the market, and Mphone users are also the highest quality users. In addition, A\u0026amp;AT took the lead in defecting, so we had to agree to Matrix's conditions.

We negotiated with Matrix for more than a year before handing over these permissions to them. But it doesn't mean that the operators will agree to other smartphones and give them the rights of the proprietary network.

The cooperation between Apple and Motorola has already begun, and it would be a pity to stop at this point.

Compared with Mphone2, Apple does not have any unique technology. When entering a new field, it is better to test the water through cooperation with Motorola. "

Jobs said: "I thought so too at first, but the development speed of Matrix and Mphone is too fast. They are advancing at a high speed in almost all fields, from business to the construction of application ecology, and now even involved in the connection of the network layer. Matrix The accumulated advantages are enough.

If Apple doesn't start making its own phones, the gap will only grow wider until we see no hope of catching up.

The situation is different, which determines that Apple can no longer maintain the original plan. I hope that Cingular can cooperate with us alone. The two parties will jointly develop Apple mobile phones, and Apple mobile phones will cooperate deeply with Cingular. "

Zhou Xin is actually not too worried about the impact of the birth of the iPhone, because with the release of Mphone2, it is determined that Apple can no longer enjoy the monopoly position of future generations.

The future smartphone market is full of players, big and small, and Apple has at most 40% of the market share, which is far from a monopoly. Why do we say that Apple is a monopoly?

First of all, the most profitable business in the market is the monopoly business. Monopoly is mostly divided into three types, resource monopoly and technology monopoly. These two are easy to understand.

What Apple is doing is the third type of monopoly business, the monopoly of emotional value. Among the future smartphone brands, only Apple can provide consumers with unique emotional value.

In Huaguo, flowers can also be used.

But now with Mphone2 as the pioneer of smart phones, iphone can no longer provide unique emotional value. As for Huawei, Xiaomi Computer has already gone the way Huawei wanted to go.

Sigman said: "Steve, have you ever considered that the smartphone is completely developed by Apple, and the biggest difficulty lies in the chip. The mobile chip developed by Apple for personal handheld computers is already a product of ten years ago.

There was no update in the middle, and even the engineers responsible for the chip design at that time I guess had almost left.

It is unrealistic for Apple's smartphones to rely on Newton chips. If it is modified based on Newton chips, Apple's smartphones will not have any technical advantages. "

The subtext that Sigman did not finish is that when you took charge of Apple again in 1997, you personally cut off the Newton personal handheld computer product, and said Newton was worthless at the Apple Developers Conference that year.

Now if you want to rebuild a smartphone, the chip will be the biggest difficulty. Jobs said: "You are right, the only mobile chips on the market that meet my requirements are Intel and Matrix A-series chips. If Apple enters the smartphone market , then Matrix will become a direct competitor.

Similarly, if Apple's operating system is to re-adapt to Intel's chips, it will take at least a year to adapt.

It's all time. "

Sigman nodded: "Yes, so cooperation with Motorola may be the fastest way. Motorola has the most experience in mobile chip design. Through joint research and development, they can meet your requirements."

After listening to Sigman's words, Jobs was thinking that the birth of the first iPhone took Apple four years from project approval to launch, and there were a lot of difficulties in it. The first-generation Apple still used Samsung chips.

Now this road is not feasible because, after market verification, Samsung's mobile phone chips are not as good as the A-series chips in terms of performance, power consumption, or compatibility.

Entrepreneurs who have ambitions for smart phone hardware are thinking about how to seize the market in front of Mphone. At the same time, is it possible for them to negotiate the conditions that Mphone negotiated with the operator.

When the audience returned to silence, Zhou Xin nodded and said that what everyone heard was true, "When talking with me, some executives of operators said that this is a nightmare for operators, and they will gradually lose their power in the network field. .

My answer is that this is a good thing. Operators can focus on updating network equipment and how to provide consumers with better telecommunications services. With the development of smart phones, consumers will Spend more time on it.

This creates more bills and more revenue for the operator.

Back to Mphone itself, I want to tell you why Mphone2 is so different. In my opinion, Mphone2 will lead smart phones into the era of digital convergence.

At the time of Mphone1, mobile phone applications were mostly stand-alone games, and a few content-based applications were also combined with computer applications and mobile applications. Computer applications produced content, and mobile applications viewed them. Minor content.

In addition to Weibo, which naturally restricts users' text output, this situation will be completely changed after the arrival of Mphone2. The content generated by mobile applications will be no less than that of computers, and the era of digital integration will come.

I think the developers here can carefully study what kind of applications consumers want after entering Mphone2.

Mphone's software has always been the most important differentiator. MOS' attention to design and detail is unmatched in the smartphone market. We're still improving it, doing major mobile OS version updates on an annual basis.

This year we will release a major version update of MOS3, and we will add several new Mphone default applications. At the same time, we also need the help of the developers here, and we need your participation to improve the Mphone ecology. "

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