The Millennium Semiconductor Survival Guide

Chapter 270 Mobile Operating System

"Haha, that's when the fish flicked its tail and splashed water all over its body." It was almost August when Zhou Xin heard about this incident, and he heard it from Li Jingyi, "How did Tencent deal with it later? of?"

Li Jingyi replied: "An announcement was made, claiming that the content published by the Silicon Valley Big Bang on Weibo misinterpreted what they wanted to express. Fortunately, the article on the WeChat official account of the Silicon Valley Big Bang used the original words of Tencent executives. put it on.

Later, they didn't pursue it anymore, and the matter has been dragged down like this. "

After Zhou Xin listened to it, he felt very funny. The foreign media really ran faster. Not long after the new media came out, some self-media people have already learned this technique of attracting attention, and they have played it so skillfully. I even learned how to drain traffic between different platforms without a teacher.

Although the method is not very good, it can be regarded as a talent.

Li Jingyi saw that Zhou Xin was smiling happily, so she asked, "Fish farming refers to the operators of these official accounts?"

"Tencent wants to create a content ecosystem for WeChat, which is much more difficult than Weibo, because the WeChat official account is mainly long articles, and writing long articles must attract readers, which is a somewhat technical matter.

If the WeChat content ecology built by Tencent is regarded as a pool, then the creatures, large and small, in the pool are the producers of these contents. Tencent thought that you would be pinched by me in my pool, but it turned out to be The fish splashed twice and splashed water all over his body. " Zhou Xin explained.

Zhou Xin took over the Mphone2 from Li Jingyi, and after reading the interview with the executives of Tencent made by the Big Bang in Silicon Valley, he asked: "It seems that Nokia and Motorola are planning to drag their words to solve this problem, right?

They have never responded directly to whether they will open their mobile intelligence platform to Tencent, and executives also said in an interview that they are still studying this issue.

If I remember correctly, it should be like this, right? "

Li Jingyi nodded: "That's right, this problem has never been resolved."

Zhou Xin said: "Then why didn't Tencent come to me to solve it according to the plan they said?"

Li Jingyi said: "I guess Pony still wants to solve it within his own ability, so he doesn't want to trouble you."

Zhou Xin said: "In this way, Mphone's app store has completely removed Nokia and Motorola's applications, and announced that this is the principle of reciprocity. Mphone has more smartphones than Nokia and Motorola combined.

As for other methods, there is no need to use them. How many users will continue to support the instant messaging application that loses the support of the Mphone platform needs to be a big question mark. "

Zhou Xin sighed and said: "They also don't cry when they don't see the coffin. If they don't take some measures, they will think that we have nothing to do. The principle of reciprocity. As for the impact on consumers, express the apology in place in the announcement. Throw the responsibility to Nokia and Motorola."

Li Jingyi asked: "Actually, I don't really understand. The offensive of public opinion seems to be ineffective during this period, and this kind of verbal pressure seems to be unable to have a substantial impact on Nokia and Motorola, nor can it make them give up their potential interests. out of compromise.

Then why do we still have to do this? During this period of time, the advertising and marketing expenses alone should have cost a lot of money. "

Zhou Xin said: "My logic is that I want to publicize this matter to the greatest extent to attack the smartphone ecology of Nokia and Motorola.

It’s still the pool theory just now. If the smartphone software ecology is also a pool, our pool is larger, and there are more species and numbers of organisms in it, but their pools are also developing well.

At this time, this incident is equivalent to putting a pheromone that disgusts creatures into their pools. Although these creatures in their pools cannot jump out, new creatures will hesitate before entering their pools because of this information. The signals sent by the prime will make them choose our pool.

This incident is pheromone, and I want to use this to spread a signal to the developer community in Silicon Valley and even the world. Even if I am Zhou Xin, my mobile applications will be treated unfairly on their platforms, let alone yours. applied.

The impact of this incident will not take long, and it will be seen in a year or so at the latest, and their software ecology will gradually lose its vitality. "

Li Jingyi is now working in Xinxing Investment, because she has been studying science and engineering before, and she joined her company after graduating from Berkeley with a master's degree.

The option Zhou Xin gave her was to choose any of his companies. At first, Li Jingyi wanted to go to Riot Games, because this game channel was very dynamic and interesting from the external publicity, but she gave up this idea after going for an internship.

Because the working environment is comfortable, the colleagues around are interesting, but the work content is very boring, no matter which position the work content is very boring, such as posting with rhythm is a bit interesting, but it is all outsourced.

In the end, after trying it out, Li Jingyi still thinks that investing is interesting, and judging by looking at the project is a combination of technical content and fun.

After entering emerging investment, she has been doing Internet-related investments. Before investing, Zhou Xin, an external brain, can help her avoid many risks. For example, some Internet companies seem to be full of flowers, but they actually fail.

Li Jingyi thought for a while after hearing this and said: "Your argument is based on the fact that whether it is Motorola or Nokia, their smartphone users have not been able to surpass Mphone for a long time, and the gap is widened by Mphone.

If Nokia and Motorola can catch up at the hardware level, even if they may suffer unfair treatment, developers will bite their teeth and develop applications on the Nokia and Motorola platforms for profit.

Capital is always profitable. The more projects you look at and the more history you learn, the more you realize that these Internet companies are not fundamentally different from companies in traditional industries, and they are not as real as the publicity. Heku, in fact, most of them are profit-oriented enterprises. "

Li Jingyi paused for a moment and said: "But it is completely understandable. To survive, a company must make a profit. There are too few companies that truly have the so-called geek spirit."

"Employees, managers, and shareholders with geek spirit are all geeks. It doesn't mean that a certain component is enough to be geeks. When Google was first established, their entire team was quite geeks and quite ideal.

But to develop, external financing is necessary. In the process of external financing, you cannot ask investors based on whether they are geeks or not. This leads to the emergence of shareholders who are not geeks. When these profit-oriented shareholders control Next, he accepted Baidu's plan to acquire Google.

How can Google become a geek after being acquired by Baidu? Zhou Xin said, "It's too difficult." "

"The problem you just mentioned is indeed the case. As long as the number of mobile platform users of Motorola and Nokia is there, there will always be companies that help them make applications for profit. What we can do is to reduce this number and let Mphone's software The ecology is richer than them, and the pursuit of long-termism wins."

Zhou Xin thought for a while and then said: "In fact, the executives of Nokia and Motorola have approached me from a certain channel. They mean that the two sides can cooperate. As long as I sell them the right to use the multi-touch display patent, they will It will allow Weibo and WeChat to land on their mobile platforms.”

Li Jingyi rolled her eyes: "They want to be beautiful, create obstacles for us out of thin air, and then use the obstacles they created as bargaining chips to trade with us."

Zhou Xin said: "This is why I want to build my own hardware ecology. In many cases, only software is easy to be coerced by other manufacturers.

This was the case with the failure of Netscape back then. They were helpless in the face of Microsoft's mandatory bundling sales. If I don't have a platform like Mphone, I can only be slaughtered by them. "

At the beginning, Li Jingyi didn't quite understand why she wanted to make her own mobile phone. This industry and Zhou Xin's previous experience span is a bit big. Even if the Mphone was successful later, she thought that it was entirely possible to just do the operating system and software.

It can also be used as an upstream technology supplier, and there is no need to do it yourself. In the short term, it is obvious that integration can maximize the benefits. Can flow long and thin.

Looking at it now, there is really no problem in building your own platform.

Zhou Xin went on to say: "In fact, everyone has studied the technical principle of multi-touch. After we first achieved a breakthrough in this technology, it is not too difficult for them to reproduce it.

The only difficulty for Nokia and Motorola is that if they want to achieve the same precision as Mphone, they can't get around Mphone's patent.

Because only Mphone's touch screen uses the combination of X-axis and Y-axis to locate the finger touch position, they have never thought of any way to bypass this technology. "

When Zhou Xin and Li Jingyi were chatting about the latest developments, Ballmer was in Bill Gates' manor. Ballmer was the earliest employee of Microsoft. He has worked with Bill Gates all the way to this day and belongs to his confidant.

"Bill, smart phones are an important development trend in the future. I think more and more that it will completely replace the current form of mobile phones and completely eliminate the product of handheld computers. We need to pay more attention to this matter.

I used to think that we could cooperate with Intel and Motorola to build the Wintel alliance in the smartphone era, but the fact seems that Motorola and us do not have much common interests. said Ballmer.

Bill Gates asked: "Have you lost faith in Motorola and Nokia because of Newman's recent public allegations against them?"

Trust is a Schrödinger state, worthless when you don't need it, and often becomes the straw that breaks the camel's back when you need it.

After the folks didn’t believe in the myth of house prices, these things exploded one after another like bubbles. When I believed it before, no matter how you analyze it from the macro to the micro, from the population to the debt of residents, in short, it will rise.

Ballmer shook his head: "No, how could I doubt the cooperation with Motorola because of the news.

It's because according to the cooperation plan reached between us and Motorola, their future smartphones need to be equipped with Microsoft's operating system, but in fact they have no intention of giving up their own development of the operating system.

Motorola is aggressively poaching people from Matrix and Palm, and they are all experts in the field of operating systems. Their previous research department on operating systems has not changed their research and development tasks and work plans.

Palm was the first company to make handheld computers, and Apple's early smartphone operating system has a lot of references to Palm OS.

After research, our strategy department believes that the cooperation between Motorola and us belongs to the nature of filing. If their self-developed mobile phone operating system fails to meet expectations, they may consider Microsoft's operating system.

We think Motorola also sees the future of smartphones, and they don't want to share profits with us in the smartphone market. When smartphones become a market at the same level as personal computers in the future, the app store's 30% commission will be a very astonishing figure. "

After Ballmer finished speaking, Bill Gates did not speak. He was silent for a while and asked, "How much does it cost to acquire Matrix?"

Ballmer was visibly taken aback by the idea: "Bill, Matrix doesn't seem like something we can afford.

The sales volume of Mphone2 has exceeded 5 million in one quarter, and this is because the production capacity is only 5 million, and the mobile phone priced at $749 is still in short supply in the market after a quarter of release. This is the first time such a phenomenon has appeared in the North American market.

The valuation of Matrix is ​​at least 50 billion US dollars, and we have to pay a certain premium if we want to acquire Matrix.

And you have dealt with Newman a lot, you should know that for Newman, the possibility of him selling the Matrix as a whole is very small.

It's not realistic. "

Bill Gates said: "What if we doubled the premium? $100 billion."

Seeing that Ballmer did not answer, Bill Gates continued: "The prefix of Matrix does not start with New. I think we still have a chance to acquire it."

Ballmer asked: "But where do we get so much liquidity? We don't have that much liquidity on the books right now for us to acquire Matrix."

Capitalists all believe in a principle, that is, as long as the price is high enough, there is nothing that cannot be bought. After Ballmer heard the price, he forgot that Zhou Xin would not agree.

Bill Gates said: "Equity replacement, promote the merger of Microsoft and Matrix, I went to chat with Newman in person."

Ballmer said: "This can be used as a plan, but in my impression, Newman rarely accepts equity replacement agreements. Both we and Yahoo have mentioned similar plans before, but he has not accepted them.

If Newman does not accept the cooperation, I think we still need to increase investment in the smart phone market. With the experience of Xbox, I think we may not be able to make mobile phones.

In fact, the technical content of the mobile phone industry is not high, and Microsoft also has sufficient brand appeal. We still have many mature conditions for making mobile phones. "

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