Zhou Xin never thought that he could monopolize the global payment market with the little technical advantage of the QR code.

More directly, the early arrival of the mobile Internet wave means that offline electronic payment will be more mature than in the future, and this piece of cake cannot be eaten by him alone.

Just for the electronic payment on the computer before, he needs to share the benefits of NewPay with investment institutions such as Goldman Sachs and Morgan, not to mention offline payment, which is to grab the cake of the bank. Once it is combined with financial technology, it is equivalent to A comprehensive financial group.

Zhou Xin believes that now is a good time to open up the QR code technology to the outside world, because NewPay has already occupied a certain advantage, and this advantage can be maintained by technology, but it is not as good as more capital to invest in electronic payment. After the publicity, the entire user group will be enlarged.

Opening technology to the outside world does not mean that Zhou Xin will sit still. Microsoft can acquire X.com. Can Zhou Xin not let WeChat end?

Instant messaging software such as WeChat is the natural carrier of electronic payment.

Tencent has completed the development internally a long time ago, and conducted a lot of tests to ensure that there are no accidents after it goes online.

Zhou Xin said: "If WeChat Pay wants to become a mainstream payment software, the WeChat red envelopes we communicated before are equally important. Red envelopes are a very common folk custom in China. country's folklore."

WeChat red envelopes helped WeChat achieve a counterattack on the payment battlefield, and the subsequent promotion of WeChat’s offline merchants was smooth. A large part of the reason was that WeChat users realized the original accumulation of funds by relying on WeChat red envelopes. The money in the red envelopes was spent on the account. stay home.

Only when offline merchants realize this through the introduction of WeChat local pushers will they accept WeChat payment as one of the offline payment methods.

It can be said that if there is no WeChat red envelope, WeChat payment will lag behind Alipay by a large margin, rather than a 50-50 situation.

However, WeChat red envelopes are obviously not that easy to use in American. American has no custom in this regard at all. The only way to let American consumers know what red envelopes are and why red envelopes are given out is through advertising.

Pony nodded: "We have invited the most professional advertising team in Silicon Valley to shoot a group of videos about WeChat red envelopes, and we have also found the media for the release.

Including the WeChat flower delivery function, we have also completed system-level docking with Wal-Mart, Carrefour, Target and other large supermarket chains.

The adaptation of visual animations in WeChat between different smartphone platforms has also been done.

After the user receives the flowers from others, there will be an animation display, followed by a QR code, the user can show the QR code to receive a bouquet of flowers at the corresponding price in our cooperative supermarket.

Our prices are $4.9, $9.9 and $14.9 in three grades. "

Sending flowers on WeChat is the second plan they came up with. Although red envelopes will be vigorously promoted, neither Tencent nor Zhou Xin is sure how many Americans can accept red envelopes.

Sending flowers is full of ritual in this era when there is no takeaway, especially for long-distance couples or online dating couples, it is very meaningful.

This set of gameplay can only be played by WeChat and NewPay, and WeChat even has an advantage over NewPay.

Because WeChat is an instant messaging software, it would be very romantic to send a bouquet of flowers to the other party while chatting.

When NewPay sends flowers, it may take ten days and a half months for the other party to see them.

As for other electronic payment companies who want to play, let’s understand the QR code first. The reason why we want to chat with so many supermarket chains is because Tencent and Ali have been serving American’s consumer companies all the year round. This is from three years ago. The seeds that were planted before have only blossomed today.

When Pony first talked about the program of sending flowers on WeChat, Zhou Xin thought it was very innovative. Sending QR codes online to pick up flowers offline is creative enough, which is equivalent to combining shopping behaviors and social behaviors. Linked.

The built-in animation effect while sending flowers makes this behavior more textured, and the different pricing strategies make Zhou Xin call Tencent worthy of being a goose factory. Housekeeping skills.

If only one price is provided, obviously the price of $4.9 is the most reasonable, because the price of a bouquet of flowers is almost that much now.

But with three levels of pricing, users who want to send flowers will not choose the 4.9 level, at least $9.9, which is the human nature of consumption.

Just like the same car, there are many configurations. Only a few actually choose the lowest gear and the highest gear, and the proportion of choosing the lowest gear is even lower than that of the highest gear.

Tencent adopting such a pricing strategy is equivalent to only giving consumers two options: $9.9 and $14.9.

Zhou Xin is naturally very clear about this logic, so he thinks that Tencent has the demeanor of a future profiteer, "I have no objection, you have already considered it very carefully.

It’s just that I always feel that sending flowers on WeChat is more attractive and more in line with the American market. Why do you choose to put most of your energy on sending flowers on WeChat? "

Zhou Xin believes that sending flowers to WeChat to make a promotional video, and then placing advertisements, and then finding trolls on Internet forums to form public opinion will definitely have a good effect.

Investing publicity resources in WeChat red envelopes is very likely to be a matter of getting twice the result with half the effort.

Pony replied confidently: "It is precisely because WeChat flower delivery is very popular, and WeChat red envelopes have a threshold for American consumers, we will formulate this strategy.

First promote the WeChat red envelope, so that users have a concept of the WeChat red envelope, some users have tried to use the WeChat red envelope function.

Then wait until Christmas to launch a large-scale promotional video for WeChat flower delivery. Yes, WeChat flower delivery will also shoot promotional videos.

Sending flowers is a festive or cyclical behavior, and there will be time intervals. After sending flowers for the first time, users will remember that there is still a WeChat red envelope, and then take advantage of the opportunity to complete their first WeChat red envelope.

This is a supporting marketing thinking. We first promote WeChat flower delivery, and then promote WeChat red envelopes. WeChat red envelopes will not have memory points, and the effect is not as good as the former. "

Zhou Xin was very relieved, because he found that neither Tencent nor Ali had lost their original characteristics because of his acquisition.

Ali came to Silicon Valley to develop and is also good at drawing cakes for cooperative enterprises. Tencent came to Silicon Valley and also has its own thinking and style of play in terms of products, which has not changed due to the storm effect of Zhou Xin.

Zhou Xin said: "Okay, I have no objection, you guys go ahead and do it, the payment approval is estimated to come down this week."

Zhou Xin opened the QR code technology to other electronic payment software, and the rewards include a new electronic payment license, which happens to be used by WeChat.

After WeChat payment, it is somewhat tepid, because users at the beginning of the millennium will not associate instant messaging with payment.

Why should a communication software be interspersed with payment behavior? This is very strange.

What is not used to, even if it is so reasonable, will seem strange.

Competitors will obviously not underestimate Zhou Xin and WeChat Pay. In their view, electronic payment endorsed by Zhou Xin is a strong competitor.

"Why?" Most of the executives of competitors are sober and will not underestimate WeChat payment, but not all of them are sober, and obviously there are some who are not sober.

"Because WeChat Pay has no user cost, they don't need to consider acquiring users, and WeChat users are WeChat Pay users.

Do you know what that means? It means that WeChat naturally has tens of millions of users. As long as WeChat does a good job of publicity and finds payment scenarios, WeChat payment can easily form a strong scale effect. "Cai Chongxin is the one who is sober.

Yes, Alibaba also wants to do electronic payment.

They are not reconciled that a large part of the cake in foreign trade has been eaten by NewPay. There are too many articles that can be done around accounts receivable. This is also the core of supply chain finance. This cake is now firmly in the hands of NewPay. .

Alibaba can only eat this part of the channel cake, the channel fee belongs to Ali, and the financial service fee belongs to NewPay. Alibaba is obviously not satisfied with the status quo.

It didn’t move before because NewPay held more than 90% of the market share, and Ali didn’t dare to move. If Ali moved, NewPay’s failure to support them would affect the foundation of Ali.

So, whoever NewPay supports can quickly become a giant in the B2B field. NewPay can easily create another Ali.

The reason why we are moving now is that after NewPay announced the release of QR codes, all companies that think they are eligible for a share of electronic payment are starting to move around.

Ali also wants to cut a piece of cake from NewPay, as for the future? Obviously, he is cutting the cake on his side bigger and bigger.

"This means that we have to confront Newman publicly. Newman is our largest shareholder besides the founder team. Are we really ready for this?" Cai Chongxin wanted to do electronic payment, but Jack Ma has never decided.

What he is worried about is Zhou Xin's attitude. Anyone with a discerning eye can see that NewPay is Zhou Xin's core industry. Alibaba and NewPay are fighting against each other. Jack Ma doesn't know what Zhou Xin will think.

"The largest shareholder is on the one hand, and on the other hand, we are currently cooperating very happily with Tencent and NewPay. If we want to grab NewPay's cake, we will inevitably destroy the original cooperative relationship.

What if we announce to enter the electronic payment field, and NewPay announces to stop cooperation with us?

Now neither X.com nor Amazon payment nor ebay payment has reached the point where it can replace NewPay.

The more critical point is that none of these electronic payment companies have Huaguo's electronic payment license, and even we ourselves will not be able to obtain Huaguo's electronic payment license in the short term. "Jack Ma said a bunch of realistic factors, these factors made him unable to make a decision.

Cai Chongxin is also worried that he also doesn't understand Zhou Xin. From the outside world, Zhou Xin is like a thunderbolt. As long as he regards you as a competitor, he will use various means to target you.

If he doesn't take all the means he can against you, it means he doesn't see you as an opponent. It is precisely because of such views from the outside world that the outside world generally believes that Zhou Xin has strong confidence in the field of smartphones, and he does not take Nokia and Motorola seriously at all.

But Cai Chongxin knew that he needed to convince Jack Ma, because electronic payment is too important to Alibaba. Without electronic payment, Alibaba is just a small company, or an ordinary company. The threshold from ordinary companies to famous companies.

"We only cooperate with NewPay, but NewPay does not only cooperate with us. Since the year before last, NewPay has cooperated with other e-commerce platforms to provide a series of services such as electronic title confirmation, electronic guarantee, and supply chain finance.

NewPay did not consider us when cooperating with other e-commerce platforms. This is a commercial behavior, and I believe Newman can understand it.

Moreover, Newman also has a large number of Alibaba stocks, and Alibaba's interests are also his interests. He has no legitimate reason to oppose Alibaba's construction of its own channels.

Secondly, it is true that we will not be able to obtain Huaguo's electronic payment license in a short time, but we don't need it if we are only doing supply chain financial business. What we need is a quasi-financial license.

We just need to find a bank to cooperate and let the bank act as an intermediary. The current situation is that overseas is the demand side, while Huaguo is the supply side, and the demand side pays. We can collect money through electronic payment software, and then the money stays in our account superior.

Domestic suppliers can see the pledge through our software, and the cooperative bank will call them after the transaction is completed.

Because it involves the verification of delivery and whether the goods meet the requirements, our electronic payment software does not require real-time arrival and real-time payment at all, so we do not need a domestic electronic payment license to achieve this function.

As for NewPay stopping working with us, Jack, don't worry, they won't do that.

Both Peter and Newman are mature businessmen, and they know the truth that cooperation brings benefits, and separation brings harm.

If Alibaba makes its own payment software, their interests will definitely be affected, but it is better to have a cake than nothing, and a gradually shrinking cake is better than no cake.

If Newman is young and thinks it is unacceptable, then Alibaba will have short-term pains, but in the long run it will be a huge benefit. It just so happens that we have a legitimate reason to switch users from NewPay to Alibaba's payment software. "

Indeed, as Zhou Xin thought, Alibaba also has its own thinking and persistence, and will not give up its enterprising spirit just because it is doing well now.

For NewPay, it has to face unprecedented challenges.

Jack Ma said after listening: "Let me think, I need time to think, don't force me to make a decision so quickly.

There is another question, that is, how can we get American's electronic payment license? "

Cai Chongxin said: "You don't have to worry about this. Whether it's Goldman Sachs or Merrill Lynch, they can help us with this. Besides, there were still some small companies that obtained electronic payment licenses in 1998. Just buy one. Solve the problem."

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