The Millennium Semiconductor Survival Guide

Chapter 290 War in Internet Space

This is not only the dilemma of face chat, but also the dilemma of all Internet applications in the future that use strange social relationships as their core selling point.

Everyone has to face a reality, that is, after strangers establish contact through your application, the contact will always turn to popular instant messaging software after the contact is close to a certain extent.

In later generations, neither Facebook Message launched by Facebook nor iMessage launched by Apple will be able to retain customers. Foreign users will use these chat software, but they will not regard this type of software as a daily chat tool.

There is WeChat in China and WhatsApp abroad. The black hole effect of chat software far exceeds that of other types of APPs. Now WeChat dominates the Mphone platform and has initially shown its potential.

For mobile applications such as FaceChat, which are completely based on Mphone, WeChat is like a big mountain. It will not directly compete with you, and will not deliberately show its presence through some activity areas, but you can never ignore it and feel it all the time. The sense of oppression from WeChat,

Not only FaceChat faces this dilemma, but other mobile applications also face similar dilemmas. This is why Nokia and Motorola would rather fight public opinion and developers to develop their own mobile instant messaging software.

The more direct reason is profit. Before WeChat, everyone didn’t know how instant messaging software could make money. Is traffic really equal to money? Are all Internet products suitable for advertising? No one can give accurate answers to these questions in the millennium, especially after the Nasdaq bubble burst.

The capital market extremely doubts the value of traffic, and is even more dismissive of Internet applications similar to text messages such as instant messaging software. This can be seen from the price at which ICQ was sold to Americen Online. If it were other Internet applications, it would be like this It is absolutely impossible for multiple users to acquire an application with tens of millions of users for only US$400 million.

The emergence of WeChat and QQ has changed everything. WeChat has built a content ecosystem through Moments and WeChat public accounts, plus recommendation algorithms, which have been recognized by a large number of advertising parties. QQ makes money by selling services. Two different The profit models all reveal one point: there is a lot of value in instant messaging software, but it has not been discovered before.

This is why ICQ sold to AOL before the millennium could only sell for US$400 million, while WhatsApp sold to Facebook in later generations could sell for US$20 billion. Of course, inflation is on the one hand, but on the other hand, the value of this type of software has been greatly reduced. The market recognized it.

The arrival of Zhou Xin made this recognition ten years earlier.

After hearing the dilemma of Face Chat, Zhou Xin said: "I think you don't need to worry too much about this issue now, because as long as the ecology of Face Chat is attractive enough, users who leave Face Chat will break up or have new ideas in the future. Will still come back to face chat.

There is an upper limit to the number of people who can use it. What you need to do is to improve the content ecology of FaceChat as much as possible so that users have a reason to come back after they leave. At the same time, you can make good use of capital as a tool to compete for territory on a global scale. The more users it has, the higher its value is.

Not only the valuation, but also other values. The more users there are, the more content it can generate spontaneously. As the content base increases, the more interesting content will be generated.

I know your model. Now you rely on your team to think of some interesting topics, and then let the users think of some of them. This is equivalent to both parties working together to build daily content for the community.

I did this in the early days of the Riot Games community, but after the number of users has accumulated to a certain level, I only need to be a good maintainer. We will not end up personally. We have to change our identity from content creators to content creators. Become the maker and maintainer of community rules. "

The fact that Zhou Xin and Zuckerberg had dinner was not revealed by the news media, but Zuckerberg himself posted a photo of the two of them on Weibo, with the caption: "Walking with his idol of all time. Dinner, there was a lot to gain today.”

"Newman has a deep understanding of the Internet. To be precise, his understanding is close to the essence of Internet-related aspects such as users, products, and ecology. After chatting with him, I feel that I have learned a lot, and these gains will also be applied to the face. Let’s chat.” Zuckerberg, as a rising star in Silicon Valley, has many opportunities to be interviewed, and he will also selectively accept some interviews to expand the popularity of himself and Face Chat.

After having dinner with Zhou Xin, Zuckerberg's inseparable topic during the interview was what he talked about with Zhou Xin. The outside world paid very high attention to it, and the media wanted to turn it into a landmark event.

Some media even associated Zhou Xin and Zuckerberg’s dinner with the time Zhou Xin had dinner with Jerry Yang before the millennium. They either hinted or made it clear that this would be another inheritance of the innovative spirit of Silicon Valley. , Zuckerberg will become the next Silicon Valley leader.

Zhou Xin ignored these disturbances. After attending the opening ceremony of the Internet Conference held in China, Zhou Xin attended the New Year's Dinner hosted by the White House non-stop.

Bush, through the cordial invitation sent to him by Wall Street, hinted that there was something important to discuss.

"Newman, it's a pleasure from the bottom of my heart to see you in the White House."

Zhou Xin was surprised. He thought the White House New Year's Dinner was a dinner attended by celebrities. In the East Room of the White House, men wore suits and ties, and women wore standard evening gowns with fake smile masks on their faces.

As a result, the dinner that Bush invited him to was actually in the family dining room, with only Bush, his wife, him and Li Jingyi. This situation made Zhou Xin feel like there was no good dinner.

During the meal, Bush shared some interesting anecdotes about the White House and his experiences during his visits to other countries. After eating, Bush's wife said that she would take Li Jingyi to visit the White House, leaving space for Zhou Xin and Bush.

Zhou Xin knew that the drama had just begun.

"Newman, I wonder if you understand the political situation in American?" With only two people left, Bush didn't exchange too many pleasantries, and went straight to the topic.

Zhou Xin shook his head: "I don't know much, I'm not very interested in politics."

Zhou Xin has shown in public that he is indeed not interested in politics, and he does not even know how to make remarks. His political donations are comprehensive, and he will not deny face to the Elephant Party just because California is the territory of the Donkey Party.

Therefore, politicians in Washington generally believe that Newman is a traditional Chinese businessman. Even if he is an entrepreneur in the Internet field, he does not like to express his views on social issues like other Internet entrepreneurs.

After hearing this, Bush was not surprised. He said: "American will usher in a general election this year, and I need your help."

Bush is under great pressure, because in the past four years, the Twin Towers were hit again, and the Nasdaq bubble burst. From the public's macro perspective, the golden period of the 1990s was destroyed by Bush.

Bush knew very well who the candidate of the Donkey Party was this time, Kerry, John Kerry. When John Kerry announced his candidacy in December 2002, representatives of the Donkey Party no longer had any doubts.

Kerry is a man with a perfect resume. His father worked in the American Foreign Service. He graduated from Yale in political science. He served in the military and participated in the Vietnam War. After the war, he received a law degree and served as a senator in Massachusetts.

Bush's character is not inferior in all aspects, and even better in some aspects.

Bush is not sure. He needs to unite all the forces that can be united. Zhou Xin guessed how the other party wants him to help.

That is social media, which uses large-scale social media to stimulate the voting intention of American people. This is exactly what the two parties did in 2016.

The early advent of Weibo and the rapid popularization of smartphones made the team behind Bush realize the power of the Internet.

To be precise, in the traditional Internet era, many people have actually used the Internet in elections. In 2000, the media even used the term "Internet, America's 51st state" to express candidates' views on cyberspace. The competition is fierce.

But compared with that time, the situation now has changed. In the traditional Internet era with forums, personal blogs, and portals as the main presentation methods, it can play a limited role.

Dianne Feinstein set up a personal website when she ran for the California Senate in 1994, Bill Bradley raised $1 million in campaign funds through the Internet in 2000, and the Elephant Party ran an Internet campaign in 2000. party.

In 2000, McCain raised $500,000 in campaign funds through the Internet in just one day, and it was NewPay that provided him with technical support.

In the past, Internet methods have been diverse enough, but they have one common characteristic, that is, they can only attract your previous supporters. Only then will your supporters know what your personal website is and what you want to host. For online fund-raising activities, it can only help you consolidate existing supporters, and they must be quite loyal supporters, but it cannot attract new supporters.

Weibo is different. Bush registered a Weibo account as early as 2000 before the Twin Towers were hit, and then frequently interacted with netizens on Weibo. As a loyal user of Mphone, Bush has a special Mphone made by Matrix, and he can send more than 500 Weibo posts a year with Mphone2.

In addition, Zhou Xin was tricked by Bush before, and Weibo will be monitored by Amerikan-related agencies to some extent, and some data was noticed by Bush's campaign team.

They found that Bush has a large number of new supporters, who follow him from Weibo and further become his supporters.

After further research on Weibo’s recommendation algorithm, the team behind Bush believes that as long as Weibo pushes a large amount of Bush-related content, especially targeted push to Donkey Party supporters, this will help poach people from the Donkey Party.

After Zhou Xin heard what Bush wanted to do, he did not surprise him: "Sir, I know what you mean, I know what you want to do.

You can talk to Tencent through the business person in charge of your campaign team. Tencent has a clear price tag for advertising on Weibo. For example, for $10,000, we will push the designated Weibo to one million users.

Our service does not place restrictions on ad categories and will not reject an ad for a general election candidate. "

After Pausing for a moment, Zhou Xin felt that his refusal was too blunt, and then said: "As far as I know, some candidates from the Elephant Party have purchased our services."

What Bush can discover, others can naturally discover too. We are not fools. Weibo’s dissemination power and effectiveness have been verified by time when the Twin Towers were hit in 2001.

Bush got up and walked around the family dining room. Even though it had been a long time since the meal started, the White House service staff had not knocked on the door of this room. As he walked around, he shook his head: "Newman, no, no, no, I want it." It's not as simple as advertising.

What I want is targeted push. "

Zhou Xin asked, "You mean?"

Bush said: “For example, for followers of my account, I don’t need to send ads to them because they already follow my account and they can see the content I publish.

There is no need for die-hard supporters of the Elephant Party. It will be difficult for us to win them over.

What I want is to analyze from the data level, analyze the users' past speeches and followers, and strive for users who are in the middle, or who are in the middle.

Not just simple content push. "

This was so specific that Zhou Xin couldn't help but look at Bush or the campaign team behind Bush with admiration. This kind of push is already the logic of big data.

Seeing that Zhou Xin did not answer him, Bush continued: "For example, for a user, the first thing he follows after registering is the official account of the Donkey Party, or the candidates of the Donkey Party. For such die-hard supporters, I There is no need to fight for him.

As for users who follow both the Donkey Party and the Xiang Party, I hope that Weibo will push as much positive news about me to them as possible. "

Zhou Xin said: "Sir, I understand what you mean. Your needs are very specific and clear, but I am not sure whether it can be technically realized and how long it will take."

Bush said: "Newman, the 2004 election was held at the end of the year, which is why I came to you to talk about this on the second day of the New Year. I know that your advertising delivery mechanism needs to be transformed, which involves the redevelopment of the system. .

These take time. What I need is that this function can be online around June. "

In fact, the strategy that Bush's campaign team formulated for Bush was to chat with Zhou Xin and try to recruit Zhou Xin. In other words, Weibo could only provide services for Bush in the matter of the election.

As a result, Bush could tell from Zhou Xin's first answer that the other party was unwilling, so he did not mention it directly, but instead turned to what seemed to be a very reasonable request.

Zhou Xin said: "Sir, I will seriously consider your suggestion. Your suggestion is very creative and gives me a better understanding of what the advertising system can do."

Zhou Xin's behavior was pure flattery and delay. He didn't like Bush because he had tricked him before, but compared to Kerry, Zhou Xin understood Bush better.

From Zhou Xin's perspective, he hopes Bush will continue to stay in the White House. He is very clear about this timeline. Bush will focus on the Middle East and will not pay too much attention to China. What Kerry will do in the White House is completely unknown.

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