Huahong, or a semiconductor company led by state-owned assets, their main goal is not business operations or profits, but to maintain their position.

In the semiconductor field, there is no business that is guaranteed to make a profit, and most decisions require taking risks.

Huahong previously thought of relying on NEC, but as a result, NEC's life deteriorated year by year, and it suffered huge losses for three consecutive years. Even a giant like NEC with a century-old history did this, which made Huahong even more afraid to make decisions.

It is easy to say that the funds on the books are used to expand production, but who will bear the responsibility for the losses after the expansion. If it is not tied to Xinxin, it will be difficult to get orders with empty production capacity. If it does not cooperate with Xinxin, it will rely on Huahong’s management. If the system and remuneration are not good enough and the management level is not good, the yield rate cannot be improved, and there may be losses even if there are orders.

Of course, enterprises cannot stop operating. This is a case where the rat is trying to exploit both sides of the bellows. What to do? They will have extremely strict requirements on the legality of the process. They will focus a lot of energy on the early feasibility study and judgment, and then the intermediate process will require all leaders to sign and agree as much as possible.

Everyone shares the responsibility.

This procedure is indeed legal, but the lengthy process makes them uncompetitive in the highly market-oriented chip field.

The time from making a decision to putting into production is twice as long as others, which means that the money is wasted in twice the time. After the production is put into production, the yield rate climbs more than twice as slowly as other companies. The profit is horribly low due to multiple factors. Losses are not uncommon either.

This is the current situation of Huahong, and it is not just a problem for Huahong. All state-owned enterprises in the semiconductor field are currently facing similar problems. The disadvantages of rigid mechanisms are very obvious in the chip field with high market competition. Hua Jing is even more exaggerated than Hua Hong.

In this context, Huahong thought of simply not being responsible for the specific operations and handing over all production to Xinxin. Huahong would only be responsible for asset management.

In other words, Huahong is responsible for paying, Xinxin is responsible for management, and everyone divides the accounts at certain times every year. Huahong changed from a semiconductor company to a financial company.

Later generations of energy investment companies played this way, investing in photovoltaic projects but not responsible for specific operations.

Zhou Xin said: "Professor, this request is too specific. I am certainly not as clear as you about whether Xinxin is suitable to take over all of Huahong's chip production capacity.

But I do have my own ideas, and this is a way out. The assets of state-owned enterprises are managed by private enterprises on their behalf. The other party is responsible for supervision and dividend distribution, and we are responsible for the specific management.

This was our previous cooperation model with Huahong, Beiling, and Shougang.

But as Huahong proposed, all of them will be managed by Xinxin, which is equivalent to another big step we have taken in this model. If you think it is okay, ask Shenhai for their opinions before doing it, and they must let them Submit a document to express support for similar events. "

Hu Zhengming corrected him: "We are not looking for Shen Haichu, but Hua Hong is looking for Shen Haichu.

Now it is Huahong who wants something from us, not us who wants something from Huahong.

To be honest, the specific operating conditions of Xinxin Technology's joint venture in the past two years have led to many companies on the market wanting to cooperate with us, including many foreign companies. Motorola and NEC have expressed similar intentions to us.

We have many choices, but Huahong’s choice is only Xinxin. No, there may also be SMIC.

But it doesn’t matter even if they cooperate with SMIC, because our scale is already large enough. What we need to do now is to work hard on our internal skills instead of continuing to expand our scale. "

Hu Zhengming’s business thinking is very clear: “Huahong’s most advanced production capacity has been given to us, and its remaining production capacity is backward production capacity. If we take over, it will not be of much help to our technological advancement.

So if Huahong wants to leave this part to Xinxin Management, they can talk to Shen Hai themselves, and then we can talk between us. "

"Jun, congratulations on becoming the CEO of this emerging giant."

The former CEO of Matrix, Seamus, was over 70 years old and retired smoothly at the beginning of 2004. At the farewell dinner that night, he not only sent off Seamus to enjoy his retirement life, but also congratulated Lei Jun on taking over Seamus' position and becoming Matrix. CEO.

Lei Jun has been the vice president of Matrix for almost three years. In the past three years, he was first responsible for supply chain management, and later began to take over marketing. In the last half year when Simo was about to retire, Lei Jun took over R\u0026D. .

Lei Jun looked at the elderly Simo, "Thank you, we have talked many times, but I still feel a little uneasy about taking over such a company."

The wrinkles on Seamus' face are not obvious. If no one told him, outsiders would never guess that he is over seventy years old, but when the facial features on his smiling face are gathered together, signs of old age can be seen:

“When Newman came to me and invited me to change the world with him, I never imagined that Matrix could become what it is now.

At that time, Newman was already very famous, and he had a lot of cash thanks to the deal with Time Warner. At that time, I wanted to make mobile phones and have money, but I wanted to kill Nokia and change the pattern of the mobile phone industry. This cannot be done with money. .

It was just because Newman's confidence at that time made me subconsciously want to believe in him. I had just left Nokia not long ago. The reason for leaving Nokia was not glorious. I was kicked out.

I left Nokia thinking of revenge. Looking back now, the cooperation between Newman and I took revenge on Nokia. Nokia was completely defeated by Matrix in the high-end market. Their brand lost its appeal, and the continuous losses made them lose even more. We have lost our strategic focus and want to make efforts to reverse the decline, but we can't find a suitable direction.

Chasing after Mphone and copying Mphone's form, they will not be able to achieve a breakthrough in technology, and they will not have so many supporters in the ecosystem.

But compared to revenge against Nokia, what excites me more is that we did it and completely changed the pattern of the mobile phone industry. Today, smartphones have become an area that every mobile phone manufacturer must enter.

The definitions and products we created have become the mainstream direction of the industry.

Jun, I think you have done a good job in the past three years, and I feel relieved to hand over Matrix to you. I don’t have much advice to give you. With Newman’s strategic control and your super execution ability, I believe in Matrix’s The future will be better.

Newman and I created the era of smartphones together. I believe that having Matrix in your hands will continue Matrix's status in this era. "

Seamus fell into memories. For him, the last three years of his career were simply perfect. He took revenge on his old club, opened a new era, and gained a large fortune through option incentives.

In the evening and last night, there was a power outage at home, so there was no update.

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