The Millennium Semiconductor Survival Guide

Chapter 313 Nationally produced 130nm production line

"Professor, the most important reason why we have set such a low price for Finch is that we want to achieve national production on 130nm chips.

At least one or two nationally produced production lines must be operational. Zhou Xin said.

By the time Yanque and Honghu were released, it was already 2005, and there was not much time left before 2008.

And with the latest news from all sides, we can realize that the shackles are tightening.

In the past six months, it has been particularly easy for Xinxin to recruit Ph.D.s. Previously, it was very difficult for them to recruit Chinese semiconductor-related Ph.D.s who studied abroad.

Even if these PhDs come to Xinxin, they want to first accumulate experience in major foreign chip manufacturers before coming to Xinxin. Almost no one wants to come back as soon as they graduate.

However, in the past six months, Xinxin has recruited many PhDs in related fields from European and American universities. The fundamental reason is that external semiconductor-related companies are gradually tightening the number of offers to international students.

Especially in the field of lithography machines, Xinxin recently recruited a Ph.D. in integrated circuits from ETH Zurich. After interviewing an upstream and downstream supply chain company for lithography machines in the Netherlands, he thought he performed very well.

The result was still rejection. Later, he was unconvinced and talked to the interviewer privately through his mentor relationship. Only then did he find out that the shareholder behind this company was TSMC, and TSMC made it clear that they could not recruit Chinese students.

This information was also disclosed by the employee and Guan Jianying when Xinxin was training new employees, and then spread to Zhou Xin's ears.

There are many similar incidents.

Although with the gradual rise of mobile Internet and the hot sales of Bluetooth chips worldwide, Xinxin has become a company with certain influence in the industry.

However, Xinxin's influence and advantage are in the field of mobile chip design. For photolithography machines, Xinxin has no advantage.

Based on that doctor's background, it would be better to stay in Europe or go to Silicon Valley than to come to Xinxin, but he ultimately chose to come to Xinxin.

In the past six months, many PhDs with similar backgrounds have come to Xinxin.

For example, when a company in the Netherlands rejected Chinese students, it was said that it was the intention of the shareholder TSMC behind it. Zhou Xin did not know whether it was the intention of Americen Capital behind TSMC or Zhang Zhongmou.

The rapid rise of Xinxin, the integration of China's chip manufacturing resources, and the large-scale production in the Lion City have put TSMC under great pressure.

Xinxin is different from other competitors. It is more similar to Samsung. One Samsung has already put TSMC under pressure, and now it is watching the arrival of another Samsung.

Even Samsung, which has greater potential in the field of consumer electronics.

If it was Zhang Zhongmou's personal idea to adopt this method to curb the development of new chips in the chip field, then Zhou Xin thought it would be okay.

To put it bluntly, he thinks that Chinese students working overseas will return to China sooner or later. When they return home, they will most likely work for Xinxin, so he wants to reduce the talent level of Xinxin from the source.

If it is Americen Capital's instruction, Zhou Xin believes that this is a pre-signal, and Americen may take measures in the chip field earlier in the future.

Therefore, even if the Yanque chip does not make money, it must increase its volume and give domestic production lines time.

There is no problem that Huawei's mate60 will be domestically produced in later generations, but the equipment inside still uses ASML, including upstream and downstream raw materials, and there are many that cannot be replaced by domestically produced products.

It was different in 2005. The technical requirements for 130nm were not that high. Many raw materials were available domestically, but the accuracy was poor and the yield rate was low. These were all costs that needed to be borne in the initial stage.

If there are no companies to bear this cost, then Huaguo Semiconductor's upstream and downstream companies will never have the opportunity to truly intervene in the production process.

Zhou Xin's sources of information were almost synchronized with Hu Zhengming's. Hu Zhengming's information was even better informed than Zhou Xin's because of his extensive network of connections in Amerikan.

Zhou Xin's other sources of information are mainly Washington and Wall Street. Because he has money and resources, these places need to reach an agreement with him, so they will provide him with various resources.

By the way, Bush still won the 2004 election.

Before Zhou Xin left Americen, he had a long conversation with Bill Gates. During this long conversation, he mentioned Weibo, the election and Microsoft’s position:

"Bill, you should know why I chose to sell Microsoft."

Bill Gates laughed: "Of course, both Kerry and Bush will put pressure on you.

After Microsoft acquired Weibo, they also put pressure on Microsoft. "

Zhou Xin asked: "So is Microsoft planning to favor Kerry?"

Bill Gates shook his head repeatedly: "It seems that you believe the rumors told by the media that I am a consistent supporter of the Donkey Party candidate.

However, this rumor is correct. Personally, I do prefer the political views of the Donkey Party.

But Microsoft is not.

If you had stayed at Microsoft back then, you would have known when you became a Microsoft executive, roughly at the level of a vice president, that Microsoft had a political action committee many years ago that was responsible for providing support to candidates, political parties, and local organizations. Donate.

This action committee relies on the board of directors to make decisions. In the three general elections of 1998, 2000 and 2002, we donated more money to candidates of the Elephant Party than to the Donkey Party.

In 2000, the amount of donations to the Elephant Party was even 1.5 times that of the Donkey Party.

I personally prefer the Donkey Party, but Microsoft prefers the Elephant Party.

In return for a successful investment, Bush would help Microsoft drop its antitrust charges and agree to settle with Microsoft after the Elephant Party entered the White House. Microsoft also avoided the fate of being cut off. "

To be honest, if you are not an industry insider, you don’t know this at all.

The media always exaggerates that Microsoft supports the Donkey Party, Bill Gates supports the Donkey Party, and Bill Gates believes that golden retrievers are saboteurs.

But 20 years ago, Microsoft was a supporter of the Elephant Party, and the success of speculation in 2000 was inextricably linked to Microsoft's avoidance of being broken up.

"So Microsoft will also support the Xiang Party this time?"

"I don't know. I no longer serve on Microsoft's board of directors, but based on what I know about them, it is impossible for Microsoft to lean towards one side in terms of media traffic. At most, it will lean towards the elephant party in terms of donations."

After Microsoft acquired Weibo, it did open up more advertising functions. Both Bush and Kerry have been advertising heavily on Weibo.

This has also made all traditional media realize the power of Weibo.

Everyone has advantages, which means that no one has any advantages.

In addition, Kerry's speeches on Weibo were too flat and lacking in explosive points, giving people a boring feeling. Therefore, the new voters he attracted through Weibo were far less than those of Bush, who mainly focused on sincerity.

In 2004, Bush won even more clearly than in the original time and space.

Of course, not long after Bush was elected, news came out of Washington that Weibo was going to be split. Since no reason had been found, it was just a rumor.

Back in Zhangjiang in 2005, the news Hu Zhengming received from his colleagues in Silicon Valley was that almost all semiconductor-related companies had tightened their authority to issue offers to Chinese students.

Unless the international student is very good and there is a reason why he must be admitted, it will be troublesome to apply for a work visa after being hired.

“I will arrange that in the past three years, we have invested in many upstream and downstream companies in the supply chain through the fund jointly established with Shenhai Science and Technology Investment.

What we have to do now is to sort out, screen out the domestic suppliers at key nodes in the production process, and then schedule them with them.

When to intervene in the production process.

Regarding the construction of two 130nm production lines in Shudu, construction started last year and is expected to be officially put into production next month.

Those two production lines are specially prepared for domestic replacement. "

Even if 130nm is produced nationwide, Zhou Xin wants to keep it as secret as possible. It is too easy to leak secrets in Shenhai. When they selected the site last year, they chose the capital of Shu.

The semiconductor industry in Shudu is developing rapidly. Unison, a Malaysian chip packaging and testing factory, invested US$210 million to build a factory in Shudu last year.

SMIC, Philippines' PSI, and Americen's Xiyuan invested US$210 million, US$175 million, and US$20 million respectively to build factories in Shudu.

Recently, we even talked about Intel, which plans to invest RMB 3.7 billion to build a factory in Shudu.

Therefore, it is not particularly surprising that Xinxin went to Shudu to build a factory, and it also built two 130nm production lines.

As for the capital of Shu, they are also eager for the arrival of new chips. They want to develop the semiconductor industry. They saw how delicious Shen Hai's meat was before, but now they have the opportunity to take a share of the pie but they still have to seize it.

The factory invested by Xinxin in Shudu is 70% invested by Shudu state-owned capital and 30% by Xinxin. In addition, the lithography machines used will also use new core lithography machines. This is the benefit of operating in multiple fields.

When Zhou Xin was arranging the 130nm national production line, Xiaomi released its first-generation smartphone. Xiaomi’s pricing starting from 1,1799 yuan instantly detonated the entire consumer market.

"Holy crap, Xiaomi is indeed the king of cost-effectiveness. Who can do that with a smartphone under 2,000 yuan?"

"Originally, I wanted to wait for Nokia's N97. The domestic media has been boasting that the N97, which Nokia will launch in the middle of this year, will help Nokia return as the king in the field of smartphones.

Now that Xiaomi is selling for 1,799 yuan, what else do you need for a bicycle? "

“I estimate that the price can still be reduced during Xiaomi’s anniversary event. They will also issue coupons then, and the price will most likely be reduced to less than 1,500 yuan.

Should you wait until the Rice Noodle Festival or buy now? "

"What kind of bicycle do you want for 1799? Is this a question you should consider? At this price, you can grab it and resell it for an extra 200 yuan.

Oh no, you should wait for the Rice Noodle Festival and don’t compete with me. "

“Every time I see Xiaomi releasing new products, I think of the Lenovo notebook I bought at the Computer City for 6,000 yuan when I first entered college. I spent 6,000 yuan to enjoy a 3,000 yuan product.

Later, when Xiaomi released Xiaomi computers, I went to that store. They also said that 6,000 yuan could buy products worth 3,000 yuan, which was already worth it. If I changed to another store, I could get products worth 2,000 yuan at most.

I sincerely thank Xiaomi for taking down these profiteers. "

"This is the Internet economy that eliminates information asymmetry in the consumption process as much as possible."

"The new boss is still kind. You don't think I have no money, and I don't think you have too many problems. It's a two-way trip."

"Although the early failure rate of Xiaomi computer accessories is indeed high, Xiaomi's after-sales service is good. If there is a fault, they will replace it for you. If you switch to other brands, if you have a fault, you will have to pay hundreds of dollars to repair it."

After the launch of Xiaomi’s 1,799 yuan smartphone, domestic mobile phones priced between 1,500 yuan and 2,500 yuan instantly stopped growing.

Sales volume can be described as being cut in half.

Foreign brands at this price range may still have some room for survival. After all, some consumers just want to buy foreign brands, but domestically produced models are doomed.

TCL and Bird took the lead in launching large-scale promotions. Almost the next day, all products in Bird's price range began to reduce prices, directly to about 1,000 yuan. In order to ship as soon as possible, all functional phones on the handle were cleared.

Technology media like Zhongguancun Online seemed to have smelled the explosive news and began to report the news of Xiaomi mobile phones.

“Originally, everyone thought that the biggest attraction in the mobile phone industry this year would be Nokia’s so-called new phone N97, which would challenge the Mphone2’s dominance in the price range of more than 5,000 yuan.

According to the renderings released by Nokia official on Weibo, the Nokia N97 is full of futuristic feeling. It adopts a design language that is completely different from Nokia’s past. It also uses the latest technology of Texas Instruments at the chip level.

But before Nokia launched the N97 to challenge Mphone, Xiaomi took the lead in launching a fierce battle in the mobile phone market in 2005.

3.5-inch screen, aspect ratio 16:9, 16 million colors, 640×360 pixels.

Xiaomi 1 and Xiaomi 1 pro are respectively equipped with Xinxin Technology's latest Yanque chip and Honghu chip, which can support almost all current mainstream applications and can also perfectly support current mainstream mobile games.

What’s more important is the price. The price of Xiaomi 1 starts from 1,799 yuan, and the price of Xiaomi 1 pro starts from 2,399 yuan. At the same price as a feature phone, you can enjoy a smartphone equipped with the latest 3G technology, the latest Bluetooth chip and a series of advanced technologies. .

As an in-depth experience user of Mphone, the author can say without exaggeration that Xiaomi Mi 1 simulates at least more than 70% of the experience of Mphone 2, and at the same time, the price is less than one-third of Mphone 2.

No wonder the new person in charge of Xiaomi mobile phones said at the Xiaomi mobile phone launch conference that Xiaomi Mi 1 is far ahead of its competitors.

This may not be good news for Lenovo, which wants to use its rich experience in the personal PC field to flex its muscles in smartphones.

For friends and merchants, they should carefully consider the pricing of new products launched this year. Once the pricing strategy is wrong, it will be a devastating blow.

At the same time, the emergence of Xiaomi 1 and Xiaomi 1 pro is definitely a good thing for consumers. The so-called mobile Internet wave has been seen in the media and the various mobile Internet applications emerging in Silicon Valley.

However, there were very few smartphones on the market before. Only a few major manufacturers such as Matrix, Motorola, and Nokia sold smartphones, and the prices were extremely high.

Now the release of Xiaomi mobile phones gives consumers every reason to change their phones and experience the wonders of the mobile Internet. "

After the release of Xiaomi mobile phones, Lenovo almost immediately adjusted their strategic planning.

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