The Monster I Was Redeemed

Vol 2 Chapter 50: 9 Hwaseong

Jiuhua City, one of the tourist attractions in Qianhua City.

focuses on modern entertainment industries such as bars, discos, video game towns, bathing centers, museums, and water parks.

is one of the most important tax sources in Qianhua City.

It is the peak tourist season of summer vacation. Even if the security level of Qianhua City has declined, there are still a lot of people who visit Qianhua City.

Although I ran to Jiuhua City in an hour, I still have to line up to enter Jiuhua City. This line takes more than half an hour.

The messenger drove the car and tortoise at high speed. When passing by the pedestrian street, you could see dense figures inside, like a group of sardines.

Through the traffic, the messenger began to look at the sight of the pedestrian street.

Like most tourist cities, there are endless souvenir shops on both sides of the street.

Everyone is spare no effort to consume the numbers in the bank card.

In this environment, even if you don’t want to buy something, you will be eager to try it under the agitation of the consumer atmosphere.

Those who have strict spending plans and shopping lists say that they have all the things they want, but at most they just look at them.

Those who are encouraged to consume by their peers and the surrounding environment are truly caught in the consumption trap.

In the beginning, I was going to buy a bargain symbolically, and then I kept breaking the bottom line, buying more and more.

Buy a little in the east and take a hand in the west. Unknowingly, there are a lot of things on hand.

Comparison is human nature. Even if you hold back the desire to consume for a while and see that others are buying, you will sooner or later cannot help it, especially when you have some spare money.

At that time, people will find a reason to comfort themselves, and then put money into the pockets of merchants to make a contribution to the taxation of Qianhua City.

Only when you are really shy in your pocket, can you escape from the horrible whirlpool of desire.

is like some krypton gold mobile games, only if you have no money, you will not be able to recharge. If you see a group of stinky seals drying there when you are playing games, you can’t help the desire to recharge if you have money.

As for the reason to comfort myself.

for example.

The most common reason for otaku persuading themselves to pay is: I don’t smoke, drink, and I don’t have much money to spend. What’s wrong with the game?

Then this charge came on, and he smashed money frantically without getting the character he wanted, completely unable to control himself.

The flow of traffic moved forward slowly.

The two left the lively entertainment area at the speed of a tortoise and headed for the unfinished development zone.

is different from the brightly lit and crowded entertainment area.

Located in the development zone within the center of Jiuhua City, it is like a ghost street. No one can be seen on both sides of the road. It is full of empty office buildings and shops.

It’s just a few hundred meters from here to the entertainment area, but it’s just a few hundred meters of street that separates Yin and Yang.

On the quiet street, only the hum of cars reverberated.

Since the two people bypassed the construction warning sign, it was like entering a forest ghost, and the surroundings were quiet and terrible.

According to Jinping’an, a native of Qianhua City, this construction area has existed for several years.

Tourists who usually come to travel, after seeing this empty street and construction signs, will think that it is still under construction and turn around and leave.

Shangtou deliberately stopped development, leaving such an area in order to separate Jiuhua City from the place where they were going to prevent tourists from entering it by mistake.

According to the human navigation of Jin Ping An, the messenger fiddled with the steering wheel and turned left and right.

After passing through an underground tunnel, they came to another world—Jiuhua Outer Street, also known as Jiuhua Outer City.

Ten years ago, in order to cope with the increasing demand for tourists, Qianhua City planned to expand Jiuhua City.

This area originally belonged to the expansion land of Jiuhua City. Who knows that not long after the completion of the construction, a group of cross river dragons rushed over from Neihua City.

Although they came here to flee, after all, they have been mixed up in the world-renowned sin capital. The fierce energy on their bodies is really scary to the citizens of Qianhua City.

Randomly find a small, well-known gangster in Neihua City, put it in the peaceful Qianhua Market, and it will take a few months to become a famous gangster.

After gaining a foothold in Qianhua City, they used various means to buy this treasured land of geomantic omen. It seems that they have quite a plan to turn Jiuhua Outer City into a second small inner China.

Since then, the crime rate in Qianhua City has begun to increase exponentially.

But the fleeing is after all, the real bosses in Neihua City, except for the two catseye and the lame wolf, basically none of them can run out alive.

can run out, are some indefinitely short, more than ten years of bastards.

Although this group of people is difficult to deal with, it is not difficult to manage to the point where the police in Qianhua City are helpless.

Their living space was tightly controlled in the area of ​​Jiuhua Outer City.

Although this group of demons and monsters from Neihua City cannot come out to harm people, they can’t hold back Qianhua City. There are many young people in Qianhua City who are full of curiosity about this mysterious land.

This also indirectly caused the number of hooligans outside to gradually increase.

The messenger drove into the outer city of Jiuhua, and a breath of the underworld came to him.

is different from the entertainment area for tourists who just passed by.

The    entertainment area is mainly warm-colored lights, and there are colorful neon lights everywhere.

The young people in society with strange haircuts, under the light of the light, turned into all kinds of monsters and ghosts. Those who didn’t know thought they had come to the Yincao Netherworld.

After stopping the car, Jin Pingan took the messenger to a small alley.

At the end of the alley, there is a tattoo shop.

Jin Pingan just walked into the alley, he felt the flesh on his body was aching, but he still bit his head and walked towards the door of the tattoo shop.

“Do you have any money in your bag?” the messenger asked.

“I brought it, but not much… Is it to pry his mouth open with money? But this person is very greedy.”

Jin Ping An took out the 20,000 yuan originally prepared for Ai Liang from his shoulder bag, reached out and handed it to the messenger, but the other party did not answer it.

“Just bring it with you. Keep the money and I will take it myself.”

The messenger raised his hand and pushed the door in.

As soon as night fell, there were no customers in the store, only two apprentices were sitting in chairs, playing with mobile phones and smoking cigarettes.

The sound of pushing the door alarmed the two apprentices. They quickly put away their phones and tried to grab heads… to grab customers to get commissions, but when they saw the face behind the messenger, they suddenly lost interest.

“Why did your kid run over again, and his skin is itchy again? Didn’t you get beaten enough last time?”

One of the apprentices is calling to inform the boss, while the other is speaking harshly towards Jin Ping An.

“Let your boss come out, just say there is business to talk about.”

The messenger glanced at the apprentice with slanted eyes, hooked a chair with his right foot and sat down, with his legs leaning on the recliner without putting anyone in his eyes.

The apprentice saw the messenger with a confident appearance. He couldn’t tell where he came from. He didn’t dare to act rashly. He swallowed the **** that rushed to his mouth again, and honestly sat back and waited for the boss to come over.

The most taboo thing about mixing here is that the boss is not present, UU reading www. The little brother talked indiscriminately.

In case the other party is a big man, your mouth is fragrant and makes others unhappy, and finally your boss comes over, and it is conscientious not to kill you.

Looking at the emboldened messenger, Jin Ping’an looked sad.

The difference between people is sometimes bigger than the difference between people and dogs. The last time I came here, I was beaten badly, and the messenger was like an uncle.

This may be the difference in momentum! After a few years, I can do the same.

Jin Ping’an comforted himself in the bottom of my heart.

After waiting for almost five minutes, the tattoo shop owner got out from behind the curtain.

Seeing the messenger, he started to introduce himself: “I am…”

“I am not interested in who you are.”

The messenger directly interrupted the owner’s self-introduction: “I am here to do business with you.”

The shop owner was a little annoyed by the messenger’s behavior. He grinned and asked, “What business?”

“Big business.”

The messenger hooked his hand to signal Jin Ping’an to come over. He opened his shoulder bag, took out the envelope containing the money from it, and slammed it directly on the recliner: “This is a deposit, just ask if you do it.”

The golden bill came out of the envelope, and the eyes of the two apprentices looked straight.

The boss is a bit calmer than the apprentice, but his unabashedly greedy gaze reveals his thoughts.

The boss squeezed the envelope, licked his lips subconsciously, and then put the envelope into his trouser pocket.

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