The Most Beautiful Boy In Tokyo

Chapter 106: Attack on Convenience Store (7)

The three super crazy batches celebrated with high fives under the moonlight, blood splattering from their hands.

"Dafeng!" Li stretched out his hand that was not stained with blood.

Yuan and Dafeng high-fived him and smiled gracefully.

"Let's go and eat ramen. There's one on the street in front." Yuan and Yilong said, "The rat is responsible for restoring the power."

"Wait a minute." The mouse got into the car, fiddled with the notebook, and quickly climbed out, "Okay."

"Would you like to go to Ginza for a visit?" Shii asked.

"It's better not to go to that kind of bustling place, it's easy to get addicted." Li Gang sat in the driver's cab, but the two of them did not follow him into the car.

"Why don't you come up?" Li Zai was confused.

"We told you that if you ride in your car, you will be a dog." Shii chuckled, "You think we are joking with you."

"Let's go." Shii patted Shu on the shoulder, "Let's get in Brother Yilong's car."

"Please, I was rushing here in a hurry before, but I won't do it this time." Li said helplessly.

"How about giving him a chance?" Shii turned to look at the mouse.

"I just want to wait until I can eat the ramen without spitting it out." Rat said, "Didn't Li work in an underground racing organization in Shinjuku City before? How could his driving skills be so bad?"

"Only those who have been around can drive such a bad car." Shii said, "They are all a bunch of desperadoes who destroy their families and people in pursuit of speed."

"That makes me even more afraid to sit down."

"It's okay, he has been domesticated by the Yuan family."

"This is called sincere submission! What the hell is domestication?!" Li said dissatisfied.

The two reached an agreement and walked back to the Lamborghini that Li Zai had left.

Li turned back to look at Yuan and Dafeng who were riding heavy motorcycles, and clicked his tongue twice.

When I was working in an underground car team, the boss of the organization had a very beautiful girlfriend. She had a curvy figure and big pink waves. She could attract the soul of a man when she wore a leather jacket.

Once, the boss of the organization went out to discuss business and asked himself to go shopping with his girlfriend. The two of them went shopping from a clothing store to a movie theater, and then from the movie theater to a narrow alley, but it was really hard to stretch in the alley. I tried my best to go shopping in the hotel again. After this walk, I was seriously exhausted.

This matter was seen by the second boss in the organization, so the boss rushed back in a hurry and personally treated Li with a pistol. The woman he had just slept with sat next to him and poured all the dirty water on himself.

If he died, he would definitely be laughed at by her. He didn't care about anything else, but he was afraid of being laughed at by women. When he was a child, his mother would often bring men back and laugh at him for not having a father.

He had no choice but to kill the men who were brought home by his mother. His face was expressionless when he did it. After washing off the blood on his hands, he looked at his father's photo on the memorial tablet and said softly to him, "Don't worry, I won't." Embarrassing you.

A man's death should be heroic and heroic, instead of being dragged away as a corpse and ridiculed by bitchy women, who may even spit on the forehead of his own corpse. What the hell is this? I'm wise. Shenwu will die if you sleep with him.

Li tried to make peace: Boss, I was wrong, so be it, I will punish myself with a drink.

The boss of Chehui sneered and said, "Go to hell."

Li had no choice but to raise his hands, and the next second he took out a pistol from behind, and shot his boss and the second boss next to him in the head. His speed was very fast, almost like a phantom, and no one could catch him in his reaction. Defeat him.

In this way, he fought his way through the underground organization until he was met by Yuan and Yilong who came to perform the mission. The two men first experienced a fierce fight, and finally Li was crushed by Yuan and Yilong.

Yuan and Yilong pointed their guns at him and said, do you have any last words?

Li said, no more. I live in a residential building in Shinjuku Ward 3-chome 22. The room number is 351. There is a stack of money under the bed. Please help me send it to my mother so that she can find a good husband as a dowry.

Then he began to talk endlessly about the past, fearing that no one would know about it after he died.

Yuan and Yilong were shocked and asked, "Is your mother like this too?"

Li Ye was shocked, and so was your mother?

The two people started a discussion around "Who is your mother or who is your mother?" and found that their childhoods were so similar and tragic. The common topics ranged from "Who is your mother or who is your mother" to tonight's Kabuki performance, and from bubble baths to future life plans? .

The two men sat on the rooftop and cherished each other, opening beers and lighting cigarettes for each other. When the Yuan family's helicopter flew over the night, Yuan and Yilong said it was a pity for people like you not to join the Yuan family. It's a pity, otherwise I would have to be a taxi driver. I make money, but I can't get high if I can't hit the 300-mile accelerator.

On the first day he entered Yuan's home, he was shocked. The garage was full of GTRs. He had always dreamed of owning a GTR, ranging from R34 Crown to R Guy. There was also a spray-painted GTR. With the two-dimensional girl's spray paint, he once thought he had arrived in the rich man's paradise, until he saw the servants hanging vegetable baskets and skillfully shifting gears to go to Wal-Mart to buy groceries...

Only then did he realize that the Yuan family was not rich. The word rich could no longer be used to describe this big family. They were the royal power in western Tokyo and the super leaders who commanded all Tokyo gangs.

Everyone in the Yuan family lives for the royal power, so even the supporters must learn skills such as drifting, firearms, motorcycle maintenance, etc., so that they can come in handy one day in the future.

There are all kinds of lunatics in this family, and lunatics have been admitted from all over the world. The lunatics have to go through various bloody battles before they can be promoted to the Twelve Thrones. The old man of the Yuan family said that the existence you have to fight against is the Guoqinghui. Zending Fengting under the Guoqinghui has not yet gathered its ambition to die, so how can it face those powerful men with huge influence?

In fact, Li had his own little thoughts. He didn't want to compete with those sons of power, nor did he want to think about what crooked tricks he should use to defeat them. The first time he saw the coveted GTR in the Yuan family, the second time he saw the GTR sitting in the Yuan family. Yuan and Dafeng were in a daze under the wooden corridor.

He didn't believe in love at first sight before, but he believed it this time.

The girl who is the boss of the car club is really great, her figure is amazing, but if you compare her with Yuan and Dafeng, it is like comparing a small pond with the vast ocean under the mountains and rivers.

The beauty of Yuan and Dafeng is exquisite, transcending the world and not touching the fireworks of the world. She stared intently at the falling cherry blossoms, as if there were small worlds there, worlds that only she could understand.

I got to know her better and better, and I realized that she was the kind of woman with brain problems. To use a joke from others, she knew how to run home when it rained, how to eat when she was hungry, and how to sleep when she was sleepy. , will not pick up things on the ground randomly. ’

But it still doesn't stop you from liking her.

A man will become a fool if he likes a woman, and the same goes for women. But in this world, fools often live super happy lives. They are carefree and happy every day.

After Li Zai fell in love with Yuan and Dafeng, he turned into a painful idiot. He drove faster and faster, trying to express himself to attract her attention, just like the naughty boy pulling the breast strap of the girl at the front desk. .

She was so beautiful, she should have been married long ago, but no one in the family dared to be attracted to her.

The family that launched the war against the Kuroki family had been exterminated long ago, and the objects of her hatred were all dead, so she didn't know what to hate. She couldn't speak or read, so she could only watch the cherry blossoms fall.

Everyone thinks she is boring, but they also think she is so lonely. Do they have to live like this, waiting for death? Isn’t it luxurious to not get married and fall in love? But everyone's life is terrible, and no one dares to teach her how to live as a teacher.

Only by marrying Miss Kuroki Hitomi can I marry her. It is so difficult, it is as difficult as climbing to the sky, but there is only one ladder and there is no way around it.

More than once, Li fantasized about the day when he could marry Miss Kuroki Hitomi. It would surely be the day when he would repay the pearl with a casket. He ran out of the wedding room to find Yuan and Dafeng who had come to dowry, and hugged her tightly to each other. She smiled, then pushed her down on the spot, letting her become her own woman.

But fantasy is fantasy. What the Minamoto family needs is Shadow, a leader who can be promoted in front of the whole of Tokyo as a figure in the new era. Miss Kuroki Hitomi will only become the bride of Shadow. The combined influence of the two people will shake the world. The land, and the Minamoto family is a sharp weapon in the hands of the shadow. Only with the shadow of the Minamoto family can he spread his shadow throughout Tokyo, and even envelope the light of power of the National Council of Ministers.

"Your Tokyo Secret List has been improved again. The risk factor is A level, and you are still 120 points away from S level." Someone suddenly said.

"What?" Li was stunned.

"Your ranking on the dark list has improved." Rat repeated with a smile.

He knows who Li is looking at. How can a good brother not understand a good brother, but he can't do anything. You can persuade a person to put down the butcher's knife and become a Buddha immediately, but you can't control a person who likes another person, even if you know that he likes another person. It can never be obtained.

So Mouse also looked back, and just as Yuan and Dafeng finished their drinks, she spread her super long legs and sat astride the dark motorcycle. Her moon-white hunting clothes were flying and dancing, and the white lace stockings on her plump thighs were breathtaking.

"Oh hoo~" the rat couldn't help but sigh.

Wearing white stockings with suspenders, Yuan and Dafeng are invincible.

If so, it would be black lace suspender stockings.

But there is also a girl who is willing to show you wearing white stockings with suspenders. She is sitting next to you. Unfortunately, you don't understand at all. The mouse withdrew his gaze and placed it on the vertebrae who was clasping his fingers.

Miss Shii frowned: "What are you doing?"

"It's okay, your ranking on the Tokyo Dark List has also improved, just like Li, one after the other, you are 32nd and he is 31st." Shu said, "The [Literary Agency] got the news really fast."

"I sent the mission report." Yuan and Yilong's voices came from the intercom in the car, "The Dragon Tiger Club in Narita District is too weak. The average points are only 10 points. Last time, the Kanagawa Sakura Killing the group will increase your score by 50 points."

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