The Most Beautiful Boy In Tokyo

Chapter 185: Sakura Falling

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Tokyo, Taito District.

The black car was driving on the wide road. This special car led to the Tokyo Bunka Kaikan, the venue for Yuzuru's third concert.

Along the way, you can see Ueno Park in Taito District, which is the most famous cherry blossom viewing spot in Tokyo. At this time of year, as many as 1,200 cherry blossoms in the park will bloom together, and then fall like rain.

The car entered the slow-moving lane, and at the end of the road was the cultural center built by Japan's top architect Kunio Sukawa. The open ancient red door looked like the mouth of a huge beast.

Warning tapes have been drawn up on the roadside in advance, and both sides of the road are also overcrowded.

The reason why the Tokyo Bunka Kaikan has such a huge traffic is partly because of Yuzuru’s naivety, and partly because of Kamirei. These two top players who have attracted much attention on the Star Awards player list are about to collide head-on in the third public show.

The momentary limelight overshadowed the Sakura Festival two days later.

It's quite interesting.

The news that Shen Huiling was also in this club was well hidden, and it only broke out early this morning. Not long after the media released this news, it was already on the entertainment news list.

Before that, what firmly occupied the entertainment news list was the news of the public sale of Yuxian's album.

Did the other party do it on purpose? No need to guess, it must be intentional.

This set of hidden rules is the basis of the entertainment industry.

The driver drove slowly, and sitting next to Yuzuru was Principal Sawano Kazuki.

Today is a rare sunny day.

In the blue sky, white clouds pile up like mountains. Looking up through the car window, you feel like you are peeking at the scenery under the sky girl's skirt. The sky girl also noticed it, covered her buttocks, and ordered the wind to blow away the clouds.

Yuxian Zhisheng withdrew his gaze, propped up his cheeks and looked at the crowd in front of him.

The school uniform on her body is neatly ironed, her profile is soft in the shadow of the sun, and the golden camphor tree school emblem is on her chest, reflecting the light spots coming in.

Today is no ordinary day.

It’s a day that makes people nervous and at the same time looking forward to it.

It has nothing to do with the appearance of Shen Huiling.

Whether it was him or not, Yuxian Zhisheng didn't care.

For him, he is more concerned about album sales.

The sale of the album is a reward and proof of strength.

No matter how praised or insulted the outside world is, as long as that number is there, the nature of success is determined and will never change.

This is the sweet trouble. While you believe in yourself, you cannot eliminate other interfering factors.

Even veteran singers on the red and white music charts have periods when they are not popular.

Sometimes, even the singer himself can't figure out where he failed, and he has already failed.

For Yuxian Zhisheng, what today determines is not only his album sales, but also whether he can become the youngest multi-millionaire in the entertainment industry after today.

Next to him, Principal Sawano nodded while talking on the phone. After saying thank you, he hung up the phone.

"I just contacted my friends from the TV station. Shen Huiling is really here for you." Sawano Kazuki forced a smile and shook his phone, "This club was not the one he picked at the beginning. For you, He changed venues with a member of his team, and the one who was drawn to the Tokyo Bunkakan was their cellist.”

"You can actually change the guild hall." Yuxian Zhisheng said.

"According to the rules, it cannot be changed, but the four major consortiums have invested in the Starlight Awards, and the program team will not offend the consortia because of this privilege. Thinking about it from another perspective, the program team also wants an explosive program effect. It can cause this The only ones who can achieve this effect are you and him."

"It's his style. He doesn't take revenge overnight. Last time, you took away his number one live broadcast rating on the election day. He wants to take back face from you. The senior management of the group expected that he would definitely confront you head-on. I just didn’t expect the other party’s action to be so early.”

"You feel a little nervous?" Sawano Kazuki asked.

Yuxian nodded: "Yes."

"Because of Shen Huiling?"

"No, because of the album." Yu Xian looked out the window.

Outside the window was a bustling crowd, most of whom were older women, and there were also a few young women. Girls wearing college JK uniforms and skirts collectively carried support signs and waited outside the venue in an orderly manner.

They entered the venue without tickets, just to cheer for the players when they got off the bus. They were not wild fans, but a specially organized fan association. The members came from schools all over Tokyo, and the age composition was between college students and high school students. between life and death.

The closest place to the Tokyo Bunka Kaikan is Tokyo University of the Arts, Sawano Kazuki's alma mater. A large group of Hazuru's senior sisters came and searched for Hazuru's special car in the convoy.

No one dislikes this young junior.

In their eyes, he was a little prince with a bright smile, but to the entire Tokyo Art Institute, he was the star of tomorrow, the ace in the front against Keio Private School.

In addition, there were female high school students in school uniforms, holding hands in small groups, raising their necks, looking into the depths of the crowd like birds.

"So cute." Yuxian said suddenly.

"What?" Sawano Kazuki asked.

Yu Xian's child pointed with his finger at the schoolbag of a female high school student. Hanging on her schoolbag was a small stuffed doll of a fish in a sun hat. It was a personal image doll customized by a fan.

The doll hung right next to the girl's buttocks, and when the girl walked forward, the doll bumped against her buttocks.

Sawano Kazuki saw it.

The old man and the young man laughed in unison.

"Want to say hello to your fans?"

"Is that okay?"

"Okay, I won't cross the cordon to arrest you. It doesn't look like that girl has practiced hurdles."

When the car drove a little ahead of the girl, Yu Xian rolled down the window and waved to the girl.

The girl was stunned for a second, as if time had frozen. She stayed where she was, then jumped up, waving her hands in this direction, shouting Yu Xian's naive name.

"Thank you for liking me." Yu Xian was naive and lip-syncing like this.

Silent thanks, like cherry blossoms blown down by the wind.

In order to avoid causing a commotion, Yuxian Zhisheng closed the car window.

The girl stood there, watching the car getting further and further away. She chased after it, like a fish entering the sea, but the sea was too deep and blue, and she lost her way when she merged with the crowd.

Every once in a while, a burst of screams will erupt in front of the club. They are the screams of fans before the players get out of the car and enter the club.

Yu Xian childishly watched silently.

He has seen this kind of scene too many times, his palms are dry and there is no sign of sweating.

"It's your turn." Kazuki Sawano said, "Don't stay too long. I know today is the first day of sales for your album. If you want to thank your fans, you can send a video later. Don't stay too long."

"I know." Yuxian said naively.

Sawano Kazuki took the lead to get out of the car, walked to Yu Xian's childish car door, opened the door for him, and blocked the crack of the door with his big hand.

Yu Xian, a young boy, stepped out of the car wearing ordinary white sneakers.

The world was just like that, quiet for a second.

Yu Xian smiled innocently and bowed deeply to the fans.

Then he raised his head, nodded in greeting, and followed Sawano Kazuki to the clubhouse.

The flash light breaks the silence.

The reassembled fragments reflected the screams of fans, refracted back and forth, and rushed into the sky above Tokyo.


"Here we come." Ji Gong Yunqiu said.

"I saw it." Shen Huiling stood in the lounge and said calmly.

Standing behind her was a young man who was the cellist Hide Hayabusa Saito in the team - the only student of Keio Private School who could tie with Mori Meihua. In that cello competition, Mori Meihua said The person who needs her help to defeat is him.

The news broke that Shen Huiling was also in this club. Sawano Kazuki said that Shen Huiling was replacing the team members, but in fact what happened in front of him was not a replacement.

I don’t know whether it’s luck or unlucky, but the spot drawn by a student from another academy was directly taken away by Shen Huiling. The student was sent to another venue, but Hide Hayabusa Saito’s was not replaced. Lose.

"I will use T1-level music." Saito Hidejun said.

"Do you still remember the story yesterday?" Shen Huiling asked softly.


The story of ancient China. She liked this story very much and never tired of reading it.

Tian Ji races horses.

"Let him be the inferior horse tonight." After Shen Huiling finished speaking, he sat leisurely on the chair and played the mobile game "Air Combat 1990".

The moment the BOSS was defeated, she looked up at the huge floor-to-ceiling windows, and the sunlight was so harsh that she couldn't open her eyes.

Tian Ji needs three chances to race a horse, but unfortunately the young man only has one chance to play, and none of her horses are inferior.

In front of the real strength, little cleverness means nothing.

The life cycle of a cherry blossom in full bloom is only a few days. After a few days, the cherry blossoms will wither and never be found again. She desperately wants to see him wither and there will be no chance of resurrection. In this way, no one can stand in front of you and block the light that should belong to you.

Facing the warm afternoon sun, she smiled brightly.

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