Groups of 106 ships gathered, just wanting to make money

“Very well, Ghost Arms Company, I remember you.”

After analyzing it, the owner of the black market website came to this conclusion, which can be regarded as hating Li Rui.

This is a pity, at this time, he does not seem to have any means against Li Rui, so he can only temporarily put this hatred in his heart.

When he finds an opportunity later, he will retaliate.

At this time, Li Rui’s black market live broadcast room was extremely lively.

Li Rui’s black market live broadcast room, almost ten minutes after it was officially opened, there was a continuous influx of netizens.

From the beginning, there were less than 20,000, and in just ten minutes, it soared to nearly 100,000.

Such a number of people, even if it is placed on the entire site of this black market website, can rank in the top ten.

Not only that, but the number continues to rise.

“God, there are so many people in this moment!”

Some people were there from the beginning, and they were also stunned after seeing so many people soaring in the live broadcast room at this time.

“Haha, coming, coming, just paying attention, now start live broadcasting, great.

As soon as I received the live broadcast notification, I immediately came over. ”

“Me too, I didn’t miss anything wonderful!”

“Even buy ka, those are two warships, it’s really going to fight!” That’s great.

I’ve never seen such a show before, and who organized such a show this time, it’s so exciting. ”

“Yes, there is a big guy who quickly came out and explained it for us!

What is the origin of these two warships! ”

For a time, Li Rui’s black market live broadcast room was extremely lively, and netizens spoke enthusiastically.

“Haha, let me popularize science.

Now, the two warships we see are from the British.

The one in front is a ‘Brave-class’ destroyer on the British’s side, and the back…”

Soon, in the live broadcast room, several arms dealers who were active before are now idle, and continue to give everyone popular science about the knowledge of these two warships.

“God, it’s really the two main battleships in active service of the British, and one of them I saw some time ago.”

“It’s getting more and more interesting, there are really warships coming.”

Is there any ah in the back, or just these two! ”

“Finally came out with an interesting program, I haven’t found a show I saw for a long time.”

“Yes, I don’t know if this live broadcast room can open the market this time!”

If you open it, how can you bet two bets, it’s really interesting! ”

“It will definitely be open, in the live broadcast room where the black market website does not open the market, what is the meaning of opening it!”

At this time, Li Rui’s live broadcast room is becoming more and more lively.

The number of people is still soaring, and it has exceeded 120,000, directly ranking fifth among all the programs on the entire black market website at this time.

Many netizens in other programs were attracted to Li Rui’s live broadcast room.

In addition, at this time, Li Rui’s live broadcast room has been staying on the top recommendation of the website, and more and more people will come in.

“It’s not fair, why can this live broadcast room always stay on the top recommendation.”

Soon, some other organizers of the black market website were very dissatisfied.

Similarly, at this time, the owner of the black market website was also gloomy as water, and did not say a word.

The more popular Li Rui’s live broadcast room became, the worse his mood became.

“Another warship, look at it!”

Soon, the audience in these live broadcast rooms saw the figure of another warship appear in the northwest direction.

At the same time, Li Rui’s side and Hei Da also discovered the warship that appeared from the northwest.

This warship seems to have followed these two, the British battleships.

“Boss, it’s a Yankee warship, this is a ‘Hobart-class’ destroyer with a displacement of six thousand tons, and a destroyer with Aegis air defense installed.

It is the latest destroyer produced by the Yankees in recent years, and the performance is very good. ”

Hei Da said to Li Rui.

“The new battleship of the Yankees? Why are they here too?

The Yankees are also mixed in! ”

After hearing Hei Da’s story, Li Rui knew that this was a Yankee warship, and it seemed to be very new.

However, Li Rui was not so surprised that the Yankees would get involved.

After all, the Yankees side, and the British, almost wear a pair of pants.

People are originally a family, and the actions in which the British are involved, most of these Australians will also be mixed and mixed.

Moreover, among the sixty-six world arms companies that jointly dealt with Li Rui, two were actually from the Yankee side.

Therefore, it is normal for the Yankees to send warships over this time.

At the same time, coupled with the location of the Yankee, it is relatively close to the sea area selected by Li Rui.

Exactly, they were able to rush over.

“There’s really another one! And it looks like it’s newer, more advanced.

You see, the streamlined shape of the hull looks better than the two warships of the British guys in front! ”

In the live broadcast room, many people don’t know much about these warships.

But this does not prevent them from judging the performance of these warships from some surfaces.

Those warships launched more than a decade ago are indeed lagging behind the warships launched in recent years in some designs.

After all, technology is always advancing, and that’s normal.

“This warship looks better, I like it.

The big guy before, feel it and tell us about it, which country’s warship this is, what is the situation. ”

Soon, the big guy that people called came out.

“This warship, which should be from the Yankees, is a ‘Hobart-class’ destroyer.

This kind of destroyer is the latest destroyer on the Australian side, and the first one is launched in 14 years.

This is not the third, or the fourth, it is indeed a relatively advanced warship in the world at this time, with a displacement of about six thousand tons, and it is also equipped with the Aegis system…”

Soon, the big guys who understood the situation, just like these newcomers, were introduced.

At this time, it was only two days since Li Rui’s five days.

There are three days left.

“Another warship appeared.

God, that warship I know, it’s the ‘Burke-class’ destroyer of the clown country. ”

Soon, when the second batch of warships arrived, someone in the live broadcast room exclaimed.

In fact, this kind of ‘Burke-class’ destroyer of the clown country is prestigious, and many people on the black market know it.

Definitely a world-class star ship.

“That’s right, it’s really the ‘Burke-class’ destroyer of the clown country.

Good fellow, these sixty-six arms dealer alliances, the energy is indeed great!

Even the ‘Burke-class’ destroyers of the clown country can be invited, which is really powerful! ”

Some people also sighed.

“There’s more to come!”

“That’s also a warship of the clown country, it seems to be a ‘Ticonderoga-class’ cruiser!”

Someone recognized the Tao.

“God, a lot of powerful warships have appeared, and these warships won’t be the same submarine to deal with the Ghost Arms Company.”

What submarine can do so many advanced warships! ”

“yes, I don’t feel like there’s much suspense either.

It’s a pity that until now, I haven’t seen the submarine of the ghost arms company.

I don’t know what it looks like. ”

At this time, many netizens in the live broadcast room, after seeing the arrival of so many advanced warships, all felt that the Ghost nuclear submarine on Li Rui’s side had no chance of victory.

“Actually, I’m more curious.

How this ghost arms company broadcasts these pictures live is really amazing. ”

“Leave him alone, people must have their own methods.

Now, I just want to see them fight quickly.

If the submarine of the Ghost Arms Company was a little more powerful and sank the ‘Burke-class’ destroyer of the clown country, it would look good. ”

“Oh, you’re thinking about fart. This is simply impossible. ”

“Boss, do we want to attack these warships now?”

Hei Da also saw the discussion of these viewers in the live broadcast room, and then asked Li Rui next to him.

Li Rui smiled and said, “No hurry, I have a hunch, this is not enough.”

Many other warships did not arrive, and wait.

What’s the rush, this is just the beginning. ”

“But at this time, we can open the market in the live broadcast room.”

At this point, you can let these viewers place their bets.

Don’t these people think that the Burke-class destroyer is very powerful!

Then let these people bet on this ‘Burke-class’ destroyer. ”

Li Rui laughed fiercely at this time and said.

Li Rui can’t wait for it, these viewers in this live broadcast room all think that his Ghost nuclear submarine will not win this time.

Just like the last time, the underground market on the Garden City side.

Everyone bet on eight coalition arms companies, and this side will win.

As a result, no one placed a bet that Li Rui would win, so Li Rui would vote himself and directly multiply more than ten times.

That’s really cool!

And this time, Li Rui opened this live broadcast room on this black market website, what is the purpose.

It’s not for entertainment, if it’s for anything else, it’s not for cutting leeks!

Make money!

Lao Tzu doesn’t want anything now, just wants to make money!

The ultimate goal of killing these damned enemy ships, in fact, is to make money.

Opening the live broadcast room, Li Rui wants to use the platform of the black market website to make money from these guys who are active on the black market website.

This black market site is the real Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon.

There are countless rich people around the world hidden, not to mention, even these ordinary audiences, all of them are rich masters.

Because, people who have no money are simply in the black market and can’t get mixed up.

Since they are all a group of fat sheep, how can Li Rui not be hungry, and if he catches the opportunity, he will slaughter it!

“No problem, boss. Are you sure you want to open the market in the live room now? ”

Kuroda asked.


Immediately, Hei Da went to the computer room to operate and opened the market in the live broadcast room.

Let the audience in the live broadcast room be able to place bets.

“Hey, the technicians on this black market site are still attacking the firewall I set up.”

This firewall is about to be broken by you.

It’s a bit of a skill!

In that case, let’s surprise you more. ”

When Heida turned on the betting function in the live broadcast room, he found that the technicians of this black market website had never given up and set up the firewall attack on him.

As long as they break through that firewall, they can close Li Rui’s live broadcast room.

Unfortunately, it’s still a little worse, this firewall set up by Hei Da is too strong.

Immediately, Hei Da sneered, and added two more behind this firewall that was about to be breached.

At this moment, their live broadcast room should be very safe.

“Boss, the betting function in the live broadcast room has been turned on.

How many types of bets are there to divide? ”

Hei Da asked Li Rui.

“There are more markets, for example, if you want our side to win or lose, you still want the sixty-six arms dealers alliance to win or lose.”

Adjust the odds wider.

Then, there are other small markets below.

For example, the Sixty-Six Arms Dealers Alliance would be the first to sink that warship.

The Burke-class destroyer of the Clown Country will be sunk by us.

Will other warships be sunk and so on.

These allow them to bet and the odds are bigger.

Anyway, this time, we are the bookmakers. ”

Li Rui thought and said to Hei Da.

“Okay, boss, I see.”

After Heida heard Li Rui say this, he understood everything.

So, it was operated.

“Huh? The market in the live broadcast room is open! ”

A moment later, there were viewers on this side of the live broadcast room and discovered this.

“Yes, it’s really open, is this something that allows us to bet?”

Haha, great, I can’t wait. ”

“It’s a fun bet, I like it a lot, it’s much more fun than other shows.

Take a look, place two bets first. ”

Many viewers in the live broadcast room have this interest at this time.

Anyway, they came up to the black market website, originally to have fun.

It is also betting in other places, and it is also betting in this live broadcast room of Li Rui, and they naturally choose themselves to be more interested.

“Bet on my Burke-class destroyer.

My ‘Burke’ is invincible! ”

There are ‘Burke-class’ destroyer brain-dead fans, roaring excitedly.

“Che, ‘Burke’ is like that, nothing remarkable.

Our British Empire’s ‘Brave-class’ destroyer is not bad, I bet that the ‘Brave-class’ destroyer can sink that Ghost Arms Company’s submarine! ”

And guys who don’t have brains, bet like that.

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