The Multiverse Starting from White Deer Plain

310. Veteran defeat, new opportunity (please order in full)

Although it is a bit incredible to capture the entire territory of Nanzhao with only the strength of the Jiannan Road of the Tang Dynasty, it is still within the understandable range. Google search reading

After all, Nanzhao was only a subordinate country and its strength was limited.

Compared with the strength of Tubo, Turk, Xi, and Khitan tribes... Nanzhao Kingdom is really not very conspicuous.

The glory of the Tang Dynasty is too much. During the Taizong Dynasty, the country was destroyed for more than thirty years. Even though it is a little lonely now, at least the foundation is still there.

Fifty years ago, Wang Xuance destroyed an entire country by one man and defeated Zhong Tianzhu. After returning to China, he was just an ordinary doctor from the fifth rank to Chaosan. Without it, there were so many famous generals in the Tang Dynasty that even a great talent like Wang Xuance, who could be called a famous general in later generations, seemed unknown.

Fortunately, the era Bai Gui is living in now is when the famous generals of the Tang Dynasty were in decline. The famous generals of the previous Taizong Dynasty and Gaozong Dynasty grew old and died, while the famous Gao Xianzhi, Ge Shuhan, Wang Zhongsi, etc. of the Xuanzong Dynasty were People have not grown up yet.

Yizhou, governor's office.

As soon as Bai Gui returned with Zhao Ling'er and others, Chief Shi Yang Xuanyan stepped forward to report important matters.

As the future Queen of Nanzhao, Zhao Ling'er must receive normal education and training in the Tang Dynasty. After her character is set and she becomes a spiritual Tang Dynasty person, she can go to Nanzhao Kingdom to inherit the throne.

Well, this is how Bai Gui explained it to everyone.

Of course, when talking about it specifically, it means that the descendants of the Nanzhao King must be bathed in the Tang Dynasty King's transformation, etc. before they can be released to Nanzhao.

Although the Witch Queen Lin Qing'er was reluctant to give up her daughter, she thought that the Tang people would not cause any harm to Nuwa's descendants. It was just that she grew up in the Tang Dynasty during her childhood. It was not a big deal, so she let it go.

In addition, not long after Nanzhao was captured by the Tang army, rebellions broke out all over the territory. Zhao Ling'er was young at this time and had no strength to restrain a chicken. If he were in Nanzhao, he would be vulnerable to harm. On the contrary, he would be much safer in Tang.

Changshi is an official subordinate to the governor, and his official rank ranges from seventh grade to third grade, depending on the rank of the institution he belongs to. There is a long history in the royal palace, and there is also a long history in the governor's palace and the governor's palace.

Compared with the subordinate official of Zhou Sima, the appointment of Chang Shi gave the chief official a lot of room for manipulation. And Yang Xuanyan had merit in the last official administration assessment, so he was promoted by Bai Gui to become the chief historian of Yizhou Governor's Office.

Go into the study.

Bai Gui waved his hand.

Shield left and right.

After the bead curtain is rolled down.

Yang Xuanyan then said: "Your Majesty, when I ordered someone to send the battle report back to Chang'an, I got some news. This news may be of benefit to us..."

He looked solemn.

"What's the benefit?"

Bai Gui has a lot of leisure time.

"The battle report came from the front. General Xue, General Du, Cui Shijun and others led more than 20,000 people to attack the Turks in Tanzhou. They suffered a disastrous defeat. Only a few dozen cavalry were able to break through. General Xue was also laughed at by the Turks. "Xue Po" means old and timid like a Po."

Yang Xuanyan whispered.

"General Xue?"

Bai Gui frowned.

Xue family, that is Xue family in Hedong. At this moment, there is only one General Xue, and that is Xue Rengui's son, Xue Ne.

As for General Du and Ambassador Cui, they are Du Binbin, the general of Zuojianmen, and Cui Xuandao, the governor of Dingzhou.

In the second year of Kaiyuan, Xue Ne petitioned Xuanzong to take the initiative to attack the Turks and recapture Yingzhou in Liaodong, but he was defeated unexpectedly.

Similarly, in the second year of Kaiyuan, it was not only he and Xue Na who sent troops to conquer the four directions. Guo Zhiyun of the Beiting Protectorate cooperated with Guo Qianguan to defeat the Turks and kill Tong Otele, the son of the Turk Khan.

"Twenty thousand cavalry conquered the Turks, but only a few dozen escaped. It was indeed a disastrous defeat..."

Bai Gui thought about this military report.

Regardless of the nearly 100,000 troops sent by the Jiedushi and Servants of Eastern Sichuan and Western Sichuan in Jiannan Road, most of these 100,000 soldiers and horses were infantry. Even if they were completely lost, it would not cause much damage to the Tang Dynasty.

The cost of infantry and cavalry cannot be compared!

And... Yang Xuanyan's meaning is very obvious. Their Jiannan Road has just conquered the Nanzhao Kingdom. They have made great achievements and will definitely receive no less rewards. But if there is news of Xue Ne's defeat again, their victory in the crusade against the Nanzhao Kingdom will definitely make them The reward is more generous.

This is an old practice.

Use Nanzhao's military exploits to cover up the Turks' defeat!

"What nonsense!"

"How can a general always win? General Xue accidentally suffered a disastrous defeat. As far as our country is concerned, the national situation is difficult and dangerous. We should think about serving the country instead of being a fool!"

Bai Gui scolded in a low voice.

Although he also hopes that Xue Ne can win this time, the benefits to him of Xue Ne's disastrous defeat are obviously incalculable.

Winning the war is one thing.

When measuring military achievements, not only vertical comparisons will be made, but also horizontal comparisons.

But precisely at this time, Xue Ne was defeated, and the object of horizontal comparison was not the unlucky guy Xue Ne.

"Yes! What you said is true!"

Yang Xuanyan nodded.

This sentence is said to be a rebuke, but it actually means protection.

"You go down."

Bai Gui waved his hand and said.

Although Xue Na fell and they profited, it didn't seem very benevolent.

But if an official really pays attention to benevolence and righteousness in everything, he can't do anything.

Moreover, Xue Ne's fiasco was an established fact. Their profit was an afterthought, and it was not a deliberate act by cunning people.

"The loss of 20,000 cavalry... is indeed a strain on the Tang Dynasty. However, the Tang Dynasty did not defeat the Song Dynasty. The horse administration was well managed, and the 20,000 elite cavalry can be trained quickly."

"Those who plan for a moment are not enough to plan for a lifetime. Xue Ne is a veteran in the army and has been a general for generations. And according to history, although Xue Ne suffered a disastrous defeat this time, one month later, Tubo invaded the south, and Li Longji ordered Xue Ne to be a general again. , Xue Ne defeated the Tubo people..."

Bai Gui pondered for a while and decided to report to Emperor Xuanzong of the Tang Dynasty Li Longji to plead for Xue Ne.

It is said that when a tree falls, the hozen will scatter. Even if Xue Ne has good connections on weekdays, he will be completely destitute after a big defeat at this time.

If he went to perform, he might get into trouble with Li Longji.

But he looked like he was considerate of the Tang Dynasty, upright and loyal, which would not make Li Longji furious. Even if he did get angry, Li Longji's two sisters would dissuade him... and he was destroying the Nanzhao National Academy at this moment. Great contribution.

No matter how you look at it, there won't be much trouble.

Moreover, this action will also be of great benefit to him in raising his hopes.

After the idea is finalized.

He began to sharpen his ink and write memorials.

Begging for mercy is not a random request, it must be done strategically.

He first wrote his own work report and finished the outline of the governance of Nanzhao this time. After finishing writing, he mentioned in a subtle way that the reason why Nanzhao was so easily conquered by the Tang Dynasty was because King Nanzhao "recognized Zhao Kuo's talent and abandoned Lian Po's courage."

When smart people saw this sentence, they understood that he was begging for Xue Ne, but the plea did not end directly, it was just a tactful admonishment.

"Send this memorial to Chang'an quickly."

After the memorial was written, Bai Gui walked out of the study, handed it to the guard beside him, and said.

"Yes! Envoy."

The guards took the order, ran out of the governor's mansion, and handed it over to the inn.

After Bai Gui dealt with this emergency, he returned to the study and began to review the government affairs of Jiannan Road.

This review is in the afternoon.

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