The Multiverse Starting from White Deer Plain

350. Secret room, two people alone (please order in full)

"Yes! Senior brother."

Yang Yuhuan replied weakly, looking unhappy.

Bai Gui quickly completed the discussion with Hou Shaowei.

The two of them were clever, and with their wisdom, although the topic was discussing Yang Yuhuan's past life, it was impossible for Yang Yuhuan to hear any useful news related to her.

"You were brought back by your second senior brother..."

"Let your second senior brother tell you this matter."

Hou Shaowei sighed and said.

Originally, he and Bai Gui had the same idea at first. They wanted to recruit Yang Yuhuan, a Penglai fairy who had been reincarnated through many calamities, to form a good relationship. After all, there are many Taoist friends and there are many paths.

But I didn't expect that this relationship would lead to feelings for each other.

But he had already expected this.

In addition, as Bai Gui said, Fairy Penglai is Yang Yuhuan, and Yang Yuhuan is Fairy Penglai. After the reincarnation of the past tribulations, this life will not be too distinct from the true self of the immortal gods of the past tribulations. On the contrary, if he succeeds in cultivating Taoism in this life, Yang Yuhuan will be the Penglai Fairy. The original Penglai Fairy did not disappear, but merged into Yang Yuhuan's life.

Therefore, even if he chooses to help Yang Yuhuan, he will not have any enmity with Fairy Penglai. However, once Fairy Penglai gains the upper hand, the original good relationship will no longer exist.

But this bit of good luck was originally a casual act of Hou Shaowei and Bai Gui, and they didn't care too much.

Bai Gui nodded and told Yang Yuhuan about his previous life.

"So that's it..."

"No wonder I've been having these weird dreams lately..."

Yang Yuhuan said suddenly.

She thanked Bai Gui and Hou Shaowei.

If it weren't for the benevolence of Bai Gui and Hou Shaowei, with her strength, perhaps after a while, she would have awakened and completed her past life, becoming another Penglai fairy.

She didn't know if she was still who she was after her "complete" awakening, but she didn't feel good about it even when she thought about it.

Seeing this, Bai Gui and Hou Shaowei nodded secretly.

Based on their character, they are not easily emotional people. If Yang Yuhuan does not know how to advance or retreat, or if he is not very lovable in the past ten years, they will just follow nature and pretend that they have not seen what happened this time. good karma.

"As the saying goes, it is better to block than to open up. Fairy Penglai is about to awaken from her past life. If the three of us forcefully seal it with magic power, it may be feasible for a while, but after sealing, the jade ring is equivalent to cutting off the fairy bones and turning into an ordinary person. If you want to practice Taoism again, don’t do it..."

Hou Shaowei glanced at Yang Yuhuan, flicked the whisk in his hand, and landed it again on his elbow.

"Then what does Master mean...?"

Bai Gui asked.

He has been a disciple for so many years, and he has almost a clear understanding of Hou Shaowei's thoughts. Knowing that Hou Shaowei said this now, there must be a solution.

If there is no solution, Yang Yuhuan will not be called together.

"My teacher has already said that blocking is worse than opening up. Yuhuan's awakening is imminent, but this is her passive awakening, so she will unknowingly merge into Fairy Penglai's consciousness..."

"Meihe, you have become a golden elixir now, and you have cultivated Guishan Ce. Guishan Ce is the study of Yi Zang. It can break through obstacles and even divine secrets. With the power of Guishan Ce... you are sent into the Yuhuan. In her body, help her take the initiative to merge with her past life, and Yuhuan, please keep your mind..."

Hou Shaowei said slowly.

Hearing this, Bai Gui already understood.

If Yang Yuhuan's predecessor, Fairy Penglai, is compared to an endlessly flowing river, then Yang Yuhuan is a small stream next to this river, and the dams between the rivers and streams are almost destroyed.

Once the dam is damaged, Yang Yuhuan's small stream will inevitably be completely submerged by the Penglai Fairy River.

If the embankment continues to be deepened, it will be washed away sooner or later. Even if it is not washed away, the creek seeping out of the embankment will also stop flowing.

Now Hou Shaowei asked Bai Gui to build the dam and take the initiative to control whether to release more or less water.

As long as it is controlled at a suitable degree, a small stream will turn into a large river.

"Wen Xuan, you and my master go out and hand this place over to Meihe and Yuhuan."

Hou Shaowei nodded and said to Zhou Wenxuan.

It seems that Zhou Wenxuan has no involvement in this matter, but firstly, Zhou Wenxuan is already the tentative next master of Zongsheng Temple. Bai Gui and Yang Yuhuan are his junior brothers and sisters, so they have to ask about it. Secondly, they also need to watch Bai Gui and Yang Yuhuan's plan, if they choose to directly block Yang Yuhuan's past, Zhou Wenxuan's help is indispensable.

"Yes, Master."

Zhou Wenxuan was startled for a moment and nodded in agreement.

When Bai Gui goes to Guishan to gather magic power for Yang Yuhuan, there will definitely be skin contact or something.

Even though Datang was open-minded, it still had to look at people.

Similarly, Yang Yuhuan should be cautious. When the time comes that he will be impacted by Fairy Penglai's will, he will not be as calm as before and will have some disobedience. It is really not good for him to stay in the side hall.

"Second Senior Brother..."

After Hou Shaowei and Zhou Wenxuan left, Yang Yuhuan blushed, glanced at Bai Gui with her beautiful eyes, and immediately lowered her head shyly.

When she was a child, the scene where she pestered Bai Gui to play was still vivid in my mind.

Now that I have grown up, I see the handsome second senior brother Feng Shen with a solemn look on his face, which makes him feel a little uncomfortable.

"It's okay, little junior sister. Master and senior brother are not here now, so you don't have to be too restrained."

Bai Gui consoled him.

In Zong Sheng Guan, Yang Yuhuan had the best relationship with him. However, Hou Shaowei and Zhou Wenxuan always had a straight face and were serious about words, so Yang Yuhuan was more respectful and frightened of them.

The words fell.

Yang Yuhuan nodded, feeling much more natural.

"Relax your mind, I will use Gui Shance's magic power to help you absorb the memory of Fairy Penglai."

"Don't move..."

Bai Gui closed his eyes slightly, activated the magic power of the golden elixir in his body, and at the same time injected a trace of Fuxi's divine power into Yang Yuhuan to help her absorb the memory of Fairy Penglai.

The fact that he had Fuxi's magical power was deliberately concealed.

No one was told.

According to his estimation, this was the reason why Fuxi's divine power appeared. Although it is inseparable from his Dragon Turtle Mysterious Fetus, a considerable part of the reason is still the function of the Kunlun Mirror.

"Qionglou Yuyu, it turns out... is this Penglai Fairy Mountain?"

With the help of the characteristics of Fuxi's divine power, Bai Gui also glimpsed the memory of Fairy Penglai.

I learned some things about the Penglai Immortal Mountain Cave and some secrets about the gods.

"The Penglai sect is now hidden in the turns out that it has suffered a great disaster."

He secretly thought.

Time passed moment by moment.

Almost an hour.

Countless cold sweats broke out on Yang Yuhuan's white forehead and temples. Her delicate body was trembling, as if she was experiencing some great terror. Her robe was also wet with cold sweat and clung to her body, revealing her exquisite figure.

"Second Senior Brother, Second Senior Brother..."

She whispered unintentionally.

"Yuhuan, calm down, calm down! You must calm down!"

When Bai Gui saw this, he felt worried.

But now he has no choice but to look at Yang Yuhuan's own will. No one can help her at this step, she can only go on her own.

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