The Multiverse Starting from White Deer Plain

510. Qingque, the water is deep, you can’t control it, let me teach you (please vote)

Yuan Shoucheng instructed the fishermen to fish in the Jing River, and every day the fisherman gave Yuan Shoucheng a golden carp. Day after day. As time went by, there were too many golden carp in Yuan Mansion, but they could not kill the golden carp...

Carp is the Taoist Chihui Gong and is highly respected by Taoists. The golden carp is even more like the son of the dragon.

Therefore, the Yuan Mansion had so many golden carps, so it had no choice but to give them away.

Many dignitaries in Chang'an were given golden carps by Yuan Tiangang.

It is not difficult to imagine that Wei King Li Tai, as the most favored second son of Li Shimin, once received a golden carp from Yuan Tiangang. Even if Yuan Tiangang has never given a golden carp to him, he must have heard about it.

Bai Gui nodded.

Li Tai was a smart man, so he couldn't reveal the secret of "Wu Zetian becoming emperor", so he made it clear. So let Li Taiti find the golden carp on Yuan Tiangang's head...

Now it seems that Yuan Tiangang is also a smart man.

Bai Gui didn't know whether his physiognomy could see through the fact that Wu Zetian would usurp the throne in the future. But Yuan Tiangang's current approach is the most appropriate. When it comes to secrets, never tell them easily.

"Teacher, do you want to see this Wu girl?"

Li Tai asked.

Even though the daughter of the Wu family, or Wu Jue, is the daughter of the Duke, the warrior Yu is now dead. Her two half-brothers were extremely unkind to her and were once rude to her mother, Yang. Therefore, the step-siblings Yang and Wu Jue could not bear the dignity of the Duke's family at all.

(Wu Zetian's "Zetian" comes from her title, and "Zhao" is the character created later. According to the "New Book of Tang Dynasty: The Chronicles of Queen Zetian": "The Empress Zetianshunshun, the Wu family, was born in Wenshui, Bingzhou.")

(睝, xu, three sounds.)

Li Tai used a little trick, and he got Wu Jue to hide in the house.

Being polite also distinguishes people.

Although Li Tai has always looked like a polite corporal. Half of this is pretending, and half is sincere. But a courtesy corporal must first be a scholar.

"also may."

"But there is no need to call the Wu girl over. You can go and have a look with me."

Bai Gui stood up and said to Li Tai.

Li Tai said yes.

The two of them left the Wei Palace with several followers and rode for a while. Arriving at Huiningfang, near Chang'an West City, I stopped in front of a mansion.

The plaque at the door of the mansion says Liu Zhai.

"This is a villa belonging to an official in the palace. My identity is not used to avoid gossip." Li Tai dismounted and explained to Bai Gui, then walked up to the side door in person and let the door open.

The chief clerk of the palace is the official in the palace.

In the feudal era, a prince opened a mansion with all civil and military officials. These bureaucrats are all internal officials of the royal palace and are used to assist the prince.


Bai Gui and Li Tai sat in the main seats respectively.

After a few breaths, Wu Jue, who had applied some makeup in the back house, entered the living room, and Pingting walked up with her lotus steps. She wore a delicate yellow gauze covering a tight-fitting snow-white velvet skirt. The skirt clung to her shapely and slender legs, and her showy feet were wearing red embroidered shoes.

She wore a pony top and not many hair accessories, only one or two gold hairpins.

Wu Jue entered and felt blessed, "I have met His Highness the King of Wei. I have met..."

She didn't know who the other person sitting with King Wei was.

The moment she bent down, her tight-fitting skirt became a little tight. It outlines a perfect arc and reveals the girl's beautiful curves.

The girl's voice is like the sound of nature, and the singing of orioles and swallows fills the ears.

Although the distance was about ten steps, with Bai Gui's cultivation, he could clearly see the girl's pretty face, which was lightly painted with pink and white, and was almost flawless.

"I am a poor Taoist, Qian Yuanzi. You can call me Taoist Master Qianyuan."

Bai Gui didn't want to reveal his true identity, so he only revealed his Taoist name. Perhaps before I met Laojun, he worshiped Guan Yinzi as his personal teacher. He acted very cautiously and would not tell his other identity in the world of Journey to the West. But now, his immortal path is getting more and more profound, and he can do whatever he wants in the world. Because, there is no need to be as cautious as before.

As for not telling his true identity, it is because he, the Bai Shilang who went to the Moon Palace for a banquet, is quite famous. Even people in remote places such as Sanxing Town in Xiangchu County have heard about it.

"Qian Yuanzi?"

A trace of surprise flashed in Li Tai's eyes. This was the first time he heard Bai Gui's Taoist name. But as a prince, he still has a certain temperament, and his expression is not abnormal.

"Yes, Taoist Master Qian Yuanzi."

Wu Jue's cheeks were slightly blushing, she hummed slightly, and then bowed again, "I have met Taoist Master Qian Yuanzi."

Bai Gui nodded his head in return.

"Taoist Priest, have you seen anything?"

Li Tai heard the elegant meaning of Xianqin and knew that Bai Gui was unwilling to reveal his true identity, so he called Bai Gui a Taoist priest instead of a teacher.

"Let me cast a spell and take a look."

Bai Gui pondered for a while and said solemnly.

In fact, with his cultivation level, he can see a person's misfortune, fortune, luck and other things through the qi-gazing technique without deliberately casting spells. Not to mention that at this moment, Yang Shen has swallowed the energy of three stars, and he is even more aware of the aura of fortune, prosperity and longevity.

However... when he looked at Wu Jue, he felt that this woman was beautiful. Although her fortune was long, she did not have the appearance of an emperor.

If he didn't know history, he might have thought that Yuan Tiangang's bone weighing method was wrong.

Also, if the True Dragon Emperor could really be identified so easily. Then there will be no change of dynasties in the world. Just kill the Qianlong.

"The little lady of the Wu family."

"You come forward and come to Pindao..."

Bai Gui called softly.

Wu Jue bit his lip, his eyes filled with water, and he raised his eyes and glanced at Li Tai. Li Tai took her into this house in the name of marrying his concubine, although Li Tai never touched her after arriving here. But no matter what Li Tai said, he was still her husband in name.

Furthermore, the Tang Dynasty was more open-minded.

But men and women are very guarded, and there is also a problem of giving and receiving without being intimate...

"Young lady of the Wu family, Taoist Priest has great magical power and is Gu's good teacher and friend. This time I am checking your fortune to see if your birth date and Gu's are consistent. If they are not consistent..." Li Tai paused. If they are not consistent, this daughter of the Wu family will She cannot become his concubine, but keeping this hot potato in her hands is not the same thing after all.

The money he needs to raise a weak female prostitute is enough to cover the expenses of his palace for a day.

Wu Jue couldn't help but took a few steps forward and walked up to Bai Gui.

A faint feminine fragrance lingers in the nostrils.

Bai Gui closed and closed his eyes, opened his Yangshen Heavenly Eye, and then looked at Wu Jue's body. Through the layers of surface and inside, he could see the true meaning of luck. He saw that within the light red luck, there was another world hidden. It has a golden and purple appearance, and among the golden and purple light, there is another young dragon lurking.

"This luck is the sign of a noble person, but at most it is only a princess, crown princess, or noble concubine. It should not be the sign of the emperor..."

He was deep in thought, a little confused.

A real dragon can be called a hidden dragon, but a young dragon cannot be called one.

When he was deep in thought, he thought of a way. He stretched his hand forward, grabbed Wu Jue's haowan, and then calculated Wu Jue's bone weight when he was young based on his bone age.

Human bones change as they age. But for an immortal like him, retracing the original bone weight is not a big magic power.

Wu Juohaowan was captured and wanted to break free, but found that the Taoist's hands were surprisingly strong, and Li Tai had no intention of stopping him, so he could only accept his fate.

But at the same time as she accepted her fate, she noticed that this Taoist's sword-shaped eyebrows and starry eyes had an extremely extraordinary temperament, so she glanced sideways frequently, and when she had some free time, she began to secretly look at Bai Gui's appearance, and her dimples became increasingly red.

"The bone weight is indeed seven cents and two taels. It seems that Yuan Tiangang did tell Wu Jue's fortune."

"But it shouldn't be..."

Bai Gui frowned.

The reason why he used the bone weighing method to test Wu Jue's destiny again was mainly to verify the rumor that Yuan Tiangang told Wu Jue's fortune. He can also tell bones. If Wu Jue's bones weigh seven cents and two taels, then even if Yuan Tiangang has not told fortunes, he can prove that Wu Jue is Qianlong.

"Could it be an obstacle to human destiny?"

He thought for a moment, then collected two more mirror lights from the Purple Pearl Spirit Realm and placed them in the Yang Shen's Heavenly Eye. With these two mirror lights, let's watch Wu Jue's destiny.

The Zizhen Spiritual Mirror was made by Xuanyuan, who is the ancestor of humanity.

Therefore, although the Purple Treasure Spiritual Mirror is not a treasure of humanity, it is not subject to the constraints of human luck.

The Purple Treasure Mirror has the power to break illusions.

This time Bai Gui saw a Buddha's light above the young dragon. Within the Buddha's light, the young dragon changed its appearance again. It looked like a real dragon with five claws.

Well, she's still a female dragon.

With the help of the light of the delusion-breaking mirror, Bai Gui saw clearly and observed every detail, not missing a single bit.

"It is rumored that Wu Zetian is the reincarnation of Maitreya Buddha or Lushena Buddha."

"History may be falsified, but in the world of Journey to the West, this is indeed very possible. Monk Tang traveled west to obtain Buddhist scriptures. After returning to the Tang Dynasty, Buddhism spread eastward, and the person who can shoulder this important task will never be Li Shimin or Li Shimin's descendants. Descendants must be our own people whom Buddhism can trust..."

Bai Gui took a deep breath and realized the depth of the Western religion's planning in Journey to the West.

The chess piece Wu Jue was laid out early.

Why is it not another chess piece, but a female like Wu Jue? This is not so difficult to understand.

The general trend of human nature is different from that of heaven.

The way of heaven wanted the Buddha to prosper, but Li Tang managed the world well and enjoyed three hundred years of imperial rule. Therefore, if there is a rebellion, it will last for a few years or decades, as long as the Li Tang royal family does not act indiscriminately, the foundation of Li Tang will not be shaken. But it is not impossible to usurp power like Wang Mang. It's just that people are obsessed with usurping power and seizing the throne. If they are people with foreign surnames, it won't be long before war breaks out all over the world.

However, if a woman usurps the throne with the dignity of the Queen Mother, people in the world will hold their noses and admit it. After all, Wu Zetian was already in her late teens, sixty-seven years old, when she usurped the throne. Both the government and the public thought that this old lady was just enjoying the emperor's addiction, but who knew... Wu Zetian lived to be eighty-one years old.

"Taoist Priest, can you see anything?"

Li Tai saw Bai Gui meditating for a long time and felt uneasy. After seeing Bai Gui come back to his senses, Li Tai asked quickly.

Bai Gui glanced at Li Tai.

He really wanted to say something: This Wu girl is in extremely deep water, and with Qing Que's behavior, it is impossible to control her.

However, his words could not be so explicit. After careful consideration of his words, he said: "This girl is not compatible with you, King Wei, and is not a good match. If her strengths are like this, there will be trouble in the future."


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