Two days later.

Duan walked into a small forest.

He fought with Tsunade and received two punches from her with his body. Although nothing could be seen from the outside, to be honest, he still suffered some minor internal injuries.

This woman's power is truly terrifying.

However, he recovered after a little nursing care.

In exchange for this minor injury, he has mastered a new ability - strange power.

In fact, he had been studying the Taijutsu of Kaili for a long time. This time he used the Sharingan to gain insight and experience it personally, and finally understood it.

Duan walked up to a large bluestone that was as tall as a person, stretched out a finger and pressed it against the stone surface.

The next second.


A powerful airflow burst out from his whole body, and a huge force spread along the finger and into the stone.


On the surface of the big bluestone, spiderweb-like cracks suddenly appeared centered on the broken finger, and finally exploded with a loud bang.

Turned into a pile of rubble.

This is strange power.

The principle of strange power is actually very simple. It is to concentrate chakra on one part of the body and then explode it instantly to achieve the effect of increasing destructive power.

But again, the simpler a technique sounds, the harder it is to practice sometimes.

After constant exploration, he discovered that if he wanted to successfully display his strange power, he needed to meet three conditions:

The first is the amount of chakra.

To activate monster power, you need to concentrate a large amount of chakra. Only with more chakra can you show your destructive power. As a member of the Senju clan, Tsunade is born with several times more chakra than ordinary ninjas.

The second is physical strength.

Concentrating a large amount of chakra in a certain part of the body will put great pressure on the body. If it cannot bear it, the result will be to maim yourself.

Needless to say, Tsunade's physical strength.

The third is the precise refining and control of chakra.

In order to use the strange power in time during the battle, the speed of refining chakra must be fast, and the chakra must be controlled to flow to specific body parts instantly.

As a medical ninja, Tsunade's strength is in this area.

What about breaking it?

Chakra is essentially a mixture of physical energy and spiritual energy.

Like Senju and Uzumaki, they are physically strong, while Uchiha are mentally strong, so they have more chakra than ordinary people.

Dan, on the other hand, is both physically and mentally strong. He doesn't know how much chakra he has because he has never run out of chakra.

As for physical strength.

Duan once learned the Eight Gate Dunjia from Matt Dai. His body that has completed physical transformation can easily withstand even the sixth gate, let alone the monster strength.

the last point.

Although Duan is not a medical ninja, he has been in good health for many years and can not only control the 639 muscles in his body, but also the animal and plant nerves in his body.

These things are more difficult than refining and controlling chakra.

Therefore, the strange power that seemed to be impossible to be copied by the Sharingan allowed Zeng Gao to master it.


There is another unexpected surprise.

Since awakening the ability of the substitute "world", he can only pause for two seconds, which is a bit short.

But during this period, he experienced battles with Obito, the Root Team, and Tsunade, encountered some dangers, and suffered some injuries.

Perhaps it was this sense of crisis that finally further stimulated the potential of the stand-in.

So, now.

Duan raised a finger, pointed at the void in front of him, and calmly said those four words again:

"Smash ~ Varudo."

The next moment.

Duan's pupils dilated, and in the reflection of his pupils, a huge, slowly rotating gear appeared.

That is the gear of time.

Chapter 35: Moving people from time to time

In this ordinary little forest.

A huge gear appeared in front of the section. It was simple and heavy, as if it had experienced countless vicissitudes in the world, and was running ruthlessly and slowly.

Never stop.

call out!

Duan's heart moved, and the power of the substitute turned into a stream of light and shot out, like a thin needle, stuck in one of the tooth slots of the gear.

The gears of time just stopped.

The whole world also became gray, and everything in the world lost its original color.

One second, two seconds.

Three seconds, four seconds.

After five full seconds, there was a click, and as the fine needle broke, the time gear resumed operation again.


You can now pause time for five seconds.

Although it sounds like only three seconds more than the previous two seconds, there are so many more things that can be done in these three seconds.

To know.

In a ninja battle, even 0.1 seconds is enough to determine life or death.

Now Danzo, when facing the likes of Obito or Danzo, even if the opponent has mastered Izanagi, he can still try to deduct the opponent's Sharingan within the time limit, and then kill him with one punch.

Just imagine.

After a five-second pause, combined with Dan's taijutsu and the full output of the avatar world, how many people in the ninja world can stop it?

Tick ​​tock, tick tock.

Something fell on the broken bamboo hat.

He raised his head and saw the sky was dark and countless raindrops were falling.

It's time to go home.

He walked into the woods and walked along the path in the rain, heading towards Konoha.

The rain was getting heavier and heavier, making the leaves rustle.

The rainwater falling from the sky connected into lines, and countless lines formed a network. In the end, it was like a waterfall, overwhelmingly pouring down from the sky.

In the primeval forest of the Land of Fire.

A woman wearing a dark green trench coat and black high heels was running in the rain.


She stepped into a puddle on the ground, and the mud splashed onto her white insteps and stained her toes that were covered in red nail polish.

But Tsunade couldn't care about that now.

After she was strangled to the point of suffocation, it took her two days to recover. The first thing she did was to track him down.


When Tsunade fought with Suan, she sprinkled a colorless and invisible powder that she had concocted on the latter's body. No one except her could notice the difference.

She tracked the other person to find out his true identity.

But now it's raining, and once the faint smell of the powder is washed away by the rain, Tsunade will lose track of him.

So she has to be quick.


Tsunade froze and stopped.

Because, she saw a person in the open space in front of her, standing in the rain with his back to her.

The man was nearly two meters tall, wearing a hat and a cloak. His tall body gave people a sense of oppression as heavy as a mountain just by standing there.

Yes, it's that guy.

At this time, it was raining heavily, and Tsunade's blond hair and clothes were soaked, clinging to her body, making her look as embarrassed as a drowned rat.

But that person was obviously in the rain, but he didn't get a drop of water.

Tsunade's eyes narrowed, and after taking a closer look, she discovered:

On the surface of the opponent's body, chakra penetrated through the body to form a layer of aura, which actually bounced away countless raindrops that fell on the body without even a drop falling.

The man's whole body, including his hair and skin, even his hat and cloak, became like a lotus leaf.

As soon as the raindrops fall, they will quickly slide and roll away, taking away the dust on the clothes.

The body is like a lotus leaf, clean and flawless.

This scene made Tsunade deeply shocked and ashamed.

This person's use of chakra is superb.

In other words, the other party has integrated the practice of ninja into daily life. He can even practice chakra skills in the rain without slacking off every minute.

Such a person is really terrifying. No wonder he can develop such terrifying muscles.

This person is naturally Uchiha Dan.

In the rain.

"As expected of one of the three ninjas, Tsunade was able to leave a tracking mark on me without me noticing."

Duan spoke first, but did not look back.

"It's just a small skill, not worth mentioning."

Tsunade shook her head, her eyes serious, and asked directly the doubt in her heart, "Are you a ninja of Konoha?"


Duan answered readily. He is indeed from Konoha, but he is not a ninja because he has not even graduated from the first year of ninja school.

When Tsunade heard this, she frowned and fell into deep thought.

She thought for a while and then asked: "Then who are you? Why do you have Uchiha's Sharingan and the Akimichi clan's doubling technique?"

"My name is Araki, and I am a bounty hunter." Duan answered.


As soon as Tsunade heard the name, she knew that it was probably a code name and not the other person's real name, but she didn't care anymore.

Since you can't ask, you might as well do it.

She stepped on the water on the ground and walked towards Duan step by step, vowing to use the next battle to avenge her shame.

Feeling Tsunade's unabashed fighting spirit.

"I'm not interested in fighting with you now. Don't come here again." Duan advised her.

Hearing this, Tsunade raised her fist and said with stern eyes:

"What if I have to fight you?"

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