The mysterious resurrected card maker

Chapter 64 A strange scene

"Is something supernatural starting to appear?"

Si Ye looked around. In this moment, the doors and windows of these buildings and wooden houses had been opened.

Through the window, Si Ye could still see some figures.

"So many ghosts? They must be ghost slaves, right?"

He walked towards the house closest to him and stopped. Unfortunately, in the darkness, it was difficult for him to see the things around him clearly.

There was no other way, Si Ye could only gather new cards, draw one of them and activate it.

'Let me see' is an equipment card that Si Ye got through Yang Jian's ghost eye. After using it, he can gain the ghost eye ability for ten minutes.

Although only one ghost-eyed ghost is not powerful, for Si Ye, the key is not the ghost of the ghost-eye, but the insight ability of the ghost-eye.

Being able to see in the dark and see some supernatural phenomena is what he needs most.

Between Si Ye's eyebrows, a scarlet ghost eye suddenly emerged from the flesh and blood, and the scarlet ghost eye kept looking around.

Following the sight of Ghost Eyes, Si Ye's vision became clearer.

Although this kind of sight only has a range of about five meters, at least Si Ye is no longer blind in this darkness.

Si Ye looked forward. Under the dilapidated eaves, a mirror was facing him.

In the mirror, a familiar figure appeared in front of Si Ye.

"Is this ghost daddy?"

Si Ye had a look of astonishment on his face.

"Why does Ghost Dad appear in the mirror? Isn't Ghost Dad still in that deserted village?"

Si Ye was astonished and glanced at the window next to him from the corner of his eye.

The figure on the window surprised him again.

He is also very familiar with this person. This is the bride, but shouldn't the bride be locked up in the Caesar Hotel by him now?

Si Ye showed a rare look of panic. He hurriedly walked out of the room and looked at some reflective objects, glass and mirrors.

On top of these figures, familiar figures appeared one by one.

The ghost father was lying in a black coffin with an expressionless face and a photo of his body hanging beside him.

Wearing a red wedding dress, with her hands flat on her belly, the bride looks extremely dignified.

One day innocent, seemingly harmless, but there is a ferocious ghost baby in his eyes.

A starving ghost with a big belly, a bloated body, fangs in his mouth, and a terrifying aura.

An old man with hollow eyes, wearing a Chinese tunic suit, and with patches of corpse spots on his face.

There is also a ghost cupboard in the corner, but blood is flowing out of the drawer.

There are also a pair of scarlet ghost eyes that belong to Yang Jian and emit red light. The weird thing is that there are ten ghost eyes in total.

And that weird smiling face that seems to be laughing constantly.

There is also an old bus that is moving forward on a long dark road.

"These are the ghosts that I have had a relationship with? Why are they here?"

There was a puzzled look in Si Ye's eyes. These ghosts had more or less had some relationship with him.

The ghost father changed his cognition, and he also obtained the ghost father's supernatural power by using the trick.

The bride, the old man, the starving ghost, the ghost closet, these were also possessed by him.

"Can it be said that this village can lead to existences related to me?"

Si Ye thought about it and looked into the depths.

He discovered an important pattern. There were certain patterns in the ghosts that appeared in the mirrors in this village.

For example, the ghost father, the bride, and the old man are the closest to Si Ye.

Followed by Ghost Babies and Starving Ghosts, and the Supernatural Bus.

After that came the Ghost Cupboard, Ghost Smiling Face, Ghost Eyes, the ghosts whose supernatural powers he had stolen.

Si Ye soon had a bold guess in his mind.

The distance between the supernatural mirror in the village and Si Ye should be related to the relationship between the two parties and the degree of terror.

The ghost father changed Si Ye's cognition and was the source of identity between Si Ye and other ghosts. Therefore, he was the closest to Si Ye and was also the first to be discovered by Si Ye.

As for the bride, she is also very close to Si Ye because of her ghost father.

Coupled with Si Ye's groom's uniform, the two formed a puzzle of each other, so they were at about the same distance from Ghost Dad.

Then there is the old man, who is not less scary.

And the concept has also been changed, but because it does not have as much contact with Si Ye as the bride does, it is in third place.

Next comes the supernatural bus, the starving ghost, and the ghost baby.

The ghost baby was fed by Si Ye, and now the relationship is equally close.

The ghost baby is a starving ghost, and Si Ye has obtained the supernatural powers of the ghost baby and the starving ghost by using the trick.

But because ghost babies are not real ghosts, the fourth-stage ghost baby Si Ye stole has been eaten by starving ghosts.

Therefore, ghost babies and starving ghosts belong to a very special state.

The ghost babies Si Ye stole came from starving ghosts, but not all of them were starving ghosts.

Si Ye's current identity is that of the driver of the supernatural bus, and he has also obtained the other party's supernatural power.

This leads to the fact that buses, starving ghosts, and ghost babies are in similar positions.

Finally, there are ghost eyes, ghost cupboards, etc. Si Ye has only obtained some supernatural ghosts by tricking others.

"The closer a ghost is to me, the closer the relationship is with me, but what's the point?"

Although Si Ye guessed this, he still felt puzzled.

Except for the ghost father and the bus, which can be said to be curses, the other ghosts are the supernatural beings that Si Ye took the initiative to use on them.

That is to say, the bride's relationship with Si Ye is a special puzzle.

Si Ye continued to look into the distance, wanting to see if there were more existences.

For example, some of the fierce ghosts that I have seen, or the ghost controllers that I have fought against.

However, except for the fierce ghost who was taken advantage of by Si Ye, there were no more figures in the town.

"Is it strange? It seems that I have triggered the killing pattern of a certain evil ghost in this village, but why haven't I been attacked?"

Si Ye observed the surrounding situation with curiosity on his face.

That is, Si Ye, if another ghost controller saw this scene, he would be so frightened that he would run out in a hurry.

Even experienced ghost controllers who are not afraid of supernatural events now have to evacuate outside carefully.

However, Si Ye was not that worried. With the existence of the bus, no matter how bad his condition was, as long as he could summon the bus to the Caesar Hotel, he would be fine.

When the time comes, release the bride and hold hands with her to help her suppress her own condition.

And even if they don't find a bride, the ghost father and the old man will ensure that Si Ye will not die according to their rules as fathers and masters.

Although they don't have supernatural protection, there is no big problem in helping Si Ye suppress the evil ghost and revive him.

But relatively speaking, it is more suitable to find a bride.

The bride has a supernatural power that can protect her consciousness, and she can also recruit ghosts to control the evil ghosts in Si Ye's body to help him balance his own state.

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