The New Order of Azeroth

Chapter 228: Holy Light's Approval

"Light...I...!" Old Fording still had the last trace of hesitation in his heart.

Vanessa snapped, "Why are you still hesitating? He waited for a long time and called out His name!"

Old Fording's emotions were completely mobilized by her, and he raised his hands above his head: "I call your name, help me again, Holy Light!—!"

Excited emotions broke through the knots in my heart, and the holy light that was as strong as the essence spewed out from the depths of my soul, and a huge golden beam of light shot straight into the sky. Exile, misinterpretation and abuse, everything seems to be less important, Tirion Fordring saw his heart, he is still there, the Holy Light is still there, he is still a paladin who abides by the principles of the Holy Light, he Once lost, once regretted, but today, he is back!

The sky seemed to be raining light, and Vanessa had to take a few steps back. There was no conflict between the holy light and the way of nature, but it was not a family, so it was definitely right to stay away.

The light rain lasted for a full three minutes, which not only restored old Fording to his original state, but also allowed him to take a big step forward on the original basis.

"Congratulations, High Lord." She said softly.

Old Fording knelt on one knee: "Your Highness, thank you for your assistance, Tirion Fording is willing to fight for the Menethil family!"

Vanessa was very happy. The old man chose not to be loyal to her, but to the Menethil family. It sounded almost meaningless, but this was far beyond expectations. She originally estimated that the other party would only be loyal to the country of Lordaeron. Allegiance, now is undoubtedly a big step forward.

"It is an honor for the Menethil family, High Lord." Vanessa accepted the allegiance on behalf of the family.

Using the banner of Lordaeron to recruit the strongest paladin in Azeroth, Vanessa did not get carried away, she still remembers her mission.

After learning that she was fully exercising power on behalf of Princess Calia, Tirion Fordring also began to think about the revival of Lordaeron, where and where to start, all of which needed to be considered.

"Lord, I don't know how to fight, and I will need your assistance in all military matters."

Vanessa's positioning for herself is quite clear, she can manage the logistics well, and she will definitely not be able to fight with tens of thousands of people.

She knew some military theories from her previous life, but that was limited to knowing that she knew the term "Blitzkrieg" and could write four ways of writing in four languages: Common Human Language, Night Elf Language, Tauren Language, and Orc Language! But does it have an egg?

She can only stay in the village and fight tough battles, but this requires a lot of soldiers and logistical equipment, which she lacks right now.

Cirvanas is different, he is a serious high elf ranger general, a veritable soldier, he has fought against trolls for thousands of years, and he is good at winning more with less. Alsace has too many troops, and it is not certain who will win the battle of Silvermoon City!

If Vanessa led troops to fight Cirvanas, it would be impossible for a rookie like her to win against them. She would simply send them off and die as many people as she wanted. Now she must rely on Tirion Fordring in the military.

Old Fording has fought all his life, and he is definitely not as long as Cirvanas before he joined the army, and he even got a fraction of it. However, the commander of the elf ranger general is limited, and every time there are small-scale interspersed battles of dozens or hundreds of people, Sylvanas probably wouldn't be able to do large-scale legion battles, after all, the high elves didn't have that many people.

However, wars with thousands of soldiers on the human side happen from time to time. They use their own strengths to overwhelm the past and avoid small-scale interspersed battles with the opponent. Vanessa believes that Old Fording's military ability will not be inferior to Hill's. Vanas.

"Your Highness, I haven't paid attention to the outside world for a long time. I don't know what His Highness is going to do?" Old Fording said modestly. In fact, he doesn't know anything about the outside world, but he needs to know Vanessa's goal. Only in this way can we decide the direction of our next work.

"Destroy the Forgotten, rebuild Lordaeron and Northrend, these three tasks are my mission! My plan is to take three steps, expel or destroy the Forgotten, and then restore Lordaeron to the homeland , and finally gather the power of the human kingdoms, gather a large army, and conquer Northrend in the north!"

Her tone was contagious, and Old Fording fell silent.

He was in favor of the Northern Expedition to Northrend, and the restoration of Lordaeron just now agreed, so an urgent question arose, how to deal with the Forsaken.

"Your Highness thinks that the Forsaken can be expelled?" he asked.

Vanessa thought for a while: "I don't rule out this option, exile them to Outland or somewhere farther away. But I think it is difficult, they will not give up the land they occupy now. The role of the Forsaken is difficult to define, they Many people were commoners of Lordaeron before, but now they are out of the control of the Lich King and their original memories have been restored, should we destroy them? But if we keep them, what about those who are still alive?"

She did not shy away from this issue, but brought it up for discussion from the very beginning.

"They polluted this land. No matter who they were before or how prominent they were, they are already dead. The dead should go to the place where the dead gather, and should not occupy the land of the living. Those who are willing to surrender should be exiled. Kill if you want."

After listening to her narration, Old Fording's first impression was that His Highness's thoughts were too radical, and he vaguely felt that he was very similar to Alsace before he became the Lich King. , the character of never turning back if you don't do it.

He and Thrall's advisor Eitrigg are good friends, and he can think of the importance of the Forsaken to the Horde from a strategic point of view. Of course, he also knows the importance of Lordaeron to the Alliance.

If there was no revival of, he would have kept himself neutral, but the **** decides the head, and his position has changed now.

He is the lord of Lordaeron, he has fought for this country all his life, how could he say that he is neutral at the critical moment of the restoration of the country? This is impossible!

Regarding the restoration of the country, even though he knew that it would cause disputes between the alliance and the tribe, he was still ready to do it. Glory has no borders, but he has borders.

After thinking about the matter from several angles, he confirmed his position, what are you afraid of, fight!

In this respect, this old soldier is much more decisive than Jaina.

The orc is not satisfied, just hit it! It's not that I haven't played!

Friendship is friendship, country is country, and he is not afraid of war.

"I fully support His Highness's decision. The steps of eliminating the Forsaken, restoring the country, and the Northern Expedition are completely feasible." He said with certainty.

Gaining Old Fording's approval, Vanessa felt that she had already taken the first step towards victory.

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