The New Order of Azeroth

Vol 2 Chapter 535: after the war

Looking at the still majestic Icecrown Fortress, Vanessa ordered, "Order the whole army to guard all the exits of the fortress and the exits outside the glacier. I don't want to see an undead leave Icecrown Glacier."


Icecrown Fortress is a layer of encirclement, and when it expands to the entire Icecrown Glacier, it is another layer of encirclement. Even the sea area further north of Icecrown Glacier has hundreds of warships patrolling uninterruptedly. In order to kill the remaining undead as much as possible.

Unsurprisingly, the venture capital company and the goblin death knight had a fight because of the uneven distribution of spoils. In the end, the two sides reached a harmony somehow. Vanessa quietly released the goblins after the two parties handed over the road money as agreed.

The remaining undead are not so lucky. Those who were burned to death, those killed by the coalition forces, those who were crushed to death by tanks, and those who lost the Lich King's mental control and died suddenly. There are a variety of ways to die, Ai Ze The number of Rath's undead is disappearing at an extremely fast speed.

The end of May 27 at Kuromon.

The battle on Icecrown Glacier is officially over, and the exact number cannot be counted, but the coalition forces burned more than 300,000 corpses in the fort alone. The stage of history.

Are there any remaining undead? There are no absolutes in the world, Vanessa thinks there are, the Icecrown Glacier is too big, there are mountains besides mountains, as long as those undead who have regained their consciousness are not stupid, they can find a cave or an ice hole to hide, and the undead don’t need to eat There is no need to sleep, let alone the low temperature here. On a vast glacier, the coalition forces can't find them at all.

After the victory of the coalition forces, they were a little relaxed. Even the strict military orders could not restrain every soldier. There were always some lucky ones who escaped because of this, but the number was definitely not many.

The entire area of ​​Icecrown Glacier has been sealed up by Vanessa. It has been eroded by the power of death too severely. Nature needs to slowly recover its vitality. This time will take at least thirty years.

After the war, the kings and leaders of the allied forces met in New Hearthglen to study how to deal with Northrend in the future.

It is said to be a meeting, but in fact it is to divide up the spoils and divide the territory.

Howling Fjord, Grizzly Hills and Dragonblight, as well as the sealed Icecrown Glacier are Lordaeron.

Dalaran occupies Crystalsong Forest, where you can study magic safely when you are free. Quel'Thalas occupies Zul'Drak, and the blood elf mages believe that this is also a magic node. They can use part of the well water from the sunwell to create a miniature sunwell. Dwarves are more interested in the minerals and historical monuments of the Storm Peaks.

Gilneas occupies half of the Borean Tundra in the southwest of Northrend, close to the coastline. Just relying on the products of the Gilneas Peninsula is not enough to maintain Gilneas' status as a big country. Their peninsula has no strategic space. If you want to go to war with Lun, then you need to 'come out', and the Borean Tundra is a good choice. At the same time, the night elves and the Cenarion Council occupy the other half of the Borean Tundra.

Many druids are interested in the environment of the Borean Tundra, and they are planning to set up a paramilitary organization called the Rendehui here.

The main reason why Lordaeron did not set foot in the Borean Tundra is that they expanded too fast, and now they are unable to fight anymore.

Lordaeron was originally in a new state, and he had reached his limit by gritting his teeth to kill the Lich King, and his national power could not develop the Borean Tundra at all.

Thassarian, the death knight who caused the rebellion before, is easy to talk about, but Malygos, the crazy guardian dragon, is more difficult to deal with.

Possessing the power of the titan of Norgannon, Malygos is actually stronger than the Lich King. The body of the guardian dragon is impeccable, and the power of the titan is extremely tyrannical. As the controller of the entire magic net of Azeroth, Malygos Si's use of magic has also reached its peak. Vanessa is really unwilling to deal with such a powerful enemy. It is best to wait for the dragon army to attack, and she can just lie on the side and win.

The issue of the Borean tundra was temporarily put on hold, and Vanessa used New Hearthglen as the central city for Lordaeron to rule Northrend.

New Hearthglen is a rare ice-free port in the Keel Wilderness. The sea transportation is well developed, and the land transportation is also very convenient. It can control the land in the east-west direction. Vanessa discussed with a bunch of officials for several days before finally deciding future Northrend development plans.

There are very few nobles who are willing to give up their homeland and come to Northrend, so the ruler will save trouble and directly develop the land in the name of the country.

In the next three years, Lordaeron will immigrate 100,000 people to Northrend. It seems like a lot. In fact, this number of people will only occupy a few towns with convenient transportation in the vast and boundless Northrend. The rest of the area cannot be developed at all. .

If you want to develop Northrend to the extent of the Eastern Kingdoms, it's really a lifetime series.

On the last day of the ten-day conference, under the initiative of Lordaeron, led by Lordaeron, Khaz Modan, Quel'Thalas, Gilneas, Dalaran, Night Elves, Cenarion Council even included To participate in the war, only a few warships were dispatched, but with the help of Vanessa who opened the back door and forced to join Kul Tiras, eight forces signed a contract to establish the Northern Endless Sea Treaty Organization.

This military organization and alliance has nothing to do with the Horde, and is only responsible for resolving matters related to Northrend, not involving the Eastern Kingdoms and Kalimdor.

When foreign enemies invade or their territory is invaded, all allies will form a military alliance to jointly eliminate internal and external forces that can threaten the security and stability of Northrend.

The first thing Pact needs to deal with almost pops out on its own with a can't-wait attitude.

"What? The furbolgs attacked our convoy? They don't want to live anymore!" On the eve of Vanessa's preparation for returning to China a not-so-good news came to her.

The furbolgs in the Grizzly Hills attacked the human transport convoy several times in a row. What's more, they also invaded the human town's sphere of influence. The meaning of provocation was very obvious. The local garrison asked the regent for his opinion.

Vanessa thought for a while. The furbolg seemed to be quite honest before. The human strongholds in the Grizzly Hills were all in the west near Dragonbone Wilderness, while the furbolg settlement was in the east, and the two sides were far apart.

The furbolg is the traditional ally of the night elves, and the furbolg itself is the descendant of the giant bear demigod Ursoc. For druids, this matter needs to be cautious.

Before Vanessa wiped out Yogg-Saron and transplanted Vordrassil, she once went to Grizzly Hills to take a look. At that time, she felt that the furbolg had got rid of the whispers of the ancient gods and was slowly recovering its sanity, so she did not continue to observe , Are these guys crazy again now?

She discussed with Fandral Buckhelm, who had been accompanying her vegetable son recently, and then called the Tauren Archdruid Hamuul Rune Totem, and the three rushed to Grizzly Hills together.


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