The New Order of Azeroth

Vol 2 Chapter 644: Unprecedented Allied Forces

Vanessa has the authority of a high-level guardian. As soon as she got the authority, she took over the Furnace of Origin and the Furnace of Will. When she was doing information comparison, she discovered that the Virgin of Purity had broken away from Odile's corruption. Control of the guardian system.

Who is controlling the Virgin Mary? The answer is self-evident, except for N'Zoth, there is only the Azeroth Titan who has not yet been fully born.

The birth process of Star Soul was very long. During this process, Star Soul was not unconscious, and she saw a lot of knowledge in Argus' memory.

Azeroth is guarding against her, especially since she also received the Origin Furnace that can instantly destroy all life in Azeroth, this fear is getting stronger and stronger.

It doesn't matter right or wrong, tigers can tolerate some small bugs around them, but they won't let giant wolves appear in their own territory.

Vanessa has grown too big and too dangerous for Azeroth.

The nine seats in the Pantheon represent the nine Titans in this world.

The six titans represented by Aman'Thul have lost their bodies. Having a body and not having a body are two concepts. Aman'Thul and the others can no longer return to their full glory.

There are only two and a half titans who still have a body. One is Sargeras. This boss is too fierce and his rank is too high. Move, her target can only be placed on Argus, who makes him weak...

The remaining half is the titan Azeroth that will be born someday in the future. If this titan is really the strongest titan at birth as prophesied, will the rest of the titans have to obey her orders?

Six titans become star souls, and the strongest one is about to be locked up. Vanessa is the only titan as long as the doves occupy the magpie's nest.

Her solution is N'Zoth! As long as N'Zoth is still alive, the titan star soul on this planet cannot be conceived.

If the Titan Star Soul is not born, the corresponding Titan cannot be born.

In her opinion, N'Zoth is a good helper. Although he also has some minor problems of the ancient gods, he is much more stable than those comrades in arms. Even a hundred million years cannot be born.

Vanessa finally reached a tacit understanding with N'Zoth, she turned a blind eye to the existence of this ancient god, and N'Zoth hid the body that was about to be broken again, and continued to use his previous strategy , Bewitching those powerful intelligent life in the dark, looking for work for Azeroth.

There is no peace in Azeroth, and En'Zoth is always hiding in the dark to plan a conspiracy. She can also slowly absorb the power of the Titans in Argus, and complete the plan to occupy the magpie's nest, and everyone will achieve a win-win situation!

Vanessa left the bottom of the sea very quickly. She didn't tell the Alliance tribe about it, but the Naga still dispatched from the deep sea one after another. They rolled up the monstrous waves, attacked the demons in the coastal area, and provided support to the Alliance tribe.

The Alliance attacked south from Ironforge, the Horde attacked north from Stranglethorn Valley, and the Naga attacked all the demons on the coastline. The three parties joined forces to kill the demons that entered Azeroth little by little.

With the arrival of Lordaeron's reinforcements, Ironforge's defenses were instantly upgraded, and the originally extremely strong fortress has now become a super fortress.

Dwarf musketeers, various bombs of dwarves, plus human archers, even demons with amazing defenses, were beaten to death in front of the iron wall.

Three hundred dwarf paladins joined the Knights of the Silver Hand. Old Fording personally went into battle, armed with Ashbringer, and led the knights to move around in the demon army.

King Genn Greymane of Gilneas no longer concealed their werewolf identities. More than 10,000 werewolves roared into the demon army, biting their hands and gnashing their teeth. Relying on the manic force of nature in their bodies, they killed several times. Piercing the enemy line, the commander of the demon legion is the primary target of the werewolves.

King Wa didn't stay in the rear too much, and led the last elite of the Stormwind Kingdom to join the battle after three days of repairing. He held the shield of Aggramar in his left hand and Saramani with his right hand. Kill Antoran's ruling council, General Erodus, one of the Big Three.

Mage, priest, ranger, and many thieves are active on their respective fronts.

SI:7 rescued its leader, Mathias Shaw. This great thief knew that his fall had caused irreparable damage to the Stormwind Kingdom. Counterattacked, and caused untold damage to the logistics of the demon army.

Malfurion led a large number of druids to the Dusk Forest through the Emerald Dream, and they cooperated with the remaining Night Watchmen in Night Town to kill countless demons.

The alliance was either defending or attacking, and as reinforcements arrived one after another, it not only stabilized the situation on the front line of Ironforge, but also fought the demons for several rounds. Even though the army was superior, the Burning Legion did not break through this line line of defense.

The Horde also received new support.

Vanessa's divorce plan ended in failure. Under the active mediation of Thrall, the tauren chief Kane Bloodhoof and the troll chief Vol'jin led their tribes to Stranglethorn Vale to join the battle. He used this troll city as his base, and repeatedly fought with demons in the jungle. Now not only has he completely occupied Stranglethorn Valley, but he has also pushed the battle line toward the Twilight Forest for more than 30 miles.

The night elves did not fight their old rival orcs in the Twilight The two sides cooperated with each other, like a comb, they combed the entire demon army in this area three times.


The Burning Legion is mobilizing troops from all over the universe. Azeroth wants to fight, Shattrath wants to completely capture the outer domain, and the Legion of the Holy Light wants to fight. They need soldiers everywhere. Consciously affected his hometown Argus.

Many of Argus' demons have been transferred away, and the battle between Argus the Titan's destroyer and his "inner demon" Vangus has also entered the second stage.

From not believing, to telling a lie a thousand times, repeatedly, and constantly, coupled with the influence of Y'Shaarji's heart, Argus has gradually believed that he does have such an inner monologue. From the inner monologue, he Learned a new term, called heart demon.

It is not unbelievable that there is a demon in his heart. Argus has been ruled by the Burning Legion for countless years. It is reasonable for him to have a demon in his heart.

As a life form born from the will of the planet, his will is as firm as a rock, and negative emotions cannot be personified like Vanessa. The ancient gods do not have this ability, let alone the Heart of Y'Shaarj that has become a prop .

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