The New Order of Azeroth

Vol 2 Chapter 668: legion of hope

Five days later, Archimonde brought Kil'jaeden, and after some earnest talks, Kil'jaeden also received 10% of the Titan's power bestowed by Vanessa.

Ten days later, Prophet Velen came to visit Lady Hope.

She gave away more than half of the Titan's power, and she was almost finished, so she really couldn't give away half of it, so let's use half of it for living!

Vanessa's energy consumption is too great. If it were not for the supplement of various pure Agnit crystals some time ago, she would not be able to make it to the end.

"I'm so sleepy...I must take a break...The hope of the universe is on you."

Ms. Hope fell into a deep sleep, and the three eredar consuls who had benefited began to form the Legion of Hope with eredar people as the backbone.

Sargeras' thoughts crossed most of the universe with great difficulty after Vanessa fell asleep for a hundred years, projecting his own voice to Argus.

If you have a body, you don't need to bother at all, but now everyone has become a level 1 trumpet, and a clever woman can't cook without rice. No matter how exquisite the skills are, no matter how high the realm is, it's useless without energy.

Miss Lula immediately activated Vanessa's backhand, the planet's will automatically counterattacked, and Sargeras's mind was directly stripped of more than 90% of its energy.

There was only an empty shelf left, and before he could say a word to the three people in power, he was slapped to death by Archimonde.

The energy response is too weak! Eredar is very popular, and he often encounters this kind of solicitation. Archimonde has no idea that in many timelines, this idea is his boss. He thought where did this come from? .

Without the eredar people as the backbone, without the two invincibles Archimonde and Kil'jaeden, Sargeras' plan to rebuild the Burning Legion fell through more than half.

He searched the universe for hundreds of years, and finally found Annihilan, also known as the abyss lord. Find the Nathrezim, commonly known as the Dreadlord.

Afterwards, they recruited a large group of destroyers who brought their own dry food to join them. These races are experts in murder and arson, and they are all demons among demons. Going to fight Argus and Eredar is courting death!

Sargeras is very aware of the strength of his two right-hand men, which is really nothing to him, but from the perspective of mortals, they are definitely the strongest under the Titans, and he is more aware of the fighting ability of the Eredars , these demons are overlords on their respective planets, but if they are thrown at Argus, there will probably be two big splashes.

Sargeras brought all these demons back to Azeroth, but after that? He also felt very distressed.

Vanessa's own potential is far inferior to Mr. Sa's, but the start is much smoother than him. Argus has no troubles. He integrates the power of the planet and arranges future tasks. After that, he can go to sleep and enter the second stage of recovering his own strength.

Mr. Sa can't do it, he's always hating the ancient gods!

Y'Shaarj, Yogg-Saron, these guys are all in Azeroth.

He has absorbed the essence of Azeroth, and naturally he has to deal with these enemies.

Shaking hands with the ancient gods? Vanessa could do it, Sargeras couldn't.

beat! Beat to death.

Many trolls bowed their heads and surrendered, and the most powerful Zandalari trolls also knelt in front of Sargeras to express their submission.

To be honest, he looked down on the trolls everywhere in Azeroth at this time, but now he can only make up with these races.

After Annihilan and Nathrezim, as well as a large number of demons came to Azeroth, he could finally deal with this group of bug-like Old Gods.

The ancient gods were not vegetarian either. All kinds of void passages were opened, and they mobilized a huge number of faceless men and void creatures, as well as those messy Zerg, and the elemental army as servants. The battle on the planet did not stop for a moment. Azeroth can be described as hot water.

Sargeras knew he had a bad start, but he was confident of defeating Vanessa.

A protracted war broke out within Azeroth, and Argus also took the first step of the Legion of Hope.

The intelligent races in several surrounding galaxies have agreed to accept the help of the Eredar Hope Legion and provide certain "personnel".

Occasionally, there are people who are unwilling to pay personnel, so Archimonde will lead the team with many powerful people, so that those who are unwilling to pay personnel can experience this miserable world!

Sargeras knows the coordinates of Argus, and the boss has wandered in the universe alone for countless years. Vanessa doesn't have this knowledge. If the level is leveled, the knowledge will not be leveled.

Vanessa knows about Azeroth, but she is not sure where Azeroth is in the universe.

The only two spaceflight experiences are completely useless. She can only give an approximate location for the Eredars to find.

The distance between the two sides is extremely far, which has exceeded the limit of magic. Fortunately, science is more reliable in this respect, and the science and technology of the Eredar people are also at the first-class level in the universe. Be patient and spend some time. Azeroth can be found.

I hope that the legion will attack from all directions in the universe, and a large amount of wealth will be transported back to the home planet. Vanessa, who occasionally wakes up, sees her wealth skyrocket, the huge pressure is relieved, and the recovery speed is very fast. .....

Her instructions to the Legion of Hope are 'build high walls, accumulate food widely, and become king quickly! '

Several failed cases of the Burning Legion have proved one point, walking through the portal is really fast, but dying is also fast!

There is no use of science and technology, relying on the magic portal to go there? Isn't that stupid?

It is still her tactic against the Lich Make a stronghold, fight dumb! This time the battlefield has expanded to the entire universe. The legion will build bases along the way, build a supply city after occupying a planet, and push the front line to the gate of Azeroth!

Hope Legion's policy is undoubtedly a hundred times more enlightened than that of Burning Legion. The Eredars have taken in many vassal races, and even allied with the Star Consortium. Now they have massive resources, and they can push the front line a little bit forward.

Vanessa would like to see how a planet in Azeroth can resist an entire universe!


Fifteen thousand years passed quickly.

Azeroth has no soil for the development of space technology, and trolls, even the Zandalari trolls, cannot develop any science and technology.

Races such as Annihilan and Destroyer cannot be said to have no technology at all, but they are not proficient. They rely on their technology to sail into space. Most of the time when they sail halfway through, they will encounter Eredars in their hometown. massive invasion.

Simply, gather all the troops together and wait for the eredar to attack.

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