The New Order of Azeroth

Chapter 77: Cooperation

"I know that the kingdom owes you all. As a member of the kingdom, I also express my deep helplessness. You all know the situation at Sentinel Ridge. Internal and external pressures are great. Sheriff Grian Stallman and I have limited capabilities. , just to keep everyone from starving to death, but it is difficult to live a better life, and now Ms. Jaina is willing to give you a new choice, there is a continent on the other side of the endless sea..."

Vanessa's factual narration was neither exaggerated nor concealed, but in order to dispel the fear of several people about the Horde, she specifically pointed out that Theramore is the "city that the Horde will never attack". This will never be possible forever Yes, but from the current 25th year of the Black Gate to the 31st year of the Black Gate, Theramore was indeed peaceful during these six years.

Several women gestured to each other with their eyes, and they were a little afraid to speak.

Vanessa's power began to show after she gained the power of the flame druid. In the eyes of Aegwynn, she was just a passerby, but in the eyes of ordinary people, Miss Hope was a big shot.

Not to mention Jaina, she knew how expensive she was when she looked at the robe and the staff, and they were completely in two worlds with them.

"Don't be afraid, you can say whatever you have in mind, we don't force anyone, it's all voluntary." Vanessa said pleasantly.

Only then did the women take the courage to speak hesitantly.

"Miss Hope, I want my boy and Mr. Fabron to learn how to raise horses..."

The other one also said, "I want my daughter to become an apprentice with Mr. Nimetz."

The rest of them talked all over again, they don't care about themselves, and they will be like this in this life, but they hope that their children can have a skill that can relatively sustain their livelihood.

I want to be a mage, I want to be a knight! This is something that only the children of the great nobles can say. It is unimaginable for the common people. They have no chance to choose those extraordinary professions. Gao, if he can have a skill to support his family, he will feel at ease in this life.

Vanessa really didn't expect the problem of children's education, how to solve this problem?

Jaina spoke at this time: "Theramore also has some children, we can build a few schools to train these skills."

Azeroth has always had schools and teachers. Not a well-known spare tire, Stavin Mistmanto, who loves and hates because of love, is a teacher in a small town. Unfortunately, that small town is Yuexi Town, which Vanessa and the others currently use as their stronghold. This time it’s not the blame. This Mr. Stavin lost his job, completely changed the trajectory of his life, and has an inseparable connection with Da Fan and the Brotherhood...

There are schools, but these schools are not for ordinary people, but for the children of wealthy farmers, a bit like private schools.

As for the professional technical school Jaina is talking about now? Vanessa has never seen it.

The knowledge of mages cannot be popularized, just like Vanessa will not pass on her druid abilities to outsiders at will. It is difficult to learn on the one hand, and monopoly is on the other. The streets are full of mages. Who will farm and weave Cloth?

In reciprocation, Jaina did not forget Vanessa's credit, so she prepared to pay for it herself, and set up a school in Theramore and Westfall to teach common people literacy, and then learn some professional skills.

Funded entirely by her, both schools bear Vanessa's name.

It's called Hope Primary School, of course, it can be called Hope Primary School...

After dispelling their worries, five of the nine women were willing to take their children to Theramore. Jaina hurriedly arranged the teleportation circle, and took them back to Theramore after they finished packing their belongings.

In order to cheer up the five women and prove that they have not been abandoned, Vanessa also followed.

There was a strong arcane wave, and the two of them, plus five women and seven children, a total of fourteen people, were brought back to Theramore by Jaina using the teleportation technique.

"Uh..." As soon as she set foot on the land of Theramore, she smelled the stench in the air and the smell of burnt wood. The two smells were mixed together, which was really uncomfortable for her with sensitive senses. What a treat.

"Dustwallow Marsh has a stench for many years, but I'm used to it." Jaina smiled self-deprecatingly.

The princess and the archmage said they were used to it, and she didn't need to be delicate, she nodded slightly to show that she didn't mind, and she began to look at the city.

Rough, this is her first impression when she saw Theramore, let Vanessa do it herself, she can't even build a wooden house, but she followed Da Fan before her, she was influenced by what she saw and heard, coupled with the knowledge of her previous life, she had a high vision Right now, the city of Theramore seems to be randomly piled up with stones. It looks square, but there is no plan at all.

However, when the female mage asked her about the city, she still said a few beautiful words.

Back in Theramore, Jaina quickly called her captain, a young female warrior in half armor.

"Captain Famous, take these guys down and resettle them. From today onwards, they will be members of A few children should also pay attention, let them drink plenty of water, they just arrived , don’t eat fish and shrimp in the sea.”

Jaina is very careful and thoughtful, even taking into account the acclimatization.

Vanessa expressed her admiration, and took a random look in this port city. The handover was not completed until all five women were settled.

The basis of cooperation between the two has been further expanded. Jaina has more sailors and fewer women. Vanessa is backed by an entire continent, and women can definitely find many, but she lacks sailors. Defias thieves cannot be sailors after all. Strictly speaking, they are bandits, not pirates, and they are not professional. counterpart.

Now that the two have needs for each other, what about the sailors who look down on the widow and want to go back to the Eastern Continent? The sons and daughters of the sea, let them go back to farming, they themselves are not willing, and now they can be sent to work in the western wilderness to help Vanessa build an ocean-going fleet.

The same is true for Vanessa. Those women who have lost their husbands and cannot receive pensions can just go to another continent to start a new life. Although there will be some losses in terms of population, it is better than ignoring them.

The two took what they needed, and quickly finalized a series of cooperation plans. Next time, Jaina will not use the teleportation technique to bring people. Vanessa needs to transport people and supplies from the Eastern Continent.

The technology tree of shipbuilding has long been pointed out, even if it is not much worse than the sea overlord Kul Tiras, there are talents who are proficient in shipbuilding within the Brotherhood.

Not to mention wood, the loggers on the goblin side of Stranglethorn Vale are already hungry and thirsty. For money, even Zul'Gurub, the ancient city of trolls, dared to go in. How much wood is really needed, Vanessa is ready Rely on this big order to appease these greedy guys.

All she needs now is professional nautical talent.

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