Xie Lengyun's city is now peaceful, and the people are living in peace and tranquility again.

Now Xie Lengyun's thoughts are focused on his career. A large number of robots are used in clothing production lines and electronic production lines. The output and quality of those industries are booming and changing with each passing day. It simply shocked the eyes of a group of colleagues in the industry.

Clothing and electronic products are continuously sent to all parts of the world. Mingzhou's business also tends to be balanced.

The planes led by Xie Lengyun and Zhang were flying continuously in the air without any rest.

Xie Lengyun wanted to bring back the workers and farmers in Mingzhou. Using those robots would save a lot of manpower and material resources. Now those who have left their hometowns can return to their hometowns, reunite with their families, and enjoy family happiness.

However, when Xie Lengyun made such a suggestion, everyone who went to Mingzhou to work shook their heads, but did not want to return to their hometown, including Tian Biao and Wang Lin. Xie Lengyun and Leader Zhang were very surprised.

The reason why the local people in Mingzhou are poor is actually because they do not make good use of the natural resources where they are. Few people develop in the agricultural field, because the local agricultural development is particularly backward, and people do not have relevant technology, let alone relevant knowledge. tool. China is a big country that has attached great importance to agriculture since ancient times. After seeing the natural advantages that Mingzhou has, of course it wants to make use of these advantages to make a fortune. That's why 100,000 Chinese people came to Mingzhou to engage in agricultural planting. work.

When the Chinese arrived in Mingzhou, they discovered that the local people were still using very traditional farming methods. Therefore, the agricultural products grown were generally of low quality and low yield. However, through the professional skills of relevant Chinese personnel and various aspects of After the help, local people have ushered in good development in agricultural cultivation.

In this case, in addition to the good economic income brought by some people in China from growing vegetables in Mingzhou, it also brought many benefits to the local people.

It has been many years since Chinese people came to Mingzhou to grow vegetables. Logically speaking, they should return to their homeland when they are making money. But what is more surprising is that only a few of them have returned to China. A large number of Chinese people have chosen to stay in Mingzhou for development.

If you want to know the reason, you can find out through the answer of the Mingzhou woman. The first reason is that many Chinese people pay more attention to their families. Wherever they start a family, they will want to place their career center.

Although Mingzhou women have extremely dark skin, they also have many advantages. For example, they are particularly kind and hard-working, and they treat their husbands very considerately. They don't need high betrothal gifts, and they are not materialistic.

This is because the development of Mingzhou itself is relatively poor, coupled with ideological reasons, the status of women is particularly low. There are also some Mingzhou areas that allow a man to marry multiple wives. This makes Mingzhou women marry locals and live a very difficult life. not happy.

China is different. Chinese men are very single-minded, especially after getting married. They are all affected by Chinese laws and hope to grow old with their significant other.

When many Chinese people arrived in Mingzhou, they discovered that women from Mingzhou can be married without spending a lot of money, and they are really very sensible after getting married, which makes Chinese men who marry Mingzhou women special. many.

After Chinese men get married and start a business, they will naturally be willing to develop in Mingzhou because they have their families in Mingzhou. Especially after they have children, they will stay in Mingzhou because they have careers, wives and children. In Mingzhou.

Chinese museums are more peace-loving in terms of foreign policy and Chinese people's thinking. The reason why they stayed away from China and arrived in Mingzhou was largely due to work.

For example, in Mingzhou, in addition to some professionals who help local people gain harvest in agriculture, there are also many architects, engineers, and many Chinese doctors.

They were able to show their professionalism when they were in Mingzhou. When faced with the hardships Mingzhou people encountered and when they needed help, the local Chinese people would come forward. Therefore, in Mingzhou, whether they want to work in the local area Whether you are looking for a partner or want to do something, you can get help from Mingzhou people.

This is all because the people of Mingzhou have great trust in the Chinese. For example, many Chinese people arrived in Mingzhou many years ago, which helped Mingzhou gain a lot of benefits. They understood that in the process of agricultural production, if diseases occurred How to deal with pest disasters?

How to increase crop yields, etc. The reason why girls in Mingzhou are willing to marry Chinese men is because they see many advantages of Chinese people. By analyzing the reasons why many Chinese people come to Mingzhou to grow vegetables and why they are unwilling to return to China after many years, we can know that Mingzhou still looks particularly poor and backward, in sharp contrast to other places.

But Mingzhou also has many advantages. Chinese people are willing to live in Mingzhou all the time. Of course, this is because life there is particularly comfortable and they do not have to bear the pressure of high car loans, housing loans, etc. Life is naturally very nourishing.

Leaders Xie Lengyun and Zhang knew that Chinese people like to take root in Mingzhou, so they focused on the construction of Mingzhou. Let it become their permanent production base.

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