The Only Male Protagonist

The Only Male Protagonist Chapter 322

The living room decorated in western style is very spacious. There are LCD TV and TV table inside. Inside the TV table are game consoles and games, animated high-definition BD discs, etc. The wooden floor is covered with carpets with red patterns. There is a glass low table on the table, and on the table is a running laptop. Before that, Yamada Fairy should have written light novels here.

Obviously, I also used the computer to code the words, but last time I handwritten the manuscript for Yuki Rito.

It seems that in order to make Yuki Rito believe in her second skill - [Complete the original summoning], Yamada Goblin has worked hard.

"The working environment is not bad."

Compared with the so-called neat and elegant, such a casual layout is more relaxing. Yuki Rito, who was fortunate enough to visit the girl's house, did not hesitate to praise her.

Yamada Fairy looked very happy.

"Actually, I don't work here all the time. I usually write books in the studio on the second floor. Because I get tired of typing in the same place all the time, I sometimes come here to write."

Ordinary people can't change their mood in this way.

Yuki Rito sat down at the glass table, glanced around, and his eyes were attracted by a huge and precious thing in the room.

It was a piano, and even a layman like Yuki Rito could see that it was worth a lot.

"You, you! Looking at the piano, what are you imagining!"

The angry voice of Yamada Goblin convinced Yuki Rito that before he came, the girl played the piano here, and the so-called sacred nudity also happened here.

Yuuki Rito didn't bother to continue to defend her innocence, but looked at Yamada Fairy and said with a smile.

"Can I ask the future king of light novels, the beautiful Yamada Goblin-san, to play a song for me?"

The development of the matter was as Yuki Rito expected, Yamada Fairy didn't have much resistance to such compliments, or she didn't dislike playing the piano very much, and sat down in front of the piano without hesitation.

"Then listen with gratitude!"

Chapter 0457 see it

Melodious music is a great way to relax, especially if the performer is skilled enough.

Yamada Goblin's skills in piano are as good as her ability in light novels, they are super powerful.

At this level, maybe when the library needs piano music in the future, I can ask Fairy Yamada.

Although there are not no pianists outside the library who are comparable to Yamada Goblin, and even the library can contact several, but those people do not belong to the library after all, and Yuki Rito still prefers to use people inside the library.

"Great, relaxing music."

Yuki Rito's praise made Yamada Goblin look happy.

"Being an editor should be quite tiring. You have to answer questions for the light novelists under your command, and you also have to deal with the work of the library. In terms of physical exertion, it should be much more than a light novelist. If you feel If listening to piano music is helpful to relieve fatigue, you can also come to my residence in the future, and I will play it for you."

Yamada Goblin showed a tenderness and compassion that surprised Yuuki Rito. This attitude of thinking almost completely on the other side's standpoint was in stark contrast to Yamada Goblin's usual arrogant and bossy appearance.

It makes people feel very cute.

"Oh? I'm looking forward to it. Now, let's go. I'll take you to see Teacher Eromanga."

Just three minutes later.


Seeing Yuuki Rito stop in front of the building next to her house, Yamada Goblin was silent for a while, and then said in surprise.

"Teacher Eromanga lives next to my house?!"

"Yes, besides that, Izumi Kyoka, who is the minister's secretary in the Chiba Branch of Fantasia Library, is also responsible for taking care of her. She is her aunt. Izumi Kyoka doesn't know the hidden identity of this niece. Remember to pay attention when the time comes."

Yamada Goblin was obviously not interested in Izumi Kyoka, she didn't listen to Yuki Rito, and couldn't wait to ring the doorbell of Izumi's house.

It seems that because of the message Yuki Rito sent before, Izumi Kyoka, who knew that someone was coming to visit, didn't keep Yamada Fairy waiting for a long time, and quickly opened the door.

"Erro... um!"

The woman in front of him could tell at a glance that she was not the same age as him, so she couldn't be Teacher Eromanga.

When Fairy Yamada couldn't wait to ask where Mr. Eromanga was, Yuuki Rito covered her mouth.

He had clearly warned her before and asked her to pay attention, why did he expose the identity that Izumi Sagiri had been hiding for a long time just after meeting.

"She is Yamada Goblin, the author of Bakuyan's Dark Fairy. She is friendly. I think she should be a good friend with Izumi Sagiri."

"... Sagiri is in the room now, I have told her beforehand, so I'll go find her like this."

Seeing Yuuki Rito covering up the lovely Yamada Goblin like a fallen elf like a villain, Kazumi Kyoka tilted her head because she didn't know, and she didn't ask much, and she was about to lead the way.

Seeing this, Yuuki Rito hurriedly said.

"Ah, after all, Ms. Sagiri is a little shy. She will definitely be nervous when she sees so many people at once. Let the Yamada goblin find her by herself."


Even in her own home, Kazumi Kyoka subconsciously obeyed Yuki Rito's words and nodded in agreement without hesitation.

Only then did Yuuki Rito let go of the hand covering Fairy Yamada's mouth, and motioned her to go upstairs.

The girl gave Yuuki Rito a vicious look before leaving.

Feeling that the palm of his hand was a little wet, Yuki Rito studied it carefully, um... Maybe that guy Yamada Goblin licked his hand when he was struggling just now, right?

With Yamada Goblin going upstairs, it's now Yuuki Rito and Izumi Kyoka alone.

There is an electric stove at home, and the temperature is much higher than the outside temperature, so what Izumi Jingxiang wears is not the work suit she wears at work, but a white button-down shirt. Rito lowered his head slightly, and Yuuki Rito could even see some ambiguous things through the collar of his shirt.

"Hey, Miss Jingxiang, don't pay too much attention to these etiquettes at home. Besides, I saw it."


Kazumi Kyoka was a little confused by Yuuki Rito's last sentence, then followed his gaze and lowered her head, and suddenly saw the collar that she accidentally didn't button up because she was in an environment where there was no need to worry too much , a little flustered to tidy it up, but Nuonuo didn't speak.

The atmosphere, which would have been a little awkward, turned into an ambiguous one because of Izumi Kyoka's silent and shy appearance at the moment.

"Fortunately, I saw it, and I'm a little lucky."

Yuuki Rito held back for a long time, and choked out a sentence that was neither a compliment nor a way to relieve the atmosphere, which made Izumi Kyoka's heart beat a little faster.

"Yes, is it..."

In Izumi Kyoka's view, Yuki Rito's words are not much different from a show of love. Now she is caught in a tangle, how should she answer Yuki Rito's words, just like she thought about it for a long time before. If the result is like that, give an affirmative answer?

The other party said so implicitly, even if it is an affirmative answer, it should be more subtle.

When he was struggling with Quan Jingxiang, there was a rhythmic stomping sound from the ceiling.

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