The opponent wanted to study me, but found that I was not registered at all

Chapter 187 One after another, all are foreshadowing!

This reasoning has nothing to do with the jungler.

It can only be said that Su Can lifted this EDG to a height that it does not currently belong to.

If you change individuals on the road, it will be considered a success if you can reach the World Championship this year, and it will be considered a very good record if you can reach the quarter-finals.

This is also the current problem with the entire EDG.

I really need Su Chan to go to C.

If Su Can lost his voice in any game, it would be a bit difficult.

Of course, Su Can also won the game lying down. He didn't need to exert much effort, and his teammates gained a great advantage.

It mainly depends on the opponent.

In the case of facing a strong enemy this year, it may also be one of the two strongest opponents in this World Championship.

Su Can didn't stand up at the beginning, but after Zhongxia was arrested one after another, the rhythm suddenly became chaotic.

Belonging to be a bit confused, I don't know how to play the game next.

The opposite jungler played so well, and succeeded in two consecutive rounds of arrests.

In such a comparison, it seems that the factory manager is a bit useless.

In fact, all junglers know that it is difficult for the jungler to do things when the two lines are completely split.

The top road with the strongest legs has not been able to break through, so it is very uncomfortable.

Let the factory manager play this game so far, it seems a bit shopping.

Coupled with the fact that Qian Jue caught him and cooperated with Galio to kill a wave, the audience couldn't help but see this.

Before Su Can came out, the entire LPL still had the most fans of pigs and dogs.

Of course, more fans means more black fans, this thing is constant.

The number of pig and dog black fans can also be said to be unique.

If you don't fight well, you will naturally spray.

I feel inferior to Haro and should not be replaced.

If this game is really lost, then the public opinion is probably even more afraid to think about it.

Others have problems even in this game, but the jungler can take the blame. Thinking about it this way, it seems not bad.

"Oh, Qian Jue's development..."

The voice of the second brother couldn't help but become serious.

Qian Jue, who has two heads, is already starting to make people uneasy.

This hero takes out this kind of development, and you really can't stand it later.

Mainly for their lineup, in addition to the upper and middle ults being able to protect, Qian Jue also has an ult.

Seeing this, everyone understands why the hero Akali was released on the opposite side.

It is for you to choose.

If you take out Kindred in the last hand, it can greatly reduce the threat of your Akali.

Although Qian Jue's ultimate move is definitely longer than the CD of Akali's ultimate move, as long as Qian Jue guarantees that he has a big in the key team battle, it will be fine.

Even if the big move is easy to use, it is still developed so well.

According to his developmental situation, it is estimated that his output will be higher than that of Xia when playing in groups later.

The colonel added: "And there is bad news, Qian Jue now has three layers of imprints."

"Just now I got the first floor by killing the wine barrel, and then I came to the EDG wild area to reverse a group of F6, and directly imprinted on the third floor."

"There are three layers of imprints in the early stage, and to be honest, it is enough for Qian Jue."


Playing and playing, KT's rhythm was hardly interrupted.

Their lineup is still too proactive.

As long as the big move is turned well, it will be infinitely looking for opportunities to do it, and there will be no chance for you to breathe.

It makes sense for KT to be stronger than the other two Korean teams this year.

When I got the advantage and mastered the rhythm in the early stage, I didn't think about playing operations with you and then getting economical or something.

Instead, they kept attacking and never gave EDG a chance to develop.

The advantages continued to expand. In 20 minutes, the opposite side had already led the economy by more than 5,000.

This is still when Su Can hit the road with fifty or sixty last hits, leading the economic matchup by a lot.

Fortunately, Su Can cooperated with the factory manager here, looking for an opportunity to kill one, and got a head for Su Can.

Otherwise, the current record looks ugly.

"I think this EDG is very difficult."

The second brother couldn't be more optimistic when he saw this, and couldn't help but said: "At this point in time, it should be the period of EDG's strength, because we all know that Jess is a very powerful hero in the mid-term."

"As a result, until now, I was directly pressed and beaten by the opponent, and I couldn't find a chance at all."

"Now that Jess goes up to Poke, I don't think it hurts to beat anyone."

"Unless hitting the two opposite shooters can do some damage, if it hits Shen or Galio..."

I won't talk about the second brother later, everyone knows that Jess's game was miserable.

The hero who has reached the power stage has not suffered any damage, so one can imagine how far the situation has reached.

I used to explain the game of G2 against RNG before, and the whole audience brought Doll and Miller there and they never lost money.

The game was also rushed after the game.

It's fine if you win. It's strange that your commentary isn't overwhelmed after RNG overturned.

Now the commentary is also paying more attention. It is good to support EDG, but it should not be too abstract.

In this situation, anyone with a discerning eye can see that EDG is already very difficult.

The colonel also nodded and said: "Actually, Ohyes' development has not been affected by EDG."

"With a head on his body and a lot of supplementary damage, his development is not bad."

"But the problem is that it is very difficult for him to restore the current situation by himself."

Even if everyone knew that what the colonel said was a bit magical, they were in no mood to play games at this time.

"That's right, facing the lineup of KT, Akali is really too difficult to play."

The second brother continued: "If you want to cut double C in the later stage, the upper and middle heroes are too protective, and Luo also has a certain protective effect."

"The most terrible thing is that even if there is no one to protect them, the two heroes Qian Jue and Xia have a strong self-protection ability with their ultimate moves."

"Akali wants to go in and cut people to death, unless the opponent has handed in the big move first."

"But the current situation seems that EDG has no ability to fight back."


The two chatted for a while, probably because they realized that the chat was a bit negative.

Like this method of explanation, you will be sprayed when you turn around.

If EDG still wins in the end, then it is necessary to complain that the two commentators were biased towards the South Korean team.

The second brother quickly said: "It's just a game, it's not a big deal."

"After this round, I think the most urgent task for EDG is to quickly adjust their tactics, so that the opponent can no longer target OhYes like this."

The colonel also nodded and said: "Yes, you will find that OhYes is very uncomfortable now, and you can't use your force when you have nothing."

"KT seems to have opened up a new way of thinking. Restricting OhYes players doesn't necessarily mean targeting him."

"You don't care about him, just let him do nothing."

"Akali is a hero, it seems that the priority of this battle is not that high."

"Even I think that changing the hero in this game, giving Jess to OhYes, may not be the current situation."

"OhYes, that cannonballer Jess is very skillful and accurate."

The colonel's words sounded weird, but at this point in time, the fans were not in the mood to post barrage jokes.

Even if they lose this game, then everyone will just tie the score and get back to the same starting line.

The situation is far from that unacceptable.

This loss is not entirely a matter of strength, it can only be said that the opponent's tactics succeeded.

The problem is, fans are used to watching EDG win.

Even though Su Can was not in the game, EDG also lost a lot, and the regular season rankings were not good.

But everyone automatically ignores it.

Now that EDG loses, the undefeated golden body is broken.

Moreover, he was beaten with no power to fight back, which made everyone worried.

Could it be that the previous curse still exists, and the first LPL championship is so difficult?

In the follow-up, Su Can really wanted to restore the situation.

He also knows that he is quite behind in this game, but as long as his equipment can still keep up, there is nothing behind and he can still fight!

After the team battle started, Su Can still failed to show his performance when he entered the field.

It is very difficult for Su Can to operate this opposing lineup.

The control chain is too much!

After being hit by a control on the opposite side, it was difficult for Su Can to move.

No matter how strong the operation is, the fuck won't be able to stand being charged and unable to move.

Moreover, the damage on the opposite side is very high now, Su Can can't stand Qian Jue and Xia's output.

In order to increase the damage, he did not choose to make the Central Asia equipment too early to increase the fault tolerance rate.

After this wave of Su Can died, the other side went directly to move the dragon.

It can be seen that this wave of KT does not mean to seduce you to fight, but really wants to fight dragons directly.

The economy lead is so big, and the most useful top laner on the opposite side is still dead. If this is not the case, when will we wait?

"The factory manager has gone in, can you grab it?"

"Ah... Qian Jue directly opened the big Baolong!"

"It's really hard, and there's nothing I can do about it."

"KT played really well, and his thinking is clear at this time."

"Dalong's failure to grab it also cut off EDG's last hope of making a comeback."


The people from EDG definitely want to come and see when they see the dragon.

In many cases, there is no hope of a comeback, and the lagging behind is relatively large.

There is no way to lead in a single lane, and you can't fight in a group. It is an opportunity to fight the dragon on the opposite side.

If Dalong can be snatched away, maybe there is still a little chance.

Unexpectedly, no one was sent up to defend the director's wine barrel.

To be reasonable, at this time, the opponent's jungler must not be allowed to enter.

When many teams are in an advantage, in order to prevent you from robbing the dragon, if it seems that you can't stop you from coming down, then I simply don't fight.

KT obviously focused on Baron.

It is estimated that I am also a little worried that after sending someone up, they will be output by EDG.

After the factory manager went down, the moment he was punished, Qian Jue on the opposite side opened up.

It turned out that it was planned to open the big Baolong long ago.

Qian Jue's ultimate move is also useful for Baron, and this move has been seen many times in the game.

The factory manager could think of it, but there was nothing he could do. After he went down, he just gambled on the odds.

After the punishment was pressed, the factory manager also knew that it was meaningless for him to keep this wave.

After Qian Jue's ultimate move was over, his second punishment was not good at all, and this big dragon could only be right.

Fortunately, the factory manager came from the E skill just now.

After coming down, he quickly flashed out again, saving his life.

The opposite side didn't put too many skills on the factory manager at the first time.

To put it bluntly, all the attention was on Dalong, so the head of a wine barrel was nothing.

Seeing that KT still took Dalong, everyone knew that the game was over.

There may have been a little hope left just now, but now there is no hope at all.

It can only be said that Su Can failed to use Qian Jue's big move when he entered the arena just now, which can be regarded as a foreshadowing.

But no one blamed Su Can for losing.

Su Cannabo just now seemed more like a desperate attempt, but it gave people a sense of tragedy.

It had nothing to do with Su Can who fell behind so much before. At best, he didn't stand up and carry the game like before.

The colonel couldn't help but said: "Hey, once this big dragon is taken, KT's economic lead is almost 10,000, and it hasn't been thirty minutes yet."

"And the opponent hasn't started to use the big dragon buff to advance yet. If we push the defense tower again, we can guarantee another 3,000 yuan ahead."

As soon as the words were finished, everyone realized how exaggerated the backwardness was.

Originally, I thought that this round should be over quickly. Who wants to see their home team get beaten? There is nothing they can do.

It's better to start the next round immediately.

But now seeing that the economy is so backward, there is still a shadow in my heart.

Since this year, it will not be said whether Su Canjia will join or not.

Even when Su Can was not around, he never saw EDG being beaten so badly.

Is KT's strength still underestimated?

It was easy for EDG to win the last game, but the advantage is not to this extent.

"We still have to pay attention to the next one. I think Qian Jue can play it. We have to deal with at least one of Galio or Shen."

"Also, it's best to get a fighter for Su Can. There are still restrictions on getting an assassin."

"The priority of Kai'Sa in the bottom lane has to be reconsidered."


At this time, in the backstage lounge of EDG, everyone's mood is still stable, and they are analyzing the BP of the next game.

Generally speaking, the game is about the same, and the coaching staff will do BP in advance, no matter whether you lose or win.

It's not terrible to lose, you have to analyze the problem.

Unlike the fans, EDG is quite confident inside.

You won't feel that the opponent is stronger than you just because of a loss.

At any rate, he had won a game before. If the opponent was so good, why was he beaten so badly on the field?

You must know that everyone on the field is a regular lineup.

"Hey, whose TP is this?"

Abramovich is still staring at the game screen. It is impossible for him to be like the fans and not want to watch this kind of game that is relatively behind.

He kept staring, expressionless the whole time.

Seeing the opposite big dragon advancing, Su Can lit up a teleportation in the rear wild area.

After Shangbo rushed in first and it didn't work, Su Can knew that he couldn't play like this.

If you want to find opportunities, you have to look around.

This is also the last chance for this game. If you don't teleport over, the opponent can end the game in one wave.

"Hey, Qian Jue is very close, about to be touched by OhYes."

"OhYes's big move has also been improved."


Seeing this scene, the two commentators suddenly became excited.

Akali's third-level ult is fairly fast, and Su Can's ult has been used for a while, and now it has turned well.

Qian Jue's position was a little out of touch with his teammates, seeing Su Can slowly approaching.

The colonel excitedly said: "Qianjue just released the big dragon's big move, could it be that..."


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