What makes fans on both sides a little bit more at ease is.

There were no substitutions on either side in the second game.

Before the commentators announced that there was no replacement, fans on both sides felt that there was a replacement.

IG has always rotated on the road, and it is normal to change players after losing a game.

From last year's summer split to now, it's basically been like this.

The most coquettish thing is that EDG likes to change players after winning, which has been done many times before.

After the factory manager was replaced by KT last time, the score was almost equalized by KT. Many fans still have lingering fears.

I was afraid that EDG would start again, and I wanted to ask the factory manager to come up to fight, but as soon as I came up, things started to go wrong.

As far as the current state is concerned, the factory manager is already in the twilight years of his career, and his operations are much worse than before.

Although Haro is not considered a top jungler, everyone has seen his progress this year.

At critical moments, he is still more daring than the factory manager.

Don't say anything else, just say that the kick at the critical moment just now, the words of the factory director will definitely not come out.

Of course, if the factory manager was on board, he wouldn't use the blind monk as a hero at all.

Since the end of S6 that year, the factory manager has never used the blind man.

Fans on IG also know that Cheng Lu is definitely much more aggressive than Duke.

You said that last year, you Duke had the title of champion and top laner, so there is nothing wrong with having more chances to play.

After all, IG paid a lot of money to buy it.

Moreover, Cheng Lu is still a rookie, and her game experience is far behind Duke.

But at this stage, it still depends more on the operation.

The current state of the two people, in terms of their operating level, it is estimated that there are several Letme between them.

If there are no changes, the audience will love to watch it.

Who doesn't want to continue to see such a fierce game played on the field.

In the second game, IG still chose the blue side.

I don't know what the reason is, maybe I think that even if there is a counter seat, it is not necessarily a good thing.

On the blue side, at least some heroes with higher priority, I can get them first.

"IG took the initiative to choose the blue side, which happened to release the hero Ryze. It is estimated that they will grab Ryze."

In the second round of the final, the contestants on both sides did not change, but the commentary seats were adjusted.

The three commentaries just now are all going down, and now the Haier brothers and Changmao are pushing up.

So far, the big and small finals are still the most commented by the three of them, after all, the qualifications are here.

It is not difficult to guess IG's thinking, Miller can see it at a glance.

The result was not surprising, IG directly robbed this hero.

The hero Ryze is too important for both teams. He is very easy to use in the middle and has strong support capabilities.

At the same time, it can also swing, and this hero can be played in both upper and middle positions, and the proficiency is quite good.

IG snatched this hero first-hand, and the goal of being on the blue side has been achieved.

"Hey, this IG seems to have changed its mind. It's time to play tanks on the road."

When seeing the hero Sion come out, everyone felt that there was a high probability that IG would lock it.

Cheng Lu's performance in the World Championship this year can be said to have contributed a lot of scenes and Tianxiu operations.

Perhaps in the impression of many people, it is impossible to imagine that this person can play with meat now.

In fact, he has really played many times in the World Championship this year, basically it was Thain.

Sion is the best choice for the top tank in the current version.

Whether the team plays or not is one thing, but the coach's requirement for the top laner is that this game must be mastered.

It can also be seen from the documentary released after the IG game. The reason is that Cheng Lu opened a custom shot of Thain late at night.

In a few years, it might be hard for fans to imagine that a person who played Smash Bros. every day and performed badly had practiced so hard.

At this stage of the World Championship, Thain has played many matches plus training matches, so his proficiency is definitely no problem.

Since the IG coaching staff took out this hero, it means that they want to change their tactics.

If you can't beat Su Can as a warrior hero on the road, then play a tank and change your tactical system to fight against the opponent.

The first game was played like that and they all lost. It is hard for the coach to imagine that IG can play better in the second game. If they continue to choose that kind of lineup to head-to-head with the opponent, it is estimated that there is a high probability of losing.

"After Sion took it out, it basically cut off the possibility of Ryze swinging, and this Ryze will go to the middle."

The long-haired commentator said: "Let's see what hero OhYes uses to fight Sion."

The hero Sion may also go to the middle lane. This year, Xiaohu has played a lot of Sion in the middle lane, and the effect is quite good.

Even without the Banner of Command, this thing can go to the middle.

But everyone knows Rookie's hero pool. If you say that he will play mid-lane Thain, everyone will not believe it.

If given the lineup of EDG on the opposite side, it may be shaken a bit, Su Can can take a Thain to the middle.

Here on IG, there is no possibility.

Miller took over and said, "There are too many players who can beat Thain. OhYes, the player's hero pool is simply inexhaustible."

"I think the most perverted one might be Wei En."

"Don't tell me, it's very likely that Wei En will be chosen."

"If it doesn't work, the lineup of EDG is not lacking in output. It can't be ruled out that OhYes will use Ornn to fight against it in the top lane."

"Of course, if you just look at the heroes, Sion must be easier to fight in the lane."

"Ah? Shen?"

The three discussed vigorously, but no one thought of Shen's choice.

Once upon a time, this hero who was very popular on the road is now a bit lonely.

However, in this year's World Championship, we can still see people playing.

It will be difficult to see this hero in the top lane next year, and the probability of appearing in the jungle or support position is higher than that in the top lane.

Because starting next year, the defense tower plating will come out.

You choose a Shen level 6 and try to fly once, and the top laner directly eats Tapi with tears in his eyes.

It would be a little better to support teammates if they did something, at least they helped teammates.

If you didn't do anything and just went to save your teammates' lives, or if you went down and ran for nothing, you would be really at a loss.

14 minutes ago, let alone fly two waves.

Once these two waves fly, it's hard to say whether the defense tower is still there.

There is nothing wrong with Su Can choosing Shen to come out this time.

As the commentator said just now, this EDG lineup has no shortage of output.

There are output guarantees in the early and mid-term.

Su Can chooses a tank on the top lane, which can provide the team with a front row role.

Regardless of personal positioning, it is definitely helpful to the team lineup.

And there is another key point, it is really easy to play Shenn in the lane.

As long as E goes up, it will be difficult for Thain to avoid Shen's taunt.

The taunt stopped, A few hits with the indestructible effect, let alone a little half of the blood to fight.

From time to time, I can also support my teammates, and the teamwork is also quite good in this regard.

"Wow, both of them chose meat, and they beat so fiercely."

After entering the game, the camera quickly showed the road again.

Basically, as soon as the fight started, the camera from the director's side arrived.

What everyone didn't expect was that they all chose this kind of tank tool man, and they could still fight so passionately.

If it is put in the middle and later stages, the director may not necessarily give the shot when seeing two people so big.

Because fighting back and forth can't achieve a result, it is to brush each other's damage, and then stack it again for indestructibility.

The whole integrity is brushed against each other.

It was different in the early stage, everyone was considered meat.

If you really fight, your blood volume will drop immediately.

And after watching the two fight against each other, the baby couldn't help crying out: "Wow, Shen's damage is a bit high."

"Sion doesn't seem to be able to fight, so we have to retreat a little bit."

"The main reason is that Thain's Q didn't have enough power. In order to hit OhYes, he just lightly handled a Q, and the damage from the hit was simply not enough."

"OhYes, the Q skill is pulled over here, and the A person is more painful."

"Both of them were invincible, but it can be seen that Thain lost more blood."

"This blood volume is harmless, and Doran's shield can be returned."


After the third level, everyone has mastered all three common skills, and Su Can showed his oppressive power on the road.

When it comes to heads-up and exchange, Thain really can't beat the taunting Shen.

In the process of blood exchange, Su Can has been making money.

With the blood medicine on his body, the opposite party took the blood medicine and the blood volume was lower than Su Can's.

It can be seen that Su Can's laning is relatively successful.

But what surprised Su Can was that the one on the other side was no match.

I don't know if he was severely educated by the coach after going down, or if he also knows that it is not necessary to fight the opponent to the end when playing a tank.

When the blood volume was relatively low and he saw danger, he went back directly under the tower.

Even if this wave goes back, there will be a loss of soldiers if there is teleportation.

For a top laner with Cheng Lu's character, especially Cheng Lu in S8, it was a little unacceptable, but he still did it.

The commentators who watched the game from the perspective of God couldn't help sighing after Cheng Lu chose to go back: "Oh, fortunately he left this wave. If he doesn't leave, Haro will really come over."

"If you slow down a bit, you won't be able to go back."

"With his blood volume, Haro will definitely die if he comes. Xin Zhao's damage is very high now."

"If OhYes chooses E flash first, they won't be able to react at all."


IG's coach nodded slightly. It seems that the wave of what he said just now has an effect. At least the road is indeed much more stable.

If Xin Zhao gets the first blood in this wave, if you give Xin Zhao a rhythm, the IG lineup will be difficult to play until the mid-term.

The game went on for a few more minutes, and it was a bit depressing for everyone to see.

It's completely different from the last one. Up until now, not a single person has been killed.

The previous fight was so passionate, but the result is now like this, which makes everyone a little unbelievable.

Those who didn't know thought that two South Korean teams had come up to play the game.

The main reason is that the overall rhythm of IG has slowed down, and they don't want to keep fighting like crazy.

As long as you fight crazily, you will enter the rhythm of EDG.

In terms of fighting ability, who can beat them?

If the lineup of IG really doesn't want to play, EDG can't find a chance for the time being.

Anyone who has watched EDG's games this season knows that the main thing is to rely on Ueno to open up the situation.

Su Can is careful in this game, it is difficult to gain much advantage in the early stage, the most is to fight back the opponent, and then lead some last hits.

It is completely impossible for the opponent not to give a chance to kill solo.

In this case, EDG prefers Haro's rhythm.

The problem is that Haro's early rhythm is the same thing. He is not a jungler known for his early rhythm.

I planned to come to the road to cooperate with a wave, but the opposite side really didn't give a chance.

The three commentators were also a little embarrassed to watch.

When they watched the first game below, it can be said that they were very excited.

Among the three elders, Miller is the most passionate.

Miller really prepared some lines below when he was excited, but it turned out to be useless at all up to now.

As a commentator, I can't have any opinions on this game. From an official point of view, I said: "It can be seen that after the second round, the two sides have become more stable."

"That's right, this second move is very important to both sides."

"EDG wants to expand the score and continue their undefeated golden stature. If they lose a game, it will have an impact on them."

"It goes without saying that IG is the one behind. If they really lose one more game, the game will almost lose suspense if they fall behind 0:2."


Miller continued: "But now that both sides have big moves, I think it's time to move."

"Especially EDG, it can be seen that they still want to fight."

However, the game has always been relatively calm. Although both sides in the middle also found some opportunities, they failed to achieve any results.

"Wow, this one is really, it's too steady."

After 20 minutes of the game time, after Dalong refreshed, take another look at the current score of the two sides on the field: 2:2.

There were a total of four kills in the audience, and the distribution of two to one side was not bad.

In terms of economy, EDG is slightly ahead.

At this point in time, there were only four kills, which is not a small number.

In the extreme games on the LCK side, no one was killed for more than 20 minutes.

The problem is extremely rare for these two teams.

After reading it all at once, many people who were raving about LPL were embarrassed for a while.

I just said that the LPL game is the best. You two started Shakespeare here?

"Hey, this wave is about to fight!"

After another three minutes or so, the calm of the game was finally broken.

In this position in the middle, IG chose to start a group.

Thain found an opportunity to drive directly from the river with his ultimate move, and precisely hit Braum in the field.

For IG, as long as they can deal with one person first, it will be very profitable, and they can directly force Dalong.

After Su Can saw this, he immediately gave Tian Ye a big move.

The hero Braum looks fleshy, but he is actually not very capable.

And if you are caught at the first time, the shield cannot be opened.

If I don't give this big move, it's really possible that people will be caught in seconds.

"Shen Ye has grown up, this wave of people from both sides has arrived, and a big team battle is about to take place."

"This may be a wave of team battles that will determine the outcome of the game!"


Listening to the narrator shouting wildly, the audience got goosebumps.

Indeed, five people from both sides were present, fighting with each other.

All kinds of skills flew, but after fighting for a long time, one of them survived, and ten people pulled away, as if nothing happened.


Seeing this, the commentator was embarrassed, and the barrage couldn't hold back anymore.

The screen is full of question marks.

How about you two teams staying here for Christmas Eve?


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