
"Wave after wave!"

"Damn it, luckily I held back just now, otherwise the head would have been mine if I had taken action."


EDG's team voice is also quite lively at the moment.

Victory is close at hand, and the mood is naturally very good.

The team on the opposite side has been wiped out, and no one can stop them now.

Only one person on EDG died, and the remaining four people ended the game anyway.

Especially now, Su Can is pushing towers very quickly.

Let him go up alone. As long as there is a line of soldiers, the battle can be ended quickly.

"Let us congratulate EDG for successfully winning the first game of the finals."

"OhYes's little cannon dominates the audience. This secret weapon he used for the first time seems to be really effective now."


After the game, the commentators all praised Su Can and the rest of EDG.

No one said anything about FPX.

Mainly judging from the first game, you can't say that FPX really has any big problems.

There is no doubt that their strength is still online, and there are no obvious mistakes.

The only problem may be the choice of the stone man in the middle. If we review it again, everyone may think it is open to discussion.

When the main mid lane is targeted, you don't have much choice.

If you don't choose the stone man, what else can you choose?

If you choose other heroes, Su Can can also suppress them with a small cannon. Maybe the laning period will be even worse.

Although the Golem can't fight back when he's beaten during the laning phase, it won't be a direct hit in the laning phase.

After watching a game, it can be seen that there is indeed a gap in strength between the two teams.

When FPX was in the LPL, there was a reason why they couldn't beat EDG in the summer finals.

And it wasn't long after Su Can's comeback at that time. Compared to that time, EDG's cooperation now is definitely better.

After all, there is still a bug in Su Can, and you don't know how to solve it.

As long as the four teammates are not very cheating, he can win the game with all four of them.

What's more, the current few people in EDG are actually quite capable, and they are not a trap at all.

Even though Breath and Gala are two newcomers and still lack some competition experience, they both have potential.

And if you get here in one summer, you will naturally improve a lot.

Again, potential newcomers can indeed improve faster after joining a strong team.

Many times whether a professional player can perform well depends not only on himself, but also on his coach and teammates.

There was another troublesome point for FPX when they lost the first game, and that was the issue of confidence.

Their confidence will undoubtedly take a hit after the first game.

This kind of psychological impact cannot be comforted by your coach with a few words.

And for EDG, the two rookies will definitely be nervous in the final stage.

Although it is the first time for the five FPX players to play in the finals of the World Championship, at this level of competition, if they can play once in a lifetime, they have already surpassed many professional players.

But after all, they have been playing for many years. Except for one Xiaotian, the others have also played in the LPL for a long time. Their experience and mentality are definitely better than the newcomers.

After winning the first game, the confidence in breathing and Gala must have been a stabilizing effect.

If you fight in the future, it is estimated that the more you fight, the more confident you will be.

It is estimated that it will be very difficult for FPX to find a breakthrough in the future.

Soon, the second game started.

When the contestants came to the stage, it could be seen that the expressions of several people on the FPX side seemed not quite right.

To achieve results this year, the team atmosphere must be fine, and it is impossible to disintegrate like a few years later.

But the five people in FPX are all kinds of weirdos anyway.

Some people have obvious personality problems. In this case, the intensity and pressure given by EDG may not be so great.

But if you can't stand it, you will put pressure on yourself.

Coming to the second game, FPX took the initiative to choose the blue side.

A normal team would feel a little more comfortable on the blue side.

In the first game, in order to limit the mid laner, I chose to play on the red side, and I guess it was obvious by now.

There is no way to target Su Can.

The hero you picked later may still be difficult to beat, so the counter position seems to be meaningless.

Then switch to the blue side that you are familiar with. No matter whether it is useful or not, everyone is working hard to make changes.

There seems to be nothing strange about the BP that just came up.

FPX was on the blue side and won the hero Ryze on the first floor.

There is nothing wrong with the selection of this hero. Let’s not talk about whether it can beat Su Can, but this is definitely one of the unique skills of the big boss.

It is also the hero he has played the most this season. Titans and the like are actually not as good as this hero.

The mid laner Titan is well-known simply because he is relatively rare.

And only after you get Ryze can your roaming ability be brought into play.

It also has a strong ability to push the lane. If I can't beat you online, I just push the lane and move away.

Maybe it wasn't that abnormal in the early stage, but the hero attributes are here.

After you have a little bit of equipment, you can use your skills like crazy to clear out troops. There is no cost at all, and the opponent has no good means to stop them.

As long as you can move around in the middle, it's quite comfortable.

In this way, EDG still got Kiana on the first floor.

This hero may not be that important to EDG, but FPX must not get it.

We have already picked Ryze, and if we get Kiana for him, the BP on the opposite side will be too comfortable.

Ryze cooperates with Kiana, this midfielder is still very powerful.

Once the rhythm is really up, no matter how fierce Su Can is, he may not be able to withstand the opponent's rhythm.

Anyway, Kiana is a popular hero, so there is no problem in choosing her.

The last game happened to be in Haro's hands, and he played pretty well.

So there is nothing to say about FPX's jungle selection. Just like in the previous game, Lee Sin was still selected.

However, with Ryze able to cooperate with this one, it is still much better than the Stone Man.

Heroes like Stone Man are really a bit casual.

If something goes wrong with your ultimate, you're almost as good as having no teammates.

What everyone is looking forward to most is what hero Su Can will use to defeat Ryze.

To be fair, there are still many heroes that can be played outside in this round, even if the small cannon with five kills in the previous round has been banned.

However, in everyone's opinion, even if the opponent is not banned, Su Can probably will not choose the same hero continuously.

"Hey, Yasuo?!"

On the third floor of the red side, which is also the last pick in the first round, EDG directly locked in Yasuo.

It just so happened that Su Can was in the mid lane position, and Yasuo was locked in by himself.

As soon as Yasuo was selected, one can imagine the overwhelming response.

There is no way, this orphan hero is too popular.

And there is a bonus for Su Can to choose this hero. After all, it has its own champion skin.

Unlike some previous teams who liked to use Yasuo to tease the audience, choosing Yasuo in EDG is very straightforward.

Basically, once it’s revealed, everyone knows it’s stable.

Then without thinking, it was locked directly, without giving the commentators a chance to guess.

That's fine, the provincial commentators get slapped in the face from time to time.

After seeing Yasuo's hand, Miller couldn't help but said: "Don't tell me, Yasuo's choice is actually not bad."

"That's right, at least in the early stage when Ryze played Yasuo, it wasn't that comfortable online."


Between the two heroes, Yasuo's biggest advantage in the early stage is that he doesn't need mana.

At this point, Yasuo is ahead of many mage heroes.

Ryze is a hero who needs blue very much. In the early laning, if the skills are used frequently during the blood exchange, then Su Can will definitely not be able to push the line.

Speaking of which, the hero Yasuo is also very fast in pushing lanes.

The unreasonable EQ slides back and forth twice, and the line of soldiers is basically gone.

And everyone knows Su Can’s Yasuo.

In his hands, Yasuo has a high chance of taking advantage in the early stage.

As long as Yasuo develops well, Ryze will still be equally difficult to beat later.

If two people are duel, Yasuo, who has the upper hand, really doesn't care too much and can easily kill you.

Moreover, everyone can see that Kiana and Yasuo are quite an impactful combination.

The ultimate moves can be coordinated together.

Although it's the same as the previous game, it's AD damage, but it's just violent enough.

Even if Ryze uses Bing Xin's stuff and takes advantage of Kiana and Yasuo's ultimate moves, there will still be problems.

The big guy kept saying something at this time and kept moving his mouth. Maybe it was the midfielder combination of EDG that made him feel some pressure.

In the second round of BP, both sides were mainly targeting the top lane position.

Especially for FPX, knowing that your midfielder and jungler are out, both ban positions are given to the top laner.

"Bobby, this top laner is fine too."

"During team battles, you can look at the usage of his ultimate move. If Poppy's ultimate move can take away one or two key players, then FPX's team battles will be relatively easy to win."

"But be careful with Yasuo's presence. Yasuo's wind wall can block Poppy's ultimate move."


When I saw FPX choose Poppy for the top laner, the commentator also felt that it was okay.

It can be seen from this final that the preparations of the coaching teams on both sides seem to be pretty good.

During the selection process of the two consecutive games, there were points that made everyone's eyes shine.

In the last game, FPX chose a popular top laner like Angel for Jin Gong.

Both sides banned top laners in this game. With many strong top laners gone, this may be good news for FPX.

Poppy came directly, and the top lane began to return to the role of tool man.

Jin Gong is a person who has always been able to withstand pressure.

When the team needs it, he can step up and play for Kerry.

If he is required to withstand pressure and act as a tool, that is his duty.

Poppy's ultimate move is still quite crucial, especially for heroes like Kiana. If you beat one away, it will be of great help to your side in the team battle.

The only problem is Yasuo's ultimate move. This depends on the game between the two parties.

When the time comes, let’s see who can resist using their skills first.

The only question now is to see what hero EDG's top laner uses to defeat Poppy.

Their last counter position was reserved for the top laner.

EDG was also discussing, but when they saw the smile on Su Can's face, everyone became more and more excited.

What is the choice for breathing? How can you smile like this?


When he saw the green steel shadow on the fifth floor, the second brother couldn't help but frown.

It is actually possible for Qinggangying to fight these tank heroes in the top lane, after all, there is real damage.

When the second stage Q hits the tank with the flat A, many times it is still difficult to understand.

It's just that when facing Bobby, Qinggangying's choice was slightly problematic.

Poppy is a very versatile hero. In many cases, he can teach you how to be a good person.

When playing in a team, the ultimate move is very crucial. If you can beat away the key person, it will give the opponent a huge headache.

Of course, there is a W skill that is even more important. Many times Poppy chooses it because this skill restrains the opponent's entry and movement.

As long as Poppy's W skill [Perseverance Style] is not promiscuous, it will be difficult for Qinggangying to kick others with his E skill.

When playing in a group, you can also restrict the entry of Qinggang Shadow.

During the discussion, Miller still gave a suggestion: "This should be unlikely. I think the top laner of EDG needs to add an AP output in this lineup."

"If you take out Qinggangying, and all the top, middle and jungle players are AD, plus the bottom lane is also an AD output, wouldn't this become a Chopper team lineup?"

"That's right, their Qinggangying should just show off."

The doll nodded in agreement.

When playing ranked, everyone knows that you can't choose the chopper team, otherwise it will be difficult to play.

In the game, lineup selection is even more taboo about this.

"Wine barrel?"

Soon there was a change of people on the fifth floor of EDG, but when they saw the wine barrel, everyone couldn't help but frown.

Just listen to the baby saying strangely: "Are you placing orders for wine barrels?"

When the wine barrels are taken out, they are basically AP barrels, which indeed have AP output.

But at this time, there are not many people playing the top lane of wine barrel, so it is not very suitable for the version.

"Locked, it's the barrel!"

The second brother explained helpfully: "The reason why I chose the wine barrel is probably to cooperate with Yasuo."

"Barrel + Yasuo, we all know that they are a very good combination."

"This game is really fun for Yasuo. Everything is serving Yasuo."

"The ultimate move that assists Titan works well with Yasuo."

"I feel that when playing in a group with this one, Yasuo will be worried about the price comparison and hate that he can only receive one ultimate move."


The three commentators quickly started joking.

To put it bluntly, everyone thinks it's acceptable. If your whole team serves Su Can, isn't that what you should do?

Su Can's strength and status deserve this treatment.

But when they exchanged heroes, they were still dumbfounded.

"What's going on? Wine Barrel is the jungler, and Yasuo is on the road?"

Surprisingly, Wine Barrel is not the top laner, but the jungler.

On the contrary, Yasuo, who always thought it was Su Chan who was responsible, ran to the top road.

And Su Can got Kiana in the middle.

When the time freezes, everyone knows what EDG's final lineup will look like.

Looking at this midfielder, everyone felt a sense of confusion.

From the selection to now, everyone has guessed wrong about the heroes in the three positions.

Is this the swing of EDG?


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