The Path Toward Heaven

Vol 6 Chapter 5: Ghost Tenant

Jing Jiu grabbed the alarm device and crushed it directly.

The harsh alarm sounded abruptly.

This instrument should be a warning when a stranger's voice is collected.

People in this world are too nervous.

However, in such an ordinary house, there are so many magical instruments. It seems that the instrumental ancestry here is quite high.

Jing Jiu thought about these things, went into the toilet, threw the powder from the toilet into the toilet, and pushed the button to let the water wash away.

In the early morning, he had seen the girl use this object, and knew that it was a flush toilet. It was a little novel, but there was no more emotion, he didn't need it anyway.

He walked back to the living room, adjusted the cushions a bit, lay down in a more comfortable position, started watching TV again, and continued to learn how to speak here.

At the beginning, his pronunciation was still a bit jerky, and later he became more and more proficient. At the same time, he contrasted the pronunciation with the consciousness understood in the consciousness, and became more and more clear.

There is also text on TV, which looks similar to the text on Chaotian Continent, but cannot understand it at all.

Jing Jiu reluctantly got up from the chair and went into another room.

The area of ​​this room is not very large. On three walls are bookshelves up to the roof, which are neatly lined with paper books, which seems even more aggressive.

Standing in the middle of the room, there will be a strong sense of oppression.

I don't know why there are so many paper books.

He sat on his knees on the floor, his fingers moved slightly, and all the books on the bookshelf floated out without moving.

In Guocheng Temple that year, he and Zenzi used this method to read the scriptures, which was the most convenient and fast.

He soon discovered that he had made a mistake. He couldn't understand the text in these books, and even if he read them, it would be useless.

He picked two books that looked at what should be the most obvious and might be related to getting started with text.

Immediately afterwards, he began to read other books.

The doors and windows were closed tightly, and the curtains blocked the street scenery and the extremely narrow corner of the universe.

There is no wind, but the books floating in the air are flipping by themselves.

Without light, he closed his eyes very seriously.

Suddenly, a very light tear sounded.

These books are very old, some papers are yellow and brittle, and they are quickly torn by the invisible wind.



Twilight is also extravagant for the neighborhood below.

The change between day and night, always so fast and silent under the interference of bright street lights, is unexpected.

The door was opened, and the silver-haired girl walked in tiredly, threw the schoolbag casually on the table, and then threw herself on the bench.

She lay for a long time, just when Jing Jiu thought she would fall asleep directly, she stood up, poured a glass of water, ate dinner after taking the medicine, went into that room, opened the curtains, and walked towards the block Looking at the tiny night sky above, his eyes were full of longing expression.

I don't know how long, she looked back, turned to leave, and suddenly saw a piece of shattered paper under the bookshelf, squatted down and picked it up, her expression changed suddenly.

She searched on the shelf with trembling fingers, and finally found a book to open, and one of the pages in the book was torn.

Studying in college is already very tired, and the life of a lonely person is even more powerless and exhausting. At this time, when you return home, you see that your most cherished things are suddenly damaged. The silver-haired girl can no longer bear it. Squatting on the ground holding her knees, crying.

"Dad ... Mom ... Xiao Huang ... I miss you so much, I'm really useless ... Why is this world so unfair?"

Jing Jiu stood behind her without letting the shadow fall on her, listening to her crying and telling her sad story.

When the silver-haired girl was very young, her mother died because of a genetic optimization problem. Her father is a professor at Xinshi College. In order to prepare funds for her future genetic optimization, he followed the advice of a great person and invested his life savings in a certain fund, even repaying the loan. Who knows that the fund-sponsored merchant shipping team suddenly encountered a terrible battle between a human powerhouse and the mother's nest on the way back, and was affected. More than thirty merchant ships and their goods turned into smoke.

The fund closed down, and her father owed a large debt to the bank. He could only declare bankruptcy and moved from the family area of ​​the college to a lower block that did not require rent. Bankruptcy is not a problem. The real problem is debt. He can no longer complete the costly three-level optimization of the most beloved daughter. He can only watch her, like her mother, gradually being devoured by the disease ... A seemingly strong man Always fragile at some point, he chose to commit suicide. Perhaps in the opinion of that professor, in this way, the daughter does not need to bear debts with herself, so it should be easier in a limited life, but where did he think that his own death would become the heaviest burden on the daughter?

In addition to his death, the professor left only a room of paper books and a cat for his daughter.

That big yellow cat is dead now.

The silver-haired girl kept crying, holding her knees.

Jing Jiu looked at her and said sorry in her heart.



Don't say that just torn a page of paper, even if Cheng Tianjian is destroyed, Jing Jiu will never have any apologies. It would have that kind of emotion for that silver-haired girl, and the big yellow cat he classified as a photo reminded him of Ada who might never see him again, with a different mood.

In short, he lived in this home like a ghost, watching TV with the silver-haired girl, watching her playing computer, listening to her talking to herself, and secretly playing computer after she fell asleep, before she woke up Cooling down the computer in a Taoist way, after she went to school, he relied on a chair to watch TV. He was so bored that he went into that room to read a book, and his movements became more careful.

In just a few days, he knew that silver-haired girl named Zhong Lizi and her entire life from childhood to age and a lot of common sense related to this world.

This is a human world.

Yes, the same as the humans of the rising continent ... humans.

Regardless of body structure, way of thinking or communication, emotion, text, the two are very similar.

If you consider it in the long and immense universe, it should even be said to be exactly the same.

To reach this conclusion, Jing Jiu relied on television, computers, books, and observations of silver-haired girls.

This human world occupies a part of the universe. There are probably hundreds of galaxies, and it is administratively independent, but it has a unified, symbolic king, and it must accept the unified leadership of the alliance in military and scientific aspects.

This unity is called the Star River Human Alliance. The place where he is now is a planet called Star Gate. This planet was completely hollowed out many years ago, and it is an important base for the Alliance.

There are dozens of human regimes like the Star Gate planet in the Galaxy Alliance. Each regime has a priestess, and the most important thing for a priestess is to pass on ancient knowledge.

The ancient knowledge in the rumors comes from the ancient civilization of countless years ago. That human ancient civilization is said to be extremely developed, creating an extremely magnificent and magnificent picture in the universe, but unfortunately encountered the most terrible enemy in the universe-the sea of ​​dark things.

The ancient civilization and the sea of ​​dark objects ended up in a brutal battle, and the universe returned to its original calm.

New flowers will eventually grow in the dust. With the passage of time, humans and enemies recovered in nothingness at the same time, and then began a war of almost reincarnation. Now it depends on who can recover to the heyday of civilization earlier and destroy the other.

In this war, the Galaxy Alliance has always been defensive or weak. Even if genetic optimization has made great progress and martial arts practice has begun to spread, it is still not an opponent of those evil dark forces. It will be defeated until it is swallowed. Beginning more than a hundred years ago, the alliance suddenly appeared several powerful men with the general power of the gods, leaders with unimaginable spiritual power, and led the entire alliance to support it to this day.



Jing Jiu liked the words universe and stars and planets, and was used to words like kings, but was a bit strange to the words of administration, genes, civilization, etc. As for the word sea of ​​dark things ... it was too casual. What's different from those Xinghe novels he reads on the bookshelf?

The books he has read and TV news have very vague descriptions of the sea of ​​dark objects, and even have obvious signs of concealment. He did not believe that the sea of ​​dark things was only those monsters like black sesame dandelions. Those monsters gave him a familiar feeling, which showed that everything was not that simple.

Those godly strong men and wise leaders who suddenly appeared more than a hundred years ago also made him feel familiar.

It's not about narcissism, it's about time.

If one day of the starry sky is a year of Chaotian continent, more than one hundred years is more than 30,000 years for Chaotian continent.

That's when Qingshan sent his ancestor to take off.

It was also at that time that Zhongzhou sent the ancestor to soar.

Where did those ascended continents go?

Is there any connection between these two things?

Even in the groundwater channel, it is necessary to look up at the starry sky and think about the fate of the human race. This is not Jing Jiu's habit of doing things. He must first solve his own problems.

What matters to him is the nature of the world.

Why do those fireballs called stars release the purest immortality?

He felt that he needed to study all kinds of knowledge carefully, systematically, astrophysics and everything, just like in the small village at that time ~ ~ Silver-haired girl's computer login to the college network requires her iris authentication. All kinds of restrictions, the books in the room are not deep enough, the TV is full of nonsense, there is nothing useful, what should he do? And living like a ghost in this home, even if he wants to watch the computer ~ ~, it is not very convenient, he thinks that something should be changed.



One night, Zhong Lizi returned to the ground floor from Xinshi College and walked into the house with tired feet.

She took off her hair rope and her silver hair looked like starlight.

After taking a cup of water and eating the pills, she was about to throw herself on a soft chair like a schoolbag. Suddenly, she felt a sense of loss, as if something that had accompanied her for a long time was far away.

It's like his father left silently, like Xiao Huang sneaked out of the house before he died.

She looked at the house and confirmed that nothing had changed. She could not help laughing at herself, thinking that no one was with you at all. What were you thinking?

Just then, a doorbell rang.

She was a bit surprised, opened the light curtain and asked, "Who is it? Is there anything wrong?"

A teenager in sportswear and a hat appeared on the call light curtain.

"I saw the recruitment notice on the college website."

The brim pressure was a bit low, blocking the boy's face, but not blocking his voice.



(Today is the birthday of Sister Sandbag and Beacon, and it is also Chen Changsheng's birthday. Tomorrow is Butterfly Blue birthday. I wish them a happy birthday, and I wish everyone a happy day.)

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