The Point Guard is Here

Chapter 358: Return to New York

Once the grievances of a middle-aged man are released, it is like a river bursting its banks.

The man behind the world's number one diva like Uncle Fan Le is even more aggrieved.

When Fan Xi pulled Fan Le back, he even choked up a little.

He said: "Jack, what do you think we men want? Now we have everything we want, so why are we still unhappy?"

Fan Xi couldn't answer Uncle Fan Le's question.

"Sometimes, I really want to go back to ten years ago, when our uncle and nephew lived a life of making meat buns on the edge of the slums in Virginia. Although we are not as wealthy as we are now, we are still hungry, and we don't have to be arranged like this every day."

Uncle Fanler sighed.

He is very unaccustomed to today's life. He is extremely dissatisfied with being chased by the media every day and being caught in various news media every day.

Madonna's husband, this label has become a shackles for him, and it is also the reason why he has been delaying the wedding.

He confided the truth to Fan Xi for the first time: "In those vicious media descriptions, I am just a restless intruder! If I had known, I might as well live with that Widow Wang who owns a restaurant."

Of course this is an angry comment.

However, Fan Xi could understand Uncle Fan Le's distress. He is different from Fan Xi. Fan Xi came to the United States when he was very young, and he has been baptized by a lot of American culture. But Uncle Fanle is different. His outlook on life and worldview were formed at home, and he can't stand those gossips.

He feels that he is also a successful entrepreneur now, so why do these guys say that he is just a freeloader?

Therefore, he did have relationships with Anjulina, with Jenny Buss, and with some older female stars in Hollywood.

But he felt... it was a manifestation of proving his worth and proving his ability.

This is a small farmer mentality.

However, he did not have any personal contact with James' aunt.

This shows that he loves Madonna.

If there is no love, he will not keep a distance from the woman who is sincerely moved.

As for women like Jenny Buss, he felt that they would not get into trouble if they acted on occasion.

Fan Xi and Fan Le sat on the threshold and chatted for a long time.

Late at night, he looked back and saw Madonna standing behind the door.

She didn't know how long she stood there.

Madonna's language talent is very good. Her Chinese level has improved very quickly over the years, and she learned it together with Fan Xiaohua.

Therefore, she understood most of the conversation between Fan Xi and Fan Le.

Vanler looked up and saw Madonna.

Madonna said: "Tomorrow we will travel around the world, to places that don't know us, just the three of us."

Fan Le thought for a moment and said, "Okay."

When Fanshi returned to his home, Kobe Bryant had already come up from the foot of the mountain.

He moved once after marrying Vanessa. As his economic level improved, he moved to a more luxurious house, which also brought him closer to Fan Xi.

In all these years, Kobe had only approached Fan Xi so anxiously twice before.

The first time was when he wanted to marry Vanessa, but his parents thought that Vanessa was not a good match for him. The old Bryants regarded themselves as elites, and they looked down on Vanessa, who was of Mexican descent. , thinking Vanessa had bad intentions in approaching Kobe.

Fan Xi, being a terrible person in relationships, really didn't help. On the contrary, the elder Bryant and his wife begged Fan Xi to introduce a female star in the entertainment industry to Bryant, saying that Fan Xi had broad resources. In the end, Kobe's uncle secretly said: It doesn't matter if you have used it, as long as you are famous enough, we will never contact you again. We Westerners are very open-minded.

Fan Xi felt that he was too liberal.

Therefore, he later supported Kobe's decision. When Kobe Bryant got married, he attended in person.

This makes the Kobe Bryants very grateful to him. Because their wedding didn't even receive the blessing of Kobe's family.

The second time was when the Eagle County incident broke out earlier this year. Kobe Bryant approached Vanhee to discuss the matter. Although he was vague, he himself didn't know what happened. But Fan Xi suggested that he settle out of court and even introduced him to a team of lawyers.

In the end, Kobe Bryant lost money and avoided disaster.

There are too many bizarre things happening in the NBA. There are many women who will specifically target those athletes or entertainment stars with huge wealth. As long as they are pregnant with their children or contaminated with their bodily fluids, they can easily get a large amount of money. .

This is why, many years later, a Canadian rapper would fill his condom with hot sauce afterward... and it turned out that this act was prescient, because after he filled the hot sauce, the young man he had sex with The model actually stole the condom and poured it into it... It's called spicy in history.

This time, Kobe Bryant was so urgent that he went up the mountain overnight to talk to Fan Xi in person.

Fan Xi couldn't help but realize: Did little Kobe get into trouble again? Recently it was Vanessa’s breastfeeding period.

Kobe came to the living room of Fanshi's house, and he immediately became energetic.

Although he now has an afro and stubble on his face, he looks a bit mature.

But in front of Fan Xi, he will always be the little brother he was back then.

"Jack, have you analyzed the current NBA situation?"

Kobe Bryant said cautiously to Fanshie: "The NBA is moving towards a trend of complete domination of the league from the outside."

"The role of the inside line will most likely not be what it used to be. The league has allowed zone defense and the establishment of a three-second system in the penalty area..."

"So, here's our chance."

Kobe Bryant said.

"What do you mean?" Fan Xi asked Kobe.

"You haven't signed with the Clippers yet? Why don't you sign with us? Mr. Buss and I have discussed it. As long as you join our team, we will trade O'Neal. How about it, are you shocked?"

Kobe Bryant said to Fanshie: "Let me just say to you, the Buss family chose me. They have excellent vision and keen vision."

"I have an irreconcilable conflict with that damn fat guy. He is lazy, vain, and boastful. In contrast, you and I are a perfect match. Come on, let's do double duty!" Kobe promised Fan Xi.

He and O'Neal had a bloody fight for the ball and the boss, but here in Fanshie, he was treated as an equal.

He even said personally: "Jack, for so many years, I have always regarded you as my big brother. Although now, it seems that my reputation on the golf course is greater than yours, I have always thought that you are underestimated. When we join forces, we will definitely It can shake up the alliance structure and will definitely dominate the entire 21st century.”

Kobe Bryant’s invitation is sincere.

He has never been the kind of person to make excuses and make superficial remarks. When he said that he regarded Fan Xi as his elder brother, he must have respected him from the bottom of his heart.

Fan Xi had her heartbeat.

Teaming up with Kobe Bryant is undoubtedly something that Fanshie is excited about and yearns for.

Only if he wasn't tired of the paparazzi in Los Angeles, if he didn't have a headache from the overwhelming news. Going to the Lakers and joining forces with Kobe is indeed a very good thing.

Therefore, Fan Xi thought seriously for a while and said, "I decided to go back to New York. I am troubled by my life in Los Angeles. I have been stuck in complicated human relations and boring news."

"The past seven years have been a valuable growth experience for me. I have made solid progress, although it has not been shown. But I really want to go to a place where my gifts and talents can flourish. "

Fanci said to Kobe Bryant.

He didn't hide it.

Just like Kobe didn't hide from him that the Lakers boss had chosen him instead of the flourishing O'Neal.

If what Kobe said was exposed, it would definitely cause an uproar.

This proves that the relationship between Kobe and Fanci is pure and unabashed.

Kobe was shocked. He didn't expect Fanxi to choose to return to New York.

New York's current lineup is not strong. Since Ewing, Oakley and many other players were traded or retired, New York only has one mid-range shot boy, Alan Houston.

What good is Alan Houston?

A glass man.

He also signed a super long and high-paying contract.

"You go there and start over again?" Kobe said worriedly to Fan Xi: "Jack, don't you understand yet? Your strength is to be the leader of a strong team, not to participate in reconstruction. . I have been feeling unworthy of you all these years. Who is Jason Kidd? Why should he come before you?"

Kobe was very opposed to Fanci going to New York.

He thinks about Fan Xi's future.

But Fan Xi was very determined. He told Kobe that it was time for him to catch up. Next, he would raise the banner in New York, and he would stand on the top of the world again, and truly stand on the top of the world.

Kobe also said proudly: Then you have to pass me first.

Both of them were furious, just like they had just been together eight years ago.

Time has changed their appearance, but it has not changed their original intention to love basketball.

100 million US dollars in 5 years.

The newly appointed general manager of the New York Knicks, Isiah Thomas, informed the outside world of the new agreement reached between him and Vanheed. This is the largest contract New York can offer.

If the Clippers don't match, or add more on this basis, Fanshie will undoubtedly join New York.

As soon as this news came out, it quickly detonated the entire basketball world.

People are talking a lot about Fan Xi's return to New York.

Many people say that Fan Xi is no longer worthy of such a high annual salary.

Others say that the Clippers will definitely match this contract because Madonna is never short of money with Fan Xi. After all, they are related.

More voices are questioning: Why did Fan Xi go to New York, and why did New York choose Fan Xi?

"Times have changed. New York is no longer the iron-blooded gangster it was back then, and their lineup is completely different from what it was in the 1990s. And Fanci has also proven that he doesn't have the spirit of the past, and he doesn't have the ability to lead a bad team to rebuild and reach the top. strength. It can only be said that this is the wrong combination to force an agreement at the wrong time.”

Comments by noted commentator Bill Simmons went viral.

Even the New York fans who miss Fanci's return feel that this signing is a bit...untimely. It would have been great if Fanci returned to New York directly from Houston, and maybe he could have won a championship or two.

But now, things have changed and the world has changed.

This is the era of stone Buddha and shark rule, the era of the four shooting guards shining brightly, and the era of Jason Kidd's guidance... Can Jack's return change the situation in the Big Apple City?


"Welcome the return of the Miracle Son!" 》

The New York Times was the first to publish a welcoming headline. This media has a directional role. Under its leadership, New York City's mainstream media have expressed sincere welcome.

A day later, news came out of Los Angeles that Elgin Baylor would not match the New York Knicks' offer.

This means that free agent Fanshie officially puts on the New York Knicks' No. 30 jersey again.

Suddenly, the No. 30 jersey sold out like crazy in New York State.

The league also approved the signing as soon as possible.

This was hailed as the most shocking signing of the 2003 offseason.

Newly hired Isiah Thomas looks like he's going to make a big splash.

But, at this time.

Fanshi, who arrived in the Big Apple City again, was invited to James Dolan's office, along with the Knicks' new president and new general manager.

"I added a clause in the contract. While Jack is on the team, all transactions and signings must be approved by him."

With his legs draped on his desk, James Dolan spoke in a nonchalant tone that made the two managers' heads tingle.

This means that Fan Xi has also become a management, and a management with the power of life and death.

"It's very helpless. The league is becoming more and more strict. I can't give my good brother 200 million US dollars, and I can't buy him a house or a car. So, I have to let him build a team that he is satisfied with." After all, he also has such privileges in Los Angeles, and I can’t let my brother live as well here as he does in Los Angeles.”

James Dolan said to the two managers.

Isiah Thomas even broke into a cold sweat.

He had always known about the boss's friendship with Fan Xi, but he didn't expect... that the relationship would get so close.

"You must cooperate with Jack's work. Also, don't always think about coming to me to report on the team's construction or something. The team mainly asks Jack. I don't care." James Dolan became the hands-off manager.

What a true temperament.

Fan Xi didn't know how to take the next topic.

He only stood up, extended his hand to the two executives, and shook hands. "Let's get to know each other again. I'm Jack and Fan."

The two of them couldn't help but show more respect when they shook hands.

In particular, Isiah Thomas later handed Fanshie a list of players he wanted to keep and sign.

Fan Xi took a look.

The problem is not small.

You can see Isiah Thomas' ambition and his determination to achieve immediate results.

It's just... Fan Xi thinks there's something wrong with the people he likes.

So, he smiled and said: "How about we spend a little money to sign a locker room leader first."

"Who?" Isiah Thomas asked.


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