The Pokémon that started from being picked up by Xanadu

Chapter 151 Ah, did I forget something?

There are too many lapis lazuli here, and after a while, the little Kiras ate his belly so round, he belched, and lay straight on the ground, really satisfied.

Bai Feng walked over to pat its stomach and said, "How is it? Is it delicious?"


Young Kiras nodded contentedly.

"Then let you stay here, okay?" Bai Feng asked again.

Hearing this, Young Kiras sat up and looked at Bai Feng in horror.

Bai Feng, you don't want me!

The young Kiras was hatched by Bai Feng himself. He treats Bai Feng just like his old father. Now that the old father is going to drive him away, how can he not panic?

You can't do this, I'm just a baby!

Bai Feng knew that he had misunderstood Young Kiras when he saw his expression, so he quickly explained: "Don't get me wrong, don't get me wrong, I don't want you anymore, but I want you to eat up all the ore here. I'll come back and take you home.

It's just that there are a lot of ores here, and you may have to spend a lot of time eating them up! "

Hearing Bai Feng's words, Young Kiras finally breathed a sigh of relief, but when he thought of being separated from Bai Feng for a long time, he felt a little bit reluctant.

Bai Feng saw the pitiful appearance of the young Kiras, patted it again and said: "Don't worry, you should think about it first, and tell me the decision before we leave."

Young Kiras stood up slowly, and nodded lazily.

Then Bai Feng and the others were sent back to the bamboo forest where Bai Pengpeng and the others were located by Tulong Jiejie and his wife.

At this moment, Bai Pengpeng and Young Mianmian have already discussed and are waiting for Bai Feng to come back.

"Have you considered it? Is there anyone willing to go with me?" Bai Feng looked at You Mianmian and Bai Pengpeng and asked.

At this time, there was a commotion in the Young Mianmian and Bai Pengpeng groups. They looked at each other, and finally the friend of Tulong's brother stood up first.

After Tulong's brother's friends, more than a dozen white puffs and twenty young cottons came out one after another.

They were all willing to leave with Bai Feng.

Some of them simply want to see the outside world; some are attracted by Fang Xingshan described by Brother Tulong and want to live a good life; some are frightened by this incident and worry that they will meet again later The same thing, so I want to follow Bai Feng to seek asylum... In short, there are various reasons.

But it doesn't matter to Bai Feng, as long as they are willing to go with him.

Looking at Bai Pengpeng and Young Mianmian in front of him, Bai Feng was very happy, "Please take care of me in the future, I believe you will not regret it!"

Hearing Bai Feng's words, Bai Pengpeng and You Mianmian enjoyed the wonderful future life with anticipation.

Of course, there were also a few who showed uneasiness. Although they were willing to follow Bai Feng, they couldn't avoid feeling at a loss for the unknown environment.

At this time, Brother Tulong flew to his good friend's side with tears in his eyes.

"Have you really thought about it? Are you really going to leave? We just met again!"

Bai Pengpeng said firmly: "Yes, I must go with me!"

Because Bai Feng left a word when he left with Tulong Jiejie and his wife.

"Whoever you want to leave with me will have the opportunity to train the domineering panda and the naughty panda with your own hands in the future~"

It was these words that made Bai Bai Pengpeng firm in his determination to leave with Bai Feng.

Its resentment towards the domineering panda family is unimaginable!

Thinking of this, Bai Pengpeng couldn't help touching the bald corner of his ear.


"Can't you stay?" Brother Tulong asked reluctantly.

Bai Pengpeng said anyway: "Since you hate me so much, why don't you leave with me?"

Brother Tulong muttered and whispered, "I like this place, I don't want to leave, and I don't want to part with my parents, and I just came back."

Bai Pengpeng heard the words and said: "Look, you won't leave your hometown for me, and of course I won't stay for you."

As soon as he heard Bai Pengpeng's words, Brother Tulong burst into tears, "You are ruthless, you are cruel, and you are unreasonable!" After speaking, he flapped his wings and flew away.

Bai Pengpeng looked at the younger brother Tulong who was flying farther and farther away and said in a low voice: "You are the one who is ruthless, the one who is cruel, and the one who makes trouble for no reason!"

Bai Feng, who saw the whole scene:


Are you two a quarrelsome young couple?

After choosing Bai Pengpeng and Young Mianmian to take away, Bai Feng did not leave immediately, but gave them enough opportunities to say goodbye to their relatives and friends, and at the same time gave Young Kiras time to consider whether to stay or not .

It was a rare time to go camping in the wild, so Bai Feng held a bonfire party with the Pokémon at night, and had a lively and lively night.

Young Kiras was probably the only one who was depressed.

Early the next morning, Young Kiras took the initiative to find Bai Feng.

Bai Feng asked, "Have you made a decision?"

"Yo~yo~" The temporary separation is for a better reunion in the future!

Young Kiras nodded, and said something very gentle, which made Bai Feng laugh out loud.

After laughing, Bai Feng said again: "Actually, it doesn't matter if you don't want to stay, it's not forced, at worst, I'll buy you stones, so you won't evolve if you can't eat enough!"

Young Kiras shook his head lightly.

It is very clear that if it wants to fully develop its potential, it needs to consume a lot of rare ore. Although Bai Feng can't afford it, it doesn't want to increase the pressure on Bai Feng.

Although the sentence it said just now was just learned by accident from the TV series Bai Ye watched, it is actually its true words.

It wants to become stronger, it wants to be able to protect Bai Feng, Fang Xingshan, and its partners, instead of being blindly protected by everyone.

Seeing Young Kiras' firm expression, for some reason, Bai Feng's eyes suddenly became moist, and he rubbed Young Kiras' forehead.

"Our little Kiras has grown up too!"

Then Young Kiras made another request to Bai Feng, that is, it hoped that Bai Feng could help him light up all the remaining hidden energy circuits before Bai Feng left.

Young Kiras hoped that when he saw Bai Feng again, it would be in a new attitude.

"But your hidden energy circuit is still quite poor. If you light it up all at once, it will cause a certain burden on your body!" Bai Feng said disapprovingly, "I will come to pick you up immediately after you finish eating those ores. , shall we proceed step by step then?"

Young Kiras shook his head and looked at Bai Feng firmly, that would be a waste of time, time is life!

Following Bai Ye, young Kiras learned a lot of golden sentences.

In the end, Bai Feng was defeated, "Okay, I will try my best!"

Young Kiras nodded in satisfaction.

After negotiating the result with Little Kiras, Bai Feng told his partners the news that Little Kiras was going to leave, and they were all very reluctant to bear him.

Especially Jucaoye and Xiaosuizuan, the three of them usually play together the most, and now they know that they won't be able to see the young Kiras for a long time, and each of them hugged the young Kiras with tears in their eyes.

Afterwards, Bai Feng called Fradali and the pilot of the aircraft in Caolu Town, telling them that he would stay outside for a while, and told them to return to the Carlos area by themselves if they did not wait for him to return.

At the same time, he also entrusted Fradali to help him take the root of the fruit tree back when he left.

In this way, Bai Feng stayed here temporarily in order to help young Kiras light up the remaining hidden energy circuit.

Young Kiras's hidden energy circuit is much more complicated than that of Jucaoye. Originally, Bai Feng had planned that the hidden energy circuit of Jucaoye would be fully lit up first, but now Youngeras would be the first to do so.

A week passed in the blink of an eye.

In the past few days, Bai Feng would light up a hidden energy circuit for Young Kiras every day. Such high-frequency lighting made Young Kiras's spirit always look a little sluggish.

Fortunately, there were not many hidden energy circuits left by Young Kiras. Finally, on the morning of the seventh day, Bai Feng successfully helped it light up all the hidden energy circuits.

Fortunately, there are not many left, otherwise, if there are two more days, Bai Feng will not be able to hold on until there is no problem with Bieyoujilas.

Seeing Young Kiras getting more and more sluggish every day, Bai Feng was under a lot of psychological pressure.

Fortunately, it was all over now, and Young Kiras persisted.

However, Bai Feng did not take off the Unchanging Stone from Young Kiras.

It's not yet time for it to evolve, when the young Kiras can completely eat the lapis lazuli vein, it can take off the unchanging stone on its own, and then transform into a new form!

Now that the matter of Young Kiras is over, Bai Feng is about to leave. This afternoon, Bai Feng took Bai Ye on the journey back to Caolu Town, and paid Young Kiras to the Earth Dragon Festival. Day husband and wife care.

Before leaving, Bai Feng also left enough energy cubes for Young Kiras, and let him eat energy cubes and ores together, so as to have a balanced nutrition.

Young Kiras stood at the entrance of the cave, accompanied by Tulong Jiejie and his wife to bid farewell to Bai Feng. There were crystal tears in its eyes, and it reluctantly returned to the cave until the backs of Bai Feng and Bai Ye disappeared. in the cave.

As soon as it returned to the cave, it turned longing into appetite, and gnawed on a large piece of lapis lazuli until it was full.

Brother Tulong was also reluctant to part with him. Ever since he had an awkward fight with Bai Pengpeng that day, he never spoke a word to Bai Pengpeng again.

It originally planned to ignore Bai Pengpeng again, but on the day of parting, it secretly came to see him off. Unfortunately, Bai Fengpeng had already been taken into the elf ball by Bai Feng, and he couldn't even show the last side of Bai Pengpeng. See you.

For a moment, Brother Tulong was very upset, but it was a pity that everything was too late, Bai Feng had already left.


Originally, Bai Feng and Bai Ye planned to walk back to Caolu Town, but they didn't expect to be attacked by a group of steel armored crows before reaching the foot of the mountain.

The armored crows and armored birds on this mountain are really arrogant, and they want to yell at people when they see them.

Bai Feng was not polite to them either, and directly asked Bai Ye to use magic flames to shoot them down one by one.

I happen to be short of a mount, since you guys have sent it to your door, then I will not be polite!

So Bai Feng and Bai Ye returned to Caolu Town on a subdued steel armored crow respectively.

When he arrived at Caolu Town, Bai Feng didn't let the two armored crows go back, but directly put them into the poke ball, maybe he would need to use the flying mount on the way back!

It happens to be able to be brought back to the Arrow Eagles as the Mrs. Yazhai (Xianggong), so as to improve their group structure.

It is always not good to match within the clan, and the blood relationship is too close, so it is better to improve it with some foreign blood.

The first thing Bai Feng did when he returned to Caolu Town was to go to Feixiang Taxi Company.

He still hasn't paid for the destroyed carriage. It's been more than a week, and he doesn't know if anyone has any objections.

However, Bai Feng's worries were obviously superfluous. Not only did they not have any opinions, they didn't even need Bai Feng's compensation.

The staff told Bai Feng that the damage to the carriage was a force majeure factor, and the guests did not need to bear any responsibility.

After all, before departure, Bai Feng had explained the destination to the taxi company, and the taxi company also agreed. In this case, the customer does not need to bear all the losses incurred during this period.

If during the process of transporting the guest by taxi, the guest insisted that the steel armored crow take him to a place other than the destination, and if there was any loss during this period, it would be the guest's responsibility.

After leaving the Flying Taxi Company, it was almost dark, but Bai Feng didn't waste time, but went to the airport to book a night flight, planning to return to Gongmen City overnight, and then take the aircraft from Gongmen City back to the Carlos area.

Fradali had already returned to the Carlos area two days ago, and he called Bai Feng before leaving.

Bai Feng fell asleep on the aircraft, and when he opened his eyes, the aircraft just arrived at Gongmen City.

The moment his feet set foot on Gongmen City, Bai Feng suddenly felt as if he had forgotten something. He didn't slap his head until he saw a Pokémon battle playing on the big electronic screen not far away.

correct! Nie Zi asked me to contact him!

In fact, Nie Zi was about to die of anger.

He had been waiting in Gongmen City for several days, but he couldn't get a call from Bai Feng. For this reason, he specifically inquired about the villa where Fradali lived, and wanted to find out Bai Feng's contact information from Fradali.

But how could Vladali give Bai Feng's contact information to others without Bai Feng's permission, so he refused Ke Nie Zi.

It was impossible for Nie Zi to wait in Gongmen City forever, and in the end he could only leave Gongmen City full of disappointment.

Bai Feng thought about it and felt a little embarrassed, so he walked into the Pokémon Center, found a place to sit down, and rummaged through the space backpack for a while before he found the crumpled note .

According to the number left on the note, Bai Feng dialed the phone. Half a day later, Nie Zi's mournful voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Hello, who is it?"

"Hello... Hall Master Nie Zi, I am..."

However, before Bai Feng finished speaking, Nie Zi's voice full of resentment came from the other end of the phone.

"You... finally... called me...!"

Obviously, he had recognized Bai Feng's identity through the voice.

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