Bai Feng released all his Pokémon, then called out the natural bird and Pokkisi, and introduced the couple to everyone.

The natural bird has a more sensible personality. Since it has agreed to follow Bai Feng, it is naturally ready to get along with Bai Feng and his Pokémon. Therefore, although the attitude towards everyone is a little alienated, it is polite and friendly , was unanimously welcomed by everyone.

As for Pokkisi, he seemed rather aloof and not very willing to talk to people, but fortunately, he was persuaded by the natural bird, so his behavior was not too rude.

"Okay, now that everyone knows each other, let's have dinner!"

Hearing Bai Feng's words, Natural Bird and Pokkisi were both stunned.

Still have dinner? Before they came out, they were already full from eating peaches and fruits in the inverted space.

Now they live in the attic of the small building under the peach tree, and they can eat as much delicious fruit as they want.

Bai Feng assigned each Pokémon a plate, then took out the energy cube and distributed food to them according to their food intake.

Pokkisi looked at the crystal-clear food on the plate in front of him, and swallowed without disappointment. The voices of other Pokémon gobbling up could be heard in his ears, and he thought: It looks delicious.


It's a pity that Taotaoguo ate too much, and it couldn't help but burped.

The natural bird is okay, it is not as full as Pokkisi, seeing other Pokémon eating with relish, so it also took one into its mouth, and then it was amazed by the delicious food.

This is much more delicious than eating the fruit directly!

How about "Keith~Keith~"? How about it? Is it tasty?

Pokkisi asked in a low voice, his tone full of curiosity and urgency.

"Diou~Diou" is delicious, delicious!

Natural Bird said in amazement.

"Keith~Keith~" Is it really that delicious?

Pokkisi had doubts in his eyes.

"Diou~Diou~" When did I lie to you?

Pokkisi thought about it, indeed, her husband has never lied to himself, so this little cube is really delicious?

At this time, Bai Feng asked suspiciously: "Pokkisi, what's wrong with you? Is it not to your liking?"

Hearing this, Pokkisi stared at the energy cubes on the plate for a few seconds, then took one in his mouth and ate it.

The moment the energy cube entered, Pokkisi finally understood why everyone was eating so happily. It turned out that this small cube was such a delicious thing.

But before Pokkisi could recall it, his stomach suddenly ached.


Pokkisi rolled on the ground clutching his stomach.

"Diou~" Wife, what's wrong with you?

The natural bird immediately rushed over with concern.

"Pokkisi, what's wrong with you? What's wrong?" Bai Feng asked eagerly when he saw this.

But how could Pokkisi tell Bai Feng the embarrassment of being overfed, so he just covered his stomach and wailed, but didn't say what was uncomfortable.

Bai Feng had no choice but to say: "You guys wait, I'll call Miss Joy." After speaking, he ran out of the training room.

Soon Miss Joy hurried over with a medical kit and Bai Feng. After checking, she smiled and said to Bai Feng: "It's nothing serious, I'm just full. I'll get you some later. Xiaoshi tablet, you feed it to Pokkisi, and it will be fine in a while."

Bai Feng: . . .

Are you a dummy? Eat when you are full!

After Miss Joy finished speaking, she touched Pokkisi's wings gently, "Eating should be in moderation, overeating is not good, so be careful next time."

(ω) Pokkisi buried his head in his wings in embarrassment and remained silent.

Then Bai Feng followed Ms. Joey to get the digesting tablet, and after giving it to Pokkisi, Pokkisi really felt a lot better.

Seeing that Pokkisi lay motionless on the ground, still refusing to take his head out from under the wings, Bai Feng said:

"Pokkisi, let me give you a massage, it will be more comfortable."

Pokkisi didn't make a sound, but Bai Feng took it as his consent, so he sat next to it and began to massage it with his golden fingers.

Since communicating with Nanami, Bai Feng's massage skills have improved even more. As he pinpointed Pokkisi's acupuncture points, he gently pressed them with his hands with golden finger energy.

At that moment, Pokowski felt that his soul was floating up to heaven, as if he was lying on a soft cloud, and his soul was floating, and he didn't know where he was going.


When it came back to its senses, it had already let out a moan that made people blush.

Not long after, Pokkisi completely turned into a puddle of spring water under Bai Feng's demon hands, which stunned the natural bird on the side.

From its point of view, Bai Feng didn't do anything special to Pokkisi, why did Pokkisi make such a sound?

Seeing Natural Bird staring at him blankly, Bai Feng asked with a smile, "Do you want to try it too?"

After finishing speaking, he didn't wait for the natural bird to answer, he pulled the natural bird to lie in front of him, stroked and pressed it wantonly with his hands.

Ah, pervert!

Artful Blacksmith, the only Pokémon who has a sense of shame like a human girl, covers her eyes with both hands shyly, but can't help but spread her fingers secretly.


At this moment, Natural Bird finally understood why his wife reacted like that just now.

In the end, the couple returned to the inversion space in a trance.

Lying in the attic of the small building, in the small nest that Bai Feng specially prepared for the couple, Natural Bird and Pokkisi thought at the same time: It's not bad to follow this human being.

After finishing the health care for the couple, Bai Feng also did it for other Pokémon, and today is the day to help them unlock the hidden energy circuits.

Especially Doudouge, today is the day when it lights up the last hidden energy circuit, which also means that it can evolve today.

Doudouge is the simplest hidden energy circuit among all Baifeng's current main Pokémon, so it takes much less time to light up all of its hidden energy circuits than other Pokémon.

The Pokémon's hidden energy circuits lighted up smoothly, and after all this was done, Bai Feng took off the stone of invariability from Doudouge's body.


Doudouge screamed excitedly, and the next second it burst out with a holy light, which is the light of evolution!

Bathed in the light of evolution, the Doudou pigeons began to grow in size, growing from a small group to the size of an ostrich in a short time.


With the sound of a cheerful and excited cry, the light of evolution wrapped around Doudouge suddenly exploded, and a brand new Pokémon appeared in front of Bai Feng. This is the evolution of Doudouge—— Cuckoo Pigeon!

Compared with Doudou Pigeon, Cuckoo Pigeon is not only bigger in size, but also has stronger and more powerful wings, sharp claws like knives, and a more heroic appearance. It is no longer the fat and cute one before. The look of love.

"Congratulations, Gu Gu Ge!" Bai Feng said, smoothing the feathers on Gu Gu Gu's neck.

"Cuckoo ~~"

Cuckoo rubbed his neck affectionately against Bai Feng's palm, expressing his gratitude to him for taking care of and nurturing him all the time.

After dealing with the matters of the Pokémon, Bai Feng returned to his room from the training room, but just as he lay down, a gloomy voice rang in his ears.

"Little ghost~~~"

Bai Feng was startled, jumped up from the bed, and turned on the light.

"Why are you so excited!"

The one who suddenly appeared in Bai Feng's room was Guisi who had just parted with him during the day.

"What do you think, you will scare people to death like this!" Bai Feng said angrily.

"Cut~ human beings are cowards." Guisi said with a curled lip.

"What did you come to see me for? In the middle of the night, don't say you want to chat with someone!" Bai Feng said angrily, his heart was still beating from fright.

"That... I want to ask you for a favor." Guisi said shyly.

"No, goodbye, I'm going to bed." Saying that, Bai Feng lay down on the bed, covered her with the quilt, and closed her eyes.

"Hey hey~ Don't sleep yet!"

Gui Si floated up to Bai Feng, stretched out his long tongue, licked Bai Feng's face, and activated his tongue licking skill.

﹋(Д)﹋Bai Feng only felt a burst of electricity rushing through his body, and his body lost consciousness instantly.

" are sick!" Bai Feng stared at Gui Si, and said every word.

"Haha..." Guisi smiled awkwardly, "I'm sorry, I'm in a hurry."

It took a long time before Bai Feng recovered from his paralysis. He roared angrily, "Is this your attitude of asking for help?"

"Oh, what do you want? I apologize to you." Guisi's tone was finally not as arrogant as before.

Bai Feng turned his head and didn't look at it, "I have no obligation to help you."

"Okay, okay, I know that you humans don't scatter eagles when you don't see rabbits."

Guisi's body twisted for a while, and then a pair of gloves inlaid with a round stone fell on the bed.

The glove was tattered, and looked like a very old thing. The stone exuded colorful light, and there was a colorful spiral pattern in the middle.

"Is this the keystone?"

Bai Feng looked at the stone in surprise and said.

Guisi said in amazement, "I didn't expect you to be quite knowledgeable, little brat. There are not many people who know this stuff."

"Why do you have this thing?" Bai Feng asked curiously.

Guisi said proudly: "Old man, I have traveled all over the world, what kind of treasure do you have?"

"Really?" Bai Feng said with disbelief on his face, "Why don't you show me two more things to open the eyes of a bumpkin like me?"

You boy is dishonest! Gui Si looked at Bai Feng with a half-smile.

"Cough, cough..." Feeling a little uncomfortable being watched by Guisi, Bai Feng had no choice but to cough to cover up his embarrassment.

"Are you going to help? If you do, this keystone will be yours!" Guisi said.

Bai Feng was really interested in Keystone, so he asked, "Tell me, what do you want me to do for you?"

"Don't you know how to teleport, I want you to take me to a place." Guisi said.

Bai Feng looked at it in surprise when he heard the words, "Is there any place you can't go?"

Isn't the ghost Pokémon pervasive? Especially the existence of Guisi's level.

Guisi said angrily: "It's not that you humans are too treacherous to install an alarm system, even ghost-type Pokémon will sound an alarm when they approach!"

It turns out that after Guisi brought Chenglong to Honglian Island, he began to investigate the whereabouts of Chenglong's clan.

Fortunately, Guisi was lucky. He met a large claw crab at the pier, and found a clue from its mouth. Following the clue, it chased it to a villa area.

According to the nearby Pokémon, they did see someone transport a group of dragons into the villa.

But when Guisi was about to enter the villa to check the situation, the siren inside suddenly sounded. Because he was afraid of scaring the snake and causing harm to the dragon group, he had to retreat temporarily.

After that it tried several times elsewhere, but still the alarm would go off as soon as it got close to certain areas of the villa.

Fortunately, when those people didn't find Guisi, they just thought that wild Pokémon broke in, otherwise they didn't know what would happen.

If the Chenglong group is transferred away, it will be a waste of money.

In desperation, Gui Si had no choice but to seek help from a human named Bai Feng.

"Okay, I'll help you with this, but you have to give me the keystone first." Bai Feng said.

"You really are..." Gui Si was furious at Bai Feng, "Forget it, forget it, here you are!"

As he said that, Guisi controlled the pair of tattered gloves with his mental power and threw them into Bai Feng's arms.

Bai Feng put away the gloves and asked, "When are we going to leave?"

"Of course it is now!" said Guice.


"That's right, the moon is dark and the wind is high... Jie Jie Jie..." Guisi let out a creepy smirk.

"Okay then." Bai Feng said helplessly, it seems that tonight will be a sleepless night!

Just like that, Bai Feng followed Gui Si and flew out from the balcony of the room.

The villa that Guisi mentioned is the residence of Vincent, the richest man in Honglian Town. It is said that he owns the largest Pokémon sightseeing park in Honglian Town, where many rare Pokémon live.

Now Bai Feng suspects that the rare Pokémon in the Pokémon Tourist Park of the richest man in Honglian Town were obtained through illegal means.

Under the guidance of Gui Si, Bai Feng quickly arrived at Vincent's villa. Although it was already midnight, the whole villa was still brightly lit, and there were many bodyguards walking back and forth on patrol. The bodyguards were also accompanied by Poké Dream.

Gui Si said to Bai Feng: "You take me to teleport behind those bodyguards, as long as you follow the bodyguards, we don't have to worry about alarming the alarm!"

Bai Feng looked at it suspiciously: "But this way we won't be discovered by the bodyguards?"

"You don't have to worry about that, just watch me!"

Speaking of Guisi, he flew onto Bai Feng's shoulder, and then Bai Feng's body, together with Guisi, began to slowly blur, and he became an invisible person after a while.

"You still have this skill?" Bai Feng asked in surprise.

"Hmph~~ The old man has lived for such a long time, and he knows more skills than you can imagine!" Guisi said proudly.

Bai Feng felt that he was pretended by it.

The teleportation was activated, and Bai Feng and Gui Si appeared behind a group of bodyguards in the next second.

At this time, Hei Lujia beside the bodyguard seemed to have noticed something, and shouted in the direction of Bai Feng and Gui Si.

Hei Lujia's trainer quickly asked: "What's wrong? Hei Lujia, did you find anything?"

However, at this moment, Hei Lujia suddenly became quiet again, and turned around honestly.

"What, don't bark if you have nothing to do!" Seeing that nothing happened, Hei Lujia's trainer complained dissatisfiedly to Hei Lujia.

Seeing this, Bai Feng silently gave Gui Si a thumbs up.

It turns out that Hei Lujia did discover Guisi and Baifeng through the scent just now, but what is Guisi? It's a master who is proficient in hypnotism. How can a little Heluga be presumptuous in front of it?

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