The police of Hong Kong comprehensive world

Chapter 1,231 Invitation to join the team

After going downstairs, I don't know whether it was because the little girl Matilda was following him, or because he was inherently weak because of his Asian identity. Anyway, the two of them had a smooth journey and got into Zhang Pin's car.

After getting in the car, Zhang Pin drove the car towards the coffee shop owned by Mia.

He made an appointment with Dominic yesterday to get his driver's license.

"You're here, who is this?"

By the time Zhang Pin arrived at the coffee shop, Dominic and others were already waiting here.

They were all curious when they saw Zhang Pin appearing with Matilda.

"This is not a problem you should worry about. Where is the thing I want?"

Zhang Pin waved his hand, interrupted Mia's inquiry, and turned to look at Dominic.

"The stuff is here."

When Dominic saw Zhang Pin appear, he confidently took out a document bag and handed it over.

"Jack Statham."

Zhang Pin opened his driver's license and looked at the name on it.

"This is America's most common name, and the one we found for you is a real person's information. It just replaced your name. That guy has mental illness and has not been out for many years."

"As long as you remember the other party's information carefully and don't leave Ghana, you don't have to worry about your identity being revealed even if you encounter police inquiries."

Dominic spoke very confidently.

He does have this confidence, because what he said is actually quite conservative.

Because America is a federal system, each state has its own laws and policies, so there is no unified identity certificate across the country.

For almost anything that requires a document, a driver's license, passport, or social security number is often used instead.

Theoretically speaking, if Zhang Pin really came here via wire, he would be able to walk in the United States with this driver's license.

"not bad."

Zhang Pin nodded. He didn't come here through wires. It was just a reason to ask Dominic for the certificate. He didn't care too much whether what he said was true or false.

"Of course, what I say is guaranteed here!"

Dominic was very confident, then he opened two bottles of beer and pushed one of them over.

"Let me meet you, my name is Dominic Tang."

Zhang Pin reached out to block the beer, then looked down at the driver's license in his hand.

"Jack Statham, just call me Jack!"



"Have a drink!"

In the end, Dominic could only smile and raised the beer bottle in his hand.

"Sorry, I don't drink while driving."

But Zhang Pin didn't give this face to the other party.

Boss Tang held up the wine bottle for a moment, not knowing whether he should take a sip of the wine.

"What do you want to eat? I'll treat you. Hey girl, what do you want to eat?"

Seeing her eldest brother defeated, Mia on the side stepped forward to rescue him first.

"Thank you, I can't get used to your food."

But Zhang Pin is really not interested in Mia's free food.

"I'm not hungry yet."

Seeing that Zhang Pin did not accept Mia's kindness, Matilda immediately shook her head in understanding.


As a result, she didn't know that just when she said she wasn't hungry, her stomach made an uncooperative sound.

She hasn't eaten since getting up in the morning.

Because her family was killed before, she was not hungry yet. Now that she relaxed, her body naturally responded.

"Hey, Jack, let's have something to eat. You have just arrived in America. Are you unfamiliar with the place? I can introduce you to a good job."

After all, Boss Tang is an old man, and at critical moments, he can still save face.

"I'm not short of money. Your family gave me a lot last time, even a car."

Zhang Pin was indifferent to Boss Tang's overtures. As he spoke, he looked at Vince, who had a dark face on the side.

After hearing Zhang Pin's words, everyone fell silent again.

Naturally, they have not forgotten that Zhang Pin stole Vince's car.

Next to him, Vince's originally dark face almost turned from matte black to glossy black, mainly out of anger.

For a driver, his car is often more important than his wife.

Just thinking about Zhang Pin driving his own car, and probably pumping the gas too much without caring about it at all, made Vince feel like his head was green.

And there is also a kind of accelerator that you are reluctant to step on hard, because the other party may have stepped on it until it smokes.

But thinking of Dominic's instructions today, he still chose to remain silent.

"Cough cough cough!"

Dominic was rejected by Zhang Pin many times in a row, and now his defense was obviously broken.

But just when Zhang Pin thought that the other party was going to fall out, Dominic endured it again.

"It's like this. We have a business that makes a lot of money, and we want to invite you to join us. As long as this is done, I can even help you get America's green card legally."

Seeing that Zhang Pin was unable to make any progress, Dominic could only use his trump card.

Zhang Pin was a smuggler who came to America. Even though he was not short of money, the temptation of his identity was unparalleled.

"You have a way to help get a green card, is it true?"

Hearing what Dominic said, Zhang Pin couldn't refuse this time.

It's not that he really has any thoughts about America's green card, but since his current identity is that of a person who came to America through wires, and he even went to Dominic to apply for a fake certificate, there is naturally a need for a green card. Otherwise, there would be no need for him to come through the line.

"Of course, and guaranteed to be legal and compliant!"

Dominic couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief when he saw Zhang Pin taking the initiative to ask about the green card.

It's not easy.

If he had known that Zhang Pin was so difficult to deal with, he wouldn't have been so confused and wanted to invite him to join.

Yes, the main reason why Dominic is so nice to Zhang Pin is that they want to invite him to join their team.

Unlike the Tang Clan, which grew into super criminals in the future, Dominic and others are still just a small criminal gang in Los Angeles.

The only thing they are better than others is that they are better at driving and more courageous.

However, such an advantage obviously cannot allow a few people to stand out.

If they were given enough time and mission experience, they would become stronger and stronger.

But time is clearly not on their side now.

Because before Dominic and others could grow up, their opponents appeared.

A group of riders from Bangzi Country also took a fancy to the costless business of robbing truck drivers.

And compared to the poor Dominic and others, the sticks who can come to America not only have money, but also have many more people than Dominic and others.

The two sides have had many conflicts recently due to various reasons.

And because no matter whether it is manpower, resources or ruthlessness, they can't compare with those group of sticks, so in these conflicts, Dominic and others not only did not take advantage of it, but suffered some small losses.

In fact, if it weren't for this group of thugs who were causing trouble and were very arrogant in their actions, with the caution of Dominic and others, they would not have been targeted by the Bureau of Investigation at all.

Although Dominic still doesn't know that he has been targeted by the Bureau of Investigation, under the pressure of Bangzi and others, their lives are becoming more and more difficult.

Because of this, after encountering Zhang Pin, an unexpected factor that suddenly appeared, Dominic and others suddenly had the idea of ​​inviting him to join the team.

The reason why Zhang Pin was chosen was naturally because, first of all, he came to America via a direct line, so he had no involvement with other forces.

More importantly, Zhang Pin doesn't look like a bad person.

Yes, even though he robbed Vince's car, for America's actions like this, he really wasn't considered a bad person.

Of course, to put it bluntly, the more critical point is that Dominic and others are almost unable to bear it.

If they don't invite some helpers, there's no way they can be a match for the sticks.

Seeing that they are about to be doomed, when an opportunity finally arises to strengthen the team, they should not seize it tightly.

"You guys, invite me?"

Zhang Pin couldn't help but feel a little vigilant for a moment.

He just told the people from the Investigation Bureau that he was ready to infiltrate the Dominican gang and seize evidence of their crimes.

As a result, the other party now actively invites him to join.

Regarding this situation, he naturally suspected that the investigation bureau had leaked the information, and then Dominic and others wanted to take advantage of the situation and find a way to deal with him.

But then he thought about it and realized something was wrong.

First of all, if Dominic and others really have someone in the investigation bureau, the easiest way is to reveal their relationship so that they will not be investigated.

Secondly, if they really want to deal with themselves, they won't have to recruit people to join them first.

After all, for these lawless guys, there is no need to make things so troublesome.

So this is because he performed so well and these guys are so discerning?

Sure enough, excellent people will be coveted everywhere.

"Of course, you can also regard this as cooperation. As long as the matter is completed, we will not force you to develop on your own."

Dominic seems to really want to cooperate.

"I need to know what to do. I never do anything illegal or criminal."

Zhang Pin had a serious face and a very serious tone.

Hearing his words, everyone had a dark look on their faces.

"You won't forget how you got this certificate in your hand, right?"

Vince endured it for a long time, but after hearing Zhang Pin's shameless words, he finally couldn't help but speak.

It is also illegal to apply for fake certificates. Zhang Pin’s words are really unconvincing.

"This is your fault, it has nothing to do with me."

Zhang Pin shook his head and expressed disapproval.

"You won't report yourself."

After saying that, he glanced at Dominic again. It was just a joke. He was really worried that these guys couldn't take the joke and actually reported it.

"of course not."

Dominic breathed a sigh of relief when he heard Zhang Pin's question.

In fact, he was more worried about Zhang Pin reporting it than Zhang Pin was worried about them.

After all, according to America's laws, there are many exemptions.

People like Zhang Pin are barefoot, but Dominic and others are different. If the other party cannot survive, they can be deported. Dominic and others have no way out. Even if some clues are exposed, those who help them apply for certificates will be , and will not let him go.

"That's good, that's good. Really, as long as you get this ticket, if you don't spend money randomly in the future, you will definitely be able to live and feed well."

In fact, at the beginning, Dominic was only considering whether to invite Zhang Pin to join the team.

But now that he saw that Zhang Pin was very resistant to joining him, he firmly decided to invite him.

People are like this, if they can get something or a person easily, no matter how precious that thing is or how important that person is, they often don't care too much.

But if it is someone or something that you have worked hard to obtain, then it will be a different situation.

After being rejected by Zhang Pin several times in a row, Dominic felt that he must invite Zhang Pin to join his team.

Because now it's not just about Zhang Pin's identity and skills, it's also about his boss Tang's face.

After all, he is already so humble. If he still can't win over Zhang Pin, doesn't it mean that he, Boss Tang, doesn't have the charm of a family man?

"As long as you join our team, I can get you and Mia married so that you can get a green card."

Dominic was afraid that Zhang Pin would reject him again, so he quickly stated his conditions first.

"What! No, how can you let Mia marry this guy!"

After hearing what Boss Tang said, Vince couldn't sit still again.

He originally had a bad taste for Zhang Pin, but because of Dominic's prestige, he had to compromise.

Now that he heard that Zhang Pin actually wanted to enjoy the goddess in his mind, he was naturally unwilling to agree.

"I won't agree either!"

When Zhang Pin heard that he and Mia were being asked to marry, even though he knew it must be a fake marriage, he also chose to shake his head and refuse.

"You can put aside the green card thing for now and talk about making money."

In fact, when he heard Dominic inviting him to join the gang, Zhang Pin roughly guessed that several people wanted to continue committing crimes.

Since they all took the initiative to deliver criminal evidence to the door, Zhang Pin naturally would not turn it away.

However, he also knew that if he had not joined the gang, Boss Tang and others would not have revealed their plans so foolishly.

The reason why he continuously rejected the other party's invitations was just for gaming.

Because only if he refuses continuously can we take enough initiative and get enough information from him.

"No, you have to agree to join us, and then we can tell you how to make money."

Sure enough, although Dominic had great ideas about inviting Zhang Pin to join his team, he didn't get too confused and said anything.

"Forget it, I don't even know anything. What if you want to harm me and take back the car."

Zhang Pin was not surprised by Boss Tang's rejection.

He also pretended not to trust the other party.

"We sincerely invite you to join us."

"How about this, let's work together on another thing first. When this thing is completed, if the two parties trust each other, how about we talk about joining the partnership at that time."

Seeing that Zhang Pin wanted to leave, Boss Tang really chose to give in.

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