The police of Hong Kong comprehensive world

Chapter 1,247 Human Snake Group

Chapter 1118 Human Snake Group

Like Boss Tang, Frank was panicking at the moment.

Because he took the initiative to break the rules, there was a problem with the goods, and he was unlucky to meet someone from the Investigation Bureau.

Now Frank doesn't know what punishment he will encounter, but he knows one thing, if he can't escape, the end will definitely not be much better.

Originally, Frank was not sure whether his balls were broken or not, so he planned to nourish them first and then find a way to escape.

But now that he has met Boss Tang and has the opportunity to run out early, Frank will naturally not refuse.

The two squatted together and began to quietly discuss the escape plan.

As for the other people in the room, after seeing that Boss Tang and Frank knew each other, no one immediately dared to come here to look for trouble.

Because as early as when Boss Tang first came in, he had already used force to teach others a lesson.

"Fake, what a bullshit ace delivery guy, did he run away with someone?"

What Frank didn't know was that he actually escaped being caught by Zhang Pin.

Because the guy who wants him to deliver the goods this time is a big bad guy, and more importantly, the other party is actually ready to kill Frank and silence him when he delivers the goods.

Due to a strange combination of circumstances, although Frank failed to complete the task, he still saved his life.

"Didn't you say you weren't looking for anyone? Why are you looking for me again?"

The words were divided, and after separation from Zhang Pin, A Bao took A Qiang on the road to find the person.

"What's wrong with your face?"

A Qiang asked A Bao curiously while driving.

"Hey, stop talking. When will the money that Boss Zhang mentioned come to the account?"

Abao looked sad. Not long ago, the client who had been looking for someone found him somehow and asked him about the progress of finding someone.

Originally, Abao was thinking about rejecting the other party. After all, he was about to become a millionaire.

But before he could say no, the thugs following him took advantage of their strength to give Ah Bao a beating. Then the other party took out more money to comfort Ah Bao.

After being defeated again and again, and the other party was too generous, A Bao could only drag A Qiang on another searching journey.

The first stop for the two of them to find someone was a psychiatric sanatorium.


Dang Dang Dang——

Suddenly, when the car drove to the entrance of the nursing home, an accident occurred.

"Damn it, Abao, didn't I ask you to tighten the screws yesterday? What do you want to do now?"

After they got out of the car, they discovered that several screws of the spare tire they had replaced yesterday had fallen out because they were not tightened.

What is even more frustrating is that the place where the screws fell off is a deep sewer entrance, and all the fallen screws fell into the sewer.

"Didn't you twist it yourself? You can't blame me entirely. Besides, the spare tire is only a temporary emergency. You forgot to repair the tire and do maintenance again last night."

Although he knew that this happened because he did not tighten the screws seriously, Abao still quickly made an excuse.

"What's the use of talking about it now? Hurry up and take charge of pushing the cart!"

A Qiang and A Bao are very familiar with each other, so he naturally knows that there is no point in trying to reason with A Bao.

"No, no, no, don't you. Do you have a magnet in your car? Maybe it can suck out the screws. Besides, even if it's a pushcart, why should I do it?"

But Abao was obviously unwilling to push the cart.

"You two idiots, since this is a temporary emergency, just remove a few screws from the other three tires."

Just as the two were debating whether they should use a magnet to suck the screws from the sewer, or whether they should push the cart to a repair shop.

An uncle in a psychotic costume stood up and gave the two of them a new idea.

"Wonderful, what a great idea."

After hearing the uncle's suggestion, A Bao and A Qiang quickly removed a few screws from other wheels to fix the replacement spare tire. This time they tightened the screws specially.

After Abao got up, he discovered that the uncle who gave them advice was actually wearing a hospital gown from a mental hospital.

So he couldn't help but curiously asked: "Uncle, you are so smart, why are you still in a mental hospital?"

Aqiang on the side was also full of curiosity when he heard Abao's inquiry.

The uncle who came up with the idea looked at the two of them with caring eyes: "Of course I went to the hospital because I was sick, not because I was stupid like you two."

Abao: ""

Aqiang: ""

The two of them were hurt, but what the other said was very reasonable, and they were unable to refute it.

"Hurry up. Let's leave early after asking. I've long heard that mental hospitals are full of talented people. Now I've learned a lot."

The two of them had not walked far when they met an uncle who was shaking his head. A Qiang stepped forward out of curiosity and asked, only to find out that the man was a clock.

It is normal for people with mental illness to have cognitive impairments on their own, but this uncle not only has cognitive impairments, Aqiang deliberately stood next to the opponent with a stopwatch for ten minutes, and the opponent's head did not even deviate from the stopwatch by one second. .

If A Bao hadn't been unable to wait any longer in the end, A Qiang would have had to follow the clock uncle all day long.

Then they met an uncle who told them a joke, but the patient didn't laugh, and A Bao and A Qiang laughed hard;

One of them was hiding in a corner and kept complaining that he was cold. Abao drew a sun on the wall next to him with his hands. As a result, the doctor took him away after a while and said he had heatstroke.

After the two entered the hospital, it could be said that they had to go through five hurdles and six generals before finally arriving at Uncle Aqiang's ward.

At this time, Aqiang's uncle Biao was sitting on the hospital bed, holding a pen in his hand and lowering his head as if thinking hard about something.

"Uncle Biao, what are you doing?"

Aqiang saw that Uncle Biao was in good condition, so he quickly stepped forward to say hello.

"It's Xiaoqiang here. I'm writing a letter."

"Write a letter, who are you writing to?"

Hearing Uncle Biao say that he was writing a letter, Aqiang suddenly became energetic.

The reason why Uncle Biao was hospitalized was because he was alone in a foreign country without anyone to accompany him, which caused difficulties in communicating with people.

Now I heard that the other party started to write letters, which means that the situation has improved.

"I'm writing a letter to myself."

As a result, Uncle Biao's next words let Aqiang know that he was overthinking.

"Um, Uncle Biao, what did you write? Can you show it to us?"

Abao on the side patted Aqiang on the shoulder to comfort him, and then he came over to communicate with Uncle Biao.

Although Uncle Biao seems to have difficulties communicating with other people now, being able to communicate with himself is an improvement in Bao's opinion.

After hearing A Bao's words, Uncle Biao looked at A Bao helplessly: "Xiao Bao, I have always said that you are stupid since you were a child. You are still not convinced. I haven't received the letter yet. How do you know this?"

Aqiang almost couldn't help laughing.

Abao also looked helpless: "Why don't we think of other ways."

Obviously, he no longer had any expectations about whether he could get Uncle Biao's help in recommending Uncle Mo.

Moreover, it was so difficult for Uncle Biao, a mental patient with communication difficulties, to communicate. Uncle Mo's condition was even more serious, and Abao was even less confident that he could get any useful information from the other party.

"You're all here, let's stay with Uncle Biao."

Aqiang also felt that he couldn't get any more news, but he finally came here, so naturally he wasn't ready to leave right away.

The two chatted with Uncle Biao for a while.


Suddenly, the clock uncle they met on the road ran in while shouting.

"Yeah, the alarm clock rang. Gloria and I made an appointment to meet at this time."

Uncle Biao stood up immediately when he heard Uncle Clock's voice.

"Date, Uncle Biao, are you able to date now?"

Aqiang was a little surprised when he heard this.

After all, for people with communication difficulties, being able to date is really great news.

"Gloria, Uncle Biao, did you just say you wanted to date Gloria?"

Abao was also a little surprised.

Because the target of the search mission he received this time was a woman named Gloria.

"Of course, Gloria and I have made an appointment. We must not be late."

Uncle Biao said while tidying up his appearance.

Aqiang and Abao quickly followed.

"This woman's name is Lai, and she is the daughter of a rich man in Malaysia. But the strange thing is that when we contacted her father, he did not intend to delve into the matter."

"As for the man who was arrested, his name is Frank. He is a retired Marine Corps commando. He is now doing some delivery work on the surface, but in fact he is delivering some illegal things."

Warren said a lot, but Zhang Pin waved his hands indifferently.

"I'm not interested in these."

He also rescued Lai because he met him by chance. As for the rest of the matter, it was naturally the people of the Investigation Bureau to worry about.

"There is something that will definitely interest you."

Warren has been in contact with Zhang Pin for several days. At the beginning, he still had some opinions about Zhang Pin.

But with the completion of several recent cases, I naturally have some understanding of Zhang Pin.

"This Lai's father is apparently a wealthy businessman, but according to our investigation, this guy is probably the boss of a smuggler group, specializing in transporting people from Southeast Asia for sale."

"Human trafficker?"

Sure enough, after hearing Warren's words, Zhang Pin immediately focused his attention.

Although Asia is so big, life and death in Southeast Asia actually have nothing to do with Zhang Pin.

But who makes him have a strong sense of justice?

He has always hated the pain of human traffickers, so forget it if he has never encountered such a thing, but now that he has.

"Tell me, what are you going to do?"

Zhang Pin looked at Warren and decided to work harder and work overtime.

Hey, I originally came to America thinking I was on vacation, but who knew that the cases were one after another, and it was almost endless.

If this continues, Sir Zhang won't even know if his half-month vacation is enough.

Especially when he is away from home and is not used to living and eating, Sir Zhang feels that he has become a little angry recently.

"It seems that Nancy will have to work overtime tonight to calm herself down."

"That's right. According to our investigation, this person named Lin Yitian recently had a freight transaction with the Kaposi Group. We suspect that there may be people smuggled from Malaysia among them."

"Now that you have the clues, why don't you just wait until the container arrives at the port and then investigate directly?"

Zhang Pin heard that Warren already had so many clues, so he was naturally curious as to why the other party hadn't launched an investigation yet.

"Hey, you can't say that. Firstly, the channel through which we get the news cannot be easily exposed. Secondly, the port handles so many containers every day. Without knowing the specific container numbers, for the safety of these people, we cannot make a big show of it. to investigate."

When Warren talked about this, he felt very aggrieved.

Although the Bureau of Investigation claims that as long as it is a matter involving America, it can supervise and investigate at will.

But the actual situation is different.

America is a capitalist country, so a group of capitalists are in charge.

Behind every port in Luojishan are some giants.

A place like this not only harbors filth and evil, but there are also not too many illegal and criminal things.

In addition to human smuggling, there must be many other criminal facts in this place.

Generally speaking, except for some major terrorist attacks, or when the two sides are just showing off, people from the Investigation Bureau really can't investigate the port.

After all, what if the investigation turns up something more serious.

In fact, if Zhang Pin hadn't happened to be here, Warren wouldn't have taken action against the smuggler group.

After all, in the view of some capital lords, smuggling people and selling them to America is a good thing to increase their labor force.

From the fact that the other party can send people directly to the port, we know that the Kaposi Group is naturally not a small player.

There is another fundamental reason why Warren likes to bring Zhang Pin together to handle cases, and that is that Zhang Pin is not from America.

Although America is the only superpower in the world, people all over the world are proud to have America's identity.

But many times, outsiders have an advantage over our own people.

In particular, rabbits and eagle sauce are currently in the honeymoon period. With the shift of manufacturing industry, the status of rabbit in eagle sauce is getting higher and higher.

And Zhang Pin was invited by Consul Han to help. Rabbit's current status was enough to resist some malicious intentions.

Coupled with Zhang Pin's status as an outsider, he will not be involved in interests with other people.

Even if there is something unbearable, you can turn around and let Zhang Pin handle it.

With the combination of multiple factors, it’s no wonder Warren is so positive.

After all, if the case is solved, all the credit will be his own, and if something goes wrong, Zhang Pin can take the blame.

Of course, such a useful harvester should be used for a while while it can still be used.

Zhang Pin probably guessed what Warren was thinking.

After all, Carter wanted to invite Zhang Pin before, which actually had a similar effect.

And the reason why he agreed was of course because it would be good for him.

If nothing else, the bag of diamonds from before would be worth hundreds of millions of dollars if you really wanted to keep it and sell it slowly.

Moreover, having the status of an investigation bureau consultant in America is quite convenient in many matters.

Of course, the most fundamental reason is that Sir Zhang always hates evil and is sworn in with criminals.

"But for such a big port, the number of containers handled every day will be an astronomical number. We can't let us try our luck one by one, right?"

If he didn't know that hundreds of people were transported here, Zhang Pin had a simple way, which was to kill these bosses directly and then destroy the entire smuggling chain.

But if we want to save the hostages first, then it is necessary to identify the container.

"That's right. I suspect that Ms. Shulei will have some clues. If you can get her to open her legs, no, open her mouth, maybe our case will be easier."

This guy Warren looks ungrateful, and his ideas are equally ungrateful.

"Sorry, I can't keep my mouth shut."

Sir Zhang has always had no resistance to beautiful women, but he is also very resistant to those who are not beautiful.

Especially since Shu Lai had a big mouth and a flat chest, he was even less interested.

"That's a pity, but there is another way. The friend you met recently named Abao, according to our investigation, he is America who came here through a clue. Maybe it was through this clue."

When Warren saw that Zhang Pin was not ready to use his beauty trick, he immediately came up with another way.

"It seems that the strength of the Investigation Bureau cannot be underestimated."

Zhang Pin was not surprised to hear Warren reveal Abao's identity.

There have always been a lot of illegal accounts in America.

The American authorities also have an ambiguous attitude towards these people who have been arrested.

Although they are clamoring to drive out all those who are running wires, in reality it is different.

As the only superpower in the world, one of America's greatest advantages is its ability to absorb all high-end talents from other parts of the world through immigration.

In addition to attracting talents, if a country wants to run well, workers at the bottom are naturally indispensable.

After all, only by having people in some hard and tiring positions can the luxury of the upper class be maintained.

Like low-end manufacturing, as well as various other resources, you can also choose to hand them over to people, provided by rabbits or other countries.

But some real industries, such as food and some services, must be maintained locally.

Of course, native Americans are not willing to take over these hard-working jobs.

After all, as a superpower, there is absolutely nothing to say about the welfare system.

So in fact, most of these positions were transferred to black accounts.

These people do not receive America's sound social security, but they devote their labor and even their flesh and blood.

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