The police of Hong Kong comprehensive world

Chapter 114 The end of Uncle Hai


Just two cars drove in, and a guy with long hair threw a grenade at the door. There was a burst of fire, and the two cars burst into flames with the sound of explosions.

The cars behind didn't react in time, and even though the driver slammed on the brakes, they still hit each other and made a mess.

Uncle Hai is indeed old, and his men's reaction ability is also far behind Johnny Wang's men.

When something as dangerous as an explosion happened, the first thing they did was not to scatter and find cover to hide, but to get out of the car and get together in a group. Now, Johnny Wang's men came from all directions and surrounded each other. "Alang, you traitor, you actually brought people to destroy our place. I really misjudged you before. I'm going to shoot you."

I have to say that Uncle Hai’s loss was not unjust at all.

After being surrounded by people, the first thing A Hua, one of Uncle Hai's leaders, did was to cause trouble for A Lang.

"Stop, put the gun down, Ah Hua!"

Uncle Hai is a veteran after all. He didn't panic after being surrounded by others and immediately made the most correct choice.

He looked at the blood and corpses on the ground, as well as the empty warehouse, and actually guessed the truth of the matter.

But he guessed that his men obviously didn't understand the specific situation, or they were not willing to just let other people control their lives.

"You all put your guns down, put them down! Put your guns down!"

As Uncle Hai roared, the others chose to put down their guns out of respect and trust.

Then, Uncle Hai pushed away the two younger brothers who were protecting him and stepped forward to look at A Lang.

"Alang, depending on the situation, I'm dead tonight!"

After he finished speaking, before Alang could speak, Johnny Wang, who was hiding aside, saw that the overall situation was decided and walked out with a smile on his face.

"Uncle Hai, just throwing away the gun like this is considered surrender, but you are still afraid of death!"

"Afraid of your mother!"

Not all people who dare to engage in this kind of beheading business are bloodless. When a fat man under Uncle Hai heard this, he bent down to pick up the pistol, obviously wanting to resist.

But before he could stand up.


A bullet entered the back of his head and lodged in his body, also intimidating others.

"Johnny, it seems that I am dead tonight, but the grudge is between the two of us. My men all use money to do things. Now the goods belong to you, can you let my men go?"

Uncle Hai is obviously still too naive, or in other words, a man of his age still has a sense of self-righteousness in his heart.

Little do they know that this world has changed a long time ago. It has become no longer moral and loyal, and only interests and money remain between people.

No, Johnny Wang smiled coldly.

"Old guy, you're already on the verge of death and you still have so many demands."

He just complained, without even looking at Uncle Hai. Instead, he focused on A Lang and took out a gun in his hand and handed it to him.

"Alang, you should have an idea of ​​whether we can be brothers and what to do."

A Lang was stunned for a moment, and then a smile appeared on his face. He did not catch the opponent's gun.

"I have my own gun!"

After finishing speaking, he walked towards Uncle Hai.

"Alang, this world is like this. There are some things you don't want to do, but you can only do it. Just like me, after I step into the world, I can never quit. I knew I would one day I died on the street, but I never expected that it would be you who betrayed me in the end.

Of course, it's my fault for being blind, but I just want to beg you to let go of these brothers who work with you. "

Uncle Hai showed genuine affection on his face, but in his heart he already wanted the other person to die.

It's just that he also knows that he can't do anything to the other party now, so when he says this, he doesn't actually feel at ease.

He said that the other party betrayed him and was a brother with other subordinates. In fact, he was giving Johnnie Wang eye drops. After all, for a gangster, betraying his elder brother was a taboo in the world, not to mention if Johnny Wang really let himself go. As for his subordinates, if these guys want to rise to power, they will definitely take revenge on themselves.

"Sir Zhang, we are outside the warehouse, should we attack now?"

Just as the underworld was going on inside the warehouse, all members of the Wan Chai Crime Squad, led by Lee Xiuxian, rushed outside the warehouse.

The person who sent the message was Li Xiuxian. Fortunately, he had passed the Qi before, and Zhang Pin was lying outside the warehouse. He also turned the volume of his mobile phone very low, so it did not attract the attention of others.

"First arrange for people to guard the exit and wait for my orders. If you don't receive my call, don't show up."

After receiving the news, Zhang Pin did not let them rush in directly, but prepared to watch the show on the side and wait for a suitable time.

On the other side, He Wenzhan leaned towards the outside from the beam of the warehouse, but Yuan Haoyun still stayed in place. The other person was loading bullets into the shotgun one by one.

"Why are you here?"

He Wenzhan was the first to ambush into the warehouse, and naturally saw Zhang Pin and Chen Jiaju, but at first there were people below and he couldn't say hello.

"I received the tip, how about you?"

Zhang Pin looked at Yuan Haoyun, then looked at him curiously.

"I'm not following up on this case. He said he has been following him for several years, so he came with him."


Just when they were about to say something, A Lang in the warehouse took a very decisive shot and hit Uncle Hai in the chest. The other person's eyes were distracted and he fell towards the ground.

"Uncle Hai——"

"Uncle Hai——"

Uncle Hai's men gathered around him, trying to help him up. Alang didn't look at them, but turned around and smiled at Johnny Wang. Then he found a man with long hair next to Johnny Wang. The guy looked at himself with disdain.

The real reason why A Lang attacked Uncle Hai was that he was actually an undercover agent.

Being able to work as an undercover agent and become Uncle Hai's right-hand man, he obviously does not lack intelligence.

Seeing the way Johnny Wang's men looked at him at this time, he instantly guessed Uncle Hai's true intention.

You must know that what he is doing now is completely taboo in the world, killing his eldest brother. If he really lets Uncle Hai's men go, then these people will definitely come after him in the future.

The more he thought about it, the more frightened he became, so when he walked to Johnny Wang, he grabbed the submachine gun in the hand of one of Johnny Wang's men, and pulled the trigger at the men surrounding Uncle Hai's body.

Facing all this, Johnny Wang nodded with satisfaction. This guy was ruthless and had no humanity at all. He always liked to kill everyone. Now that he saw Alang's methods, he felt even more satisfied.

Seeing that all of Uncle Hai's men were beaten to death, Zhang Pin first sent a text message to Li Xiuxian, and then made eye contact with He Wenzhan.

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