"No! There are all bombs at the school gate, unless you risk your life to fill them. 520 official website


The commander of the anti-terrorism force was really experienced. After seeing the situation at the scene, he immediately showed a look of helplessness.

"Rescue people first!"

Brother No. 1 looked ugly, especially when he saw six members of the Flying Tigers lying motionless on the ground, so he issued an order to the anti-terrorism department.

After receiving the mission, the anti-terrorist troops did not hesitate. They formed a group of four, and three of them raised their shields to surround themselves. They did not think about attacking, and the other one was holding the people with nothing at the same time.

During this period, the terrorists hiding in the security room and the truck also opened fire. Except for one anti-terrorist officer who raised his shield too high and was shot in the leg, they successfully rescued six Flying Tigers, and then the one with the leg The injured counter-terrorism officers also got into the ambulance with the Flying Tigers.

"Why don't you use heavy weapons and just blow up the security room and the truck?"

Zhang Pin and the members of the Wan Chai Crime Unit were hiding in a corner.

There were elite agents from the Political Department, the Flying Tigers, and the Anti-Terrorist Force at the scene. Naturally, they had no choice but to step aside.

At this time, seeing how aggrieved the anti-terrorist troops were after rescuing several people, Li Xiuxian couldn't help but speak.

"The security room and the truck have never been the focus. I saw that there is no teaching building opposite, and there are still a few teachers hanging in the corridor. If we swarm them, we will be overwhelmed by the time, and the hostages will be dead."

Song Zijie also looked ugly, but he deserved to have gone to college, and he could see the tacit understanding between the terrorists and the police force at a glance.

In fact, the first brother of the police force is also worried about this. Otherwise, with his arrival, there will be hundreds of members of the Flying Tigers and the anti-terrorism department at the scene. If they really want to swarm them, in addition to the gate school, there are walls, but this It's impossible to hold on to a dozen terrorists.

But the threat from terrorists is not themselves, but the hostages in their hands. Smith School is an aristocratic school. Although if you really look into these students and parents, it is not really that there are any aristocrats, but as the current Hong Kong Island The ruling class, the safety of their children is obviously not something that the top brother of the police force or the governor of Hong Kong can fully bear.

Not to mention, the children of the Hong Kong Governor and the first brother in the police force are also in it.

"Their request is to release the group of people captured in the Fuki Maru last time, especially their leader McDonald!"

The two sides have been confronting each other for such a long time, so naturally Miami has informed the police force of its needs.

"What's going on? There are so many people from the police force, but they can't even deal with a group of terrorists. There were more kidnapping robbers at the Cointreau Hotel than there are now, and the terrain is even more complicated. I remember Sir Zhang brought a few people with him. That’s all done, Sir Zhang, why aren’t you the on-site commander now?”

The police force was debating whether they should fight or talk about the headache. On the other side, the reporters who were pushed further and further away suddenly discovered Zhang Pin who was sitting in the corner watching the show, so they swarmed up and started interviewing this famous man. The loud "Headshot Detective" comes.

It's very noisy now because there are so many people, so the voice needs to be loud to convey the message clearly, and the reporter's words can also be heard by everyone in the temporary command post.

The mustache of the Political Department showed disdain on his face. He knew Zhang Pin. When the other party was dealing with terrorists, they only used the same method, which was to place undercover agents into Smith School in advance.

In the end, he disliked these people for being unprofessional, especially Zhang Pin himself who used power for personal gain and fell in love with a female teacher at school.

So he took the upper-level route and got rid of the Wan Chai Crime Squad.

The reason he dismissed the Wan Chai Crime Squad was that they would be a hindrance at school, and unprofessional undercover agents were easily exposed to terrorist surveillance.

But in fact, he was just jealous that Zhang Pin was young, not only held a high position, but also could win beautiful women for every task.

Now hearing the compliments from these reporters, he naturally looked dismissive.

The expressions on the faces of the two commanders of the Flying Tigers and the Anti-Terrorist Force were similar. They didn't know Zhang Pin very well. After all, the two sides had not had many interactions before. Zhang Pin kept a low profile except for missions.

Now when they hear reporters praising the other party and belittling themselves, of course they will not be too happy, but now that the task is at hand, they have not lost their composure.

On the contrary, it was the first brother of the police force. He glanced at the people around him with disappointment, and then his eyes fell on Zhang Pin, who was waving his hands modestly. Then he waved, and Director Huang who was waiting aside immediately stepped forward sensibly.

"Is that Zhang Pin? If you were given the command, could you kill this group of terrorists while ensuring the safety of the hostages?"

After the first brother gave the order, Director Huang naturally called Zhang Pin over sensibly. Otherwise, with his level, he would obviously not be able to enter the on-site command circle.

Hearing Brother Yi's inquiry, the mustache next to him opened his eyes wide. He couldn't believe that Brother Yi was really planning to hand over the on-site command to Zhang Pin because of the reporter's words.

The commanders of the Flying Tigers and the Anti-Terrorist Force also looked unhappy. As professionals, they didn't think they could accomplish this, and they certainly weren't optimistic that Zhang Pin could do it.

But Zhang Pin obviously didn't care about the looks of these people, but even though he didn't care about the looks of others, he didn't choose to agree immediately.

He still needs to weigh the pros and cons of this carefully.

If he had been left to lead the team to deal with the Smith School case, he could guarantee that this group of terrorists would never have the opportunity to invade the school. Of course, when talking about this now, in addition to continuing to condemn the Political Department, which has shown itself to be very incompetent, There is no other meaning.

Things had taken a turn for the worst, but for him, it was both a challenge and a real opportunity.

Let’s not talk about anything else, let’s just talk about the dozens of rich people and high-ranking officials at the scene. Their children were all kidnapped by gangsters in the school.

If he could complete this mission and rescue their children, then it would be obvious that the two parties would have a good relationship.

Especially since the children of the first brother in the police force and the Hong Kong governor are also at school. As long as he shows his face in front of these two people, it will definitely be easy for him to find the chief inspector who is deeply in his heart.

And as long as I don't make any principled mistakes, I will certainly not be suppressed during the tenure of these two people, not to mention that I will rise to the top.

In short, if I really complete this mission, the benefits will definitely be great, especially with so many media witnesses at the scene, these senior officials will definitely not deny their love afterwards.

But since the benefits are so great, if things fail, the consequences will obviously be unbearable.

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