"For this raid, I need four people with excellent climbing skills and marksmanship. Can you, the Flying Tigers and the Anti-Terrorist Force, come up with two of them!"

Then Zhang Pin turned around and looked at the commanders of the Flying Tigers and the Anti-Terrorism Force. In any case, the strongest combat units of the Hong Kong Island Police were the Flying Tigers and the Anti-Terrorism Force. In order to ensure that the raid plan was foolproof, he only Can choose people from among them. 520 official website

"Okay, okay, I will arrange two of the best people to cooperate with you and follow your orders 100%!"

The commander of the Flying Tigers was the first to react. Zhang Pin's words sounded more pleasant to his ears than the sounds of nature. Before, he was worried that not only would this operation not achieve any success, but it would also cause the Flying Tigers to lose everything. Face, now is this opportunity to make amends.

"Yes, yes, we will do the same here. We promise to obey the command!"

The commander of the anti-terrorist force also reacted. The two of them were smart and made it clear that they would obey the command immediately. Apparently they wanted to give in.

In fact, apart from the position of commander, the three parties have no other conflicts.

At first, the director directly appointed Zhang Pin as the on-site commander. The two of them may have been a little uncomfortable, but now they have come to their senses. Even if the director appointed them two, they would not be able to rescue the people inside. of hostages.

Now that Zhang Pin takes the initiative to offer them the opportunity to perform meritorious service, of course they will not miss it.

"Okay, I will lead the team into the school from the air-raid shelter later. Director Huang will be responsible for the peripheral command at that time. He has been in the police for many years and has rich experience..."

After confirming the personnel entering, Zhang Pin began to arrange peripheral commanders.

"Go in yourself!"

There was a trace of surprise on the director's face, but more of it was relief. He said this not because he wanted to stop him, but just as a superior's habitual comfort to his subordinates.

"The situation in the school is too complicated. If I am not on the scene, I don't feel comfortable commanding others remotely. After all, our first priority is to ensure the safety of the hostages."

Zhang Pin nodded with an awe-inspiring look on his face, but after he said that he went in personally, the officials and the rich man on the scene immediately relaxed a lot.

After all, if he is not very sure, he will never put himself in danger, and if he is sure, it means that the safety of his children is also guaranteed to a certain extent.

As for the selection of peripheral commanders, no one raised any objections.

Because everyone knows that as long as the hostages in the school are rescued, it is impossible for the few terrorists in the security room and the truck to cause any trouble.

There are at least several hundred police officers gathered at the scene, and there are only six terrorists guarding the door. There is no hostage threat, and a few bombs will not have much effect at all.

"Now in order not to cause a terrorist riot, can we pretend to agree to their request and move back a little bit?"

After everyone exchanged action plans, Zhang Pin looked at the director again.

Brother Yi thought for a while and finally didn't agree to this.

"First withdraw the defense line a little, and then arrange negotiations with negotiators, and let the negotiators express that the Hong Kong Island government is willing to talk to them."

When Zhang Pin heard this, he felt that the director should still be the director. In this way, it would not only reassure the terrorists, but in fact the Hong Kong Island government did not compromise with the terrorists. After all, it was just a negotiation. This is what the police must do to handle things. process.

Next, Zhang Pin asked for a full set of equipment from the Flying Tigers. When he was inspecting the firearms, the director suddenly came over and held his hand.

Zhang Pin instantly felt that the other party seemed to have stuffed something into his palm. Before he could raise his hand to check, the director leaned over, as if he wanted to hug him, and then whispered softly in his ear.

"The child in the photo is my daughter, we must ensure her safety!"

Then he let go of Zhang Pin's hand, patted him on the shoulder twice, and walked to the RV not far away as if nothing had happened.

Zhang Pin didn't speak. He stuffed the crumpled photo into his pocket and clapped his hands.

"Get in the car and get ready for action!"

Smith School occupies a large area, and the distance from the main entrance to the back of the school is not short. Walking would be a waste of time.

The air-raid shelter, because Zhang Pin had already planned it, the air inside was not dull.

Two anti-terrorism force elites walked in front with shields in both hands. Although they knew that there was no danger in the cafeteria after talking to Zhou Xingxing on the phone, Zhang Pin was still fully prepared to avoid the possibility that the other party was actually being held hostage and said so on purpose.

In the middle is Zhang Pin, dressed in Flying Tigers uniform, and naturally following him are two Flying Tigers elites.

The five people did not speak, and the atmosphere was relatively depressed. Zhang Pin looked at the mobile phone in his hand that had no signal, and was speechless. Originally, he wanted to keep talking to Zhou Xingxing, but he didn't know that the signal down here could not be covered.


In fact, there was no need for Zhang Pin to speak. When he heard the noise coming from the front, the elite counter-terrorism force walking in front had already stopped on his own initiative.

Zhang Pin was a little confused, but not too nervous.

Because the sound inside was chaotic, it didn't sound like terrorists were setting up an ambush in front of them, but rather like a group of panicked people.

So at his signal, everyone continued to move forward.

"Ahhhh - we've been discovered!"

Before the anti-terrorist troops in front could say anything, a student wearing glasses spotted them immediately after they walked down a path.

The two elites of the anti-terrorist force stood there. Although they wore masks on their faces, they could not hide their shame. The noise they heard just now made them think that there was not much danger inside, so when Zhang Pin signaled to move forward, At that moment, the two of them took a step forward, and the shields in their hands were exposed first.

"Squat down! Squat down!"

But after all, they were blocked by masks. They quickly took out a pistol from their waists, then held a shield in one hand and a gun in the other, and walked towards the crowd gathered in the center of the air raid shelter.

Even though they guessed that this group of people might be teachers, students and staff of the school, in order to avoid potential terrorists among them, the two of them still used the counter-terrorism training methods.


"Hey, it's the police. We are teachers and students of Smith School."

The moment the two elites of the counter-terrorism force came out, there was a commotion in the crowd, but soon, a female voice pretending to be calm sounded. She saw the word police written on the shield held by the counter-terrorism force police officer.


Hearing this voice, Zhang Pin, who was still hiding in the passage, quickly took off his hood and walked out, finally feeling relieved.

As early as when he heard about the terrorist attack on Smith School, after answering Zhou Xingxing's call, he had already called He Min.

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