Anyway, after they blocked the signal, due to the distance between the canteen and the teaching building, the walkie-talkies connected by Bluetooth were unable to work, and the phone calls could not be made.

So they had been working in the cafeteria for so long. Apart from the sound of gunfire, the terrorists in the teaching building did not know what was going on here.

Zhang Pin didn't expect that these terrorists were so stupid and wanted to cover up by blocking the school's signal after making such a big noise.

What he didn't know was that before this group of mercenaries came to Hong Kong Island, their main target and object of attack was the same as the Fuki Maru, in a relatively independent and easy-to-control place.

On the Fukimaru cruise ship, they blocked the signal or seized the way to contact the outside world in advance, so the next actions were all under their control.

This time the Smith School hijacking operation, according to their initial plan, was to turn the school into a signal black hole in advance, and then they could take advantage of it and take everyone in the school hostage.

But the plan was good, and it needed people to execute it, especially because of their origins. The day they arrived on Hong Kong Island, they were noticed by people from the Political Department.

Although the agents of the Political Department performed very poorly in critical battles, as an intelligence agency specially trained by the ancestral family, they are not really useless. The most important thing is that their positioning itself is not used on frontal battlefields.

Therefore, with the Political Department following them like a dog-skin plaster, this group of terrorists who had no tacit understanding could only choose to take risks.

And when they first invaded the school, the Political Department's weak head-on combat capabilities once again gave the terrorists a wrong perception.

They thought that the actual combat effectiveness of the combat troops maintaining law and order on Hong Kong Island was the same as that of the agents of the Political Department, so they subconsciously became arrogant and started acting according to the original plan even though they were clearly exposed.

In addition, as a group of not very professional terrorists, in addition to being arrogant, they also made another equally important mistake.

This mistake cannot be entirely blamed on them. It can only be said that as terrorists, even God is not on their side.

That was when they were collecting information about Smith School, the floor plan they bought turned out to be a renovated drawing.

They thought that the entire Smith School had only one exit, the front of the school, so in addition to setting up defense at the school entrance, they also gave Zhang Pin a chance.

No, Zhang Pin, wearing a tight suit and big sunglasses, walked in from the main entrance of the teaching building.

As he walked, he kept closing his mouth and whispering something: "Is everyone in place? Have you found out the distribution of terrorists on each floor?"

"Report, No. 1 is lurking in the classroom on the second floor. The classroom is empty. There are two terrorists at the stairs in the corridor. They can be dealt with. Wait for instructions!"

"Report, No. 3 is lurking at the window on the third floor. There is someone in the classroom where I climbed. A terrorist is on the podium. He can be dealt with, but he can't take into account the targets on the stairs and corridors. Wait for instructions."

"Report, No. 2 is lurking in the corridor on the fourth floor. There are no hostages or robbers on the fourth floor. Do you want to go up to the fifth floor for support? Please give me instructions?"

After Zhang Pin heard the three reports, he didn't stop and continued to ask questions.

"Zhou Xingxing? Number 4? What's going on with you?"

After waiting for a while, when he was approaching the steps of the teaching building, the reply from Zhou Xingxing and another person came from the headset.

"Report, Zhou Xingxing and No. 4 have climbed to the top of the building. We have inquired about the situation on the fifth floor. The terrorists gathered the hostages in the conference room on the fifth floor. There are four people guarding it, two are in the classroom, and the other two are guarding We entered the elevator, but in order to avoid exposure, we couldn’t see the principal’s office or the stairs.”

Yes, Zhang Pin's plan is very simple. From his observation of the terrorist branch outside, he already has a rough plan.

Although this group of terrorists relies on their powerful firepower, their combat effectiveness is not too bad.

But when it comes to defense deployment and division of labor, they are simply retarded.

Especially when more and more police gathered at the school gate, facing the teaching building not too far from the school gate, terrorists appeared with hostages from time to time.

Their original intention was to use hostages to threaten the Hong Kong police so that they would not dare to attack their fellow guards at the school gate with all their strength.

However, Zhang Pin, who was observing outside, discovered the loopholes in their defense. Of course, it may be that after looking at the school floor plan, they thought that no one could attack from behind, so all their manpower was deployed outside the classrooms and corridors. .

As for the backside of the school, they obviously ignored it subconsciously.

After all, there was a flat wall behind them, so they probably thought it was impossible for anyone to attack from here.

So when Zhang Pin brought a few climbing experts to sneak attack, everyone reached the designated position very smoothly.

But he, who couldn't climb, changed his clothes and walked through the main entrance.

The reason why he has this courage is not only confident in his LV5 shooting skills, but also for two other reasons. One of them is the suit he is wearing.

As we all know, Gui Lao’s dressing style is really confusing sometimes.

For example, what he is wearing now is a tight suit like a future warrior, a turban on his head, and a pair of big sunglasses on his face, making it impossible to tell his true face.

And it happened that this guy was knocked out of combat by Zhou Xingxing after stealing peaches, so the clothes on his body were not stained. Zhang Pin had an idea and put them on him.

The second reason is about the total number of terrorists in this group.

With the information from the Political Department and the fact that everyone witnessed it with their own eyes, they had long known the distribution of terrorists at the school gate and in the teaching building.

There were a total of six terrorists in the school's security room and the truck.

There are only eleven terrorists in the teaching building.

With such a small number of people spread out over a five-story teaching building, there are only two people on each floor on average.

Of course, the terrorists were not that stupid. They did not distribute the people evenly. Several police officers who climbed up from behind reported that all the classrooms on the first and second floors were empty.

Apparently they moved everyone to the three floors above, apparently to prevent students from escaping.

In order to further save manpower, the terrorists arranged manpower at the elevator entrance on the first floor and the stairs on the second floor to guard the exits.

The remaining people were all concentrated on the fourth and fifth floors.

Such a small number of people prompted Zhang Pin to make up his mind, put on the clothes of this group of terrorists, and prepare to attract the opponent's attention from the front, so as to create a sneak attack opportunity for Zhou Xingxing and other five elites who climbed up from behind.

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