In addition, the new team leader candidate also belongs to the original anti-gang group, which can also play a role in attracting and dividing ordinary police officers.

So even Heidi, who was taken off the team leader's hat, just gritted his teeth but did not dare to refute.

Zhang Pin smiled and greeted He Shangsheng, and assigned some of the police officers who, like him, had been suppressed in the anti-gang group before, to his group.

"The leader of the fifth group, Song Zijie!"

The candidate for the leader of the fifth group did not exceed everyone's expectations. After all, the only two people who came to the anti-gang group today but did not belong to the anti-gang group were Li Xiuxian and Song Zijie.

And it just so happened that Zhang Pin announced that the members of the anti-gangster group would be split from three groups into five groups. In addition, Li Xiuxian was appointed as one of the group leaders early. With such an obvious signal, of course, except for a few silly geese, everyone else Got it.

So now that the results came out, no one was surprised, and many people immediately sent their blessings to Song Zijie.

Song Zijie's group has the smallest number of members, but at the same time he also has the cleanest background, and everyone has a high level of education.

This person was specially selected by Zhang Pin from more than 200 members of the anti-gangster group to serve as a member of the mobile team, which was different from Li Xiuxian's team, which was also a mobile team.

Most of Lee Xiuxian's group are rebellious and focused on practical combat capabilities. They are used as an action team to chew hard bones.

As for Song Zijie's group, Zhang Pin plans to arrange for them to develop in intelligence collection and information analysis, and most of them are college students and will take a high-tech route in the future.

It stands to reason that Zhang Pin is just the head of two departments, barely reaching the top of the police station. There is no need to prepare talents who are biased towards the administrative department, but he knows that his future position will definitely not stop at this.

Another thing is that in a few years, technology will become more and more developed. If there are fewer criminals, he can also consider developing on the technology side.

For example, the Sky Eye system that controls cameras, or uses fingerprints, DNA verification, traces, and other methods to solve crimes.

After all, if Hong Kong Island were to return, the attitude of the leaders and the government there would definitely completely eliminate the soil for the survival of associations.

When the environment changes, perhaps it will be followed by a decrease in crime, or it may become more hidden, high-tech, and have a high IQ. Zhang Pin asked himself that his IQ is not too high, so it would be good to reserve some talents in advance.

The grouping was completed quickly, and the next step was for the members of the five groups to get to know each other.

Zhang Pin stood aside with a smile on his face. He stretched out his hand to stop the noisy scene.

"Today is my first day as an anti-gangster team. Please arrange your time for the evening. No one else should leave except the colleagues on duty. I will treat you all to dinner at the Sihaida Hotel."

"Thank you, Tou!"

"The boss is domineering!"

"The Sihai Hotel is so grand. I heard their abalone rice is one of the best."

"It's a lot of money to have a meal for so many people. I heard that A Tou is kept by a beautiful woman. He really deserves his reputation."

Zhang Pin was quite happy at first, but he found that as soon as he said he wanted to treat him, these people suddenly lost their composure. Moreover, the police force's awareness of confidentiality was so poor that even his top secrets were leaked.

He was thinking about whether to cancel the dinner party at night so that they could know that Tou's secret should not be spoken casually.

Deng Deng Deng——

As a result, there was a sound of footsteps, and a female police officer from the administrative team ran up. When she saw Zhang Pin, her eyes lit up.

"Sir Zhang, there is good news. A criminal suspect came downstairs. He took the initiative to surrender at the police station. He said that he heard that you were appointed as the head of the anti-gang group, so he came to confess that he killed the former head of the anti-gang group, Pianshi!"

The policewoman's face showed admiration. After all, anyone who heard the news would do so. Before, they had only heard that Zhang Pin had outstanding abilities and was the nemesis of crime.

Now that the criminal suspect who surrendered has come forward to give his own account, how can everyone not be surprised.

After all, you have to be very famous to surrender yourself just after hearing about his inauguration.

However, unlike the policewoman and other anti-gang police officers who worshiped or pretended to worship, Zhang Pin frowned and felt that things were not that simple.

After all, it had been some time since Pence was killed, and several police officers at the scene initially said that Pence was killed for love, and the woman who killed him was also shot dead.

Now, someone suddenly surrendered, which was equivalent to overturning the previous statement, and the other party chose this point when he took office. He raised his head and glanced at the people in the hall, knowing that someone must have revealed the news.

"This may be a showdown from the other party. It's only my first day on the job. Not even half a day has passed, including the time for grouping, but the other party has even arranged for the person to blame."

Zhang Pin thought in his heart, but his face quickly regained its composure.

"In this case, Ajie, you go down and take the person to the interrogation room, and then record the statement yourself."

"Roger that, sir!"

Song Zijie's face was also very serious. Although he didn't think as much as Zhang Pin, his intuition told him that this matter was not that simple.

The atmosphere in the anti-gangster group became even more emotional as this incident occurred, but some smart people or people with evil intentions suddenly changed their faces.

Especially Huang Yong and Heidi, their faces instantly turned pale.

Because the two of them were present at the wedding day, and the subsequent report was polished and submitted after discussion.

Although the police department and the police force originally had doubts about this matter, because the media reported Pence's true identity, they were silent and suppressed it.

Now that someone is coming to surrender, it naturally means that their previous confessions are inconsistent. In this case, they dare not imagine what the consequences will be.

But no matter what they thought, Zhang Pin had already left the hall and came to the observation room next to the interrogation room.

Because it was Zhang Pin's first action after taking office in the anti-gang group, and the case was related to the former head of the anti-gang group, everyone was eager to show off. In the end, it was Song Zijie and He Shangsheng who entered the interrogation room.

He Shangsheng, who had a bit of dark skin, was very excited. He just stood up and said something, and did not expect to really participate in the interrogation. After all, as a newcomer, he was not familiar with Zhang Pin, and the case was somewhat sensitive. With his identity , it is impossible to be qualified to know.

But Zhang Pin actually nodded and agreed. Now everyone else in the anti-gangster group understood that He Shangsheng was going to come forward. After all, with the support of his immediate superiors and his academic qualifications, he had a bright future.

No, even Song Zijie, who participated in the interrogation with him, was polite to him and even allowed him to interrogate him. He was just a recorder.

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