The police of Hong Kong comprehensive world

Chapter 253: Alarming the Snake

"There is no evidence yet to prove that Tan Cheng sold counterfeit banknotes. The previous information was just my guess, because according to the ghost guy's explanation, the guy who traded with them worked in Tan Cheng's company.\\nCOM"

Only a genius like Zhou Xingxing could act like the case has been solved without even finding any evidence.

"Then you come to my place. Is there anything I can do to help you?"

But thinking about the tasks he still has, if he wants Song Zihao to completely withdraw from the world, Tan Cheng must solve it. In this case, Zhou Xingxing has come to the door himself, so it is better to let him do it.

"I want to apply for a search warrant. Since Tan Cheng is in this business, I might be able to find clues by going to their company."

Zhou Xingxing did not expect Zhang Pin to be so cooperative. Since the other party took the initiative to ask questions, he immediately made his request with excitement on his face.

Regal Building, the front desk of Tan Cheng's company's office.

"Hello, we are the Wan Chai Crime Squad, and this is a search warrant."

Zhou Xingxing led several people and placed the search warrant heavily on the table.

"Excuse me, do you have an appointment?"

As a result, the administrative lady at the front desk did not cooperate with Zhou Xingxing. The other party asked seriously, which made Zhou Xingxing stunned for a while, but he was very cooperative.

"Reservation, no reservation!"

"Sorry, sir, you can't enter our company without an appointment. Our company is international..."

The administrative lady had a straight face and was not afraid of the police. Instead, she introduced her company.

"Hey, hey, do you understand how the police handle the case? I will ask all your people to cooperate immediately."

A police officer next to him couldn't stand it anymore. He slapped the table hard, attracting the attention of everyone in the office.

"The police also need to make an appointment to handle cases. Our company..."

The administrative lady still looked serious, but Zhou Xingxing suddenly realized something was wrong.

"Don't move, take your hands off the table, and no one should touch or operate the computer!"

He had already realized that it was not that the administrative lady didn't know what the search warrant was, on the contrary, the other party was just deliberately delaying time.

During the subsequent search, Zhou Xingxing looked bitter again, because he found nothing, and his target Tan Cheng was not in the company at all.

Although Tan Cheng was not in the company, he quickly received the news that the company was under investigation.

"Butou, is there any movement over Song Zihao?"

He immediately thought of Song Zihao. After all, he had just threatened him, and the police came to the door the next day.

"No, we have brothers guarding his place of work. After he separated from Xiao Ma, he went directly back to the company without making any calls or going anywhere."

"There's nothing wrong with the warehouse lately, right?"

"no problem."

"What about the recent transactions? Has anyone been caught?"

Tan Cheng was able to be favored by the older generation and take the position of boss. Naturally, his reputation was not in vain. He quickly began to investigate the reasons why he might be exposed based on the clues from the police.

"I don't know about this yet, but there was a severe crackdown in Wan Chai some time ago, and we specifically told them not to ship goods on Hong Kong Island. Is there someone who doesn't follow the rules?"

The boss also changed his face. There are always unruly people in this kind of business. This is why Tan Cheng wants to push Song Zihao out. If the matter is really exposed, at least there will be someone to blame.

"It's very possible that someone was arrested, and then the police followed the clues and found this place. You should contact those customers immediately and remind them not to ship goods recently."

Tan Cheng had a headache. Unlike Song Zihao, who had been in business for more than ten years and developed a large number of stable and cautious customers, in order to quickly expand his business and enhance his influence, he changed Song Zihao's previous policy of not allowing counterfeit banknotes on Hong Kong Island. Outflow rules.

After all, in his opinion, people in Hong Kong have a natural admiration for ghosts, and even business people like to exchange US dollars in private.

He relied on bulking counterfeit banknotes on Hong Kong Island to make up for the loss of more than half of his customers after Song Zihao was imprisoned, and thus he took the position of boss.

But by the same token, shipping goods on Hong Kong Island naturally posed hidden dangers. The reason why he focused on the white noodle business was because he was afraid that over time, the dollar bill business would be discovered.

"Okay, I'll send someone to check right away."

Datou nodded, then took out his cell phone and prepared to make a call.

"Don't send people. Go and check it yourself. Also, send people to smash up the store where Song Zihao works. At the same time, tell them that if anyone dares to take him in again, they will be at odds with us."

Tan Cheng was cautious about possible threats.

"Also, go get a few people and break Xiao Ma's other leg. I want Song Zihao to understand that this is no longer three years ago."

"Boss, Brother Ma is an old man in the company after all. What if Uncle Yao has any objections when we do this?"

But this time the boss raised his concerns. The counterfeit banknote group has existed for many years, and there are many bosses. The actual person in charge of the company is actually an uncle. Whether it is Song Zihao or Tan Cheng, they are just introduced by the other party. agent.

Of course, in the past few years when Tan Cheng was the boss, he had gradually won over a group of people, and he was already vaguely trying to escape from Uncle Yao's control.

But in the end, the company still doesn't completely belong to him. Datou said this not because he was on Xiaoma's side, but because he was worried that doing so would cause dissatisfaction among others.

"I have raised this trash for three years. The reason why I didn't get rid of him before was just because many people were not convinced when I took over. Keeping him is to let everyone know that I am not an ungrateful person, but this guy I was smart before, but after Song Zihao came back, he dared to show off to me, then I will let him know what it means to respect the boss."

Datou didn't say anything anymore. They were all promoted by Tan Cheng, and their interests were naturally tied to each other.

As early as after they entered the company, Xiao Ma was already lame, so they had no respect for Xiao Ma.

A group of ten of them drove towards where Xiao Ma lived.

Originally, Tan Cheng wanted to go over and watch Xiao Ma's other leg being broken in person, but because the police came to the door, he was still a little worried, so he only arranged for his younger brother to do the work.

It was precisely this cautious thought that saved his own life.

Bang bang bang——Puff puff puff——

On the rooftop, the unsuspecting pony was beaten badly. Big Tou didn't rush to break the opponent's head. He grabbed the pony's head.

"Hey, I heard that you used to be very stupid. You weren't even afraid of the drug dealers in Jinshanjiao, and you went to Taiwan to kill people single-handedly."

"Come on, take action, attack the street, times have changed! So what if you can fight alone, you're a lame man!"

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