The police of Hong Kong comprehensive world

Chapter 423: Help him look decent

"Stop, don't move!"

But this time, Zhang Pin's guess was wrong.

Yuan Haoyun and others were still standing in the corridor on the sixth floor. There was loud gunfire on the seventh floor. Of course they wanted to rush up to help, but bombs rolled down the corridor from time to time, giving them no chance to move.

And when the gunfire was about to stop, a man wearing a red leather jacket with mousse in his hair walked down the stairs in a swagger.

Looking at the way the other person was pacing, he didn't look like a gangster who had committed a shocking crime. Instead, he looked like a handsome man going to a high-end cocktail party.

Facing the heavily armed policemen such as Yuan Haoyun, his face was full of smiles, and he walked down the steps step by step with a kind of social dance.

Yuan Haoyun recognized this man at a glance as Thor, the target of this operation. If he had followed his past temper, he would have shot at him long ago.

But this time, because he knew it was important to capture the opponent, and the other opponent's hands were empty and without any weapons, and there were ten men on his side, and the gunfire in the corridor was about to stop, Yuan Haoyun felt that he could capture him alive. he.

"Everyone, relax, life is precious!"

Thor laughed and walked downstairs, saying some nonsense.

"Stand where you are immediately and don't go any further, or we will shoot!"

When a police officer next to Yuan Haoyun saw that the other party was continuing to move forward, he quickly spoke again and turned on the camera on his shoulder. It seemed that he was preparing to report to the command vehicle.

"OK! OK! I won't move. You should also be careful with your guns. It could be dangerous if it goes off."

Thor smiled and slowly raised his hands, reminding the police in front of him.

"Report to the command vehicle that the target Thor has been found!"

While they were talking, someone had already turned on the camera that was originally closed due to handling the corpse, and even directly contacted the command vehicle.

In fact, there was no need for them to contact each other. Someone had noticed it as early as the camera was turned on.

After all, Yuan Haoyun's voice that he shouted before was explosive, but it had already attracted a lot of people's attention.

Zhang Pin also saw Thor, but after seeing the other party's malicious smile, he immediately reminded him on the intercom.

"Be careful the other side has a bomb!"

Everyone was shocked when they heard Zhang Pin's words, but it was already too late.

When Thor raised his hand to a similar position, his index finger suddenly straightened, and everyone discovered that there was actually a thin thread tied to his finger. At this time, there was a soft sound, and a pull ring flew out of the thread.

Seeing the other party's action, the policemen, including Yuan Haoyun, all took a few steps back. For a moment, they could not even bother to shoot.

Thor smiled contemptuously and kept moving his hands. With his other hand, he slipped a pair of sunglasses from his cuff and flicked the pineapple in his hand.


There was a dazzling light, a flash bomb.

Obviously, although Thor is crazy, he is not a fool. If he really throws a grenade in this narrow stairway, he is afraid that something will happen to him.

But what was being thrown out now was a flashlight. Although Yuan Haoyun and others were well-equipped, they did not wear eye protection against strong light.

At this moment, they were hit by a flash bomb, and everyone subconsciously covered their eyes.

At this time, Thor leisurely took out two pistols from his waist and aimed at the two policemen at the back.

Bang bang——

Both shots hit the police officer in the forehead, and it seemed that he would not survive.


But of course Thor's arrogant actions cannot avoid Zhou Xingxing and others on the seventh floor.

Just now Zhou Xingcai and Zhang Pin reported that Thor was not found. Unexpectedly, the other party not only did not go upstairs, but wanted to continue going down.

They ran straight downstairs without any hesitation.

In the command car, everyone also saw through the camera that Thor was about to massacre Yuan Haoyun and others, but when Zhang Pin saw Zhou Xingxing was about to run towards the stairs, he suddenly reminded him.

"Be careful the other side has planted grenades!"

This reminder was very timely. When Zhou Xingxing heard his words, he immediately stopped pushing the fire door open. Then the two members of the Flying Tigers looked forward and found several transparent threads.

Although Yuan Haoyun and others were hit by the flash attack, there were still two fully armed bomb disposal experts in their team.

Seeing that Thor was about to continue shooting, the two of them raised their huge shields in time and stopped in front of everyone.

Bang bang bang——

Thor tried firing a few shots at the shield, but it was a shield that couldn't even explode, let alone his pistol.

After discovering that he could not hit the police, Thor deliberately looked up at the top of the stairs and found that the Flying Tigers had stopped outside the fire door and did not come in.

He glanced regretfully at the stairwell covered with grenades, sighed regretfully, and then dropped the pistol directly, raised his hands, and made a gesture of surrender.

"I surrender. Don't shoot. This is a live media broadcast. I think you police officers should give me basic human rights!"

Yuan Haoyun, who had just recovered from the stimulation of the flash, was about to shoot at Thor, but when the other party said this, he froze in place.

Not only Yuan Haoyun, but also everyone in the command car did not expect that Thor would surrender so decisively.

However, Zhang Pin couldn't help but sneered when he heard what the other party said. It seemed that this guy had been prepared for a long time. When he knew that he couldn't run away, he surrendered decisively.

But he took a look at Zhou Xingxing's fire door that was full of silk threads, walked directly outside, and dialed the other party's phone number.

Long before the action started, he made an appointment with the other party in order to facilitate communication about some matters that were not convenient for live broadcast.

Sure enough, when the phone rang, Zhou Xingxing immediately walked aside and turned off the camera on his body.

"Ah Tou!"

"Thor is a decent man. I don't want to see you escorting a living Thor out of the building later. Since he doesn't want to be decent himself, I think you should have a way to make him decent!"

After talking on the phone, Zhang Pin hung up the phone directly.

On the other end of the phone, Zhou Xingxing was stunned for a moment. Then he turned around and saw Li Xiuxian, who was still uncertain about his life or death, as well as the gangsters and criminals lying on the ground. His face became determined.

Gu Qi

Although Zhou Xingxing is usually a bit unreliable, he moves quickly on this kind of matter.

Less than ten minutes after making the call, there was a sudden bang and a violent explosion in the corridor where Thor was originally located.

"Report to the command vehicle. Thor tried to escape and accidentally detonated a bomb. Two of our guys were injured. Thor's body needs to be found by the fire department. There should be some bones left."

"I got it. Get the injured guys out first. The white car is waiting below. Then wait for the bomb disposal experts to come in and confirm that there are no bombs inside, then close the team!"

Zhang Pin's voice was very calm, but a burst of warm celebration suddenly sounded inside the command car.

Then he turned around, looked at Zhuo Jingquan and saluted directly.

"Report sir, the operation is over!"

Zhuo Jingquan smiled, but there was not much happiness on his face, and it was even a little ugly.

"Why were the police cameras including Yuan Haoyun and Zhou Xingxing blacked out just now? Do you think everyone in Hong Kong Island is a fool?"

Unlike the other policemen who celebrated Thor's death without a complete body, Zhuo Jingquan stood at a different height, so he naturally had a different way of looking at the problem.

It can be said that this show was completely messed up at the beginning, but when Zhang Pin took over, he cut off the signal with one move, so that the criminals no longer knew the specific actions of the police.

Then Li Xiuxian and Ma Jun led the police to charge without fear of death. It was the most brutal scene in the entire live broadcast, and it was also the most touching scene.

Seeing this scene, Zhuo Jingquan knew that at least he would not be held accountable this time. As for dead people, from his height, the death of a few police officers was nothing.

After Thor finally surrendered, he immediately received a call from the leader of the Interpol branch in Hong Kong Island.

The other party asked him for Thor and said he owed him a favor.

Zhuo Jing had already agreed to the other party, but when he came back after making the phone call, before he could say anything, there was an explosion in the corridor.

You know, he could clearly see that after Thor surrendered, five or six guns were pointed at his head.

Now Zhou Xingxing said on the intercom that Thor, who had five or six guns pointed at his head, actually wanted to escape and detonated a bomb.

Especially with Yuan Haoyun and others taking the initiative to turn off the cameras before, this is treating him and all the viewers in front of the TV as fools.

However, in response to Zhuo Jingquan's question, Zhang Pin waved his hands indifferently and walked out of the command vehicle.

The task had been completed, and he didn't care at all about Zhuo Jingquan's questioning.

Outside the command vehicle, there were already crowds of reporters who had been waiting at the scene. When they saw Zhang Pin coming out, their flashlights kept flashing, and they wanted to put the microphone into his mouth, and they kept asking questions.

However, Zhang Pin ignored all this and strode forward. He planned to check on the situation of Li Xiuxian, Ma Jun and others first.

Unlike Zhang Pin, who didn't care about reporters' interviews, Zhuo Jingquan's originally gloomy expression in the command vehicle suddenly showed a smile after he came out. He came directly in front of reporters and began to deliver his speech.

This guy is very nice to talk to and it seems like he has already prepared the manuscript.

He first took the initiative to admit his mistake to everyone, admitted the shortcomings of this operation, and said that he would continue to strengthen the training of police officers in the future.

Then there is the promise to promote the philosophy of himself and the police force, saying that the Hong Kong Island Police Force will always maintain its actions to protect citizens, combat crime, and eliminate crime.

The scene suddenly burst into applause, and unlike Zhuo Jingquan, many citizens applauded for his regretful statement that Thor died without a complete body.

Everyone is also aware of Thor's arrogance, especially the way he killed two policemen one second and surrendered after finding out he couldn't break the riot shield the next second, which made everyone disgusted.

What Zhang Pin didn't know was that because of his uncooperative attitude in the end, Zhuo Jingquan directly pushed Fang Jiexia out and announced that she was the on-site commander of this case.

Fang Jiexia was a little dazed at first, but after all, she graduated from the Public Relations Department. She quickly came to her senses and spoke very well.

She did not take credit for herself, but instead focused on promoting the danger and bravery of frontline police officers, and deeply mourned the police officers who died in this operation, which aroused the emotions of everyone at the scene.

And through the media at the scene, everyone knew the casualty rate of the police officers.

Through her speech, no one at the scene or in front of the TV questioned the capabilities of the police force. Moreover, everyone had a greater sense of identification with the police force because of their empathy.

Especially when the dead and injured police officers were carried out from the corridor, everyone took the initiative to bow to each other.

It is conceivable that after this operation is over, no one will doubt the capabilities of the police force.

A few months later, the police headquarters building parking lot.

Zhang Pin got out of the red BMW and before he walked out of the parking lot, many police officers around him greeted him warmly.

Facing the enthusiastic crowd, he could only smile and nod, pretending to be familiar with them.

In fact, he has never been to the headquarters a few times, so how could he possibly know him.

However, since the last major incident, most of the police officers in the headquarters have gotten to know this famous [Crime Buster].

When he reached the elevator in the lobby on the first floor, someone even offered his seat and enthusiastically let him go first.

After a few excuses, and seeing more and more people gathering, in order not to delay everyone's clocking in, he walked into the elevator first, and then smiled and expressed his gratitude to the police officer who gave up his seat.

"Twelfth floor, thank you!"

He glanced at the floor button on the elevator and saw that the floor he needed to go to was not pressed. He spoke in a gentle tone to the police officer standing next to the button.

"Officer Zhang, you are going for an interview!"

The police officers at the headquarters were obviously more familiar with the functions of the floor where their offices were located, and they could guess the purpose of his visit just by listening to his words.

"Yes, there are a group of trainee inspector interviews scheduled for today."

Since he was asked, he didn't hold back.

The Hong Kong Island Police Force has always had a large police force, especially in recent years due to immigration and the transfer of power between the two parties. There are more than 80,000 serving police officers on Hong Kong Island.

However, although there are many police officers on the job, most of them are only "junior level" police officers. After being promoted to the inspector level, the total number of police officers in the 18 districts on Hong Kong Island is only a little over a thousand.

As for those at the level of Chief Inspector and up, including those who work part-time in the Governor's Office and the Security Bureau, there will not be more than a hundred people.

Normally, for the "trainee inspector" examination that junior officers of the police force need to face, the minimum requirement for the chief interviewer is the "chief inspector" level.

Originally, although Zhang Pin was promoted to Chief Inspector, his biggest role was to be the king of the three-acre area of ​​Wan Chai Police Station. The headquarters selectively ignored him.

Anyway, there are so many big guys, so of course it is impossible for him to get his turn for a temporary and key position like interviewer.

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