The police of Hong Kong comprehensive world

Chapter 541: Sir Zhang’s Bad Peach Blossom Inventory

Even for a corporatist like Han Chen, as long as his business can make money, many people will stand up for him.

For example, A-Shopping Mall, which is obviously illegal, has a lot of people coming forward to defend it because of its large transaction volume and because Han Chen actually knows how to pay taxes.

The reason is naturally because A Huojie can produce enough profits every day.

"Where, where, if possible, I don't want to do something illegal. No, this time A Cargo Street is an attempt, and it is a successful attempt.

Little did he know that because his business was so good, he attracted the jealousy of others. "

Han Chen's words made Zhang Pin almost laugh out loud.

He really wanted to ask the other party, did he think the illegal things were just pornography, gambling and drugs?

Isn't it illegal to do a goods street?

But he didn't say it in the end, because Han Chen obviously knew what he knew.

It's just an excuse he made for himself.

However, Zhang Pin couldn't help but be amazed at Han Chen's fate.

When he knew that Crocodile Lao's name was Han Chen, he thought that because this was a comprehensive world, it might have some influence, so Han Chen's life changed.

Unexpectedly, I discovered now that there seemed to be an unknown pair of hands that pushed everything back to the starting point.

"It's not like you. Three outsiders made you so miserable?"

Zhang Pin shook his head, not thinking too much, but curious about how this matter could become like this.

"Oh, I didn't expect it myself. I can only say that young people are too powerful. One can fight twenty-one. Sir Zhang, are you sure you can escape unscathed when facing twenty-one people?"

Han Chen's words seemed to have a meaning.

"What, are you still planning to arrange for me?"

Zhang Pin heard the temptation in the other party's mouth, and couldn't help but scold the police officers inside the Tsim Sha Tsui Police Station again.

The reason why he didn't take action against the four major forces immediately was because he wanted to take it slow and take action slowly.

But when Han Chen asked this question, it was obvious that he already knew that he was going to attack them.

Of course, as the Minister of Operations in Tsim Sha Tsui, he has not interviewed the leaders of the associations within his jurisdiction for so long, nor has he immediately expressed his position to the public. The hidden intention is to take action against the association members.

And Han Chen is obviously not a person who sits still and waits for death.

After hearing the other party's question, Zhang Pincai realized that Han Chen was no longer a middle-aged bastard who had accomplished nothing when he only had his daughter in mind when he met a few years ago.

But in just a few years, he has already owned a quarter of the underground forces in Tsim Sha Tsui, and has even begun to get involved in the public sector.

It is obviously impossible for the opponent to surrender in the face of his attack. Instead, he will try his best to resist him or start a war directly.

"Hahaha, where, where, how could I not know the name of Headshot Detective?"

Han Chen laughed, but he also heard from Zhang Pin's relaxed tone that the other party did not take Tony seriously.

Thinking of this, he secretly sighed in his heart.

To be honest, when he heard that Dao Baqiang and his men who were guarding the A goods street rushed to the street, Han Chen thought that Tony and his people blocked them in the restaurant.

As a result, he obtained the surveillance video from the restaurant afterwards, and found that when Tony killed everyone cleanly with his bare hands, one against twenty, he broke into a cold sweat on his back.

Before that, the biggest scene he encountered was that night when he and Li Jie pretended to be Seraph and went to the Tsukamoto Building.

That night, he saw that Li Jie and Zhang Pin could be said to be the gods of blocking and killing, and they were simply unstoppable.

But this time, he saw from the video that Tony was also a perverted being like Li Jie and Zhang Pin.

So after thinking for a long time, he finally made a decision from his heart and called Zhang Pin.

I want to get rid of Tony with the help of the police and test Zhang Pin at the same time.

In fact, Han Chen was very happy when he first found out that Zhang Pin was transferred to Tsim Sha Tsui.

In any case, he and Zhang Pin still have some friendship. Although the relationship is not close, they at least have the basis for dealing with each other.

But when Zhang Pin took office for more than a month and there was still no movement, he suddenly became frightened.

At this time, he suddenly woke up. Now that so much time has passed, he is not the loser who relied on deception to get through this meal without knowing where his next meal will be.

The other party is not the little Luoluo who was pulled over by He Wenzhan to help organize the event.

The changes around us naturally caused changes in the relationship between the two parties.

From the projects Zhang Pin has done over the years, we can know that the other party is merciless in cracking down on criminals.

But Han Chen still had some luck in his heart.

Being in a club, he naturally knows that the main reason why Dongxing has become one of the top clubs in Hong Kong is because of Zhang Pin's support.

Although there is no evidence for this matter.

But they are the underworld, not the Independent Commission Against Corruption or the Police Internal Affairs Division. Anyone with a discerning eye can see this kind of thing, so naturally no evidence is needed.

Therefore, he also expected that as long as Zhang Pin invited him to cooperate, he could also take advantage of the situation to annex the strength of the other three companies and become a veritable underground boss in Tsim Sha Tsui.

But ary is not optimistic about this matter.

It's not that she still remembers Zhang Pin's love for her.

But relying on a woman's intuition, she felt that it was impossible for Zhang Pin to support a large group that had already formed to unify Tsim Sha Tsui.

Han Chen didn't take it seriously at first, because he felt that as long as there were benefits, everything could be discussed.

But when time gradually passed and Zhang Pin did not contact any of the four major forces, Han Chen understood that the other party did not bother to conduct so-called "cooperation" with them.

Since he can't cooperate, Han Chen is going to find someone who is willing to cooperate and work as an errand in Tsim Sha Tsui.

As for whether this method can be realized.

Having been on the road for a long time, Han Chen is very optimistic about this.

Because as long as you have the intention, you don't have to kill the target. The only way to solve the problem is to let the other party carry out humane destruction.

As long as you have money and benefits, you can promote the other party, or change the jurisdiction to serve, then everything can be solved as well.

As for if other methods cannot be solved, or the other party does not agree.

Then physical destruction is not impossible.

In this kind of matter, Han Chen feels that he is becoming more and more professional.

But before taking action, he thought of Zhang Pin's weird skills, and finally decided not to do anything too outrageous until the last moment.

"I heard that you and Liang Qiqi severed the father-daughter relationship and asked the other party to change his surname back?"

Zhang Pin didn't care. If Han Chen was sensible, he didn't have to let the other party die.

But if the opponent is looking for death, it's just a waste of bullets.

Sir Zhang doesn't have much else, and he really doesn't lack bullets.

However, thinking about Liang Qiqi who came to the police station to look for him every three days, Zhang Pin finally decided to talk to Han Chen more.

Oh, my damn charm.

She had obviously tried her best to reject the other party, but Liang Qiqi still seemed not to understand her own hint.

Every time the other party comes, he takes the initiative to bring him tea and water, and also brings some snacks.

When receiving tea or eating snacks, the two people's bodies will inevitably come into contact.

It just so happens that my physique has recently exceeded 90. When encountering this kind of thing, I will have some natural reactions.

Maybe it was this reaction that caused Liang Qiqi to misunderstand.

"Hey, how do you know? It seems you have met Qiqi. How is she doing recently?"

When Zhang Pin mentioned Han Qiqi, Han Chen's words were less clichéd and more sincere.

"It's just so so. This little girl works as a lawyer. Because she's a newcomer, she can't get good deals. Sometimes she even helps small gangsters with lawsuits. Is this because I used to bail you out a lot, so I think all gangsters are like this? There is no danger."

Zhang Pin naturally didn't say anything nice.

"Why is this little girl so ignorant? I'm her father, so I won't do anything to her. Other little bastards, hum, I understand."

Han Chen seemed to want to say something else, but thinking about Zhang Pin's identity as police officer, he didn't say the next words.

"Sir Zhang, thank you for giving me this news. You also know that Qiqi, a child, has seen too little of the world. If something happens to me one day, please take care of her, but don't go too far. It's your business I heard about it."

When he said this, Han Chen obviously said it as a father, not as an opponent.

This is not a problem of not being able to live too much, but a problem of your daughter wanting to give it to you for free.

Zhang Pin muttered in his mind, but he was also measured and did not say this in front of Han Chen.

In any case, facing Han Chen, who regarded himself as a father, his confidence was somewhat lacking.

Sir Zhang is self-aware of his own self-control.

From Han Chen's words, we can see that the reason why he and Liang Qiqi chose to separate was because he was worried that the other party would suffer unnecessary danger because of his identity.

In fact, he also felt that Liang Qiqi's way of taking orders was too dangerous.

But as a policeman, he is intimidated by Young and Dangerous.

But for this kind of thing, Han Chen would obviously do better if he came forward.

And as long as Han Chen comes forward to make Liang Qiqi take less trouble, the other party will have no reason to run to the police station.

If possible, Sir Zhang does not want to bear too many peach blossom debts.

Having too many women is often a good thing, but when it comes to paying public wages, it becomes unbearable.

As for the reason why some people don't feel tired despite having many women, it is naturally because someone is carrying the burden for them.

In order to prevent others from carrying the burden for him, Zhang Pin could only try his best to take care of everyone.

But when there are more people, it becomes extremely difficult to take care of all aspects.

Among the women who are currently in a long-term relationship with him are Le Huizhen, He Min, Annie and Caini, and Director Chen.

In addition, last time in Japan, because I drank too much, I accidentally had an inhumane incident with Officer Hu and Director Chen's daughter Li Xin'er.

After returning to Hong Kong Island, because the two women did not come to the door, Sir Zhang selectively forgot about it.

The main reason is naturally because he didn't have any rest time at all during that time.

In order not to meet Li Xin'er when he was looking for Director Chen, every time he looked for Director Chen, he would make an appointment with him at Director Chen's own house.

In addition to the women above, Ding Yao, who has been living in Macau recently, will return to Hong Kong Island from time to time to look for him.

Japan's Imamura Kiyoko has been recovering the property left by her father recently. He doesn't need to travel thousands of miles to send sperm, and the other party doesn't have time to come over, but phone calls are also indispensable.

Because of so many love debts, Sir Zhang has made a decision to try not to provoke other people.

Of course, when a man takes this kind of oath, there won't be much difference between credit and toilet paper.

The time it takes to break a vow is only a matter of time, but it cannot last forever.

Although he has no confidence in himself, Sir Zhang still wants to challenge his weaknesses.

The topic turned to Liang Qiqi, and the tense atmosphere suddenly dissipated.

After chatting with Liang Qiqi for a long time, Han Chen finally came back to his senses.

"Sir Zhang, you should also be looking for that boy Tony. I have some clues here. You can check it out. However, this boy is very ruthless and has no sense of proportion. Please be careful."

"Although the three of them are very cruel to others, they are still filial sons. When they ran away to Hong Kong Island, they didn't forget to take their old mother with them. One of my younger brothers saw their old mother in Nan Sang Wai, but I People never do things that harm their family, so I didn’t take action.”

Zhang Pin frowned when he heard the address given by Han Chen.

Because Nan Sang Wai is on the Yuen Long side of the New Territories and is not under the jurisdiction of Tsim Sha Tsui.

Moreover, it is a rural area, with large tracts of wasteland or farmland. If the other party wants to hide people, the amount of police force that needs to be consumed is absolutely astronomical.

As for telling Han Chen that it was no harm to his family, he just smiled casually.

Knowing Tony's possible address, even if it was not in his own jurisdiction, Zhang Pin did not delay too much.

After hanging up the phone, he called Ma Jun and He Wenzhan alone.

"I have news here that Tony may be hiding in Nanshengwei. Is there any way for you to quickly find him?"

Zhang Pin did not mobilize everyone there with great fanfare.

Although theoretically speaking, Han Chen would not lie to himself, but he could not just follow the other person's ideas stupidly.

Especially since Nan Sang Wai is so big, even if the entire Tsim Sha Tsui police force is sent out, if there are no clues, they will still be blind.

Instead of doing this, it is better to divide the job of finding people into two groups: Ma Jun and He Wenzhan.

As Han Chen said, Tony was a dangerous person and he rashly sent a lot of police forces there. If the other party was cruel and the police suffered casualties, even if they killed Tony, he would be disgraced.

"Nanshengwei, I probably know where he is hiding."

Before Ma Jun could speak, He Wenzhan nodded, with a look of realization on his face.

"I have found out the details of the three brothers before and know that they have an old mother. Of course they cannot take their old mother with them when they go to Tsim Sha Tsui.

I have a general understanding of the situation in Nan Sang Wai. It is impossible for outsiders to live without having any contact with the locals. "

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