After all, it was the team's first mission, so of course he had to see it for himself before he felt reassured.

If something really goes wrong, it will be easier to improve it when the time comes.

"What a coincidence."

After the result came, he actually met an acquaintance.

It is Li Zicheng who is the best scapegoat in his heart.

"I'm a little worried too, so I came here to check it out."

This is normal. Anyone who does this kind of thing will feel uneasy.

"Is the driver a foreigner? I thought you would arrange for a local?"

Li Zicheng saw that Zhang Pin was silent, so he started to find something to say.

"It's too troublesome for locals. If it is leaked, they will easily get into trouble. Outsiders don't have such troubles."

Zhang Pin didn't know that Li Zicheng was trying to find out more about him, but he still didn't care.

After all, he found Shi Jiunan from Yanji, and the only person who knew the details about him was Mian Zhenghe.

If nothing else, Mian Zhenghe would have been hiding now.

When Shi Dongchu died, Li Zicheng would definitely have no intention of checking Zhang Pin's details anymore.

But it’s not necessarily true. If the other party decides to go dark, they might find Zhang Pin to silence him.

Zhang Pin naturally didn't care about this.

Because when the time comes, there will be two opinions on who will silence whose mouth.



The two of them were holding umbrellas and standing on the roof of the building, watching from a distance as the dump truck hit a black car. After crushing the car, a person jumped out of the dump truck and left in panic.

"Have you bribed other people?"

Zhang Pin saw that in addition to Shi Dongchu's car, there was also a car that looked like a bodyguard had been parked at the intersection and did not move. He immediately guessed that Li Zicheng must have made two preparations.

"You have to watch out for this outsider. It's best to leave Seoul. Someone will definitely want to find him during this time."

Li Zicheng did not answer Zhang Pin's words, but watched Shi Jiunan disappear into the darkness before issuing a reminder.

"Of course, I will hide him."

Zhang Pin nodded, then turned and walked downstairs.

"You also have to be careful and don't show off. After all, you are the one who brings the family. By the way, your deputy should deal with it early, and be careful that the security network of the police station is attacked. If possible, you'd better let Don’t enter your messages into the electronic version when you go online.”

Since Li Zicheng has been regarded as the scapegoat, Zhang Pin naturally does not want to see the other party's information leaked easily.

"Did you find me through hacking technology?"

After hearing Zhang Pin's targeted reminder, Li Zicheng immediately thought of what Zhang Pin had not said.

It was naturally impossible for Zhang Pin to explain this, so he strode away from the roof.

After going downstairs, Zhang Pin took some detours. On the way, he used the satellite phone to notify Fatty Huang to pay attention to the news here.

"Chairman of the Golden Gate Group."


Just after he had a word with Fatty Huang, a person suddenly ran past him on the quiet road.

Just when Zhang Pin was thinking about whether he would be exposed.



On the road not far ahead, a black car sped past, knocking the person who had just ran away from Zhang Pin into the air.

Seeing this scene, Zhang Pin frowned and immediately turned around and walked aside.

Didi didi——

Gao Jianzhu stepped on the brakes and stared dumbfounded at the body that fell heavily from the air.

He answered the phone impatiently.

"Brother, the guests are leaving."

His mother died of illness, and today the funeral ceremony was held at the funeral home, where many guests were entertained.

As a result, in the middle of the banquet, they received a call from colleagues at the police station, saying that the internal inspection team had received a report and suddenly launched an investigation against them.

This incident immediately frightened Gao Jianzhu.

Because although he is a policeman, he is also a criminal policeman.

On weekdays, he often uses his position to collect money. What's more important is that in the cabinet in his office, there is also a sum of money collected during the entire period.

So he didn't care about his mother's farewell party, and hurried to the police station, hoping to hide the money before the supervisory squad officers arrived.

It was precisely because he was too impatient that he chose to speed along the way. As a result, due to the heavy rain tonight and a puppy interfering with his vision, he accidentally hit someone.


Just when Gao Jianzhu hesitated, a message was also sent to his mobile phone.

"The people from the inspection team are in the office."


Gao Jianzhu cursed angrily, then hung up the phone on his sister and got out of the car.

He walked quickly to the person who was hit, only to find that the other person had made no sound.

Gao Jianzhu took out his mobile phone in a panic and was about to call the emergency number, but the phone in his hand rang first.

"Dad, did you go out to buy cake? Remember to buy chocolate cake."

Before the call was finished, Gao Jianzhu noticed a police car driving slowly towards him not far away.

He was so panicked that he didn't have time to think too much and just dragged the body and hid it.

Before leaving, he specifically glanced at the place where Zhang Pin left.

He could see clearly just now that besides the person he hit, there were other people on the path just now.

So it's obvious that there must be witnesses to the incident where he hit someone.

Didi didi——

At this time the phone rang again.

"Old Gao, the bastard in the inspection team asked to open your office cabinet."

The caller was a police officer from the same office. The police from the inspection team found his desk, but asked to break it open because the drawer was locked.

[In view of the general environment, this site may be closed at any time. Please move to a permanent operation as soon as possible. 】

Gao Jianzhu didn't have time to think anymore. As soon as his head got hot, he loaded the body that was killed into the trunk of his car, and then hit the road again and rushed to the police station.

But this time he had just turned onto the right road and was stopped by the traffic police who were checking the road.

"Turn off the engine, ID!"

Traffic police are very serious.

"Thank you, um, I'm Officer Gao Jianzhu of Shuiyuan Police Station, one of my own."

Gao Jianzhu lowered the window and wanted to get close to the other person.

"What a coincidence, I'm a traffic policeman in the next district."

When the traffic police heard Gao Jianzhu's words, they were not very enthusiastic.

"Well, you guys get busy first, and I'll leave first."

Gao Jianzhu himself was in a panic and didn't pay much attention to the other person's expression.

"Blow it before leaving."

As a result, he was stopped by the traffic police. The other person lay on the car window and looked at Gao Jianzhu seriously.


"You've been drinking, let's blow it."

The traffic police looked businesslike, mainly because Gao Jianzhu did not show his ID, and just now, a serious car accident occurred not far away.

However, Gao Jianzhu's car also had brand-new impact marks, and the car glass was cracked.

"I was at a funeral, my mother passed away, so I had one drink, just one."

Gao Jianzhu still wants to build relationships.

But the traffic police refused to give up.

He even wanted to check the trunk of Gao Jianzhu's car.

As a last resort, a physical conflict broke out between the two parties.

Gao Jianzhu may not be considered a gangster, but his skills are very good. He can defeat many with one person, but he does not fall behind at all.

It's a pity that the traffic police did not follow martial ethics and directly used pepper spray and stun guns to control Gao Jianzhu in an instant.

Buzz buzz——

At this moment, Zhang Pin drove a car from the side.

When he saw the traffic policeman and Gao Jianzhu, he honked his horn, then rushed through the checkpoint and disappeared not far away.

"Damn it, if you dare to break through, chase me quickly!"

Several traffic policemen encountered resistance one after another, and the anger in their hearts suddenly exploded, and they were ready to pursue them.

As a result, Gao Jianzhu immediately got the opportunity to break free and also drove away from the scene.

"Who are you?"

Gao Jianzhu didn't expect that he would be stopped by Zhang Pin's car not long after he left.

"The body of the guy who was killed is in your trunk?"

Zhang Pin didn't pay attention to Gao Jianzhu's expression. After confirming that the other party didn't have a gun on him, he walked to the other party's car with a swagger.


As the trunk was opened, a body appeared in front of him.


Zhang Pin didn't look back and kicked Gao Jianzhu in the back, who was about to make a move.

Then he groped for a while on the body and found a metal object.

He put it away with satisfaction and strode away.

"By the way, would you like to leave a phone number? I think you are a talented person and there may be opportunities for cooperation in the future."

When he walked to Gao Jianzhu who was lying on the ground, Zhang Pin thought for a while and asked him a question.

"Come on, I don't know you."

Gao Jianzhu obviously didn't want to have anything to do with Zhang Pin.

Seeing the other party acting like this, Zhang Pin shrugged his shoulders and left the place.

The reason why he chose to save Gao Jianzhu was mainly because he remembered something after leaving.

That is, it seems that the guy who died just now had a key to the vault.

And in that vault, there was enough money that a person could spend a lifetime.

After taking away the key, Zhang Pin no longer cared about this unfortunate policeman.

Speaking of which, the other party suffered an unreasonable disaster.

If it weren't for Shi Dongchu being hit and killed, there would be no martial law in Seoul tonight.

The other party will not be unlucky enough to be targeted by the traffic police.

Back at their residence, Chen Jin and Shi Jiunan had returned.

"Boss, there was an accident. Jiunan was accidentally photographed by electronic surveillance when he was passing by."

Chen Jin's face was a little ugly. The two of them deliberately avoided the camera along the way, but when they came back, Shi Jiunan was so excited because he had just killed someone that he couldn't avoid it for a while.

"Big news, boss, the Professor Jin you asked us to pay attention to was suddenly killed in front of his own house today."

Before Zhang Pin could think of a way to deal with Shi Jiunan's exposure, Zhou Xingxing and Ma Jun, who were responsible for monitoring Professor Jin, hurried back.

Professor Jin is the target that Mian Zhenghe asked Zhang Pin to kill.

"It's such a coincidence, how come everything happened on this day."

When Zhang Pin heard the news, he was not anxious anymore.

"Axian, didn't you find some new places to live?

Later, you give Jiunan a bunch of keys and ask him to live in a secluded place for a few days. Jinzai, you are responsible for delivering food and drinks.

We also find a new place to live. "

Zhang Pin took a few people and left their current location.

The main reason why he has not left here for so long is actually to leave some clues.

After all, this place was rented by those smugglers.

In other words, when they do something and the Bangzi police investigate, they will definitely notice the smuggling gang.

In this way, the other party can not only take the blame for themselves, but also mislead the direction of Bangzi's investigation.

After all, from the perspective of the smuggling gang, Zhang Pin and others must be part of a gang that can't survive there and come here to make a living.

"Axiba, why are you making such a big fuss at night?"

On a rainy night, Section Chief Jiang walked to the scene of the car accident while cursing.

"What is this, intentional murder?"

After Seok Dong-chu was run over by a dump truck, the Seoul Metropolitan Police Department's Criminal Organization Investigation Division immediately received a police notification.

During the day today, they had just made a serious protest through the media about the prosecutor's punishment of Shi Dongchu without suspicion.

Unexpectedly, Shi Dongchu died just like that without waiting for the night.

This result is actually unacceptable to them.

Just like on Hong Kong Island, the police in Bangzi mainly suppress organized gangs like this. The most taboo thing is to kill the gang leader rashly.

After all, with the boss around, at least there are rules, but without the boss, it means chaos.

Section Chief Jiang's hair was messy, his face was unkempt, and the leather jacket he was wearing was cracked. It was obviously old clothes for many years.

There are wrinkles on his forehead and dark circles under his eyes that are comparable to panda eyes. It is obvious that this job puts a lot of pressure on him.

"Check the surveillance cameras around you. This is murder."

Section Chief Jiang has a headache. This situation is no longer something he can decide alone.

Seok Dong-chul's sudden death obviously caught the Seoul police off guard.

The higher-ups did not immediately pursue the suspect for the murder of Seok Dong-chu, but held a closed-door meeting to discuss how to deal with the smooth transition of gang power in Seoul this time.

No matter how the Kinmen Group hides it on the surface, it is still a gangster organization at its core.

Under the leadership of Shi Dongde, the company formed by the merger of the three societies looks very formal.

However, its main business is still to cover all businesses around Seoul that are not allowed by law.

Even because of Shi Dongchu's outstanding abilities, the Kinmen Group's words and deeds are now enough to affect Bangzi's politics.

After all, everyone knows that there is still a father behind the Kinmen Group.

On this critical occasion, the police immediately chose to take advantage of the opportunity and use extraordinary means, deciding to lead the future of this behemoth themselves.

The first target they targeted was Zhang Shouji, the nominal second-in-command of the Kinmen Group and the former leader of the Imperial Japanese faction who had actually been dismissed.

Eventually the police decided to implement a so-called New World Plan.

In order to complete this plan, Section Chief Jiang decided to activate an undercover agent he had arranged for ten years.

So after the meeting, he took out his mobile phone and asked an old friend to go fishing.

Zhang Pin didn't care about Bangzi police's plan. He was currently on the phone with Fatty Huang.

"Is your phone safe?"

Zhang Pin stood on the roof of the building, looking at the neon lights around him.

Tonight's Seoul night is more lively than usual.

Because there were more police cars with flashing neon lights on the streets than usual.

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