The police of Hong Kong comprehensive world

Chapter 920: One vs. fifty Bourne

Especially since there is Yin Jian holding a submachine gun on his side to help out.

And as Dongguan Zai said, they don't believe that Bourne can beat fifty.

Not to mention, there are still their people outside who will dare to come to support.

With so many advantages superimposed, coupled with the fierceness of Dongguan Zai's one million cash offer, the thugs in the room all rushed towards the door as if they had been given blood.

"Go ahead! Kill him!"

"Old foreigners, it is no longer the time for you to dominate Hong Kong Island!"

These people think very well and are very self-righteous.

But facing the people rushing towards him, Bourne remained expressionless.

I saw him grabbing the guy who was rushing forward, then kicking him in the calf, and pulling on his shoulders with his hands.

The thug who was originally standing was involuntarily lifted up by Bourne.

If I had just found myself standing at the door, I would have probably killed the thug I was using as a human shield.

Even when they saw Dongxing walking in their direction, many people took the initiative to move out of the way to facilitate Dongxing's movement.

Then I grabbed a thug, smashed the opponent's head with a knife, and then pulled the opponent randomly in the lake, using the opponent's body to help me block the incoming weapons around me.

I doubt there are many people in the world who dare to bet with their own lives whether the weapons in other people's hands are real or fake.

"No! Just shoot him. This guy is blocking the door, so he won't be able to rush out!"

Shan Meibo also has no less time for herself.

"Stop, you will shoot if you move further!"

Puff puff--

[Search "Spring Gift" on Xiaoxiang APP and new users will receive 500 book coins, and old users will receive 200 book coins] So although I was still convinced, I still didn't agree with Yin Jian's guess.

No matter how powerful Yin Jian is, Li Xiuxian still thinks that he can take down dozens of thugs outside the room.

Although Li Xiuxian hates evil, the plane still obeys the rules, so my sense of the plane is still wrong.

Shan Mei pointed the gun at me for so long, but never fired. Naturally, I stopped believing in the authenticity of the weapon in his hand.

Although Yin Jian's skills are terrifying, I am still a mortal body, and it is possible for my body to pass through a human wall out of thin air.

To be able to get to that point, Dongguan Zai relied on those hands.

It was a cost-effective bet, so Dongguan Zai would naturally bet on it.

Seeing that Dongxing's target was about to run away, Yin Jian raised his foot for the first time and kicked Dongguan Zai away who had rushed down during the chaos.

But Xiaotou is a very old-fashioned or traditional person.

I even thought about doing it in a room with 70 people.

Shan Meibo immediately changed his face when he found out that Dongguan Zai might be selling white noodles.

Yin Jian glanced at Dongguan Zai meaningfully.


Dongguan Zai originally arranged for Xiao Tou inside, not to ensure that when he was in danger, Xiao Tou would risk his own safety to save him.

Before retreating into the room, I still did not use the weapon. Instead, I took out the ballpoint pen I took from the police station later.

When Li Xiuxian saw Dongguan Zai, because there were so few bombs under Dongxing, he didn't have time to think about it.

Although I lost my memory, this desire to complete the task that was rooted in my bones made me choose the last resort.

Just hearing the sound of a series of weapons falling to the ground, the thugs covered their arms and howled.

But while I was waiting for me to call someone, Shan Mei, who hit several waves and retreated, directly threw the bruised thug who had not been used as a human shield into the room.

Before I found out that I had what seemed to be Yin Jian's opponent, I turned around and walked towards Yin Jian without thinking about testing it out with Shan Mei.

When I heard the explosion, I was thinking about myself, and without saying a word, I rushed downstairs with my people to prepare to support Dongguan Zai.

Seeing that the younger brothers failed in their first attack, Dongguan Zai's face became very anxious, and then he hurriedly asked Yin Jian for help.

The other party is a white-faced dealer, and that place is used by the other party to take refuge.

Because the plane is under Bourne's jurisdiction, it is naturally possible to oppose Bourne's confidant Li Xiuxian.

By chance, Yin Jian stepped out of the room at that time and faced dozens of thugs alone.

Just like Dongguan Zai chose to retreat to Yin Jian, Shan Mei immediately chose to turn around and run towards the window before Dongguan Zai was no longer restrained.

But Lee Soo-hyun is the same.

But when he came to the door and found that it was Li Xiuxian who was blocking the door, Xiaotou hesitated.


The muscles under Dongguan Zai's face twitched a few times. I really believed that the guy on Dongxing's wrist might be fake.

The advantage of Xiaotou is that he is loyal and committed.

I was in a dilemma as soon as I got up. "Xiaotou, their leader has already given an order. Shan Mei's people can get away with it. Now he takes the initiative to confess to them, and if he takes the initiative to perform meritorious deeds before, you can't make the decision to blame him."

He has a small head, a fat head and a fat brain, and is too timid, but to be favored by the Dongguan boy, he naturally has no unique advantages.

For me, winning the bet at that time could change the situation at the scene, but losing the bet would cost me my life.

Dongguan Zai brought people here, either to find Duan Kun to cooperate, or to take advantage of the other party's arrest, and I came to take advantage of it, hoping to search for something where the other party was hiding.

If all his hands were folded outside, Dongguan Zai would definitely not be spared.

Upon hearing Li Xiuxian's words, Xiaotou froze on the spot.

Therefore, Li Xiuxian naturally dealt with Zhang Pin's leader on the plane a lot.

So I had no choice but to temporarily give up chasing Dongguan Tsai and instead concentrate on dealing with the thugs approaching me.

So today's matter is the best solution.

Although Li Xiuxian is convinced by Yin Jian, I also know in my heart that Shan Mei can guess where Dongxing is hiding with just a few pieces of information.

Since Dongguan Zai came to help, and he also had a conflict with Dongxing.

The result is difficult to guess.


Li Xiuxian immediately thought of another thing.

Yin Jian grabbed a machete for the first time, then swung it down diagonally, and the muscle veins in the arms of several thugs were cut open.

Seeing Dongxing reaching the window, Yin Jian, who hadn't guessed that I might want to escape, directly knocked one of the thugs away, and then used his body to knock the opponent into the air.

All of those people are in my hands. Looking at Shan Mei's hands-on attitude, I'm afraid that by the time they are cured, the hands of those thugs will also be crippled.

"It worked. He was right. You are friends now."

In this way, although for Yin Jian, there are attacks from all directions and it is not difficult to dodge, but at the same time, I only need to face a few people around me.

Just hearing a dull sound, a thug behind Yin Jian's arm was pierced by a ballpoint pen.

Duan Kun's hiding place was close to the central area. If he had called for support at that time, it would obviously not be too late.

At the same time, all the weapons in their hands fell on the thugs who were fighting horizontally.

Before being beaten several times, and seeing her target about to escape, Shan Mei finally let go of her hands and feet, without any reservations.

Because there was a huge crowd outside the room, those people who rushed down and tried to move forward could not find much space.

That kind of thing can happen.

With Yin Jian being restrained, Shan Mei came to the window nervously.

But sometimes people's personalities are often different.


But Dongguan Zai is also stupid.

After all, we had just moved on from Bourne.

Even the skills shown by the other party were surpassed by Lee Xiuxian.

Then I stepped on Dongguan Zai's body, knocked away the thugs behind me, followed Dongxing, and leaned against the window.

I'm sure those people can take the initiative to rebel and help us deal with Dongguan Zai's hands.

Then I took advantage of the crowd at the door to push away, but I didn't leave. Instead, I stepped into the room.


Down the corridor, before Shan Meibo discovered Yin Jian at the door and the people outside taking action, she firmly pulled the trigger and temporarily stopped Dongguan Zai's brother who later supported him.

In a place like a club, loyalty is what is most lacking.

"Sir Song! Why is he outside?"

I waved the ballpoint pen casually, and the ordinary ballpoint pen became sharper than a dagger in my hand, stabbing into the wrists of the approaching thugs one after another.

Of course there is no influence from Song Zijie and Bourne.

Xiaotou was so bad that Li Xiuxian turned a blind eye and let him go a few times when things happened.

The young and old Xiaotou didn't take action. Even if the others were afraid of the police, they might want to take action with the police.

I took advantage of no one to protect me from the knife, and swung the machete outside my hand, and the thugs who were approaching were immediately hit by the knife.

Anyway, although the relationship between Li Xiuxian and the aircraft can be regarded as low-level friends, they are also enemies.

And within Wan Chai's jurisdiction, the smallest society is not Zhang Pin.

It turns out that Yin Jian could cause too slight casualties because he promised Bourne.

Seeing Yin Jian's terrifying scene, Dongguan Zai was the first to stand.

I obviously didn't hold anything back when I got there. After all, the house Duan Kun found for himself was on the seventh floor. Flying up at a low altitude could have caused death to an unsuspecting person.

Now that I see Xiaotou arriving with so few people, no matter how agile I am, I no longer believe in our purpose.

"Did he want to kill me, or did he kill me?"

The relationship between the two heads is not bad, but the relationship between the two parties is also very bad.

"What's the rush? This is the surrender certificate you need to hand in. If I want him dead, wouldn't it be better to just detonate the bomb?"

But I quickly rejected that possibility.

"Bad opportunity!"

Seeing that the anxiety on the other person's face was coming and going slowly, I smiled and agreed with him.

If the relationship between the plane and Bourne is relatively hidden, the relationship with Song Zijie is obvious.

That guy is a grateful person.

In addition, my thugs can take advantage of every opportunity even if the person behind them falls down.

The boys who were following the thug had no room to escape, and were directly knocked back by the thug's body.

That guy looks a lot like Fei Sha, but his personality is very similar.

As for Dongguan Tsai's eldest brothers, when they saw their youngest taking action in person, and then seeing their youngest being kicked over, the crowd immediately crowded down.

Shan Mei naturally refused to give in to this.

But I am not worried about it.

So I decisively gave up and continued to guard the door, and retreated from the room.

In an already crowded room, with our containment, no matter how powerful Yin Jian is, he can still avoid all attacks.

As the head of the anti-white group in Wan Chai, his main job is naturally to face and crack down on white groups in the area.

Bang bang bang——

Because Dongguan Zai has not yet reached a temporary friendship with Dongxing, plus there is a pack of scary bombs under him, when Shan Mei moves, no one with open eyes dares to stop me.

If that really happened, Bourne might have told us.

I finally reacted before being pointed at the gun for so long.

After all, I have taken care of those thugs, and it is possible to go through those people to chase Dongxing.

In fact, the reason why the relationship between Lee Soo-hyun and the plane is still wrong is that when something bad happens in the Wan Chai area, the plane will not take the initiative to help solve the problem.

I raised the muzzle of the gun I had just placed and pointed it at Dongguan Zai, with a half-smile expression on my face.


When I met Lee Soo-hyun at that time, I had no intention of taking action when the other person was blocking me.

Yin Jian didn't have any power when he hit him. If Dongxing had avoided it, he might have been taken away by the thug.

I have not forgotten that the original owner of that house was Duan Kun.

When the fight outside the room turned violent, there was another scene inside the door.

Moreover, Shan Mei's intention was very clear, not only to capture Shan Mei, but also to capture all the people in Dongguan Tsai.

Dang clang——

After I came here, I never thought that I would encounter thugs from seventy societies.

Xiaotou is indeed very dishonest, and I also follow the rules.

Dongguan Zai arranged for the leader of Big Brother who was preparing to support him to be named Xiaotou.

The reason why I pretended to be anxious just now was actually not to test the details of Dong Xing.

Guys who belong to mixed societies shout about morality and breach of trust every day.

"Bye bye to him!"

And the direction in which the thug flew was naturally not by the window where Dongxing was about to escape.

But when Dongxing asked me if I dared to bet, I dared to bet.

"Fuck! What does my mother mean? Get out of your way!"

Dongxing naturally discovered that Shan Mei's target was him.

Then I turned my head and wanted to call Yin Jian to leave temporarily.

After all, there are so few people under Zhang Pin, and only a handful of people covet my current position.

Just as the two went through a round of testing, the situation at the door became more tense.

"What's their purpose of coming there?"

Obviously, Yin Jian also took it easy on himself.

Due to Song Zijie's relationship with the plane, the two had no contact for many years.

But in reality, a person often talks about what he lacks all day long because he lacks something.

In fact, it is not difficult to guess what a white-faced banker can put in his hiding place.

What I promise, I will stick to it until the very last moment even if I risk my own life.

"If he wants to take a gamble."

Shan Meibo's first reaction was that Shan Meibo and Bourne spoke, and the plane arranged for Dongguan Zai and others to catch Shan Meibo.

So Li Xiuxian placed his target on Xiaotou and the thugs I led.

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