The left-level police officer and the inspector police officer are two different concepts.

"What are you doing intentionally or not? This is what you deserve. By the way, here are some milk powder coupons. I don't know what milk powder you will choose. Buy it in advance. Mom didn't have milk a few days ago. You must Be fully prepared.”

Li Wenbin has raised children himself, so he is quite familiar with these.


Su Jianqiu felt really embarrassed now.

He lowered his head, not daring to look at the other person, but just stared at the recommendation list.

When he first joined the police force, what he longed for most was this form in his hand.

If it wasn't for promotion, how could he have agreed to be an undercover agent?

But now, his biggest wish has become to go home to be with his wife and see the born child as soon as possible.

For this reason, he did not hesitate to kill Hei Chai directly and ruined Li Wenbin's plan.

I quietly concealed the news that Bai Chai wanted to see the Erawan Buddha, obviously because I wanted to take another risk.

Neither party spoke, but they both clearly knew that the other party must have something to say to them.

The dock was under a nearby container. Brother Hei looked at a few white ghosts quietly crawling under the container, and looked at Hei Chaibin in shock.

Li Wen looked at Lu Yingdong provocatively. So Li Wen did not return the money directly.

Su Jianqiu stood on the seventh floor of the warehouse, looking at the densely packed wooden boxes behind him.

Su Jianqiu's ideas and plans were all completed in a hurry.

That guy Bai Chai has been through so much, so he actually has little trust in other people.

"It's just to change the plan, let's just do it tonight. If your injuries are minor, you can win our trust more."

That guy is not stupid at all, but he would also think of hiding in front of the curtain.

As a result, I didn’t know that the Colombian white-faced buyer who was originally responsible for showing up as a walk-on actually knew that he was adding drama to himself.

The other party was trying to hide his fault, so Su Jianqiu naturally gave the other party a bad look.

"Those white ghosts, what the hell do you want to do for free?"

The benefits are really too small.

However, those people did not approve of it.

"One of the eight people was standing at the entrance of the corridor. He must have been threatened. The other two were standing in the corridor. Bai Chai pointed his gun at the person in the corridor. I was obviously very worried about the person in front of me. After the death of the first person, I still I want to go back and confirm."

That time, Bai Chai gritted his teeth and ordered 100 kilograms of white noodles from the Erawan Buddha in order to get him to give up on him.

Each shipment is under a hundred kilograms.

"Have you, for the sake of danger, put the money in it? Mr. Rusu will go out with you to have a look."

If I had known that the other party was so careless, if I had contacted Hei Chaibin, I would have made a fortune at that time.

Su Jianqiu was eager to start it all as soon as possible.

I then remembered that when I went to the scene later, I heard the explanation of the gun tunnel at the entrance of the corridor by this old man named Bourne.

After all, before Duan Kun was gone, Bai Chai was too slow to make a fortune and get his money back quickly.

Brother Hei has something to say about this.

Su Jianqiu's confidence naturally comes from Bai Chai's trust.

Even if I want to regret it, it is possible.

After all, my eldest brother knows those things and must have listened to Lu Yingdong. We have to find the youngest again.

"Bad, let him rest first, and then you plan to arrest these guys in Colombia."

Li Wen actually saw where the goods were when he came back.

I originally wanted to come to Bai Chai to cooperate.

Now that Hei Chaibin has agreed to catch these guys in Colombia, at most, for me, it’s a no-brainer.

When the police finished the first wave of harvest, Lu Yingdong also met with Lao Bai from Colombia.

We rummaged around among them, and soon we found a powder wrapped in white.

It doesn't mean that apart from inheriting Bai Chai's fortune, it's still unclear whether the other party can get the last batch of goods.

Of course I am used to the other party's middleman.

But he knew that Hei Chaibin already knew everything about this.

In this way, I actually have a lot of close friends around me. Lu Yingdong, who saved my life, naturally knows all the news about me.

"Wait another half hour, and if he comes again, you can leave. Anyway, that thing is afraid of getting his hands on him."

While the two were talking, Columbia's Lao Bai had ambushed seven weeks of manpower, and all of them were under control by the police.

"Li Wen, why are you so unlucky? Did they bring any money?"

In fact, when I saw Li Wen retreating with only seven eldest brothers, I really felt no regrets.

Hei Chaibin also had something to say.

It's just that there are not dozens of brothers with guns guarding this place.

I waved my hand, and several police officers who were hiding on the top of the container swarmed down and controlled the eight white ghosts who had just climbed off the top of the container.

Bai Chai just received the goods from the dock and then transferred them from Duan Kun, and his annual income was an astronomical figure.

The two parties agreed on the transaction location, and then Hei Chaibin ended the control.

In order to make Su Jianqiu and others relax their vigilance, Lu Ying led seven people back. Naturally, she dared to go directly.

Bai Chai trusts Su Jianqiu the most, so both my warehouse and customer Su Jianqiu know it.

At that time, the locations where they hurriedly ambush happened to be within the scope of police control.

"Bad, let's do it tonight."

"Mr. Su, what happened to him?"

After all, Hei Chai Binqi has been following him for two years, and a lot of manpower and material resources have been invested.

But Hei Chaibin planned further.

Lu Yingdong also wanted to use us as credit for his return to the police force, but those white-faced dealers obviously wanted the goods, but they were willing to spend money to buy them.

But compared to white noodles, does that have such a low risk?

After all, we are all good women and believers in men. There are so many of us, but Su Jianqiu only has eighty people here.

As a result, when the transaction was approaching, I got the news that Bai Chai hadn't hung up yet.

"Of course he brought the money, but does he think you would be so stupid as to bring the money to their territory like that?"

Su Jianqiu's face suddenly turned ugly when he heard whether Li Wen had returned the money.

"Fuck, it's fair to think about it. After all, there are millions of benefits."

"Just think of it as a bitter trick. Anyway, you will need to take action when the time comes."

Lao Bai from Colombia also got the news of the trading location temporarily.

Mainly because I am in Hanhu. First of all, the pier is not surrounded by police officers yet.

But I can really regard money as dirt and turn a blind eye to millions of dollars.

When Lao Bai saw Su Jianqiu's arm tied up, there was no concealment of the smile on his face.

It's not the agreed time yet, but the Colombian buyer is still nowhere to be found.

I am hiding enough people inside, not just to get two things for one thing.

Seeing what Li Wenbin had done for him, Su Jianqiu gritted his teeth and raised his head to meet Li Wenbin's gaze.

Because based on the value of the one hundred kilograms of product, Su Jianqiu's change of hands was not a profit of millions of dollars.

Su Jianqiu was obviously relieved when he heard Lu Yingbin's words.

Su Jianqiu had long delayed taking out all the stolen goods in order to be able to steal all the stolen goods alone during the transaction.


Frozen goods were originally contraband.

Using such smuggled frozen goods to cover up, even if I act suspiciously or cautiously, it becomes reasonable.

"How's it going? Should we go back as planned?"

The first time they heard the news, the elder brothers didn't believe that it was Su Jianqiu who killed Bai Chai and wanted to replace him.

If we really want to get the money back like that, I'm afraid Su Jianqiu and others will kill us before the deal is completed.

It seems that he can treat those guys as fools.

I was afraid that at that most critical moment, something would happen to Daxin and I would be in trouble.

So I immediately had a good idea.

Lu Yingdong did not give in. I deliberately talked to him at that time, but in fact it was just to delay time and give the police sufficient response and control.

Li Wen can do cross-border business, so he is a completely smart fool.

But without Bai Chai in charge, others would inevitably feel a little uneasy.

It was in the morning that we received a call from Lu Yingdong, saying that old man Bai Chai had been beaten to death, and that I was in charge of the transaction made the night before.

"Where's the money? You have to see the money first."

Li Wenwen always trusted Lu Yingdong.

That guy Bai Chai is also good at everything.

Now that I know that the other party has money, I am worried again.

The reason why I appeared there was naturally because I was invited by Hei Chaibin.

Without such a small sum of money, it is not enough for me to wash my hands of my family, and then I will take my wife and spend the first half of my life carefully wherever I go.

Hearing that Su Jianqiu was so impatient, Lu Yingbin was obviously not worried about my health.

Su Jianqiu thought that I concealed myself very badly and that nothing I did was exposed.

In addition, knowing that Su Jianqiu was special like Bai Chai, he built the Erawan Buddha.

"Can he hold on?"

In that case, you must have obtained sufficient evidence long ago. Even if you find a few clues, others will probably care too much.

The root of the conflict between the two is still that their interests are too small.

So I invited Brother Hei to come over and prepare to sing a double yellow song with him, so that Lu Yingdong would have to continue executing according to the plan.

It's all a one-time deal anyway, so let's just make a profitable deal.

Hei Chaibin nodded, and I decided to give up the mission just because those guys from Colombia were cooperating.

When I heard that I wanted to help catch the white flour buyers in Colombia, I naturally took advantage of the situation and agreed.

From now on, Bai Chai would always stand outside and watch. Because I knew the things belonged to me, I naturally felt whatever I thought about them.

As a young man, Su Jianqiu naturally had to behave properly.

For example, like now, I bought a lot of frozen goods from the sea, and then gathered the white noodles and hid them outside.

"Boss, Heichai contacted the white-faced dealers in Colombia before he died. I was also present at the time, and Heichai's younger brothers all trusted me. Why don't we proceed as planned and arrest them all during the transaction."

Li Wen also had the so-called attitude towards Lu Yingdong's words.

A few brothers pried open one of the wooden boxes, and the outside was filled with all kinds of foreign garbage.

The reason why I brought seven people back was because I naturally had to be wary of being manipulated by Su Jianqiu and others.

Lu Yingbin nodded. Although he was not disappointed, he still maintained his enthusiasm.

"Humph, of course the money is small. Where is his goods? You need to check them."

"What do you mean, he's teasing you?"

If there is no gain at all, then some people will have no complaints.

Seventeen o'clock in the evening.

I will let the Colombian white noodle buyers go, and of course I will probably throw away the small fish statue of the Erawan Buddha.

When Duan Kun saw that Bai Chai seemed to be doing everything, he took away such a small amount of money.

I even lost the weapon outside my hand, so the actual truth behind Bai Chai's death was revealed very quickly.

In addition, Yin Jian ran very slowly and Li Xiuxian arrived in time, so I had time to rearrange the scene of Bai Chai's death.

On the contrary, I had full confidence in my original plan.

But that thought just flashed through my mind, and then disappeared.

Seeing Li Wenbin's dedication, Su Jianqiu did not choose to quit immediately, but wanted to help Li Wenbin recover part of his losses.

But now I was standing outside in the name of being the youngest, and when I watched the older brothers gathering bags of white noodles together, I almost couldn't help myself and just pretended to be real.

When Hei Chaibin heard Su Jianqiu's words, did he answer him immediately?

Before I made a few calls, I quickly contacted the Colombian white flour dealer who was ready to negotiate.

Hei Chaibin finally retracted his gaze from Su Jianqiu, smiled and patted me on the shoulder.

There must be no such small channel, and Bai Chai and Duan Kun are preparing to turn against each other in a short time.

For this reason, I deliberately delayed finding a buyer in Colombia to facilitate my capital turnover.

I pretended to care and temporarily stabilized the military's morale.

Even if someone discovers it, it can often be solved by paying money.

Seeing the brothers taking out white noodles from boxes of frozen products, Lu Yingdong couldn't help but twitch the corners of his mouth.

"Brother Jianqiu, these white ghosts are late."

Brother Hei nodded and agreed.

Feeling the kind eyes of the other party, Lu Yingdong took a step forward consciously.

Because of the delay in getting the news about Su Jianqiu, that area had not yet been fully investigated by the police.

A warehouse next to a pier in Wan Chai.

Regardless of Bai Chai's strength, because of the relationship with the Ni family, I went directly to Jin Bajiao's youngest drug lord Erawan Buddha to get the goods.

The point is that wanting to praise can be helpful.

I was able to hang out on Hong Kong Island for two years without being caught. Naturally, I didn't have any unique methods of my own.

When the wooden box was unpacked, Lu Yingdong looked up at his watch, and then looked at the warehouse door in confusion.

It was just that Su Jianqiu was afraid, but the few Ma Chai who could talk were also very relaxed.

We arrived at the dock at the agreed time, but we did not immediately go to the warehouse to trade. Instead, we ended up ambushing people at various key locations, obviously preparing to get nothing.

But when I saw that there were only seven people in front of him, I stopped thinking about advancing, and a smile appeared on my face.

This made Su Jianqiu sweat.

"Of course, but I'm not sure."

If you have money, you can trade. If it is a trade, even if the police withdraw, there may not be enough evidence to prosecute Lu Ying and others.

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