The police of Hong Kong comprehensive world

Chapter 928 Two against a hundred


Byrne on the side had already followed Zhang Pin when he took action.

He was not slow either, and even when he heard the sound, he still had enough energy to look back.

When he saw the holes in the ground, he guessed that there was a sniper inside the building.


Puff puff--

The moment the two entered the underground parking lot, a series of dull gunshots rang out. It was obvious that the people inside were already prepared.

In order not to cause too much noise, the firearms used by these guys were equipped with silencers.

Da da da da da da——

However, although they are well prepared, it still depends on who they are dealing with.

Ugly Country is a federation, so it is the same for small parts or organizations.

The violent explosion directly made the corridor full of holes, and holes even appeared in many places.

At that time, Zhang Pin got close to us, and for a moment we were aiming at each other badly.

And as soon as the opponent raised his hand, the grenade that was not the bad boy flew towards Qi Zhou.

Taking advantage of the gap between Zhang Pin's shooting cover, he rushed from the side to where the gunmen were ambushing, and then quickly began to eliminate the opponents one by one.

Then Zhang Pin held a pistol in each hand, and while the aftermath of the explosion was still there, he rolled out of the elevator and rushed into the crowd.

But our reminder was too late.

That's all just superficial.

Pressing the button to get on an elevator, Zhang Pin stepped back into the elevator while Bourne took the stairs to go down.

"Daxin, I'm under the elevator ceiling!"

CIA people are naturally stupid.

The lower level of the CIA branch who saw that scene through the monitor immediately sent an order to the subordinates to provide support.

The reason for the subsequent victory was mainly because the assessment information about Bourne was correct.

"Operation team, let's go up to the tenth team and go to the underground garage to provide support!"


Do the two have enemies, but our enemies may be like people from the CIA, who do not have such a small power.

So the two gunmen had no choice but to slap Si Xing with their barrels, then discarded their rifles and tried to fight back with pistols from under their bodies.

We finished shooting outside just before the elevator door opened a little.

But in reality, it is the most violent and weak organization in the world.

Zhang Pin, who was walking in front, faced the attack and directly raised his gun to shoot at them.

Before the gunman in the underground garage took advantage, several leaders on the top floor looked at the surveillance probes that were also obscured by smoke, and then started talking one after another.

The gunmen who were gradually encircling Si Xing were suddenly unlucky. As the grenade exploded, the gunmen suffered heavy losses.

They put us inside, and with our weapons and equipment, the other party's eight or seven opponents cannot be said to be more than enough.

Have we ever experienced a safe moment?

After all, Bourne's identity is a policeman, and Tong Keren is just the eldest daughter of a wealthy family.

"Yes, it is used to guard the broken elevator and fire escape. Daxin, we are coming down!"

Because there were no surveillance cameras, there were no members of the action team waiting at the elevator entrance.

Throw a few grenades directly towards the door.

Boom boom boom——

"It's just a matter of worry. Cooper hasn't promised that you can all return to the headquarters. You have to leave anyway. As long as you can achieve your goal, a little loss is nothing."

The CIA gunman who was also unprepared at the door looked towards the corridor warily, but many people were heartbroken at this moment.

After all, with Si Xing and Zhang Pin's retreat that time, our secret stronghold was not destined to be exposed.

Ding ding ding——

When the two CIA gunmen nearby saw the death of their companion, they immediately raised their guns and wanted to shoot Zhang Pin.

Boom boom boom boom boom——

In this case, whether such a small building is damaged or not, naturally has nothing to do with us.

Before Bourne's fire support was gone, Zhang Pin's retreat quickly became easier.

Not to mention that the abilities shown by the two of them are actually invincible, they just have the advantage of surprise and fierce bomb firepower.

Boom boom boom boom boom——

Those guys were so frightened that they didn't even think that it was just a big counter-attack, and the casualties would be as high as the next large-scale war.

During the counterattack by Bourne and Si Xing, it was natural that they were all killed.

Ding ding ding——

The grenade exploded quickly before landing, and the smoke and dust instantly turned the garage above the ground into a lake.

"Die! Hehehe, you are very timid, you actually dare to kill someone."

On the contrary, the high profile of the CIA branch is mainly because there is nothing worthy of our action.

But later, because our friend in the underground garage was killed, we naturally chose to weaken the weapons and equipment.

As the weakest of institutions, mainly fools, naturally no one dares to mess with us.

It must have been a shooting in the melee. Si Xing might have been worried about a stray bullet or feared that the other person was looking at the people around him and wanted to kill me.

At that time, in order to kill Si Xing immediately, everyone held assault rifles.

Before Si Xing and Zhang Pin came to that place, we made a bad decision to let all of us stay there.

Ding ding ding——

After several shots, a few of them were specially selected by me, and several gunmen who were not far away from me were instantly shot and fell to the ground.

Bourne, who we originally thought was killed by the bomb, unexpectedly appeared again unscathed.

Bang bang bang bang bang bang——

At the same time, in the corridor of the fire escape, a series of grenades rolled down the stairs from the door.

The shooting power of a rifle is naturally far greater than that of a pistol, but it does have its shortcomings.

Boom boom boom boom boom——

"Who are they? Why did they attack you? Who are you?"

But high profile does not mean strong.

Before Si Xing was suppressed again, the gunman who had not been hiding took the initiative to show up, thinking that he was about to clear out the intruders.

After all, as long as you are an abnormal person, you might expect that the other party would hide so few bombs outside your home.

Without a bomb madman like Bourne teaching from behind, naturally we wouldn't be able to learn the same thing.

In fact, our choice really hit the psychology of those in the CIA.

Now, if the CIA gunman shoots without any scruples, it is very unlikely that he will hit Si Xing, but he will kill his own people first.

That time, the main reason why the Hong Kong Island branch defied Cooper's request and acted with little fanfare was driven by profit.

Then I didn't follow suit and threw out a small pile of grenades, which immediately disrupted the CIA gunmen's camp that was waiting for them.

Although the two of them didn't speak, they had a perfect understanding.

So after discovering that they couldn't beat Zhang Pin in a duel, they simply covered it up.

As a result, Bourne and Zhang Pin actually followed the commander's car to find the door.

Because Si Xing chose the elevator as his way down, it was naturally because he was not confident in his own strength.

In addition to making money and being high-profile, another reason is more complicated.

Zhang Pin escaped the first wave of CIA attacks by just hiding under the ceiling of the elevator.

Unexpectedly, things took a turn for the worse. Before the smoke dissipated, Si Xing responded with a move and grenades in return.

"Damn it! How could it be!"

Bourne said it was highly unlikely that those people knew his identity, and I made the same guess.

Later, due to carelessness and enemy attack, the branch lost four operational elites.

Si Xing and Byrne deliberately broke the camera in the garage above ground. It was obvious that they were not trying to take advantage of our enemy.

But first of all, did the CIA people think that the two of us would be so slow to deal with the gunman in the basement? Furthermore, the floor of the CIA building was very low. We didn't have the confidence to blow up the stairs from the above-ground garage to the first floor, but we dared to destroy the elevator.

We have no intention of taking off the probe.

And because of the affairs of these four elites, we are afraid that we will have to quarrel with the people of Hong Kong Island again.

Added together, the elite gunmen lost about seventy.

The elevator seems to be a closed space. As long as the door is blocked, it stands to reason that it will become a turtle in the urn.

Before they saw our car parked upstairs, the CIA people took action immediately.


Especially when the CIA people simply pretended to use submachine guns and other weak firearms, Zhang Pin could only choose to temporarily avoid them.

But now that we have come to the CIA's own stronghold, the situation is the same again.

Now Bourne finally has room to play.

After all, we just carried a handbag, but the CIA did not prepare for war.

However, if the CIA people can use this building as a stronghold, they will not be defeated by Zhang and Pin so easily.

Zhang Pin himself was unscathed, but the CIA gunmen hiding around him fell to pieces in an instant.

[Search "Spring Gift" on Xiaoxiang APP and new users will receive 500 book coins, and old users will receive 200 book coins] Before the commander was so frightened that he ran back, we originally thought that the operation might not be successful.

But sometimes people are as good as God.

But even on the battlefield, many people nowadays are not like Si Xing, who does not directly attack the ground with bombs.

Ding ding ding——

The two of them finished clearing the enemies in the garage above ground, and then looked at the surveillance cameras.

As for making a lot of money, the $40 million in banknotes later seized by Interpol's Hong Kong branch was actually not leaked due to infighting within the CIA.

I directly opened the Mustard Seed Space next to me, and the bullets and explosions flying towards me all retreated into the space, and they almost reached my side.

After all, seven dozen people don't sound bad, but those dozen people are actually elites trained by the CIA.

Si Xing pointed his gun at a gunman who had not reacted at close range, and pulled the trigger firmly.

After all, if there really weren't such a weak force and were enemies of Si Xing and Si Xingjian, we would have to use assassinations like that if we wanted to get rid of Bourne and Si Xingjian. Da da da da da da——


It was precisely because of the thought that they were caught off guard. The CIA Hong Kong Island branch suffered heavy losses that time.

The roar of the explosion sounded instantly, and the gunmen inside immediately scattered around and rushed to avoid the explosion.

Later, it was equipped for the gunmen in the underground garage, just because I thought that those two guys could fight more than seven dozen.

When Bourne, who was behind, raised his gun and prepared to fight back, he found that Zhang Pin was the only one left shooting.

The gunmen who were originally hiding around had either been shot to death or were suppressed to the point where they did not dare to show up again.

I originally thought that if it was to directly blow the opponent to pieces.

"Will anyone come down from there?"


In fact, there were many people outside who even came in from the battlefield.

"Did I think I was the only one without grenades? Hahaha, you deserve to die!"

The only thing that was the same was that those CIA gunmen did not have the ordinary ability to withstand grenades like Si Xing.

It must be a life or death situation, so taking the stairs is okay.

Those people haven't even considered letting it go.

After seeing Bourne preparing to come down the fire escape through the surveillance camera, we simply threw a few grenades outside the corridor.

Zhang Pin did not forget his purpose while killing people.

That is, now we have only revealed the tip of the iceberg, and we suppressed Bourne and Si Xing in the above-ground garage until they resisted.


After all, I haven't alerted the other party yet, so it would be difficult to find an opportunity last time.

Bourne is able to dodge bullets and grenade explosions, naturally with the help of his mustard space ability.

So we didn't hold anything back and directly chose to use bombs to wash the floor in the downtown area. The floor of our small building was washed.

At the same time as the gunfire rang out, members of the surveillance room did not speak out to alert the gunmen who were retreating at the door.

I saw my hands dancing, and my finger never left the trigger.

After all, the issues between both parties have not yet been completely settled next time.

A series of grenades rolled out from the outside of the elevator, and the grenade pins were unplugged, and white smoke was still coming out.

Now that those guys dared to act recklessly, Zhang Pin was naturally not as comfortable as a duck in water in that situation.

The tragic scene of the shooter in the underground warehouse later gave us enough warning. For this reason, we even cared about our own small base camp.

Therefore, there is no shortage of weapons and equipment outside the small building.

"Damn it, I was exposed that time. I'm afraid you can stay here any longer. Have you made enough money yet?"

While the guards at the door were confused, Si Xing on the elevator side had not yet caused chaos.

Plus we have no cover from the bunker.

Due to the profit-making nature of the CIA, the strength of our branch can be described as weak.

Even Gui Laoying, who is the actual controller of Hong Kong Island, may try to break up with us.

But the bomb was thrown, but whether it achieved its purpose is another matter.

Outside the CIA branch, in terms of firepower, they were naturally afraid of the two of them.

But as a branch, there are only a hundred people outside. Even if Bourne and Zhang Pin perform well, we will be scared out of our wits.

There was a way, and then we unexpectedly dropped one or four bombs next to Bourne.


The reason why we are well-known on Hong Kong Island is to make money in a high-profile manner.

But still waiting for the support team to go up, we found that the gunmen in the garage above the ground were not completely wiped out.

Regardless of how noisy the CIA's Hong Kong branch is in normal times, it doesn't seem to have much strength.

Gui Laoying dares to provoke us, so the remaining forces naturally turn a blind eye to us.

After all, if the elevators are all destroyed, we can always take the stairs up.

But before the first wave of explosion smoke cleared, things turned out beyond our expectations.

After all, except for Zhang Pin, everyone else at the scene was one of our own.

The elevator stopped on the first floor, and then the elevator door opened slowly.

"I'm still alive! How did I avoid the grenade explosion!"

Although the CIA is a small organization, the people in the branch obviously do not have a weak reporting relationship with the headquarters.

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