: Husband, let’s discuss it!

Wu Feifei is 27 years old, born and raised in Hui Province.

When I grew up, I married an ordinary man and took care of my husband and children. Although my husband didn’t make much money, it was enough for the family to live a happy life.

And Wu Feifei also became a full-time mother at home because she gave birth to two children.

Originally in Hui Province, my childWhen the child is born, the parents-in-law, or the mother-in-law, or the mother-in-law will help take care of the child, so that the young couple can work and make money together.

But Wu Feifei’s family is special. Her mother has to take care of her brother and his younger brother’s children, so there is no time left to help her take care of the children.

Although her husband is the only boy in the family, her father-in-law and mother-in-law are in poor health and are completely unable to help her share her worries.

have no choice,

Wu Feifei can only be a full-time mother by herself, responsible for taking care of her children every day.

Her husband, Guan Han, works hard every day to make money.

Although the young couple did not live a wealthy life, they were also very happy.


As the two children get older, one is in elementary school and the other is going to kindergarten.

Wu Feifei felt that her family was missing a car.

The eldest son’s elementary school is 2 kilometers away from the younger daughter’s kindergarten.

Every day she needs to ride a scooter to take her eldest son to school first and then her youngest daughter.

Drop off in the morning, pick up at noon, drop off again in the afternoon, and pick up again in the evening.

I run four times a day.

When the weather is nice, it’s okay, but when it rains or winds, it’s even winter.

Not only Wu Feifei suffers, but the children suffer even more.

So Wu Feifei came up with the idea of ​​buying a car.

She got her driver’s license before she got married, but the young couple never had the chance to buy a car.

Because I can’t afford it.

With two children at home and a stay-at-home mother herself, Wu Feifei felt sorry for her husband and knew that he was under great pressure, so she never mentioned buying a car.

But recently,

Wu Feifei has been thinking about whether to buy a car.

Originally, she was optimistic about the Wuling Hongguang mini, with the lowest price of 28,000.

The battery life is 170 kilometers, which is enough for her to charge once a day.

But yesterday,

Wu Feifei has been on Douyin since she saw the new car of the Great Wall Euler brand, a small, handsome and exquisite black cat.

She was completely lost.

Compared to the silly and cute styling of Hongguang mini, Wu Feifei prefers the stylish black cat.

What made her even more excited was that the black cat had a cruising range of 400 kilometers.

And most importantly,

The price of the black cat is very cheap, only 28,000.

This is not the most important,

The most important thing is that Black Cat has a 0 yuan drive home event.

Wu Feifei calculated the price of 28,000.

If the repayment is divided into two years, one month is only 1166. If it is three years, one month is only 777.

Moreover, Great Wall’s loan installment interest rate is only a very low 1.3, which is only a few dozen dollars when spread over the monthly repayment, which is completely acceptable.

The monthly installment payment is less than 800 yuan, which is completely stress-free for Wu Feifei and his wife.

Even if she occasionally works a part-time job, she can still pay for it.

But a car is very important to this family.

Not only does it make Wu Feifei and her children less miserable every day, but it is also very convenient for the family to drive when they go out on weekends.

So Wu Feifei was ready to discuss it with her husband.

However, this car will not be launched for another month, so Wu Feifei is not in a hurry.

And just this morning, Wu Feifei, who has been paying attention to the news of Great Wall, saw that Black Cat was going to be listed at 12 noon today.

She couldn’t help it immediately.

Today is the weekend.

Her husband Guan Han was sleeping in. After Wu Feifei took care of the children, she decided to discuss buying a car with her husband.

After feeding the children, Wu Feifei asked her eldest son to play with her sister in the house.

She returned to the bedroom.

“What the hell, wife, what are you going to do?”

Guan Han was awakened and stunned.

“Husband, I want to buy a car. Look, Great Wall’s Black Cat is very cheap. It’s 28,000. It can be paid in three years’ installments, which means it’s less than 800 per month.”

“Do you think it’s okay?”

Wu Feifei said ‘discuss’ in a soft tone. Upon hearing this, Guan Han thought for a moment and shook his head.

“Honey, what’s so good about this car? Let’s spend some more money and buy an H6 for up to two years. When the children are older, we can buy it.”

Guan Han actually doesn’t like electric cars. He prefers Great Wall’s H6.

Guan Han has been interested in this car for a long time.

But Wu Feifei is not interested in the H6, and the car costs more than 100,000 yuan.

There is no such thing as a black cat.

“Husband, let’s discuss it again. I think you must not have understood it. You know, I ride a battery car to pick up and drop off my children every day. It’s windy and rainy, especially in winter. It’s so uncomfortable.”

“Why don’t you buy a Black Cat first… and then when you save enough money, you can buy an H6?”

As a couple, a major matter like buying a car must be discussed together.

Although Guan Han felt sorry for his wife, he still didn’t want toWaiting to buy an electric car.

So I advised her to be patient.

Seeing that her husband disagreed, Wu Feifei glared!

“¨ˇ Guan Han, I think you haven’t figured it out yet… OK, think about it again.”

A few hours later.

Guan Han’s face was pale, and he was covered in cold sweat. He looked at his wife’s eager eyes that wanted him to ‘think’ again.

He panicked!

Damn it, if we continue to discuss this, my body won’t be able to bear it.

Just when Wu Feifei wanted to continue, Guan Han shouted angrily: “Honey, I’ve thought about it clearly. I will never let you and your child suffer.”

“Buy! Isn’t it just a black cat? Let’s buy it! Buy it now!”

If he didn’t buy it, Guan Han would probably die in bed today.

“Really?” Wu Feifei snorted: “Voluntary? I didn’t force you!”

“No, no, no, how could my wife force me? I just feel sorry for you three.”

“Well, you have a conscience.”

Wu Feifei was then satisfied and thought to herself, I can’t cure you yet.

Then she took out her phone and checked the time. It was almost 12 o’clock.

But he was very energetic: “Husband, Black Cat’s reservations will start at 12 o’clock. Let’s grab it together and see whose (Nuohao) number is the highest!”


Guan Han was about to cry, but for the sake of his own life, he could only help his wife grab the car with tears in his eyes.

The couple registered a Great Wall APP account together, and then quietly waited for Black Cat to go on sale.

Arrive at 12 noon.

Sure enough, I saw the Black Cat ordering page and could enter.

So the two of them immediately started placing orders!

“Damn it, my app crashed?”

Guan Han quickly selected the car model and was about to click to place an order. Suddenly, the Great Wall APP on his phone showed a network abnormality and then automatically exited.

When he thought about it again and drove in, he found that the APP could no longer be opened.

This illustrates a problem.

At this time, there were so many people flooding into the Great Wall APP that it crashed the server.

“I grabbed it, haha… No. 121!!!”

But luckily, Wu Feifei grabbed it and got the serial number stalk No. 121.

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