: Let’s have a public execution!

Li Hao stood here expressionless. He wanted to see what kind of excuse this manager Zhang wanted to make.

“This video was given to Zhang Zhengwei by your business staff. Is there something wrong with this video, or has it been manually processed by you?”

Li Hao directly raised such a question.

Now these property owners don’t dare to say anything anymore, because they know very well in their hearts that whatever they dare to say is wrong.

“There must be a misunderstanding about this matter. The video here must be fake. I don’t know how it appeared on our computer. You have to give us time to investigate this matter!”

Manager Zhang suddenly changed his tune and his temper began to improve, but Li Hao had no intention of letting him go.

“If this matter becomes a big deal, you will still have to investigate all the video surveillance. Do you think your methods can be compared to other professional 620 personnel?”

When he said these words, Li Hao couldn’t help but glance at Su Daqiang. This talent was assigned to him by the system, and it must be better than the others.

Originally ZhangThe manager wanted to say something, but after hearing these words from Li Hao, his heart completely collapsed.

And at this unknowing moment, Zhang Zhengwei actually opened his live broadcast and started broadcasting this scene.

“Everyone can see now that we have found signs of this matter. I really didn’t expect that all this was done by the business of our community. What do you think his purpose was?”

Zhang Zhengwei stood alone in the corner and said these words. As the matter progressed, more and more people were in the live broadcast room where Zhang Zhengwei was.

Mo(bbab)zi didn’t notice the situation at all. She still wanted to explain everything clearly to Manager Zhang.

“Manager Zhang, this video was originally obtained from you, and now you are saying that there is something wrong with this video, is it you who tampered with it or we?”

“When we came here just now, the videos here should have been monitored. You can see if we have time to do anything!”

Mozi asked loudly. At this time, Manager Zhang couldn’t say a word. He blushed and couldn’t defend himself.

At this time, Zhang Zhengwei suddenly came over and pointed the camera of his mobile phone at Manager Zhang, “Tell me the truth, why did you do this? You changed the line privately and almost killed me in the garage. You What are you thinking in your heart?”

“I ask myself that I have no grudge against you, why do you treat me like this?”

At this time, Zhang Zhengwei was extremely angry. He had never done anything wrong, but he never thought that he would be used as a weapon.

Thinking that he had discovered his dissatisfaction on the Internet two days ago and pointed all the fingers at the Great Wall Motors factory, Zhang Zhengwei suddenly felt some regret in his heart.

But now it was not too late for him to wake up. After asking Manager Zhang, Mozi noticed that Zhang Zhengwei had started a live broadcast.

So she reminded, “Although we are currently investigating the truth of the matter, there are surveillance videos here, and there is no need to live broadcast. After this matter is resolved, we will give an explanation to the majority of netizens!”

at this time,

Li Hao turned his head and glanced at Zhang Zhengwei.

But Zhang Zhengwei didn’t listen to the advice at all, “But the victims of this incident, I want to expose these people now. These people have gone too far and don’t take our life safety seriously at all!”

The reason why Zhang Zhengwei said this was entirely because he was the victim of this incident.

Mozi couldn’t force anything, so he just silently exited the scene.

Manager Zhang quickly covered his face with a look of fear on his face, “What are you doing? You dare to shoot me without my permission. You are violating the law!”

But Zhang Zhengwei didn’t listen to the advice at all. He said angrily: “Now you can explain this matter clearly in front of the audience in my live broadcast room. What are you trying to do?”

Mozi next to him also quickly opened the live broadcast room. He wanted to see netizens’ attitude towards this matter.

“Oh my god, I never thought that this matter was actually done by the property management company. It seems that we really misunderstood the Great Wall Motors factory…”

“Yes, I guessed at the beginning that things on the Internet must be reversed, but I didn’t expect that the reverse would come so quickly!”

“Fortunately, I didn’t make too many comments at the time, otherwise it would be too embarrassing if I was slapped in the face now!”

“Li Hao is such a good entrepreneur, yet he was slandered like this by them!”.

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