The Pope of Basketball Community

Chapter 420 [Map Cannon, mouth is too small]

On the 2nd, Yang Rui flew to San Antonio. The second game he wanted to commentate was the Knicks vs. Spurs.

This is the focus of this round. The Knicks won the home opener, while the Spurs won all 2 games.

Yang Rui is not here to commentate because he likes these two teams. This season, Larry Brown still does not reuse Yao Ming. He is ready to vent his anger for Chinese fans in his own way!

In the summer, the Knicks did not send "Madman" Sprewell, and the offense was still launched from the outside in, but this does not mean that the Knicks are short of insiders, because Brown's son Ben Wallace is still there.

If Yang Rui is the head coach, he will let Ben Wallace play a maximum of 30 minutes per game, but Brown will let Ben Wallace play more than 35 minutes per game, even if the opponent uses "shark-cutting tactics."

Ben played 36 minutes in the first game and scored 10 points, 23 rebounds, 2 steals and 5 blocks. At the press conference, Brown praised Ben's defense and called him a top defensive player, not inferior to Mutombo. In his eyes, Uncle Mu is probably the best model for a center, and this kind of person is a loser!

Yao Ming only played 10 minutes and scored 4 points and 3 rebounds. Even if he comes off the bench, there is a point guard like Howard Eisley fighting for the ball with Yao Ming, which makes people quite speechless. He is good at breakthroughs, attracting defensive points to outside teammates for shots, or passing to power forward Hanington to cut and attack the basket. The last choice is to give Yao Ming in the high position.

Yao Ming's current situation is very similar to that of Milicic during the Pistons era. After the pick-and-roll, he waits for the ball to be returned, fails to catch the ball, and then turns back to run, no matter how great his potential is, it will be wasted.

In Yang Rui's previous life, Brown insisted on this tactic during his two years with the Pistons. Milicic was even worse than Yao Ming because the team also had a meat shield insider with range like Memit Okur, and he could only play on the edge. Man, now Yao Ming can still be a substitute.

Under Brown, Okur was just a role player, nothing special. Brown's favorite arrangement is to pair Okur with Big Ben at power forward. After the team introduced Rasheed Wallace, Okur was immediately useless in the Browns system. He only played 11 minutes in the playoffs, scoring 3.7 points and 2.8 rebounds.

Okur won the 2004 championship with the team, and was then thrown to the Jazz as garbage.

The game started after the warm-up, with the Knicks starting: Charlie Ward, Sprewell, Grant Hill, Kurt Thomas, and Ben Wallace.

Spurs starting lineup: Tony Parker, Ginobili, Bruce Bowen, Karl Malone, Tim Duncan.

In just 5 minutes, the Spurs led 19-6, defeating the Knicks.

Duncan singled out Big Ben and scored consecutively.

There is no trick. He relies on his height advantage to turn around and shoot a jump shot. He turns around and throws to the middle. He makes a fake move and creates a time difference. The target cannot be blocked.

Malone pulled out to play a high pick-and-roll, and Parker's breakthrough was also very sharp. The Knicks' formation shrunk, and Malone was able to make a mid-range shot. Ginobili and Bowen were able to shoot three-pointers from the outside.

Even if the Knicks players mark people tightly enough, outside players can still let Duncan play in isolation and suppress him one-on-one.

Yang Rui commented: "I think the champion this year must be the Spurs. Duncan will win the regular season MVP and the finals MVP. It will be difficult for opponents to compete with them. I can't find any weaknesses in this team. There are superstars inside and outside. Can break through with the ball, has three-pointers, is an excellent defensive player, has everything!"

Barkley smiled and asked: "Parker and Bowen are players you have coached. How do you evaluate them?"

"An underrated All-Star and top-notch defensive player, Parker has potential. Vicky also saw this, so he was traded to the team. The Spurs only used a blue-collar center in exchange for Parker, which made a lot of money. However, Parker doesn't want to stay in Toronto, and I can understand why the Raptors traded him, Billups is also an All-Star level point guard."

Smith asked: "Ben Wallace has also worked with you. He said that you helped him a lot during his rookie season. What do you think of the matchup between him and Duncan in the beginning?"

"He is an excellent blue-collar man, but he is not suitable for guarding Duncan. If it were me, I would replace him now and use Yao Ming to guard Duncan." Yang Rui had already prepared his words and was just waiting for discussion. Naturally, he threw it away. Make an argument.

Barkley said: "Wouldn't Yao Ming suffer more if he plays?"

"No, I think Brown didn't give Yao Ming a chance, which delayed his growth. He will definitely be much better at defending Duncan than Wallace. His size makes it easier to cover the penalty area." Yang Rui said with a smile.

Smith smiled and said, "Are you optimistic about Yao Ming because he is Chinese?"

"Being optimistic about Yao Ming has nothing to do with where he is from. If he had no potential, he would not be selected as the No. 1 pick. His potential is much greater than that of Wallace, let alone Kurt Thomas and Hanington. I think Larry Brown is a rigid coach who doesn't want to change. If you want him to be the head coach, it's best to trade out all the rookies or young players in the team. He will destroy them. I don't even know what new players Brown has trained. At most, a newcomer can be turned into an ordinary role player, and he will never be a star."

"What you said is too much. How could Brown not train new people? For example...for example..." Barkley couldn't think of a name, so he pulled out his laptop and said, "I'll check the information first, and you guys can chat."

After three rounds, Barkley spoke. "Brown has really not developed any rookie into a star recently. Does David Robinson of the Spurs count?"

When the "Admiral" first entered the league, Brown was coaching the Spurs, but Robinson has always been recognized as strong; when he coached the Pacers, Reggie Miller had also become famous; and Iverson joined the 76ers for two consecutive years. Hitting star data.

Yang Rui added fuel to the fire: "If I were asked to choose the most overrated head coach, I would vote for Larry Brown. Yes, he is a senior and has rich experience. Many people say he is a top coach, but if I were the boss, He will definitely not be hired. He is known for his toughness and defense, and it is difficult for big-name stars to accept his tactics. He may be able to lead a bad team to the playoffs, but if he is allowed to coach a team with multiple stars, It is estimated that there are often news about the feud between the generals."

The audience watching the live broadcast in front of the TV were all shocked.

The reporters were so happy, big news!

They have seen a lot of commentators' tendentious explanations, but this is the first time in history that Yang Rui has directly attacked a famous coach like this. He is so crazy that there is no limit to it.

In the past, when young coaches were asked to comment on Larry Brown, they would all say good things, without exception.

Many reporters started writing articles. There was no big news on the field, but big news outside the field.

Smith sighed: "Brown has many disciples who take positional defense to the extreme. In order to learn from Larry Brown, **Vitch was even willing to work for him for free without salary. Aren't you afraid of causing controversy if you look down on him like this? ?”

Yang Rui said lazily: "He uses a center who has the potential to become an All-Star as a blue-collar worker. He also said that he hopes Yao Ming will become Mutombo. He does such illogical things. He is not afraid of causing controversy. How many times can I say To be honest, what are you afraid of? If he is really that great, he still doesn’t have an NBA championship ring?"

These words were even more heartbreaking, and they directly fired the map bomb. The two famous coaches, Nelson and Sloan, also did not have championship rings.

Even Buckley was stunned. He suddenly felt that he was sorry for the nickname "Big Mouth" because his mouth was still too small.




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