Could it be that he encountered a small group of Jin troops who were fleeing, and the whole army was wiped out?

Grandpa Guo has no time to think about this issue now, You'er is going to run out of food!

He immediately asked people to pack food and grass overnight and set off on the road again.

This team had only set out for a day when they ran into the second group of scouts sent by Jiang Che.

The food delivery officer dispatched this time was the prince's personal soldiers. The personal soldiers heard that Jiang Che had led someone to take Hecheng, and immediately took the food and grass and went around with the soldiers.

Grandpa Guo was overjoyed by the news. Although You'er took some risks in this siege, fortunately, it was a success.

He sent a scout to You'er, instructing the next move, and at the same time, he sent a lot of scouts out to find the food delivery team.

Even if this team was wiped out by the Jin army, it should leave traces, corpses, food, carriages and horses, none of these could disappear out of thin air.

More than a dozen experienced scouts extended their search. After several days of searching, a scout finally found the team delivering food.

This team was not destroyed as they imagined, but, lost.

The Jin country has a vast land and sparsely populated areas, unlike the Da Chu side. There are official roads between the city and the city, and the wide wilderness is free to run.

This team walked in the wilderness, relying on a simple map and a north compass in Rong Ding's hand.

But Rong Ding can't read maps.

In the team of five hundred people led by Rong Ding, several centurions could read simple maps and identify basic directions, but they did not have the opportunity to look at maps for the time being.

I don't know who gave Rong Ding's confidence, maybe because he was eager to make a contribution, Rong Ding even took a guess and took a look at the map. After confirming the location of Hecheng, he took the compass and walked in the right direction.

During this period, several centurions raised their opinions and felt that they were going in the wrong direction, but Rong Ding didn't listen to them at all.

In his opinion, these are just a few reckless men who don't even recognize a word, and he genuinely despises them.

Rong Ding was Shangguan, and several centurions had to obey his orders. Under his will, they strayed farther and farther from Hecheng.

After seeing it for five or six days, Hecheng didn't even have a shadow, so Rong Ding panicked and asked the centurions to find a way.

The centurions had nothing to think about at this point.

The point is they don't know where they are.

Dajin is a vast area with sparsely populated areas, many places are vast wilderness, no cities, no iconic buildings, who knows where they are.

Moreover, in this ghost place, even a passerby can't find it, and there is no way to ask for directions.

If you don't know your position, you can't judge which direction to go to Crane City. After a few centurions discussed, they decided to temporarily stop moving forward, otherwise it may become farther and farther from the destination.

They are not short of food and grass now, even if they stay for a few months, they are not afraid.

In the past few days, several centurions have been studying the map every day, and they also hoped that a passerby would pass by so that they would know where they were.

Wait and wait, wait until the scout.

The team followed the scouts back to the camp.

Back at the camp, the grandfather of the country figured out what was going on, so he had Rongding tied up.

Rong Ding struggled desperately, "Why tie me up? I just got lost, and I didn't mean to!"

Grandpa Guo said lightly, "If you did it on purpose, you'd be dead by now."

Fortunately, You'er made a decisive decision this time, so there were no serious consequences, and the anger of the grandfather was not so heavy.

Otherwise, regardless of whether he was intentional or not, whether he was the brother of the imperial concubine or not, the grandfather of the country would definitely cut him off.

Now that the grandfather of the country is too lazy to touch him, he personally wrote the memorial memorial, and let Rong Ding be taken back to Beijing.

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